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Jay • Any Pronouns21 years alive, and dedicated to ancient beasts and silly interests :)
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biirdtator · 20 days ago
Hey, I’m Jay! I’m a paleontology and paleoart student from New England. I never outgrew my dinosaur phase, and I spend my time here by posting my random drawings into the void. Hope y’all enjoy!
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biirdtator · 20 days ago
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The Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
a lone Andrewsarchus mongoliensis finds itself wandering the fields and searching for easy prey, only to face down a bewildered but protective livestock guardian dog.
been a while since i posted one of these; i’m back! hopefully for good this time lol; my brain told me to do side quests first.
(also, the image i used for the background was taken by Casper van Battum on Unsplash!)
enjoy, paleo-horror enjoyers<3
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biirdtator · 2 months ago
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i forgot to post this quite some time ago, but here’s my concept for a Minecraft Entelodontid Hoglin! honestly, i absolutely adore Entelodontids, and i love drawing them. couldn’t miss a chance!
here’s a short scientific explanation for those of you who would like to know more:
commonly referred to as “the pigs from hell”, the Entelodonts are some of the largest animals to have ever walked on cloven hooves. they lived in North America and Eurasia, about 37.2-15.97 million years ago, and there are currently about 6-7 known genuses, with dozens more species. their diet is still debated, and they are thought to have been opportunistic omnivores that ate anything they could, as there’s evidence of them eating both meat (including bones) and plants. their heads are absolutely massive, their jaws were incredibly powerful, and they were very muscular and almost hunch-backed in appearance. however, despite their nickname of the “hell pigs”, their closest living relatives are actually thought to be whales and hippos at the moment!
i couldn’t resist some speculative species stuff lol. enjoy!
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biirdtator · 2 months ago
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sorry for the quick divergence from my paleoart, but i’ve been on a Far Cry 5 kick lately. here’s the Fangs for Hire (Boomer the Dog, Peaches the Cougar, and Cheeseburger the Grizzly Bear) having a peaceful nap because they deserve it<3
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biirdtator · 4 months ago
I found you on YouTube in the comments section of that one North Pole dinosaur video. Your art is my 5th grade fever dream, and I f#cking love it.
thank you very kindly!! this ask made my day :,)
i’m so glad people like that drawing, it’s really motivated me to do a lot more dinosaur horror content. i have so many in my drafts lol. i promise i’m still working on them! the next one has to do with a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, so to speak.
i’ve always loved dinosaurs and prehistoric life, and i love seeing how it’s bringing people back to their love for them too. that comment about it being a 5th grade fever dream got a good laugh out of me, but that’s also like, one of the biggest compliments i’ve gotten about my work lmao. thank you again so much!!
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biirdtator · 8 months ago
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dude. this is a weird horse. if anyone in the area sees this horse, please contact me so i can be assured i’m not going crazy.
(Saltasaurus loricatus!)
and here’s the quick speedpaint because fuck ai; i did this myself by hand, and it took SO LONG. also, the speedpaint definitely looks different than the final product, and that’s because i had to edit the drawing in lightroom to make it pop and make it look nicer.
i hope you like it paleontology community :>>
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biirdtator · 8 months ago
hiii i have to put a warning on this for blood and a brutal attack by a dinosaur, but here’s a very quick thing i did of Dennis Nedry and the Dilophosaurus from the Jurassic Park novel!
here you go, dinosaur horror fans (aka me, this is very self-indulgent lol)
here’s some more text so that it hopefully puts the image below the text lmao
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i can’t draw people very well. the most time i spent on this was on trying to draw Nedry and i kinda gave up a little lmao. i hope it still looks okay.
honestly the novel is good. and they got the Dilophosaurus’ size right in that one, so i’m very confused why they went with a juvenile in the movie but absjdnfmfm i digress
enjoy, paleo-horror and Jurassic Park community ^^
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biirdtator · 9 months ago
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happy pride!!!<3
here’s a Megalosaurus bucklandi with the progress pride flag!
