korokcrucifier · 5 months
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korokcrucifier · 5 months
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This is literally the core of what our fight for liberation means
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
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new linked universe fic on ao3!!
— warriors-centric
— warriors & time main pair
— teen and up audiences
— angst, hurt/comfort
— 5k, 1 chapter (completed)
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
Messages scrawled by Doctors, Staff members and Patients on walls of Al Shifa Hospital while they were being held under siege for 14 days by the IDF.
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
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‘I wish for death’ - Twelve-year-old Alma says. She fled bombing and shelling twice before the third place they sheltered was bombed, She was rescued from the rubble only to find out both her parents and all four of her siblings had been killed. She found her 18-month-old brother in an unimaginable state. Her little brother was beheaded from the rubble after the IOF massacred them.
Source: BBC
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
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The number of children killed in just over 4 months in Gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of wars around the world combined.
This war is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and their future.
Ceasefire Now for the sake of children in Gaza!
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korokcrucifier · 6 months
ao3 snippet
snippet from a wip tloz fic on ao3
The familiar voice of her sister Purah drifted towards her through the downpour, and she glanced over towards her. She was huddled under the left tent with Robbie, her friend and fellow former member of the Sheikah Research Team. Purah was a three years older than Impa, her age being twenty-three, but she looked younger, what with the streak of red through her otherwise white hair; her round, red glasses; and the baby fat that had never really left her cheeks. “Would you come sit, please? You’ll freeze to death if you stand out there much longer, and I’d rather not have to explain to the village why you didn’t come back alive.”
As if on cue, the wind—already pretty strong—decided to pick up, sending a shiver down Impa’s spine. She was completely dry, as the traditional Sheikah garb that all of them were dressed in was waterproof, but the chill from the early March temperature and the rain was already beginning to set in. Impa did as her sister said, resigning herself to an uncomfortable conversation, and rubbing warmth back into her arms.
“There are so many Guardians around,” she murmured as she crawled into the tent, still shivering slightly.
Purah made a noncommittal sound as Impa sat heavily. “Good thing they’re all deactivated, or we’d be fried to a bunch of crisps by now.” Her attempt at a joke fell flat, and when she spoke next, it was in a much quieter, more serious tone. “But you’re right. Most of them probably came from those strange-looking columns.” She turned around, searching through Impa’s pack and pulling out a rolled up blanket.
The Sheikah chieftain bit her lip as she let her sister drape the blanket over her shoulders, images flashing through her head. The five columns that had emerged from the ground around the castle during the catastrophe were certainly strange, with red-glowing Sheikah decorations that were reminiscent of the Guardians covering their surfaces. Every researcher at the castle—and in extension, Impa—had believed that the columns were built by the ancient Sheikah as a defense mechanism, considering the sheer number of Guardians that had poured out of them when the disaster started. However, like the Guardians themselves, they seemed to have been taken over, forced to rise up and release the machines so they could demolish the castle and the town.
the work that this is from isn’t published yet but will be in the near future hopefully
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korokcrucifier · 7 months
While the world celebrates women's day, let's talk about the tragedies women of Gaza went through:
- We saw pregnant women in Gaza give birth with no anesthesia & no hygiene.
- We saw women in Gaza using tent scraps in place of period products.
- We saw women in Gaza pulled out of the rubble of their homes.
- We saw women in Gaza rushing to the hospitals with the bodies of their children with the hope of saving them.
- We saw women in Gaza suffering miscarriages due to indiscriminate bombardment.
- We saw women in Gaza starving yet feeding their portions of food to their children.
- We saw women in Gaza coming out and communicating the trauma, horror and violence they went through.
- We saw Israeli soldiers celebrating with the lingerie of women of Gaza who were either displaced or killed by them.
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korokcrucifier · 7 months
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korokcrucifier · 7 months
I'm sorry for being so sappy, but I wanted to show you guys something.
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When I first donated to PCRF in December 2023, it was barely 10% close to its goal. Now in March 2024, they're also 100%. Everyone of you has helped support a better future for Gaza.
They're so close to their goal. Please donate or share this post so that they can get to their goal🇵🇸
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korokcrucifier · 7 months
adhd things
tfw when you’re adhd and can’t read a schoolbook w/out music playing because the silence is actually deafening
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korokcrucifier · 7 months
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korokcrucifier · 7 months
Just a small reminder
Do not stop talking about Palestine
Do not stop boycotting, do not stop protesting, do not stop speaking out. Be the voice for those who had their autonomy stripped away. Be the voice for the people, the parents, the grandparents, the children, the infants. Be the voice for the animals, the trees, the buildings, the very soil that has been desecrated. Stand up for what is right in whatever little way is possible, but do not stop talking about Palestine.
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korokcrucifier · 7 months
A daily reminder
Those Palestinian people were not killed, they were murdered
Its not a war on Hamas, its a genocide on Palestine
Its the beautiful land Palestine, not isreal
Its Genocide, not war
Its a murdered toddler/child/baby/teen, not a dead young lady/man
Its “isreal should have not..” not “Hamas should have not…”
Its Palestines last defense, not a terrorist organization
Its hostages, not prisoners
Neutrality is still just Zionism
It was a sniper shot, not a stray bullet
Boycott Starbucks, Mcdonalds, etc
Call your lawmakers
Keep ALL EYES on Rafah
And remember, from the river to the sea Palestine will be free
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
(remember to reblog and help get the bottom tags trending again, we must not forget palestine)
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