audreysays · 4 years
Self care moment:
Have you laughed today? Having some kind of fun is so extremely vital to influencing a positive perception in life.
Maybe you could make time for enjoyment with a friend or family member. Perhaps you could take time to watch a comedy video/show. What about listening to a song that hypes you up or makes you want to dance?
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audreysays · 4 years
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I’ve always been a fan of these kinds of moments with space and time. All the planets are aligning on one side of the sun today along with a full moon tonight and a lunar eclipse to follow tomorrow. While full moons and lunar eclipses occur much more often, all the planets aligning are estimated to occur every 170 years or so. This is such a big, exciting moment of space and time, it gets me giddy. This is definitely a once in a lifetime experience. 👍
#planetsalign #fullmoon #lunareclipse #4thofjuly #2020 #giddy
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audreysays · 4 years
Funniest meme of 2020 thus far LOL
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audreysays · 4 years
Emotional Abuse
With everything going on in the world, I want to add this to the conversations.
I speak from personal experience. It doesn’t matter who the person is or the history you may have with someone. If the friendship/relationship comes to point of no return, see yourself out of that situation. You are too important in this world and there’s no one else like you. The last thing you need is to be put down by abusive people who do their best to make you feel insignificant. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you come across this, I hope a fire lights up your ass and you do what you need to do. Nothing will change until you take the first step. Yes, the first step is always the hardest step, but always remember you’ll be better off without them. Period. 
So please, let’s all come together to end abuse. 
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audreysays · 4 years
Goodbye Best Friend
I met my best friend the moment he was born.
We grew up together and became close friends.
I grew to adore him for the person he was.
We began dating and quickly fell in love.
It felt magical, Stars in our eyes.
Not by choice, we had to end our relationship.
We cried but we both knew we had each other.
No matter what.
Over time, crying escalated into fights.
Fights turned into yelling fights.
Yelling fights turned into the ugliest fights.
The ugliest fights turned into an ending friendship.
Today marks the first day of mourning the loss of a deep-rooted friendship.
My only deep-rooted friendship.
My favorite friendship ever.
To you, my best friend, I’ll always care for you. 
You’ll always be in my thoughts.
I’m here if you need me.
I unconditionally love you.
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audreysays · 4 years
What I’m doing when quarantine is over
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audreysays · 4 years
Can I take him home? I need a pet.
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Elephantastic #ThrowbackThursday shout out from @mashatu_game_reserve by #wildographer & safari guide @spikemooketsi * Plan your 2021/22 Safari in advance and let @spikemooketsi lead you around including some of the best hide photography sites.
#Wildography #AfricanSafaris #wildlifephotography #spikemooketsi #mashatu #elephant #babyanimals #cute #cutenessoverload https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4x8zmAz13/?igshid=zux2d2qgc3dd
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audreysays · 4 years
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Happy Saturday y’all -
Another week in Quarantine has come and gone. No regrets and quite thankful for this moment in time.
Being a mother of two and for the first time since 2016, I’ve been able to play “Mom” again. My kids have been with their dad majority of the time. It’s been a blessing and an incredible feeling. I get to do all the little things that mattered to me before law school such as making home cooked meals, giving the babies baths, getting TONS of hugs and kisses, hearing their little laughs.. ::sigh:: There’s no better feeling than having little arms wrap around your big, fat neck and your cheek gets slobbered with hundreds of little kisses. I’m a lucky gal.
This past week has been peaceful. Doing the same routine every week since the shelter-in-place orders took effect. I play teacher during the day and I play parent all the other times. Fortunately, I’m not working so I’ve been able to provide one-on-one instruction/assistance for my kids and their schoolwork. And let me tell you, I thank myself for being a good student when I was younger. I’m able to help my kids progress in their subjects and help with any questions they have. What I found interesting is that both kids need help in reading comprehension and both excel in math. I found this interesting because  I had the same issues when I was young. For a few years I actually thought to get higher marks in reading comprehension was to read aloud better during class time! Such a funny thought of mine. What’s even funnier is that I WOULD SEE an increase in my grades! Eventually I figured it out and just swore to myself I wouldn’t have to worry about reading comprehension because I had big plans to go into the medical field and become someone. Medical field = no writing for Audrey. Boy how wrong was I, haha.
On the weekends, we usually veg out and watch movies on Netflix. We’ve really been into this kid’s movie called “The Willoughbys”. It’s a really cute story about four redhead children in search for a family. Super funny and heartfelt. I highly recommend. My kids are also really into “Space Jam” and the “Back to the Future” trilogy. And since May 4th is two days away, I’m already making plans to watch one of the first Star Wars movies ever made. I’m not a huge Star Wars fan, but I figured it’ll be fun to do with the girls. They have not seen a movie yet and I forgot majority of the story so why not. But what’s even better for me it how much joy I find in giving them new experiences and seeing their adorable little faces light up every time. It’s a feeling any parent can relate. It’s a sight that motivates to want to keep making your kids happy and helps you become better in many different ways. If I had it my way, in my own perfect world, they would stay little and stay with me forever.
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audreysays · 4 years
Good memories <3 
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audreysays · 4 years
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Finally tried White Claw for the first time today. Not bad since grapefruit is my go-to flavor but I definitely need the smaller-sized can. I finished about half the can before I started getting buzzed, lol. 
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audreysays · 4 years
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Delish. Obsessed with this at the moment.
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audreysays · 4 years
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Amazing memoir. I’m not an avid reader but of all the memoirs I’ve read, I highly recommend this one. I will not be surprised if this book turns into a movie someday.
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audreysays · 4 years
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I was drinking a Mexican hot chocolate in that picture. Ironic right? Especially since the mug itself implies I was having coffee. The tiniest things always seem to amuse me and that’s why I love the saying “It’s always the little things.” On that specific day, I was spending time with one of my dearest friends, Priscella. I was visiting her in San Diego, California after having finished a grueling 6-month study course for the California Bar Exam. Fortunately and unfortunately, she is currently unemployed like me so we decided to make it a day of brunch followed by a joyous bike ride along the water. 