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biirdtator · 10 months ago
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sketchy doodle of Pachyrhinosaurus sp. TMP 89.55.1234
they were found with a part of their face missing. and while we aren’t sure how and why, we do know that they were strong. they were with the rest of their herd when they all met their demise, and this animal was easily able to keep up with them. it was just as rugged and tough as the rest of them, and even more incredible, in my opinion.
they were just so beautiful and cool, and i had to try my hand at doodling them when i got the chance. i just found out about their existence today, which i was both very excited about, as well as sad that i’d never heard about them before. oh well. at least i know now
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biirdtator · 10 months ago
A storm rolls over Late Cretaceous Hateg island, nourishing the land and drenching the local wildlife. Featuring: Tethyshadros, Hatzegopteryx, Paludititan, Balaur bondoc, an Enantiornithine, Sabresuchus, and many other critters.
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biirdtator · 1 year ago
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tumblr has an AI toggle you should turn on to prevent your work being shared with training models/etc! it's under settings (gear icon) & then visibility.
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biirdtator · 1 year ago
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Nanuqsaurus hoglundi
here’s a drawing i did as a quick experiment to see if i could make a drawing blend in with an image i took. turns out, yes i can! using the grain tool on a photo editing app really sells it.
i love horror in paleoart, it’s my favorite thing to draw tbh.
here’s the speedpaint (references used in there are from Dino and Dog Sculptures and Gabriel Ugueto!)
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biirdtator · 1 year ago
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“can i get an amen?”
little sketch of Sammy for y’all to start the year!
every year for a while now, as i have continued to improve my art, Sammy has been the best human i’ve ever drawn, over and over again.
even as a person who normally draws dinosaurs and other creatures, he’s very fun to sketch, i’ll tell you that. i don’t usually do people, so it’s quite a surprise i can focus that long and turn out with something i’m proud of. thanks, Mr. Lawrence, for the inspiration lol
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biirdtator · 1 year ago
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i woke up in a cold sweat with this cursed AU for MCSM. this is my contribution as a paleontology nerd, i’m so sorry in advance
stupid AU where everything is the same, but everyone is a raptor of some kind. i am such a nerd that i legitimately put thought into what type of dinosaur each character would be and why, and i’ll give explanations for each one. this was stupid and really rushed, but it was so much fun to do, and i hope you all enjoy???
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let’s start with Jesse, who was the second easiest choice behind Axel; they are a speculative smaller subspecies of Deinonychus antirrhopus.
Deinonychus was one of the most important discoveries in paleontology, and would give rise to what is known as “the Dinosaur Renaissance”, which sparked how we see dinosaurs today. this was because of it’s clear appearance as an agile, active predator (which is not how dinosaurs were seen at the time of its discovery), and later, it’s striking resemblance to the feathered, gliding dinosaur Archaeopteryx. Deinonychus even modeled how the “Velociraptors” looked in Jurassic Park! however, the issue lies in the fact that Deinonychus was a medium-sized raptor, and Jesse… well, they’re not very tall. i really wanted to use Deinonychus, but the size wasn’t right, so i settled for a speculative, smaller subspecies. Deinonychus is also speculated to be a pack hunter, which would definitely work in Jesse’s favor. also i think it’s funny; Deinonychus antirrhopus means “counterbalanced terrible claw”, and i find that to be the most ironic thing for Jesse, given how clumsy they are. i love it.
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next, Axel! he was the EASIEST choice by far; he is a Utahraptor ostrommaysorum.
you probably already know Utahraptor; it’s the largest and most heavily built of all raptors, often growing just over 6 ft tall at the hips. Axel is also very tall and heavily built, so that immediately clicks. but adding on to this, in contrast with other raptors, Utahraptor was likely more of an ambushing raptor rather than a pursuit raptor, and that clicks with Axel hating running and relying on more aggressive and explosive tactics, so to speak. and finally, the most funny detail; if you’ll notice, the Utahraptor’s lower jaw juts out slightly and curves away from the upper jaw. this was probably to gain a better grip on prey, but it does give them a very strange look even when their mouth is closed. it makes that comment that Lukas made about Axel being a mouth breather even funnier, at least to me.
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Olivia! i had a little bit of trouble with her, but i think i settled on a good one; she is a Dromaeosaurus albertensis.
Dromaeosaurus was a shier, smaller raptor that lived up north in what is now Canada, enduring freezing polar winters and months of total darkness. it’d take a lot of brains to be able to pull strings to survive that, which Olivia certainly provides. Dromaeosaurus also relied more on the chase and brain power, rather than brute force, though they would’ve if needed be. recent studies also show that raptors probably had very similar capabilities to modern birds, so if they had a brain kind of like corvids, they could’ve even used primitive tools at times. comes in handy with redstone, eh? Dromaeosaurus was also a good tracker, thanks to its sensitive nose and sharp eyes. also, they’re very important but often overlooked. Dromaeosaurus was the leading dinosaur for the names of all under the “raptor” umbrella; the dromaeosaurids.
