beopened · 10 years
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I wanted to show an ironic comparison between childish confetti and adult apathy. Meh, so it occurred.
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beopened · 10 years
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Drawing floral wreaths gives me instant gratification. I know that's not what art is about but... hey. Expect more wreaths to come.
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beopened · 10 years
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A few of the weekly backgrounds I've made for our Sunday Scripture readings.
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beopened · 10 years
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Random t-shirt design that I ended up liking more than I thought I would. I can't remember the Bible verse that was behind this, but in 2 Corinthians 6:10, Paul encourages the church to remember that they are "poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything."
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beopened · 10 years
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Fun, girly things for our annual Refresh Women's Tea Party.
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beopened · 10 years
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Refresh Christmas Party 2013. Had so much fun designing the program! Flat icons galore.
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beopened · 10 years
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Every once in awhile, our church hosts a colossal Movie Night. Big screen with projector, freshly popped popcorn, Hollywood-style original movie trailers and the whole nine yards. I'm always blessed by those who put effort into making this event so enjoyable.
These are a few movie posters Kendra and I designed together, based off of original commercials and movie trailers made by our video team.
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beopened · 10 years
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Little "business" cards for church! Awesome surf shots courtesy of our talented photo team.
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beopened · 10 years
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Design changes and drafts for a banner that now hangs at church. It's a timely reminder as we drive out of the parking lot that we're commissioned to do as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:16-20. The task seems daunting, yet Jesus promises, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
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beopened · 10 years
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Drafts for a Proverbs 31-themed t-shirt for our annual women's retreat. 
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beopened · 10 years
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Wedding escort card.
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beopened · 10 years
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The evolution of a handlettered wedding logo. Super blessed to be able to make this for a great, God-honoring couple!
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beopened · 10 years
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Who doesn't love a good ol' Mother's Day brunch? A few invitations in their honor.
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beopened · 10 years
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JH's murder mystery party last year was themed after various fairy tales. Super memorable evening of wit, betrayal and overly-dramatic fun! I got to make the nametags. 
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beopened · 10 years
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A few drafts I designed and submitted to an HIM conference last year. The annual conference brings some pretty rad Christian speakers to Hawaii and thousands of Christ-followers gather to worship and learn about their Savior. Nuts. Obviously, these drafts weren't actually used, but it was a good experience to try.
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beopened · 10 years
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Various handlettering moments.
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beopened · 10 years
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Done for a close friend's birthday. I had just started getting into the flat design hype and she really likes pencils and math. Good match, I suppose.
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