babywitchjournals · 4 years
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Hey beginner Tarot readers and divinatory friends! Here’s a little graphic on some of the Tarot myths I hear all the time. Some of these definitely held me back from learning when I was just getting started, so if hopefully this helps you too if you’ve been trying to get started and feel the same way! 💕
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
Movies to Watch During the Sabbats 🎬
🌞Peter Pan
🌞A Fairy Tale
🌻Parent Trap
🌻Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
🌻Cheaper by the Dozen
🌾Open Season
🌾Brother Bear
🎃Hocus Pocus
🎃The Addams Family
🎃Monsters Inc
🎃Corpse Bride
🎃Hansel Gretel Witch Hunters
🎃Van Helsing
❄Santa Clause
❄Rise of the Guardians
❄101 Dalmatians
🕯Mr Poppers Penguins
🕯Happy Feet
🕯Ice Age
🌹Strange Magic
🌹The Secret Garden
🌹A Bugs Life
🌼Arthur Trilogy
🌼Jungle Book
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
Activities for Litha
Since I am a solitary witch, I am unable to celebrate the Sabbats with other witches or a coven. So, I have activities that any witch - solitary, stuck in the broom closet, non-solitary, etc. - can do in celebration of Litha.
Litha is Sabbat that focuses on love (yourself, your family, your friends, your partner), abundance, and letting go. It is a sabbat to take action in your affairs, as the primary element is the Sun/Fire. Even if you cannot soak up the sun, there’s plenty to do for Litha: 1) Admire Summer: Whether it’s a hot, bright summer day or a summer storm, enjoy the Solstice! Stop to smell the flowers, bask in the weather and full bloom of nature, or just enjoy the longest day of the year. 2) Light a candle: As Fire is the primary element, simply lighting a candle is a great way to celebrate! Some choose to light it during the day and allow it to burn throughout the day. But for some witches, like myself, who cannot stay at home to watch the candle and are worried about a fire hazard, I choose to light my candle when I return home. Praying to the candle is another aspect to consider. Bonus if you a light a candle that is made from beeswax! 3) Use Summer herbs: This year, I’m focusing on three main summer herbs: Lavender, Chamomile, and Sage. Lavender and Chamomile for relaxing and enjoying the summer, while Sage is for cleansing and letting go. I love Litha for the aspect of doing a 6-month review of the year and deciding what needs to be let go and what I need to change. I’m choosing to use bath salts that contain these herbs, as water is another cleansing tool. You can use these herbs for teas, baking, harvesting, tool making (such as dream pillows or charm bottles), and incense. 4) Color-coordinate and accessorize: Yellows, oranges, and other similar summer colors are a low-key way to celebrate. Wear these colored clothing or accessories in celebration. If you have accessories or clothing that have butterflies, bees, other pollinators, and birds, even better! Got sun-theme jewelry? Also good! 5) Watch the sunrise/sunset: Many suggest watching the sunrise on Litha, and others say watch the sunset. Your choice! Just enjoy the beautiful colors and scenery of a sunrise/sunset. 6) Focus on yourself: Figure out what you want to let go. We’re 6 months in and it’s time for a review. Are you happy? Are there things you can let go of? Take the time to review yourself, your path, and your life. See what you want out of your life and make a plan to achieve it.
7) Celebrate love: Love yourself, your family, your friends, and/or your partner. Single? Say a prayer to search for love. Cast a love-magnet spell, or a self-love spell. Hell, do some divination on the topic of love (romantic, platonic, and/or familial) Most importantly, express your love. Do things that promote self-love. Tell your family, friends, and/or partner you love them. Enjoy Litha and blessings to you all!
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
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@violet-the-witch 💜
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
deep tarot asks🧿
the fool: what journey have you recently started?
the magician: do you feel that you have the right tools and resources in your life to achieve your goals?
the high priestess: do you trust your intuition?
the empress: do you love yourself?
the emperor: do you believe you have control over your life?
the hierophant: what traditions or rituals or mantras have you created for yourself?
the lovers: do you feel alone? are you waiting for perfect harmony in your life?
the chariot: what forces are pulling you in opposite directions?
the hermit: how do you get in touch with your emotions?
strength: in what ways are you strongest?
wheel of fortune: do you feel like you are a victim of fate?
justice: do you believe in karma, or that hard work manifests as success?
the hanged man: are you truly open-minded?
death: have you had to bury another version of yourself? what came out of it?
temperance: have you found a comfortable balance in your life?
the devil: do you have everything you want? why do you want it?
