beifong sims
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bei | she/they | big headed
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beifongsims · 1 year ago
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Meet the House of Ali — featuring Ashraf Ali, Josefina Dara, Noor Ali, and Mahmoud Ali.
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ASHRAF • Young Adult • Goofball, Generous, Family-oriented
Ashraf is a San Myshuno native, born and raised by Noor and Mahmoud Ali. Despite being an only child, Ash was always pretty close to his community in the Spice District. I like to think he's much like his father, having inherited a lot of his chaotic humor. But through and through, he's a mama's boy. Since a young age, Ash has been passionate about music. Following high school, he sought to pursue music in college, but ended up dropping out due to costs. Since dropping out of art school, his dreams have shifted back toward his community. As his parents get older, Ash has gotten passionate about fighting for equity in the city, especially for local immigrants and ethnic minorities. Through his new work in activist circles, he met Josefina, another city native. Their friendship quickly turned into a romance and very swiftly, they began imagining a life together. It wasn't long before the two became and engaged and Josefina moved in, which is where we begin our story.
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JOSEFINA • Young Adult • Materialistic, Overachiever, Family-Oriented
Josefina is also a San Myshuno native, but with less family around. Originally born in Sulani assigned male at birth, Josefina grew up with her father in San Myshuno who was relatively supportive of her flamboyant expression of her gender from such a young age. When Josefina was a preteen, her father passed away and she spent a few years jumping from foster home to foster home in the city. When she became a teenager, she gained emancipation and began her transition with hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) to support her newfound womanhood. Despite jumping from job to job, Josefina always felt rooted to her activist friends in the city, through whom she met Ashraf. She didn't quite know how lonely she was until she met him. Pretty quickly he felt like family and they began to dream of a life together. Their romance moved quickly and she accepted his offer to move in with him and his parents. Josefina dreams of becoming a famous actress. At times this dream gets the best of her and she gets lost in trying to be the most stylish person in the room. It is also because of this dream that she worries that she won't fully be accepted by Ash's parents. But she's sure trying her best to make good impressions with them.
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NOOR • Elder • Lazy, Wise, Cheerful
Noor and Mahmoud were childhood sweethearts, growing up in the same village outside of Oasis Springs (this is the best I got y'all... Sims 4 doesn't have any North African-inspired or Middle Eastern worlds). Mahmoud was one of her first friends since going to school and from there, he became one of the safest people in her world. Since leaving their home, Noor and Mahmoud both kept looking to building a new home and family for themselves in the city. They always aimed stay in the city temporarily and move out to San Sequoia to raise their children. However, that day never came. After having Ashraf, the two wanted more children but Noor faced difficulties in getting pregnant. Eventually, they praised God for their blessings and showered Ashraf with all their love, attention, and care. Noor works at the local hospital as a medical assistant. Ashraf continues to be her greatest blessing. Life has passed her quickly and her dreams of becoming a doctor have become less important to her than spending time with her family and being present in every moment. She is happy for Ashraf and excited to have Josefina as her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, though she prays day in and day out that they both will be able to give her grandkids one day.
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MAHMOUD • Elder • Goofball, Family-oriented, Freegan
Mahmoud was a friend to everyone in the village since a young boy. He loved nothing more though than making Noor laugh. He became quickly protective of his new friend, and eventually his friendship with Noor grew beyond platonic. 'The rest is ancient history,' he says. He knew that Noor wanted to be a doctor, so he proposed that they move to San Myshuno, chasing opportunities in a land bountiful in possibility. Mahmoud had crafted a grand plan for them when they arrived: • GET A JOB • GET RICH • MOVE TO SAN SEQUOIA • HAVE 3 BOYS AND 3 GIRLS But life happened. Mahmoud has never resented how things turned out for his family in San Myshuno—after all, he loved his wife and his new son, Ashraf with all of his heart. However, over the years, he's grown tired of living in San Myshuno and the struggles they've had with money, the rudeness and exploitation from the rich, and the lack of opportunities in the Spice District. Still he reminds himself of his blessings. Mahmoud works as a community activist and is so proud of his son for following in his footsteps to support and work for his community. Secretly, however, he resents working at all in San Myshuno. He misses his homeland and misses the days of working as a farmhand on his uncle's farm as a young boy, so he does what he can to save money and make produce in the local community garden. Mahmoud is thrilled to meet Josefina, despite not knowing very much about her beyond what Ash has told him and Noor. He just hopes that she will make lots of money so he can retire.
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beifongsims · 1 year ago
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Meet the House of Ali (Pictured L to R: Josefina Dara, Noor Ali, Mahmoud Ali, & Ashraf Ali)
An introduction to an old family I made last year that I'm revisiting for a legacy challenge. Hope you enjoy learning more about them!
Growing up in San Myshuno, Ashraf and his family sat at the heart of a rich and vibrant community of immigrants in the city. Born to warm-hearted parents Mahmoud (a local community organizer) & Noor Ali (a medical assistant)—Ashraf grew up with a strong sense of justice. After dropping out of art school, Ashraf fell in love with local actress Josefina and quickly they became engaged. Josefina, having met Ash through local protests in the city, was drawn to his humor and his inherent goodness. Eager to build a family of her own, she eagerly accepted his engagement proposal... and his offer to move in. Will Josefina fit neatly into the family dynamic? Or will Ash’s newfound engagement drive a rift between him and his parents?
Learn more about them HERE.
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beifongsims · 1 year ago
hi, my name is bei [she/they] 🇵🇭🏳️‍⚧️
i've been playing sims since the sims 2, when i was a wee tween. i've been playing sims 4 since it came out and finally sick of all its bugs, i'm giving sims 3 a try. you'll see some updates on my legacy playthrough of sims 3 here, as well as some of my CAS and build creations in sims 4, if you're into that sorta thing.
feel free to drop a follow. if not, enjoy your stay, however long it be.
i'm wcif-friendly, but there's the chance I won't know what certain cc is because my mods folder is a *monster*.
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