AstroGirlVian 🦋
49 posts
You can call me V🦋Offering spiritual guidance, including Tarot readings, and Astrology.
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astrogirlvian · 13 days ago
This is beautiful, I hope I can experience something like this.
My wife and I have a little game we play called "Speaking From Ignorance."
To play Speaking From Ignorance, all you need is a phone with a voice recorder, and another person who knows considerably more or considerably less about a topic than you do. The topic can be anything: from "how to bake a quiche" to "what happens in the Peter Jackson Hobbit movies" to "who is Florence Pugh" to "how does the traveling salesman problem work." All that matters is that one of you has a firm grasp on the material, and one of you absolutely the fuck does not.
Then the person who knows about the topic turns on the recorder, and says to the person who knows barely anything: "Hey - tell me everything you think you know about [X]."
The speaker is then not allowed to ask any questions. Nor is the expert allowed to volunteer any information. The expert is allowed to pipe up with a faintly incredulous "Oh--really? Do you--do you think so?" from time to time, but for the most part, the expert's job is just to sit there and make encouraging sounds while the speaker digs their own grave.
This is never not funny.
The reason you record it is because, very often, the first thing the speaker wants to do after finishing the recording is find out how you actually make a quiche, or whatever. Then you both get to go back and listen to how wrong they were.
We have a small library now of Speaking From Ignorance recordings, and I'm going to be listening to them until I'm eighty.
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astrogirlvian · 1 month ago
genuinely insane how difficult it is to participate in your own life
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astrogirlvian · 4 months ago
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astrogirlvian · 6 months ago
I just had someone tell me that I need to remove myself from the people around me and get away from negative energy, while at the same time, they’re telling me that I don’t do enough with my life and should be doing more. It took me a minute to realize that the negative energy they were talking about was basically them.
I’m tired of people projecting their lives onto me. We are not the same, and we will never be the same. Just because your life is going one way doesn’t mean mine has to follow. My path is different—it’s meant to be different. I would really appreciate it if people kept their opinions to themselves. I no longer want to sit on a throne built on lies.
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astrogirlvian · 11 months ago
🌓 the First Quarter Moon in Cancer at 26 degrees of Taurus
1st Quarter Moon - the moon is halfway lit, and it happens about a week after the new moon. But it’s a midway-point, for the next moon phase, which will be a full moon, (where the moon will shine the brightest!)
a first quarter moon is considered a time for Action, Change, Growth, Expression, & Progress.
Cancer ♋️ - This zodiac sign is all about caring, protection, emotions, home, and personal perspective.
Taurus degree themes ♉️ - Beauty, finances, and comfort are big themes when the moon is at 26 degrees in Taurus.
When Cancer and Taurus are together, it makes people around you more tender, dependable, and calm. If you’ve been feeling anxious or worried, those feelings might just fly away!
🔮Here are some information for what to expect with this moon phase:
1. Welcome your emotions 💗! They’re connected to the moon, so pay attention to how you’re feeling. It’s totally okay to acknowledge your needs and want comfort.
2. Feeling like you need more stability and security? like you need more money 💰 to buy the things you want or wanting to be surrounded by people who make you feel good. Remember, sometimes you have to find a balance between doing what feels good and doing what makes sense.
3. Need some self-care tips? 🧘🏽‍♀️Take a break! catch your breath! go for a walk, read a good book, watch an old movie, or catch up with a friend.
4. Be patient with yourself. No one is perfect. Set boundaries as you try to figure things out. It’s important to maintain balance and prioritize yourself. 🌸 #staygroundedandpresent.
5. Leave the past behind and focus on moving forward! As you tap into your vibrations, process what you have lost or experienced, however, instead of staying stuck reminiscing, give yourself grace to grieve this memory. acknowledge your emotions to better regulate yourself in the future!
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
La vida siempre está pidiendo mucho de mí pero yo me pasaría una vida entera contigo si te pudiera tener a mi lado si te pudiera dar besos decirte cuánto te quiero te extraño te extraño tu voz tu cariño tu forma de ser, quisiera que estuvieras conmigo todos los días y que nunca te olvidarás de mí. Extraño tu palabras y ojalá que este mensaje te haga sonreír :)
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
FLORIDA'S VIEW OF THE SOLAR ECLIPSE: Here is a list of the eclipse beginning, peak and end times in the Tampa Bay area. Read everything else you need to know about the total solar eclipse in Florida. ⬇️
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On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse is set to happen.
Unfortunately, we are only going to experience a partial solar eclipse, for a total solar eclipse to happen, it’s required a precise alignment between the Earth, the moon, and the sun. this total solar eclipse pops up with a lunar NEW MOON in Aries.