the tower: what was the last reason you really cried?
the star: are you an optimist? why or why not?
the moon: what are you hiding from yourself or from others?
the sun: what makes you happiest?
judgment: are you sure that you want your life to head in the direction that it is?
the world: are you satisfied? do you love life or do you just tolerate it?
inspired by @nightmarevirgo’s super cute tarot questions
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
Hades Pendulum Dowsing Expereince
This is kind of an update to this post where I discuss a pendulum dowsing session where I believe I got into contact with Hades. It’s been a couple of days, and I’ve been doing research and checking into the experience and so far everything is coming up positive. So, out of curiosity, I had another session tonight. I’m not going to discuss all of the questions I asked him, but rather just some of the major ones that may further reassure myself that I am talking to Hades himself, or to possibly gain insight from those who really do work with Hades who can possibly tell me if this is uncharacteristic of him.
This session started the same way all of mine do; i perform my little before-spell rituals before finally setting myself down in front of my pendulum board. Like I said I wasn’t going to input all of the questions I asked and the things we’ve discussed, but these are some of the major ones:
Is there a reason you want to work with me? yes.
can you possibly spell out a word that relates to why you want to work with me? Yes.
he swings the pendulum along and hits the letter ‘L’, then ‘O’, then ‘V’, then ‘E’.
You want to work with me because you have some kind of love for me? Yes.
Do you love me like a friend? No.
Do you love me like a father would? Yes.
This started to get to me. I don’t have a great relationship with my father and had a rather rocky upbringing from my parents. So, this was hitting at some of my weak spots.
So, you know what my home life is like? Yes.
Have you been with me since I was little? Yes.
How old was I when you first started watching over me?  The pendulum swings towards the numbers 2 and 3.
So you’ve been with me since I was 2 or 3 years old? Yes.
Were you trying to protect me? Yes. 
Queue the waterworks again. I am naturally very sensitive emotionally, and am an empath on top of it, and speaking with Hades--or whomever this entity may actually be--seems to be a bit overwhelming, but in a good way? Again, i never felt in danger or malicious intent during my last conversation with them, as well as during this one. 
The rest of our discussion was me asking him if it would be okay if i started leaving him offerings at my alter, but that i might not be able to work with him fully, to which he seemed to agree to and is fine with for the time being. There was also a moment where I asked if i could have a ‘nickname’ from him, but since i was crying and my vision was blurry I couldn’t quite make out the letters he was gesturing to too well. I think the first three were ‘L’, ‘O’, and ‘P’. I could be wrong though. But yeah, that’s some of the major events from tonight's pendulum dowsing session. 
Those who work with Hades, or those who are familiar with the greek pantheon and deity work, does this check out? or should I be concerned? 
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
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Historically accurate offerings to the Theoi, but this time it’s the Chthonic edition! These three were the only deities that had information substantial enough to make a slide on. All information is taken from the stories and tales of them on theoi.com. 
Make sure to click each image to get a fullview! Ευχαριστώ!
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
I Did Some Pendulum Dowsing Tonight
so, considering i’m finally back in a safe space and a place where i feel comfortable, i decided i would do some pendulum dowsing tonight. I lit some orange & vanilla incense as orange helps with divination, as well as a purple candle, and did some meditating with my crystal pendulum before I started. while I was meditating I felt like someone was watching me, and it felt like there was someone’s hand on my back to calm me down? this presence didn’t feel malevolint 
when I started dowsing i kept the questions simple at first--show me yes, show me no, and questions of that magnitude. then i decided to start asking questions about who i may be talking to. Are you a spirit? No. One of my ancestors? No. A deity? Yes.
I got a bit nervous at this answer, as i know that spirits and dark entities may disguise themselves as deities. But i didn’t feel in danger or anything so i kept going. 
Can you point to the letter of the pantheon you’re a part of? (my pendulum board as the alphabet lining the top of it). The pendulum swung towards the letter ‘G’. So you’re a deity from the Greek panethon? Yes. Are you a benevolent deity? Yes. Are you a Goddess? No. Are you a God? Yes. 
I then asked if they could tell me the first letter of their name. They swing towards the letter ‘H’. The first name that pops into my mind is ‘Hades’. So i ask them; Are you the God of the underworld? Yes. So, you’re Hades, Greek God of the underworld? Yes. 
i’ve been told/have read online that if an entity is disguising themselves as a God, and admit to being them when they’re not, that the God will smite them. I’m not sure how true this is, but it gave me some reassurance as I kept asking questions.
