ava-of-the-forest · 1 year
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“Caught by Her Eyes” - a rondeau written 12/27/2017
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
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— CZESŁAW MIŁOSZ, from “From the Rising of the Sun,” translated from the Polish by the author & Lillian Vallee.
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
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— from Italo Calvino’s (unrealised) plan for a journal.
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
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Vlad Miroshnikov, ‘Old Trees’, 2019 Oil on Canvas, 110 x 110 cm
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
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Inge Uiterwijk
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
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You make me feel
like its Halloween
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
“I hope you fall in love with someone who never lets you fall asleep thinking you’re unwanted.”
— Unknown
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
“I always loved ghosts. They fascinated me. Not the rattling chains and horror part of it, of course, but the mystery, the promise of secret knowledge, of seeing something that no one else was privy to. A secret world that gripped my imagination.”
— Jonathan Sims, “Bloody Mary [MAG154]”, for The Magnus Archives
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
“She made broken look beautiful
and strong look invincible
She walked with the Universe on her shoulders
and made it look like a pair of wings”
– Ariana Dancu
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
"If happiness had a form, what would it look like? It might be something like glass, because one doesn’t notice it normally. However, it is actually there. As proof, if you look at it from a different angle, the glass will reflect light. It will state its presence and existence more eloquently than any other thing in this world." -Lelouch Lamperouge
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
My freedom
Does your soul crave something so much it becomes an obsession, it's all you can think about night and day, and the thought of never reaching it physically hurts. Or are you normal?
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
“My problem isn’t that my favorite characters aren’t real; it’s that I’m not fictional. I don’t want them to be real. What I desperately wish is that I could be fictional with them. It’s not that I want them here with me in this mundane and ordinary world; it’s that I want to join them in their extraordinary one”
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
time to listen to another song on repeat until the mere thought of it makes me want to turn my bones inside out
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ava-of-the-forest · 2 years
I like misty autumn mornings,
and cold snowy winter nights.
Rainstorms bring me innerpeace,
thunder sets my soul alight.
I care not for summer,
days too long, the heavy heat.
Give me candlelight evenings,
early darkness, a silent street.
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