aventylittleshit · 10 days
I feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown
And I say that even though I'm already having one lmao
Everything feels like it's crashing down in one way or another. Which is really fucking funny because everything is getting better for almost everyone else in my family.
I wanna vent about things in detail but it's just. Everything. Including things I did to myself in all honesty. Not extremely harmful things but even things that SHOULD be harmless but they just. Aren't.
I don't even feel suicidal. I just feel like I'm going to explode.
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 1 month
sorry I ghosted you I wanted to see if you cared about me and would miss me if I was gone
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aventylittleshit · 2 months
I'm getting kinda scared that no one actually cares about me lmao
I could be gone for hours but nope! No response! Not a fucking peep!
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aventylittleshit · 4 months
My least favorite part of having HPD is that sometimes it feels like everyone is actively ignoring me. I literally just mentioned that I could've gotten killed a year ago why are you moving on so easily to talk to someone else--
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aventylittleshit · 4 months
Why do I feel so dysphoric about being skinny. I don't even know what's wrong with me. I'm not supposed to feel weight dysphoria, I'm the thing people starve to be. I shouldn't feel uncomfortable about my body at all.
And yet I am.
I don't even know what to do.
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aventylittleshit · 4 months
Sometimes I wanna break my body so that it could be easier to call myself disabled without questioning it or feeling like a baby. I know I'm in pain half the time, but I need to be in pain 100% of the time so that no one can call me an able-bodied person. Including myself.
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aventylittleshit · 4 months
I wish I didn't have to beg for most of the affection and love I get.
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aventylittleshit · 5 months
I love emotional self-harm. It's so cool guys we should do it all the time when something goes wrong in the world. Focusing on the bad thing and nothing else might be pushing me to suicide, but it's helping people! Definitely! Totally! My suicide will feed and aid all those people!
...At least I hope so.
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aventylittleshit · 5 months
Reminder to block AspenFrostEN, her alters sideblogs and any supporters that come across your dash!!
if you don't know who she is, she's a system tiktoker and violently anti-endo. She has harrased multiple systems, repeatedly said ableist slurs (against schizophrenic people and people with psychosis iirc) and spread a lot of misinformation. Recently, she has told her fans to flood inclusive tags with hate.
Her fans use the tag #aspenfr/stengenic *o (excuse the censoring, we don't want them to find us), and a userbox and flag with her sona on it.
However, please don't harras or interact with her as that may paint a target on your back. Block and move on. Please stay safe.
Link to a doc of all the things Aspen has done below
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