i observe, enough said. |19| He/They | bi | single | interests include: history, geography, politics, engineering, aerospace, nearly all methods of conveyance (except cars), cycling, FPS and strategy video games ( eg civ,hoi,etc) tl;dr most of the sciences, transport, strategy/FPS games, and politics, dms open :)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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This could have been a moment when the Democrats stood up as one in a great Spartacist moment of political resistance... instead we got Al Green with the bravery to not back down.
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I want you to remember:
The fascists hate you too and they just will pretend otherwise until after they've killed the rest of us, before they turn on you.
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what do you mean elon musk did a nazi salute on live tv at the united states presidential inauguration twice and is now erasing the evidence off the internet by replacing the footage with the crowd cheering instead?
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would be a shame if people reblogged this, wouldn’t it?
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The UK's current problems,
which the Right blames on Liberal politics, stem from Brexit, which would not have won the 2016 referendum if the Right hadn't excessively promoted it to unknowing voters, just because voting 'Leave' was the nationalist option.
The USA's current problems,
which the Right blames on Liberal politics, are the result of decades of Republican drip-down economics and GWB's idiotic wars.
Germany's current problems,
which the Right blames on Liberal politics, stem from 16 years of a neutered center-Right government that did nothing, as well as the Libertarian Party's intentional sabotage.
Starting to notice a pattern here.
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I’m sorry but if there is one thing the Tumblr left needs crucially, it’s the ability to celebrate.
I remember when marriage equality was called and there were waves of rainbows and love wins posts. When we successfully defeated Donald Trump, there was lukewarm relief, a reminder that you were only allowed one or maybe two days to celebrate and then it was back to work. That is if you were even a good person for voting Biden. We never did settle if he was better than Trump. (We did.). We didn’t celebrate student loan debt relief or any of the accomplishments of the Biden administration, or any of the times Trump was blocked, or other countries succeeding in keeping fascists out of office. Who cares if we had successes? It’s not good enough. Back to work!
And this anti-celebratory attitude stretches back to the past. On the 100th anniversary of female suffrage in America, we were reminded that not all women had the vote and so we weren’t allowed to celebrate. The only post I saw about Juneteenth was reminding us that there were enslaved people who were killed instead of freed and therefore celebrating the end of chattel slavery was wrong, and besides, we have prison labor so nothing really changed or got better and there’s nothing to celebrate anyway. Trans Day of Visibility comes with Trans Day of Remembrance so that people don’t fill the tags with hate crimes and death. So on and so forth. Nothing gets better. Nothing changes. Back to work!
So of course when we have a major setback, we fall apart and have to start frantic damage control. Frantic discourse ensues over how much people are allowed to unplug before it becomes bad and selfish. Yes, maybe you can have this one day off Mr. Cratchit but you better be here and miserable early the next morning. Like abusive bosses always insisting you squeeze out more, more, more, and any achievement is just proof you were lazy the other times and impetus for more work.
If we are never allowed to acknowledge any of our victories, how are we supposed to survive our defeats?
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riled up one of the cons with my last post
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my reply:
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Before you go picking up the ways of the keyboard warrior you should know what I did, though cathartic is ill advised, the best way to deal with his ilk is to block, learned that from hours of written slapfests on Twitter back in the day.
That troll i blocked after he repeated what I said to him verbatim later because it wasn't going anywhere.
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They don't give up, we should not either. I wrote those two things after reading a substack about why all those people didn't turn up in november, long story short despair and disheartenment. In addition to that I've heard of and myself been one of those people that disengaged in frustration and sadness after the orange bastard won.
But we cannot do that as a movement, as a party, as people, and as a society. The way the Republicans got to holding the Supreme Court, the Senate and the presidency in addition to having a vast propaganda machine was through determination, tactics , and work over decades. To take our country back and make a world better than the one we entered we must use those three things. It won't be easy, and it won't be without defeats and set backs but it is an effort we need to wage if for nothing else than to be looked upon favorably by history. Do not submit to them, it achieves their goals and makes the fascists feel great. Organize locally, teach others critical thinking, expand the membership of unions and of the party in addition to other organizations for us, and most importantly Resist and Persist.
We did beat people like this before , and I know it is within bare minimum possibility that we can beat them again.
To people like minded to me, see this and reblog it. There is a lot of dooming and despair going around and before we can reclaim our society we must reclaim our spirits!
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They don't give up, we should not either. I wrote those two things after reading a substack about why all those people didn't turn up in november, long story short despair and disheartenment. In addition to that I've heard of and myself been one of those people that disengaged in frustration and sadness after the orange bastard won.
But we cannot do that as a movement, as a party, as people, and as a society. The way the Republicans got to holding the Supreme Court, the Senate and the presidency in addition to having a vast propaganda machine was through determination, tactics , and work over decades. To take our country back and make a world better than the one we entered we must use those three things. It won't be easy, and it won't be without defeats and set backs but it is an effort we need to wage if for nothing else than to be looked upon favorably by history. Do not submit to them, it achieves their goals and makes the fascists feel great. Organize locally, teach others critical thinking, expand the membership of unions and of the party in addition to other organizations for us, and most importantly Resist and Persist.
We did beat people like this before , and I know it is within bare minimum possibility that we can beat them again.
To people like minded to me, see this and reblog it. There is a lot of dooming and despair going around and before we can reclaim our society we must reclaim our spirits!
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US election week is weird.
The man who claims to have shot Osama bin Laden is expressing his desire to turn a group Harris-voting Gen Z into sex slaves on twitter.
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Hyrulian Biggoron helps link and is a master blacksmith,
Terminian Biggoron is a guy who gets cursed, falls asleep, and then accidentally kills the tribal leader of the Snowhead Gorons
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wildly different destinies
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18K notes · View notes
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@emo-trans-pirate-man @astro-egg-celent
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Everyone post a random picture from your gallery,this is a tag game yes
@fymo-blogs @the-real-gmail @totally-china @dhampirdreamerz @france-unofficial
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pro-abortion. pro-divorce. i believe we have the god-given right to give up
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perhaps he should've sold some more practical mask like N95s, in today's market he would've made a fortune
*dying, coughing*
happ y maks salemes an
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everyone assumes he's sinister but what if he truly is just a nice guy with difficulty expressing himself, issues with emotional control, and over enthusiasm for potentially demonic face wear. He aids link in his quest multiple times and resets the world if link gets obliterated by the moon so his heart is in the right place.
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