A journey to discovering and understanding your purpose
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That's the first brick in building a path towards your purpose..
“I hope there are days where you fall in love with being alive. I hope parts of your heart live there forever.”
— Unknown
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What's seen doesn't have to be proven...

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All that has manifested, has purpose intended... Look deeply
“Look deeply. Don’t miss the inherent quality and value of everything.”
— Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
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“So you want to live ‘according to nature?’ Oh, you noble Stoics, what a fraud is in this phrase! Imagine something like nature, profligate without measure, indifferent without measure, without purpose and regard, without mercy and justice, fertile and barren and uncertain at the same time, think of indifference itself as power — how could you live according to this indifference? Living — isn’t that wanting specifically to be something other than this nature? Isn’t living assessing, preferring, being unfair, being limited, wanting to be different? And assuming your imperative to 'live according to nature’ basically amounts to 'living according to life’ — well how could you not? Why make a principle out of what you yourselves are and must be?”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
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"Love brings purpose"
“I hope you find what you are born to love. For what you love brings purpose to each day that you are alive.”
— Juansen Dizon
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Once you see, you can never unsee certain concepts and ideas
“Experience has shown that it isn’t at all difficult for philosophy to begin. Far from it: it begins with nothing and can accordingly always begin. What seems so difficult to philosophy and the philosophers is to stop.”
— Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or
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Bu akşam vakti deniz
O bütün hasretimiz,
Sanki gelmiş de dile nedametin sesiyle.
Çarparak kayalara,
Yetmez mi diyor deniz,
Karada çektiğiniz?
Cahit Sıtkı Tatancı...
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“Ama hep biliyoruz.
Bahar mutlaka gelecek.
Ve hep birlikte duyacağız yapraklı dalların sesini…”
Onat Kutlar...
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Listening is a skill to passive behavior rather than active behavior.

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The last time we saw each other, I forgot to tell you one thing. That if we meet each other again, know that I'll never be the same. That somehow, I'll try to create another version of myself better than who I was before.
it has always been for me // ma.c.a
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Honesty is very sexy to me.
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PURPOSE OF NATURE: Principles in nature by nature
The first principle of nature by nature is to communicate. This communication can come in form of codes, like language, behavior, dreams, visions, and patterns from life experiences. For example, if you are almost always sad around certain time of the year like during your birthday month or around a birthday of someone who you were close with, who has passed on, that would be a way nature/neter/universe/consciousness is commicating with you regarding an unsolved attachment which creates sadness around that time. Even with that clear communication not everyone would be paying attention to that level. Attention comes with tension which creates intention. So whatever keeps your attention occupied it is a clear way that nature is commuting with you, the being. The awareness or understanding of nature's intentions is the whole purpose of nature's communication principle.
The second principle of nature by nature is to nurture. From oxygen and nutrition to shelter and warmth to night and silence to sleep and rest. There is no health without nutrition, no life without oxygen. Trees, water and mountains are the ultimate shelter that nature provides to beings through provision of warmth and comfort in life. After all that is done, clear and enough sleep is needed to rest the body/mind/soul, the being needs to rest in order to keep the natural flow. All this comes because the person, the being, needs nurturing from the source to keep the circle of creation continuously existing.
The third principle that comes from nature by nature to affect nature is to guide or organize. This is through obvious landscapes and atmospheres. We are most likely leave an environment where we feel less safe, uncomfortable or even unhappy about. Also through consciousness assisting us as beings to organize our movement, in our physical bodies and our astral bodies. Organize our emotions and our thoughts by guiding us. For instance, you decide to miss a weekend outing because you are not feeling well and you find out later that there's was a shoot out at that place. That is basically a way that the emotional or the astral body was being guided. Through the organization of the pattern, change of a pattern. In other words, a decision you take based on how you are feeling or thinking at that moment, that period or that season, it will always be a way that nature is guiding you. In a deeper layer, nature comes with movement and heat which is momental, periodical and seasonal, thus keeping nature's creation continuously creating with flow, direction and principle.
I believe health is at the beginning of all, nothing comes to life or continues to live lacking health. Once a person lacks health in their life, they also lack wealth. Wealth is health in all spheres of life, physically, economically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. This is where the fourth principle of nature by nature for nature comes into play, to protect. This is nature protecting nature from nature. One would reckon this to be a paradox, but I like to assure you that it is not. This principle of protection on its basic phenomenon, it is to keep the first three principles active. To communicate, to nurture and to guide or organize. When these three principles from nature are honored, respected and followed by the being (soul/mind and body) then protection is automatically experienced or created. Should the first three principles lack in any way, this fourth principle, protection, will than be affected. There will be disconnection between the being and the divine which creates unbalanced energies inside the person .
Nature's last principle is to heal. This principle is the ultimate for all that exists because it allows all to remain at the neutral level, the health state. Health allows life to continue with the flow of creation as it should. As I mentioned above, health is wealth in all spheres of life, physically, economically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. When all the first four principles are fulfilled the healing aspect of nature is always maintained. Contrary to when the first four principles are not fulfilled or followed. The healing principle of nature makes all the other principles possible. For instance, understanding (communication) that a certain plant or food (nurturing) is found at a particular location (guide) or is used for or with particular foods or plants (organizing) for you to gain strength to keep on (protected) living in peace and harmony. All is possible when the being is healthy or healed.
Ase' Mak'khanye 🖐🏿👁️
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PURPOSE OF NATURE: Principles in nature by nature for nature
We are what nature is to us. What I mean by that is, as human beings, we are not above or below nature and also not just simply part of it but we are nature. We are nature the same way the trees are nature, the same way water, space, air, emotions, dreams, love, stars, the sun, the cosmos and/or the universe, are all aspects of nature.
If you pay attention to the environment outside, whether it's cold or warm, morning or night, bright or dark etc, in relation to the nature which you are, there's a lot you likely to discover about you and about the situation you are currently dealing with. I will get into this a bit more deeper later on.
For now though I want to expand on what I spoke about earlier, the purpose of nature. There are five principles of nature by nature as I mentioned, to communicate, to nurture, to organize/guide, to protect and to heal. I also mentioned that we are not just simply part of nature but we are of nature while being nature. So what does this answer? A persons purpose is either to be a communicator, a nurturer, an organizer or guide, a protector and/or a healer. I will break down the person's purpose later on. This is because I believe that understanding of nature's purpose first allows the basic innerstanding of the person's purpose in life.
In a deeper layer, there's a saying that "seeing is believing and believing is knowing". I believe this means once your I/Eye (thirdEye) has confirmed what is in the outer world as being real, the "seeing" is experienced from within, which in turn believed by the seeker (the person) and known by the seer (the self/Divine light). Only then that the person, the being (mind and body) will clearly determine the realistically value of their existence. This is because "seeing" is knowing. Whatever you are "seeing", you're "feeling". We are all seekers of truth in some shape or form. We just differ according to our vibrational frequency which connects us to the highest form of existence, our Divine Self, our Divine Light. We are here in this realm of existence to "SEE" our way up and out of this realm. Using all our senses which are innate in us to connect to our Divine light. I believe we are here to transcend and ascend to the highest realm of existence, "be consciousness through consciousness while being consciousness" - Mooji.
So in other words, whatever you "see", you feel. Whatever you "hear", you feel. Whatever you "taste", you feel. Whatever you "touch", you feel. Whatever you "smell", you feel. This "feeling" which is actually "seeing" through your intuitive sense (natural knowing/innerstanding/ThirdEye) is the fundamental principle of all that is perceived through the five basic senses of the person (body and soul/mind). Fundamentally, only the universe (consciousness/divine light) would know why all that exist, exist, including us beings. Only in the essence of the universe's awareness (consciousness) would be clear as to why there is life to begin with. For us, beings, we are only here to observe and be aware. By following, honoring and respecting nature's law. By also maintain order and harmony, discover nature's value and purpose through the innerstanding of nature's basic principles.
Ase' Mak'khanye 🖐🏿👁️
#purpose#philosophy#happiness#love#peace#masters of the universe#consciousness#nature#thirdeye#pinealgland
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Time only heals 40% of the pain, the rest is up to water 20% (tears), sound 20% (screams) and words 20% (talking or writing). But time is the biggest factor in healing any type of hurt.
Time itself is not enough to heal.
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“A man sitting quiet and contemplating, with no purpose or aim except that of experiencing himself and his oneness with the world, is considered to be “passive”, because he is not “doing” anything. In reality, this attitude of concentrated meditation is the highest activity there is, an activity of the soul, which is possible only under the condition of inner freedom and independence.”
— Erich Fromm
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Both feeling enter the person's sphere from the same source... Discover the source and all will make sense

