berry aesthetic
19 posts
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
Yes, I Take a Fully-Packed Train to Work Every Day
Yes, I Take a Fully-Packed Train to Work Every Day
Read any article about “working in Japan” and you’ll no doubt run into the horror stories of the 満員電車 [man’in densha] which the dictionary simply tells you means “crowded train.”
If you’ve never been to Tokyo, or any other extremely densely populated city, you probably don’t have a clear picture of just what that actually feels like.
Imagine a train full of people. There’s nowhere to sit,…
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
Moving Overseas Is Actually Really Stressful
Moving Overseas Is Actually Really Stressful
Don’t give me that look.
It’s not like I thought it would be easy, I just thought because I’d mentally prepared myself for all the major tasks that I would also emotionally be in a good place during the whole process.
I was wrong, and you’ll probably be wrong too if you think that about moving countries!
(I mean, kudos to you if you can keep calm and stress-free while packing up and…
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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When heading to Japan for any sort of stay - whether it’s for school, work, or travel - if you’re going to be seeing friends or trying to make new ones omiyage is a must! Everyone loves snacks 🍫 I brought an assortment of sweet and salty American snacks to share with my new coworkers and any friends I got to meet along the way. Once I arrived, I went to Daiso and bought some small bags to make gift bags with a few different treats in each. The bags all have a Halloween theme as this was back in October - the Trick or Treat ones are my personal favorites 🎃 What candy would you bring from your home country to share with friends abroad? 日本に行くと、やっぱりお土産持っていかなくてはいけないですよね〜 今回は色々な種類のお菓子持ってきました!甘いものとしょっぱいものをそれぞれのハロウィン袋に入れました。「Trick or Treat」のはすごく可愛いでしょ🎃 皆さんは海外に行ったら、どんなお菓子持っていきますか?アメリカに行ったことある人はどんなお土産買いましたか?どんなお菓子がいいと思いますか? #omiyage #americancandy #sourpatchkids #skittles #giftbags #お土産 #アメリカお菓子 #colorfulcandy #japan #halloweencandy #ハロウィンお菓子 (at Tokyo, Japan)
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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クリスマスのイルミネーションどこでもありますね、今🎄 もっと見たいです! it’s time for Christmas lights everywhere! 🎄 . . . #christmastree #winterilluminations #ebisugardenplace #nightshot #イルミネーション2018 #クリスマスイルミネーション2018 #恵比寿イルミネーション #igerstokyo #japan #日本 #igersjapan #恵比寿ガーデンプレイス (at 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス (Yebisu Garden Place))
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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I had a lovely time at Disney Sea with @bunniebanshee !! I got to take photos with characters, get good seats for the shows, go on rides and try (almost) all the popcorn flavors 🍿 I’m exhausted now but it was well worth it ✌🏻 今日一日中ずーっとディズニーシーにいました。ほぼ開場からあちこち回ってて、ショーを見って、アトラクションに行って、もちろんポップコーンたくさん食べました!🍿最高の一日でした。ありがとう @bunniebanshee また今度行きましょう! #disneyseatokyo #shelliemay #cute #halloweendisney #disneyjapan #ディズニーシーコーデ #ディズニーシー #シェリーメイ #ディズニーキャラクターグリーティング #instadisneysea #igersjapan #igerschiba (at Tokyo Disney Sea)
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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up above the clouds⠀ 雲の上⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #flyinghigh #planeview #blueskies #inflight #飛行機から #青空が綺麗 #雲の上
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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early morning flight to Tokyo 空港で日の出が綺麗ですね。行ってきます! . . . #planestagram #bostonloganairport #airportsunrise #morningflight #travelshot #旅に出る #日の出 #ボストン #sunrise #americanairport (at Boston Logan International Airport)
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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my favorite meal: Korean barbecue 💖 it’s a bit pricey, but Koreana is totally worth it - wide variety of side dishes and excellent service 👌🏻 (unrelated: I was complemented on my Korean pronunciation this time which I’m proud of no matter how small an accomplishment that really is 😂 💁🏼‍♀️) 大好きな焼肉です!このレストランの値段はちょっと高いけど、材料は新鮮でバンチャンの種類が多くておもてなしすごく良くて本当にそんなに高くないと思います。(あと、今度注文してる時に「発音いいね、聴いてるだけで分かります」って言われました。こんな細かいことに褒められて���しいです!) . . #boston #koreanbbq #deliciousfood #koreanfoodporn #food #colorfulfood #ボストン #韓国料理 #焼肉 #バンチャン #美味しいご飯 #igersboston #sidedishes #flatlayfood (at Koreana)
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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I just love power lines + sky photos, I can’t explain it 💖 配電線と空の組み合わせ大好きでいつもこんな写真撮っちゃいます📷💖 . . . #japan #powerlines #rooftops #igerschiba #igersjapan #日本 #配電線 #屋根の上 #suburban #narashino #習志野 #peacefulevening (at Narashino)
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
Friendship Bribes
As I’m preparing for meeting dozens if not hundreds of new people in the coming months, I’d been doing some thinking and research into what non-perishable food items I can bring with me to share with my (hopefully) new friends.
