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arthodox · 2 months ago
sketch redesigns of the tf prime humans
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i wanted Miko to look more like a scene kid cause her original design weirdly makes her look like she lives at the arcade, not someone who’s aesthetic is centered around music/metalcore(?). Added heavier looking clothes and more greenish tones to match Bulkhead. also, personally i really dont like her hair so i just made it more spikey.
Raf my perfect angel. I like his original design, but for the fun of it i tried making an outfit that communicated more of his interest in RC cars and racing games with more athletic looking clothes (still with a nerdy little polo shirt underneath, so it doesnt look like he does any actual physical activity regularly). Yellow shorts to match Bumblebee.
Jack. jackyboy. i have never seen such boring character design. his outfit says Nothing about who he is. ok anyway- so he’s the more responsible/mature one of the kids, but kind of a loner outside team prime. i gave him more layers —ie the hoodie, bulkier pants and a beanie— to put some distance between him and the rest of the world, and to give him a stronger silhouette so he looks more like the default leader. The beanie is blue to match Arcee and Optimus, with an official looking grey patch on the front (again to give him more authority).
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arthodox · 3 months ago
AHGDAHGDH MMM I PRESENT MY 1 DAY MADNESS OVER THESE BOYS AND LOVE TO DANCES (and accidentally hearing this song again this morning which made my brain sqeacking)
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arthodox · 6 months ago
Slime never fails to gaslight his way through every conversation
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arthodox · 6 months ago
Maxo: Roier, we need to go for Cellbit now. I need him to get along well with me now. I need him to get along well with me now, it’s very important.
Roier: Well, why are you in such a rush?
Maxo: Because I have something very important.
Roier: Why are you in such a rush for Cellbit to like you, eh? To begin with, he’s mine you son of a bitch. (Barks at Maxo)
Roier: Okay, Richarlyson who do you like more as- as the partner of your daddy? Me or Maximus?
Maxo: Oh my fucking god. (Groans)
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arthodox · 6 months ago
The Strange Case Of The Amateur Detective
At some point, surely someone must notice the pattern… right? Note: Beginning slightly edited for clarity.
It took a while, but I’ve convinced Maggie to tell me when she goes out of town. I’ll feel better, I say, if I know for sure where she is when a body makes the news.
Which is true, of course. The sheer frequency with which that little lunatic does it keeps me awake at nights. But it also enables me to take certain precautions.
Like this one.
“Hello, Branford County Police Station, Constable Ford speaking.”
“Hello, Constable Ford, this is Detective Inspector Winsbury. I’m going to need to speak to whoever is in charge there about a possible murder.”
As usual, there was some back and forth at that point, but eventually I got through to an Inspector. “What do you mean, a possible murder?!” he asked, irritated.
“Just what I said. Tell me, Inspector, have you ever had dealings with an amateur detective? The real thing, I mean. The genuine Carrion Crow.”
His tone went from hostile to guarded. “I’ve… heard some things. Never met one.”
“You’re about to. Mine’s visiting Branford, ostensibly to see an old school friend, and I wouldn’t bet you the price of a beer that she’s not going to show up to report a murder within a few days.”
“You can’t possibly - “
“Her count’s at fourteen, to my certain knowledge.”
Keep reading
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arthodox · 7 months ago
Etoiles: "What the FUCK is pickleball?!"
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arthodox · 7 months ago
roier is the smoothest mf alive
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arthodox · 8 months ago
This is for the spider Roier one on top.
And this one is for the hands.
I think that everybody should send me their ideas for superhero au Roier’s superpower because I love! Seeing how creative everybody is! Especially with! Superhero aus!
(I have a couple of ideas of my own btw, you’ll just have to wait to see them)
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arthodox · 8 months ago
I found it! This is what I mean.
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I think that everybody should send me their ideas for superhero au Roier’s superpower because I love! Seeing how creative everybody is! Especially with! Superhero aus!
(I have a couple of ideas of my own btw, you’ll just have to wait to see them)
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arthodox · 8 months ago
I have an idea for his power called "Spider".
Jokes aside I saw this fan art of Roier with his spider attributes but instead of having double arms or fangs in his mouth he actually had spider legs out his back and pincers(I'm not sure what they're called).
This is the fan art by the way.
