baileybequiet · 9 years
Why T.Swift Just Rocks. Plain & Simple.
I remember sitting in my high school art class 8 years ago sharing headphones with my best friend while we blasted taylorswift ‘s first big hit, “Tim McGraw,” on my massive first-generation iPod. I’ve always been a fan, but the minute she re-branded and embraced her talent for pop music, I began looking up to her. 
Not only is she happy and giving as a human being, but her songs are so positive and uplifting in a pop music world filled with crude language, negative body image, sometimes even songs that have me saying, “What the heck does that even mean?” 
Let’s look at Shake It Off and Bad Blood as examples. 
Shake It Off is all about being proud of yourself, embracing who you are, and not letting things get to you. I can’t tell you how many times I listened to that song when I was going through an extremely difficult time at work last year. The minute I felt the negative thoughts creep in, I’d crank up the volume and shake it off. 
Bad Blood is a little more sinister in that its talking a failed relationship, but there is a part of that song I LOVE and think carries an important message for everyone. 
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes (hey) You say sorry just for show (hey) If you live like that, you live with ghosts (hey) If you love like that blood runs cold
I’ve applied this part of the song to way more than relationships. To me, it basically means that you can’t take short cuts to solving things in your life that affect you to your core. And you have to be genuine in your interactions with everything to feel like a free, happy person. 
With as much stress as I’ve been experiencing with my career these days, Bad Blood couldn’t have hit the radio at a better time. Every time I hear “Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes,” I’m reminded to find a true solution for my struggle, not a temporary one. 
I have an interview for a job I REALLY want tomorrow. Shake It Off and Bad Blood are currently blasting on repeat. They are reminding me to aim for solutions, not shortcuts, and to forget what everyone else thinks and have confidence and pride in myself. 
So thanks, taylorswift , for being you and bringing me so much positivity and light with your music this year. All the words in the world wouldn’t be enough to express how much I love what you stand for!
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baileybequiet · 10 years
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Conversations like this are why I shouldn’t text.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
The Perfect Selfie Weapon
Makeup remover wipes would make the perfect selfie weapons. The next time one of those fake pretty those girls with caked-on makeup knocks me down for the perfect angle of herself, BOOM: makeup remover to the face.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
I JUST LOVE AMY! And smartgirlsattheparty!
This is the video we shared with all the Smarties who hung out with us for #SXSmartGirls! 🎉 See the whole version on our Facebook page ✨
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baileybequiet · 10 years
Every time someone's asked me to do something today, I've yelled "I'm leprechaun-it!" Too punny to pass up.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
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A fine example of excellence.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
On “Flea”k
Dogs everywhere agree: K-9 Advantix is on “flea”k.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
Stuffed Animal Claw Machines
There should be some type of claw machine that picks up humans instead of stuffed animals and drops them off on a beach chair in the Bahamas. Where they will sit in the sunshine and enjoying an endless amount of giant Pina Coladas with the little umbrella in them.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
Cup o' Joe
I wish my name was Joe. That way I could dress up as a cup for Halloween and be a "Cup o' Joe."
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baileybequiet · 10 years
My new goal is to get on like a news program and somehow have to say the phrase 'A modest amount of people" but sneak in like 'A modest mouse of people.'" So say 'Modest Mouse." That's my new plan.
Harris Wittels
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baileybequiet · 10 years
Drop The Mike
Someone should start a speech or presentation off by holding a guy named Mike. That way they're "holding the Mike" when they speak. Then, at the end, they should drop him and walk off.  Instant success guaranteed.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
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Sasha vs. Q-tips [symphonicotter]
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baileybequiet · 10 years
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You don’t say…
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baileybequiet · 10 years
No throwback can top this today. I've never posted something so fantastically embarrassing from my childhood. #tbt to my bowl cut, stunna shades, and spot-on Billy Ray Cyrus impression.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
From the Window to the Walmart
Someone should build a store called Windowmart next to a Walmart so people can always go from the window to the wall for all their shopping needs.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
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My sentiments exactly.
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baileybequiet · 10 years
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My poor exhausted brain sometimes. Just…. wow.
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