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Can You Keep a Secret? Barbie Movie Confessions has officially shut down. Thank you all for your support over the years
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
barbie-movie-confessions · 2 years ago
- Erika
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barbie-movie-confessions · 2 years ago
Would you mind if I made a similar blog to this ?? Like a Barbie Movie confessions blog ?? I’ll give credit to you as the OG and wanted to know if you were ok with it
You don't need to ask me! When I made CYKAS there were other Barbie confessions blogs as well (granted they were dead). Don't let me stop you!
- Erika
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barbie-movie-confessions · 2 years ago
Look, I’m not trying to hate on this Anon. But please do not come into my personal blog asking for this. This blog is CLOSED. NO ONE IS TAKING OVER FOR ME.
I’m happy that so many of you are still supportive and want to see more posts. If I had the current means to work on this, I absolutely would. But I don’t.
Thanks again for your support over the years but there really isn’t a chance I will come back to this anytime soon. And coming into my DMs like this honestly makes me feel bad and is a bit manipulative. Please do not do this.
Why don't you add a few more members to the BMC blog and reopen BMC? That way, even if you won't be able to fully manage it, others can. It'll also make BMC fans really, really happy.
Because CYKAS:BMC was my baby. It was tiring sometimes and occasionally I'd get a nasty anon, but overall I loved it. It was a great hobby for me. But it was mine and I'm not comfortable with trying to gather other people to run it. I could end up getting people who are super rude to others, or try to change/break the rules I made, or won't take it seriously and are in it for the "meme culture".
Sorry, but I already said in my goodbye post that I wasn't handing the reigns over. There were other confession blogs for Barbie stuff before I opened BMC so maybe someone else will start another one.
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
Closing for good
Hey everyone. I'm sorry, I know we just reopened not too long ago, but I'm going to shut down for good.
When I started back up, there was kind of a lull in my life where I thought I'd have time for this again. But now between potentially going full-time at my job, singing training, and trying to revamp my YT page with covers and essays, I just can't juggle this too.
In addition, I have been receiving a strange amount of anon hate and confessions that are clearly violating the rules. I don't know if it's just trolling or whatever but it's exhausting to have to scroll through garbage to find the genuine posts.
And before you ask, no, I can't find a replacement for myself. This is actually a sideblog on my account so I can't just give it over to someone else without giving them my Tumblr password.
I love Barbie and especially the movies with all my heart and I always will but this is not something I can keep up with anymore. The most I can do is rolling out ridiculously long analysis posts on my main sometimes.
I'll decide in the next few days whether to just close the inbox and keep the blog up as an archive or simply delete it all together.
I'm so sorry. I hope you all can find another confessions blog for Barbie things.
- Erika
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
Sorry for the slow posting, everyone. Lots of IRL stuff happening. I'm currently making all the confessions currently in the inbox. I have more appointments and errands tomorrow and Thursday so I am planning to finish up and make a queue by Friday. Thanks for your patience.
- Erika
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
I can't even believe this has to be said but submission of anything sexual is going to get you automatically blocked. Same goes with using slurs. The fact that I logged in this morning to find two different uses of the r-word and 3 sexual confessions about UNDERAGE CHARACTERS is appalling. I'll post later on today but I am too upset to make confessions right now.
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
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#1300: "I absolutely love the girls' flat in Three Musketeers. I love that it is small since the girls are starting out in Paris but yet has so much elegance and personality. Definitely my favorite of the non- castle locations and I would totally live in it if I could!"
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
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#1299: "The song 'Two Voices, One Song' made me feel 'forever alone'. Oh Barbie, quit making me jealous of your friendship!"
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
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#1298 : "I don't know why it took so long to get an Asian character in Barbie until The Barbie Diaries (not counting Captain Candy, Nolee from My Scene, or Dana of the Rockers)."
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
Wonderful additions!
Just A Question For You how many celebrities have been in Barbie's movies?
These are all the ones I can remember, though I’m not sure if I missed one or not. I tried to stray away from voice actors since there are a LOT of famous/popular voice actors that dabble in Barbie. It would be a very long list LOL.
Tim Curry - The Mouse King in Nutcracker & Philippe in Three Musketeers
Anjelica Huston - Gothel in Rapunzel
Kelsey Grammar - Rothbart in Swan Lake
Martin Short - Preminger in Princess and the Pauper
Catherine O'Hara - Duchess Rowena in 12 Dancing Princesses
Andrea Martin - Queen Ariana in Island Princess
I may have missed someone or seen a name I didn’t recognize. Followers, feel free to reblog/comment if you know someone.