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Petra! she’s my favorite character, i’ll just admit that lmao. but i gave her the same treatment as everyone else here, so; she is an Austroraptor cabazai.
Austroraptor was a tall, lean, and quick raptor which inhabited the warm swamps of South America. obviously, Petra is the second tallest in The New Order, and Austroraptor was the second tallest raptor on record, so that checks out. but i think the build of Austroraptor checks out too; it’s moderately built, both for speed and strength, with the classic claw. it was very slender and judging from their leg bones, could be a very good pursuit raptor that could also maintain speeds for extended periods of time, which matches Petra’s love to race and run. what sets Austroraptor apart, however, is it’s diet; it was speculated to be at least partially piscivorous, meaning it ate a lot of fish. it’s teeth were slightly conical and acted almost like hooks, which would be quite painful to an opponent. Austroraptor was pretty good at it’s niche, but it wasn’t afraid to go elsewhere if needed. And Petra loves to go elsewhere.
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Lukas! he was a little tricky for me to figure out, i’m not gonna lie. i was stuck between these two: Velociraptor mongoliensis and Saurornitholestes langstoni. but i had to choose only one, and i ultimately had to go with a speculative larger subspecies of Velociraptor, since i already broke the size rule with Jesse.
Velociraptor is the most widely known, famous, and beloved raptor of all time, and obviously a fan favorite, so that already checks a box. but adding to this, Velociraptor is a very well-documented dinosaur with some incredible specimens. Velociraptors were also likely to be stealthy and tenacious hunters who used their brains, speed, and ability to take a tumble (which Lukas does a LOT) to their advantage. Lukas is also confirmed in game to be attractive (which is still so funny to me), so i added all kinds of cool looking display feathers in a blue color, because 1) his text and eyes are a blueish color and 2) blue is a kinda rare color in nature, and a lot of birds today seem to like the it. also, in episode 7, remember how his nose wasn’t right in the portrait? i kind of like to imagine that Cassie heard that he was a Velociraptor and assumed he was the Jurassic Park version? so Lukas just comes in, sees the portrait, and is like “where tf are my feathers”
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last but not least; Rueben! i had some trouble picking out a genus and species, but i knew immediately that he had to be a small ceratopsian. i chose for him, Microceratus gobiensis.
Microceratus is an adorable looking ceratopsian that was only about the size of a very small dog. but don’t let it’s appearance fool you. ceratopsians have some of the biggest characters and presences in paleontology, with the audacity to match. Rueben definitely has character, personality, and audaciousness. don’t get me wrong, they would probably rather not fight (at least some of them. can’t say the same for Triceratops), but they sure would’ve if they had to. Microceratus doesn’t have a ton of defenses, but it did have a sharp, crushing beak, and could dodge and run very quickly if it had to. it’s front legs were a bit shorter than it’s hind legs, which allowed it to run bipedally. i also just generally think of ceratopsians like the wild boars and rhinos of the dinosaur world, so i guess that just fits, considers Rueben’s main attack is headbutting (which makes me think i could’ve made him a pachycephalosaur too). i just love the idea of this tiny prey creature sticking with a bunch of predators who constantly protect him.
that’s all for now!! thank you for reading and allowing me to infodump about my special interest combined with a hyperfixation lol. i might do more stupid sketches based on this idea in the future if people like it
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biirdtator · 2 years ago
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trans-masculine triceratops!!
this doubles as a “protect trans youth” design for obvious reasons.
and don’t worry, transfems, yours is on the way, too!<3
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biirdtator · 2 years ago
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bi dilophosaurus pride!
this is my flag, so i mayyy be a little biased with which dinosaur i used. also, the pun bi-lophosaurus is too good to not use. i also may have to redraw them at some point idk
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biirdtator · 2 years ago
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gay pride dreadnoughtus!
before anyone points it out, yes, the design is based on prehistoric planet’s design because the design is based as hell. i can and will change it if i have to, i just adore the colors the team chose for this giant, and i actually really like the speculative air sacks
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