For so many reasons, I’m grateful for the life I live. I’m able to go anywhere I want and be with whoever I want (within reason of course). The only reason why I’ve been able to live this kind of lifestyle is because I had the opportunity to work remotely. Not only was it unexpected, I was able to live the lifestyle I always dreamt for myself by working remotely. Working in coffee shops, making my own schedule, meeting new people, and networking along the way gave me a sense of independence that I always wanted for myself. Now since those days have passed, my plan to return to work remotely will become reality come May 8th when bar results are expected to be released and I can work remotely as an attorney. I’m not saying I cannot return to working remotely only if I’m an attorney. But what I am saying is working remotely as an attorney appears to be my soonest opportunity to be able to work remotely with the highest pay compared to other legal positions and my skill level.

You may now be asking, “How do you think I did on the Bar Exam?” Simple answer: I think it went well. I walked into the exam knowing I did everything I could to prepare and I came to terms with whatever the result may be. Regardless, the best thing I did for myself was begin my bar studies early. Instead of the usual 2-3 month bar prep timeframe, I gave myself 6 months because of my lifestyle during that time. Not many people know this, but depending on your current situation, it’s highly advised to adjust your bar studies to your situation unless you can truly afford to do it the other way around. It’s similar to fitting a square peg to a circular hole. Reason being is because maybe you need to work full-time, you’re unable to take out a loan to cover your expenses during bar prep, you have other responsibilities you need to tend to, etc. There are many reasons why and all are acceptable reasons. For my situation in particular, I was working full-time and I had obligations to tend to. I also knew myself as a law student and I knew I never did well under pressed timed-conditions. So one of my main goals was to avoid feeling rushed throughout my 6 month bar prep. I know it may sound impossible to feel rushed, but time does creep up on you. I also heard it once too many where people didn’t pass because they didn’t get enough study time and/or they felt rushed by their bar prep course along with any additional supplements they decided to tack onto their schedule. So with that in mind, I planned out the next 6 months of my life and committed to a great routine schedule that worked for me. No regrets.

As of today, it’s been about a month and a half since I took the CA Bar Exam. Needless to say, I’m still really happy the exam is done and over with, but I’m also starting to feel anxious about results. For those who don’t know, what I’m feeling is normal and every bar exam taker goes through this. As my Dad and everyone else in this world says to “Focus on the positive” and “What’s done is done”, it’s still a scary thought. I usually allow myself to let my feelings be for a few minutes and then I redirect my focus to something else. Fingers crossed.

**If you read this far, first off, thank you for reading this far. Second, if you have any questions regarding law school or bar prep, feel free to reach out. I’ve been told by many classmates I’m a good “counselor” to speak to. Hopefully I can do the same for you.** 

I’m off to eat now. Toodles. And yes, those are my real nails. Thanks :)
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