In the US, you might consider doing something like this if you live in or visit an area with very well-known specialties, but it’s not expected that you will bring…
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
Obvious in Hindsight
At this point in my journey, I wonder if, when I told people around me that I’m moving to Japan, they really just thought “Well, obviously.”
I think about Japan all the time – I suppose I don’t talk about Japan allthe time, but it’s present in everything I do. I wear fashion from Japan, I have all kinds of jewelry, accessories, and shoes. I listen to Japanese music and watch TV shows. I follow…
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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early morning Harajuku🌈 早朝の原宿は静かで誰もいなくてもまだカラフルな街ですね🌈 . . . . #harajukustreet #colorfulstreets #japanstreet #pink #japan #harajuku #earlymorningwalk #日本 #原宿 #早朝 #igerstokyo #ピンク #開店前 #早朝散歩 #シャッター #bluesky #igersjapan (at Harajuku)
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
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my favorite strawberry shortcake 🍓🍰 大好きな苺ショートケーキです🍰 . . . . #strawberrycake #dessertinjapan #sweetsjapan #fujiya #nakano #afternooncake #deliciousdessert #japan #tokyosweets #日本 #洋菓子 #東京デザート #苺ケーキ #美味しいケーキ #外で食べる #あまいもの大好き #中野 #redwhiteandyellow #eatingoutside #igerstokyo #nakanobroadway #dessertpics #苺美味しい #食べ物 #インスタフード #いい天気 (at 中野ブロードウェイ)
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berryaesthetic · 6 years ago
Two Weeks Before Departure
Two Weeks Before Departure
Let’s do a quick recap before the ramble!
I have the following left:
14 days before my flight
3 full work days
Everything to pack
I am feeling:
Very excited!
Gradually more anxious
Slightly worried I’m forgetting something important
I’ve been to Japan for varying lengths of time in the past, and I’ve traveled a lot in the last 10 years, so the process of packing and actually flying doesn’t worry…
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berryaesthetic · 7 years ago
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蓮は本当にきれいですね。雨の日にこの花見てすぐ写真撮らなきゃいけない感じがしました。何年経ってもお気に入りの写真です。🌷 . Lotus flowers are so beautiful~ I saw this one on a rainy day and just had to take a picture of it! Even now, it’s a favorite shot of mine 🌷 . . . #flower #beautifulnatureshots #lotusflowers #pinkandwhiteflowers #aquaticflora #japan #igerschiba #makuhari #花 #水生植物 #蓮 #雨の日に #千葉県 #ピンク #緑 #池 #artificialpond #日本 #花はいいね #自然っていいね #穏やかな雨の日 #静かな雨 #peacefulpond #quietrainyday #igersjp #japan_of_insta #daily_photo_japan #flowerstagram #naturegrampics (at Kanda University of International Studies)
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berryaesthetic · 7 years ago
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ピンクのアジサイ〜 この花やっぱり夏だなって感じますよね☀️ 後、梅雨が来るも感じます…☔️ Hydrangeas feel like summer is here~☀️ and also... the rainy season is coming ☔️ . . . #夏って感じ #chibaken #makuhari #幕張 #igerschiba #アジサイ #花 #綺麗すぎ #ピンクカラー #柔らかな色 #日本 #japan #japanflowers #summerflowers #feelslikesummer #nature #自然っていいね #かわいい #cuteflower #pink
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berryaesthetic · 7 years ago
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最近アジサイだらけのインスタですから、あたしも!また2006年の写真ですね〜 青と紫のグラデーション素敵でしょう☂️ アジサイの絵文字が無くてちょっと寂しいです… These lovely hydrangea (ajisai) bloomed outside my school building in Makuhari! Aren’t the colors gorgeous? I love the gradient~ ☂️ . . . #アジサイ #青と紫 #花 #綺麗すぎ #グラデーション花 #夏って感じ #6月 #hydrangeas #blueandpurple #gradiant #beautiful #flowers #japan #makuhari #日本 #千葉県 #幕張 #chibaken #igerschiba #igersjp #feelslikesummer
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