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
nac: are Delia and Edeline supposed to be twins are not? I can't seem to figure it out :/
Well...they never sasy outright that they aren't twins, but I think they're supposed to be separate older & younger sisters.
Starting with the movie, let's compare Delia and Edeline to Hadley and Isla. The younger two are explicitly referred to as "the twins", like how the 3 littlest princesses are "the triplets". It's the use of "the" that implies Hadley and Isla are the only set of twins. In addition, they share the same character model (aside from hair & dress color), the same hobby, and the same voice actor (btw why do twins in animation ALWAYS have to be voiced by one person?). Delia and Edeline, on the other hand, share only the same hobby. Their hair and eyes are different colors (Delia - green, blonde & Edeline - amber, brown), and they have different voice actors. So with this in mind, I believe they are not meant to be twins, just very close in age.
Now, for "extra" points of canon. I don't usually like to use info outside of the actual text of the film since that takes precedent over anything else, but I'll still add something here.
From the old website, here are screenshots of their profiles:
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According to their official profiles, Edeline is in fact younger than Delia. So if you want to use that as evidence, there you go. But, again, the text of the movie itself takes priority over anything else, so if you wanted to see them as twins like Hadley and Isla, it's not entirely irrefutable.
TL;DR - The movie is unclear but leaning heavily towards them being older & younger sisters, not twins. Non-textual information confirms this.
I hope this was helpful!
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
Hi! I wrote the confession about Brooklyn and in hindsight it was poorly-worded. I was frustrated by how Brooklyn and Malibu are a package deal. Malibu’s been a character in the DA universe for so long, Brooklyn can sometimes feel like her friend rather than an iconic character in her own right. I wish she had solo movie(s) away from Malibu, or more connection to the Barbie “lore” that’s been in more than one continuity (maybe she has some family in Willows).
Hi there! Thanks for the clarification. I totally see where you're coming from. Brooklyn would certainly stand out more if they let her have a story just about her and not Malibu too.
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
Just A Question For You how many celebrities have been in Barbie's movies?
These are all the ones I can remember, though I'm not sure if I missed one or not. I tried to stray away from voice actors since there are a LOT of famous/popular voice actors that dabble in Barbie. It would be a very long list LOL.
Tim Curry - The Mouse King in Nutcracker & Philippe in Three Musketeers
Anjelica Huston - Gothel in Rapunzel
Kelsey Grammar - Rothbart in Swan Lake
Martin Short - Preminger in Princess and the Pauper
Catherine O'Hara - Duchess Rowena in 12 Dancing Princesses
Andrea Martin - Queen Ariana in Island Princess
I may have missed someone or seen a name I didn’t recognize. Followers, feel free to reblog/comment if you know someone.
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
It’s alright! No harm no fowl lol here’s some good vibes: 💕☀️💕☀️💕☀️💕☀️ (cause running this blog seems rough!)
Thank you. I'm sorry again, and very embarrassed for myself. I used to get rude anons a lot before I closed the blog last year so now I let my emotions get the better of me instead of calming down and thinking. That's no excuse for my behavior.
I send you well wishes back and I hope the rest of your week is good✨💖✨💫💐
- Erika
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
Woa-woa-woa, my confession about Daisy wasn’t directed at you whatsoever… I just found this blog yesterday. I’ve seen others hate on Daisy, and my own friends trash on her. I didn’t look at your main blog, I now think I totally should have. I apologize if the timing was completely wrong for my confession’s submission. I won’t submit any more confessions about her, I promise
No, no, I am the one who should apologize. I acted rash instead of doing what I'm supposed to do here and just post things.
I owe you a huge apology. I assumed, and that was wrong. I'm sorry.
- Erika
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
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#1297: “I don't understand the appeal of shipping Azura with Elina, Dahlia, or any of the presumably younger fairies. She seems more like a mother or teacher-like figure to them and I see her as too mature to ever see her in a romantic relationship with them.“
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barbie-movie-confessions · 3 years ago
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#1296: “I could imagine myself in another world wherein I'm a princess loved by the whole kingdom. Maybe I'll have every Barbie protagonist's wardrobe, but my personality will be like Ro, Rapunzel, Odette, Princess Genevieve, Elina and Mariposa”
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