Is there a reason you’re talking with me?  Yes. Are you looking to work with me? Yes. This came as a surprise. Again, i’m not sure if it’s really Hades I’m talking to, but the idea that a deity already wants to work with me is really surprising; i am still a baby witch, i’m still learning the ropes. however, Hades is one of the Gods within the Greek pantheon i’ve always felt drawn to. Him and Apollo are the Gods from this pantheon i’d like to work with eventually. So, even if this isn’t him, hearing this made me rather happy. So, i kept talking with him.
I’m still a baby witch, so I don’t know if i’m ready to work with a deity. Is that okay? Yes. I don’t have all the confidence i’d like to have yet. I’m still learning to believe in myself... do you believe in me? Yes. This is where i started to tear up a lot. I thank him, and then i ask if he’ll be available to talk with me again, to which he swings towards ‘yes’. I end our talk, saying good bye to him and waiting for my pendulum to still. Once it does i literally break down crying.
This made me so emotional. Again, like i’ve mentioned, i don’t know if that was really him or not. However... if this was him i am so incredibly reassured and flattered; it’s really uplifting to know that a deity already wants to work with me and believes in my abilities a bit more than i do. Is there anyone else whose had an experience like this? who can possibly confirm that i was talking with Hades? i would ask my tarot cards, however i am still really emotional and don’t like doing readings when i’m incredibly worked up. 
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
Hocus Pocus bitch you need to focus
Ancient witch proverb, probably (via sandcraft)
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
Astro Witch 101
So, you love astrology but have just realised that you are no longer just your sun sign. It’s a confusing and intimidating thing for a beginner astro-witch to see. That’s why I have decided to create a little guide to help anyone out. This will be the very basics but will be added to over time. Baby steps for baby-witches.
Sun Sign = The controller. This is your main sign. The sign you have known your whole life thinking that’s where it ended.
Moon Sign = Your inner-self. Your emotions, inner-thoughts, wants and needs are all controlled by your moon sign.
Ascendant/Rising = Acceptably called either, the Ascendant/Rising is your natural mask in the face of society. So basically, this is how people view you.
Mercury = A very important sign, it rules your decision making mind. It is how you communicate and can be easy to spot in a person.
Venus = This sign rules love and finances.
Mars = Most represent Mars with anger, and this is true. But it is so much more than that. This sign rules our animal instincts, energy, action and sexual desires.
Jupiter = This sign covers rules both generosity, tolerance and wisdom.
Saturn = This sign represents fears, our limitations and responsibility
Uranus = This sign is all about individuality. Progressiveness, forward-thinking and fresh-starts.
Neptune = This sign rules the subconscious. Dreams, psychic-sensitivity and inspiration.
Pluto = This sign represents rebirth. New-beginnings and growth.
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
How To Tell If You’ve Been Cursed
The Egg Test
Simply take an egg (obviously from your own chickens is best but uh, Im going to assume most of you dont have one so store is fine), and carefully pass the egg through the flame of a white or black candle to “draw out the bad” and set intent. Then crack into a white bowl.
If you find blood: You’re cursed! Blood is never ever a good thing to find in your eggs, but especially during The Egg Test.
If you find big white clots: The bigger the clot the bigger the problem. It usually means some kind of blockage or obstruction in your life. Sometimes from some form of bad energy. Note: white clots in eggs is very very normal. Only take notice if they are unusually large
If you find egg shell: (Now if you’re really bad at cracking eggs maybe ignore this one) but this is a sign of your generic brand Bad Luck.
If you find a broken yolk: Take notice of your internal and subconcious self. The root of your problems comes from a disturbance within.
If you find something unusual: Listed above or otherwise, cleansing methods (such as a salt bath) will usually clean up most problems. Do your own research for cleansing methods of choice. I would advise not to eat the egg, but rather to pass the egg one final time (in the bowl) over the white flame before disposing off it outside. If you do cook it (because hey, I get it) use protective herbs like basil or rosemary and don’t forget to salt!
If you find nothing unusual: chop onions, mushrooms, and spinach up while heating an oiled pan on medium low. Add the egg to the pan, when a yellow film forms around the side and the egg can be separated easily, fill the center with toppings and flip half over to form an omelet. Cook through, flipping as needed. Season with salt, pepper, fresh herbs, and tomato (salsa if you’re frisky). That’s my favorite way to cook an egg!
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babywitchjournals · 4 years
I finally know how happy you feel when you manage to pull your birthcard during a tarot reading. I literally can’t stop smiling. This Beltane, even with the gloomy weather, is off to such an awesome start
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