autumn-pines · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Purple Frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis)
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(Photo from EDGE)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Southern India
Size (Weight/Length)- 7 cm
Diet- Insects
Cool Facts- Considered one of the weirdest looking animals on the planet, the purple frog is a funky little dude. Native to only a small mountain range in southern India, they are threatened by deforestation and population fragmentation. The purple frog spends the majority of its life underground, only surfacing once every year for two weeks. During these two weeks, large groups of frogs gather together to mate. Females lay over 3,000 eggs at one time into stagnant water where the tadpoles develop into frogs after 100 days.
Rating- 10/10 (Not sure how much I like them?)
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autumn-pines · 2 years
Jedi cannot help who they are. Their compassion leaves a trail. The Jedi code is like an itch. He cannot help it. Jedi cannot help who they are. Their compassion leaves a trail. The Jedi code is like an itch. He cannot help it. Jedi cannot help who they are. Their compassion leaves a trail. The Jedi code is like an itch. He cannot help it. Jedi cannot help who they are. Their compassion leaves a trail. The Jedi code is like an itch. He cannot help it. 
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autumn-pines · 2 years
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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DOCTOR WHO The End of Time: Part One (2009)
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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— Rosamond S. King
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autumn-pines · 3 years
How I Study Anatomy
Everyone says NEVER TRACE!! THAT'S ART THEFT! Ok but we can do a little crime in the name of Learning.
Trace to learn, not to earn.
I like to take my own photos, but you can study whatever you want. Link back to original photos, and don't post copied artwork unless the artist is dead, cool with it, or both.
As always with learning, start every sketch with the intent to throw it away (trash for paper, quitting without saving for digital) This takes the pressure off and lets you make Bad Art, which is very important.
So let's make Bad Art of a Deer because I happen to have one handy
Start with a photo of your subject in a nice/neutral pose with all four feet visible. (so not like me)
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Freehand copy it. Try not to stylize, focusing instead of matching proportions and pose. Don't get too detailed!
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It's ok if your art looks terrible and has broken legs. I've drawn LOTS of deer so I have a leg up. Everyone's art sucks in their own eyes and here's where mine went wrong:
Either lasso-distort (recommended for beginners) or redraw a copy of your first sketch with your reference behind it (scaled to match the main body of your sketch)
Put the original and modified sketches together and compare the differences. Write it down if you want. This shows you where your eyes saw things the wrong size, so you can correct for that next time.
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After learning about both deer and yourself, try freehand copying again.
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Marvel at your newfound knowledge and skill!
but there's always room for improvement
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You can stop here and move on to your real drawing, Or do another freehand-fix-compare cycle. I actually overcorrected my "draws heads too big" and veered into "heads too small."
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Another note on tracing: Learning HOW to trace is more important than anything you could learn By tracing. Draw the Anatomy, not the outline. In real life, things don't have outlines, they have bones.
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These are from the same shoot which is extra useful for consistency. The lines are minimal and follow where the animals joints are, and only important parts are drawn.
You won't know what Important Parts means right off the bat, which is where in-depth study comes in. You need to do learn the hard parts to do the easy parts right.
Next up: how to study bones and muscles.
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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Just shut up and watch
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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‘The biggest challenge is just the length of it. It was 12 minutes long and George wanted to show it in its entirety. So we had to teach those two actors a 12-minute fight that traveled a kilometer.’ - Nick Gillard, Stunt Choreographer.
‘I’m pretty sure we didn’t do any speed-ups on anything with Ewan after Episode I because he just got to be so fast. It became a point of pride for Hayden that he wanted to be as good as Ewan at doing that.’ - John Knoll, VFX Superviser.
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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I created a quick walkthrough on my process! You can do the same with any digital art program and brushes you like. As always, learning comes with critical thinking and if you feel this does not apply to you, then no worries! There’s no correct way to do things as long as you achieve the results you want. 
The technique can be customized with different brush types and colours, and can be as simple or heavily rendered as you so desire. I hope it helps a little! I like to do lighting like this in my own work for a sense of atmosphere.
Please ignore the fact I spelled complementary wrong, it’s been a long week ok lol
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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My collection of clothing references for writing. 
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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Stan & Ford through the years
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autumn-pines · 3 years
It's been 15 years since one of the best scenes of Doctor Who 😭😭
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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Aziraphale using peculiar words and phrases ❤
Bonus Crowley:
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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OVER THE GARDEN WALL Chapter 1: The Old Grist Mill
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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autumn-pines · 3 years
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Boelen’s Python Morelia Boeleni Source: Here
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