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I also thought of a way to explain how he climbs up walls. There was fan art of that too but I can't find it but essentially his hands would have claws coming out his finger tips and not his nails. They would be curled and small but strong and sturdy.
He wouldn't need to curl his fingers to climb too so it just looks like he's sticking to the wall. And they're pretty well hidden.
What do you think?
I think that everybody should send me their ideas for superhero au Roier’s superpower because I love! Seeing how creative everybody is! Especially with! Superhero aus!
(I have a couple of ideas of my own btw, you’ll just have to wait to see them)
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arthodox · 2 years ago
Warning: Mentioned Necrophilia
Billy Batson was murdered and was a victim of necrophilia in a comic
I just found this out but apparently Billy Batson was once killed by sivana, who then called Dr.Light, who then committed necrophilia to his body afterwards and no one talked about. This was back in 2004 and was essentially a shitpost used as a way to critique DC at the time for its gritty and grim theme.
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I'm quite shocked at this since no one has ever mentioned this and it was never brought up again. I tried looking more into it but it just has me running around in circles.
Does anyone have thoughts on this?
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arthodox · 2 years ago
Does anyone know the comic to this comic panel?
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arthodox · 2 years ago
I love the Lightning ⚡
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Shazam enjoyers, please reblog with your favourite comic panel from any issue about the big red cheese, I need a new wallpaper and I also need more content since I can't buy comics unfortunately but that is unimportant
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arthodox · 2 years ago
Why does Captain Marvel in earlier interpretations squint or close his eyes? I heard something about a saying but I can't remember, does anyone know?
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arthodox · 2 years ago
Black Adam "The Rock"
If you're considering on watching the Black Adam movie based off of Shazam, you're going to be disappointed. I have not watched Black Adam but from the information floating on the internet, the movie has nothing to do with Billy Batson or Shazam.
As Billy Batson fans, we all know the importance they have to one another. Black Adam and Billy Batson are intertwined to one another. They are like the sun and moon, but it seems as though the movie tries to do a yin and yang thing with Black Adam and Superman.
Black Adam is a Shazam villain, has been since the beginning. They are even symbolic to one another. Many of Shazam's villains are based off of children's fears and thoughts. Dr. Siviana is what children think of has mad scientist, Mr. Atom is what children imagine as an evil robot, and Adam is a fear of adulthood.
To separate such intertwined characters doesn't make sense. From what is now known "The Rock" never intended to be part of the Shazam movies. He had reportedly turned down the option and instead opted to separate them.
Many people have said that the movie is like having "The Rock" be part of the movie and not Black Adam. Many elements that include anything regarding Shazam or Billy aren't there, which is odd considering how closely they are to one another.
This post here is just to let people know in the Billy Batson Fandom what is going on with the Black Adam movie since there is drama and hate going on with it. This is also kind of a rant as I was going to watch the movie because of Billy Batson and now know it has nothing to do with him. As a matter fact, the movie has taken away anything to do with Shazam and Billy.
Hopefully this gives people some insight on the movie and also to new fans wanting to know more about Shazam and Black Adam.
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arthodox · 2 years ago
Uncle and Nephew
Background: In the Power of Shazam, Billy Batson and Theo Adam were originally Uncle and nephew. Not biologically speaking but relationship wise. Mary as a matter of fact calls him uncle when he kidnaps her. I like the idea and decided to add that in a Head-Cannon.
In this Head-Cannon, Billy and Theo having this type of relationship could be a callback to Adam's own nephew Amon. This could explain some of the fondness Adam may have towards Billy. Theo Adam is the descendent of Black Adam and is the host for him as well. If Adam were to say the word "SHAZAM" he would be turned into back into Theo. It could be Theo's unconscious that stops Adam from ever really hurting Billy. This isn't the only time Billy and Theo's family intertwine as when Theo kidnaps Mary, he leaves her in the care of his sister.
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arthodox · 2 years ago
I have a HeadCannon that Billy and Adam would have different lightning colors.
Billy would have blue lightning and Adam would have yellow lightning(I think Adam looks better with yellow than blue).
It doesn't need to mean anything but if you want it too the blue lightning could signify that Shazam is the current Champion and the yellow lightning would just mean to outcast Adam more.
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