Fun Fact:
A total solar eclipse happens atleast once a year somewhere on Earth. But depending on the distance of the moon and earth, depends if it’ll be seen bigger and brighter, or smaller and further away.
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
Hey 🙋🏽 It's been a minute since we caught up, but I've got something on my mind I wanted to share.
🌟 Have you ever noticed how our bodies can fluctuate so much? I've been feeling it lately, especially with how quickly my weight seems to change. 🤔
Bought some pants recently that are too big now, while others are suddenly too small! 🙈 And you know what's interesting? I've realized that what I wear can really impact how I feel about myself. 💃
That's why I've been loving bodysuits lately—they help me feel more connected to my body and boost my confidence!
💖 Have you noticed similar changes in yourself too?
Let's chat! 🌸
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
I've noticed this trend of self-reliance, and I wanted to share my own experiences. I've noticed that I rely on others as a means of trying to find happiness within myself, or I wait for others to make me happy.
As I analyze how I feel, I realize that I'm waiting for someone to come into my life to provide for me all the things that I can provide for myself, like a sense of understanding and completeness that makes me feel as though nothing was ever wrong with me.
I always expect others to put me first, even if I'm not someone who can consistently put them first. It's like I want the attention and validation, but I can't provide it back, especially to the extent that others want it.
Recently, instead of finding happiness within others, I've been learning to find happiness within myself. I've been learning to do little things that make me happy and bring me joy, just learning to take care of myself more.
I've been showing myself more love and patience, trying to commit to myself and take care of myself more. I recognize my flaws, pay attention to my health, and align with my beauty and sense of self. I have to do better for myself, for others, and for my future children.
Every day, I remind myself that instead of finding a missing piece within someone else, I need to find that missing piece within myself.
So I ask myself; What is it that I really need? What is it that I really want? How can I obtain and attract these things? How can I focus more energy on myself?
The best thing that I can do at this time is to continue pouring love into myself, taking the time to really get to know myself, and figure out what my true desires and feelings are, instead of letting others control and dictate my life.
I'm trying to work on my future self so that she can rely on herself and not need a man, like all the other women before me have.
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
🌸 Hey everyone, it's your girl Vian🦋 here! 🌟 Today marks the start of the Equinox! 🌄🌎 That's when day and night are the same length, meaning "equal night." ☯️ It's like nature's way of reminding us to keep things balanced in our lives ⚖️.
🌱 In the Northern Hemisphere, we call this the Spring Equinox! 🌷 It's when daylight starts taking over more and more each day until the Summer Solstice. ☀️ (The summer solstice is on Wed, Jun 19, ‘24)
Now, here's the real tea ☕️: Just like nature shedding its winter coat, this is our chance to let go of habits, perspectives, and relationships that are not helping you grow. 🍃 It's like hitting the reset button! 🔄 Time to start fresh and kickstart new beginnings and cycles. 🌻
If you are feeling nervous about trying something new? 🙈 This is your moment to face those fears head-on! 👊🏽 Take some extra time today to talk with yourself and figure out what's holding you back. 💬 Are those fears real or just intrusive thoughts we shouldn’t be listening to?
✅ check in on your goals! 🎯 Even if you think you're on the right track 🏎️, there's always room for improvement. 📈 Let's fine-tune 🔧those objectives and stay present in our journey. 🚀
So, ask yourself:
✨ have I discovered my purpose? Am I ready to go all In on my plans? ♠️ Can I expand my dreams and aspire for more?🍀 Take the reins and crush your goals 💪🏽
#SpringEquinox #NewBeginnings #BalanceIsKey 🌺
🌟Connect w/ @Astrogirlvian: Stay tuned for updates as I work on creating a snipfeed to make my services more accessible for everyone. Your support means the world to me, so please don’t hesitate to share, like, and comment on this post. Thank you, and have a wonderful day! ✨
🌸 ¡Hola a todos, soy Vian🦋! 🌟 ¡Hoy marca el inicio del Equinoccio! 🌄🌎 Eso es cuando el día y la noche tienen la misma duración, lo que significa "noche igual". ☯️ Es como la manera de la naturaleza de recordarnos mantener un equilibrio en nuestras vidas ⚖️.