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Lets go deeper with this discussion and make the connection between the person (the created), the journey (the creation) and the source (the creator) in alignment with the purpose of all that exists.
There's one thing that I would like to assure anyone who is in the journey to self-discovery, that you will never be confused or be unsure once you reconnect with or realize your purpose. I believe you will be certain in that moment you realize what is intended for you in this life, what your purpose is and how it fits in the whole spectrum of all that is natuRal, all that is you because you are natural, you of nature by nature. I believe that you will need no outside entity to verify or conquer your knowing because once aligned with the natural/neter/netuRa/neutRal, all should and will manifest as it was/is intended. Since I am speaking about nature so much, let us have a look at what I believe to be the purposes/values/principles of nature or neter (all aspects of God in the Kemetic/Ancient Egyptian understanding)
I am not merely speaking about the obvious purposes of nature, the benefits we receive from nature like food, water, oxygen and/or land. Correct, these are part of it but I am more interested in finding a more deeper meaning, have a deeper understanding and also a clear and clean innerstanding of the value of what is received from the natuRal spheres. Innerstanding the intentions behind every aspect of nature. As long as I innerstand the intention behind the makes of nature or of all that is natural, I know I will always be at peace. That is when I will discover the neutRal point in existence. I believe nature is always in the center of all. I believe nature is never intends to be baised in any form. It does not intends to be on either sides of the coin but rather at the both sides and center (which makes whole). This is where I believe eternal happiness, ✌🏿peace✌🏿, is experienced fully and freely.
Life is not meant to be lived or experienced only on one side independent of the other side but rather on both/all sides experienced inter-independetly. For instance, summer is experienced independently from winter but summer will not exists if winter didn't exist. Furthermore, I don't believe that nature solely intends to occupy any sides, to be either "this or that" but rather "this and that". For example, right or wrong doesn't exist in the scope of what life supposedly is, that is all perceived by us based on our current time, space, values and principles. Basically, all is right and wrong at the same time all the time, we just react based on our perception of that moment, period or season. Nature is just simply is and everything manifests itself through law, principle and the natural knowing (intuitive awareness) including our existence as human beings. This can be attested by how uncontrollable nature tends to be, no one can truly control how nature manifests itself and will ever be able to. We can only replicate what already exists. Whatever you do to nature always comes back to you in one way or another. Those who kill the planet kill themselves. Those who respect nature, respect themselves.
Lets open another layer in this discussion; those who communicate with nature, communicate with themselves; those who nurture nature, nurture themselves; those who protect nature, protect themselves; those who are guided by nature, are guided by themselves and those who are the healers of nature, they are healers of themselves.
Mak'khanye 👁️🖐🏿
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