🌱 En el Hemisferio Norte, llamamos a esto el Equinoccio de Primavera! 🌷 Es cuando la luz del día comienza a tomar más y más cada día hasta el Solsticio de Verano. ☀️ (El solsticio de verano es el miércoles, 19 de junio del '24)
Ahora, aquí está la verdadera noticia ☕️: Al igual que la naturaleza despojándose de su abrigo de invierno, esta es nuestra oportunidad de dejar ir hábitos, perspectivas y relaciones que no te ayudan a crecer. 🍃 ¡Es como apretar el botón de reinicio! 🔄 Es hora de empezar de nuevo y comenzar nuevos comienzos y ciclos. 🌻
¿Te sientes nervioso por tratar algo nuevo? 🙈 ¡Este es tu momento para enfrentar esos miedos! 👊🏽 Tómate un tiempo extra hoy para hablar contigo mismo y averiguar qué te está frenando. 💬 ¿Son esos miedos reales o simplemente pensamientos intrusivos que no deberíamos escuchar?🙉
✅ ¡Echa un vistazo a tus metas! 🎯 Incluso si crees que estás en el camino correcto 🏎️, siempre hay margen de mejora. 📈 Afinemos esos objetivos y mantengámonos presentes en nuestro viaje. 🚀
Entonces, pregúntate a ti mismo:
✨ ¿He descubierto mi propósito? ¿Estoy listo para comprometerme completamente con mis planes? ♠️ ¿Puedo ampliar mis sueños y aspirar a más? 🍀 Toma las riendas y ¡destroza tus metas! 💪🏽
#EquinoccioDePrimavera #NuevosComienzos #ElEquilibrioEsClave 🌺
🌟 Conéctate con @Astrogirlvian: Mantente atento a las actualizaciones mientras trabajo en crear un recorte para hacer mis servicios más accesibles para todos. Tu apoyo significa mucho para mí, así que por favor no dudes en compartir, dar me gusta y comentar en esta publicación. ¡Gracias y que tengas un día maravilloso! ✨
🔮 click on this link 🌸
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
This is currently what im going through
Literally what did olivia laing say about loneliness leading to more loneliness. Loneliness being so repulsive that people sense it from you and stay away. Crazy crazy
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
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Confession time: I love myself so much, but sometimes I struggle with self-respect. It's a journey of finding myself and growing. I am accepting my flaws, learning from Saturn, and taking a deeper appreciation for my self-worth. 🌟
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
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Today, the sun is conjunct Mars in Sagittarius, bringing lightness, hope, and motivation. However, it's square Saturn in Pisces, causing low energy and a sense of sadness that's hard to shake off. Remember all your hard work will pay off ✨
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
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If anyone needs this reminder 💗.
When i was 12 i saved a girl from killing herself on tumblr, now im 24 asking someone to save me. What a cycle.
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
The Idol had its own world full of extremities and average content. But I enjoyed every moment of it; as it lifted itself, acting like the smartest thing around. And the ending? Perfect a whole twist, revealing itself as Jocelyn (Lily-Rose Depp) being behind everything, making it even more impressive 🔥.
What was your impression of the show? Did you change your mind after watching the last episode? I thought it was more for enjoyment than anything else, I honestly don’t feel like it was good or bad. It was just an average show. I think most of the criticism that it got was funny because most people were talking shit before the show came out, and didn’t really give it a real chance. and not a lot of shows are showing nudity, romance, and just that level of intensity. I think a lot more people were upset because feminism is super strong right now, so sensitive people and the fake woke. Instead of enjoying the artistic creativity that can be expressed. One picture is worth 1000 words..
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
💦 message for the water signs 💦
— #cancer, #pisces, #scorpio
🌟 Looking to take your relationship to the next level? 💑 add some excitement to your relationship 🎁 Surprise your partner with fresh roses, a spa date, or just a home-cooked meal, anything to make them feel special. Strengthening your bond in the process 💪🏽
I am open for readings ✨
~ comment below if you like the infomation 🤍
~ tips are not required, but appreciated
~ follow me for more daily insights and wisdom ✨
#watersigns #cardinalsigns #fixedsigns #mutablesigns #today #dailymessage #message #reading #channeledmessage #romance #love #single #relationship #astrology #astro #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologypost #psychic #readings #horoscopes #astrologysign #fyp #cancermoon #piscesmoon #scorpiomoon #cancerising #piscesrising #scorpiorising
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astrogirlvian · 1 year ago
💨 message for the air signs 💨
— #gemini, #libra, #Aquarius
Feeling the need to escape the everyday routine and explore new horizons with your significant other? ✈️✨ Embark on a romantic adventure and let love lead the way💕
I am open for readings ✨
~ comment below if you like the infomation 🤍
~ tips are not required, but appreciated
~ follow me for more daily insights and wisdom ✨
#airsigns #cardinalsigns #fixedsigns #mutablesigns #dailymessage #message #channeledmessage #romance #love #single #relationship #astrology #astro #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologypost #psychic #readings #horoscopes #astrologysign #geminimoon #libramoon #aquariusmoon #geminirising #librarising #aquariusrising
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