ardollak · 3 years
Battling Satan's Lies
Battling Satan’s Lies
Photo by Jimmy Chan on Pexels.com This morning, as I sat there, enjoying some relaxing tea, and the dawn breaks around me, I couldn’t help but praise God for all He’s been doing in my life lately. This year has already proven to be a year of colossal change, and it’s only July. When I chose “all things” to be the phrase that would define 2021 and guide my goals throughout this year, I could feel…
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ardollak · 3 years
Emmanuel: God With Us
Emmanuel: God With Us
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Have you ever sat down and reflected on who God is? I mean, really considered who the Lord is and all He has done for us and the world around us? I personally fall extremely short of doing enough of this sort of deep reflection. The more I draw closer to Christ and center my life around Him, the more I realize I have barely scratched the surface of the awesomeness…
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ardollak · 3 years
What Truly Defines Us?
What Truly Defines Us?
Photo by jasmin chew on Pexels.com Over the last two or three years, I have experienced a myriad of changes and extensive growth across virtually every area of my life. Still, my transformation is far from over. God is hard at work behind the scenes, molding me and tempering me into the person He created me to be. In many ways, my life and even my personal identity currently feel quite murky and…
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ardollak · 3 years
Be Still and Know
Be Still and Know
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Pexels.com Psalm 46 has always been one of my ultimate favorite passages in the Bible. It is overflowing with many amazing promises and reassurances to help us through life’s darkest days. In fact, one of my go-to verses for when I’m feeling particularly anxious, overwhelmed, or afraid is Psalm 46:10, which exhorts: “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted…
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ardollak · 4 years
New Year Reflection
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com I was sitting here tonight, contemplating an empty page. Not only an empty blog post but an empty canvas as I face a brand new year. At the beginning of 2020, I was filled with such hope and enthusiasm. I felt like 2020 was bound to be a fresh, vastly different chapter in my life and nothing could stand in my way! I was going to be bold and face the many…
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ardollak · 4 years
Insomnia Can Be a Superweapon
Insomnia Can Be a Superweapon
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com
I adore my creature comforts. Take away my food, comfy clothes, or my sleep, and I unfortunately get cranky fast. I may not be high maintenance; however, if I don’t get the basics, especially at least 5 hours of sleep at night, I struggle to not devolve into a whiny, teary-eyed blob, sprawled on the floor, having a pity party of one. Keep me adequately…
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ardollak · 4 years
Life is a Journey, Not a Destination
Life is a Journey, Not a Destination
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Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com
I’ve noticed that I easily become so frustrated and discouraged with my life these days. And today I’ve finally realized why. I’m not patient enough with myself. I fail to see how far I’ve come and what all I’ve overcome. I especially fail to see that life–and any goal I set–is a journey. Therefore, I can’t expect to reach the destination immediately.…
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ardollak · 4 years
Creativity Overload
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Photo by Ola Dapo on Pexels.com
With all that’s going on in the United States and around the world right now, 2020 is certainly the year for serious thought and reflection. At least, it has been for me. With the pandemic keeping me mostly at home, I’ve had loads of extra time to reflect and think. And boy, am I a thinker! My mind is always going a million miles a minute. My brain loves to…
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ardollak · 4 years
I No Longer Watch Horror Films
I No Longer Watch Horror Films
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com
Some people think I’m strange or maybe even crazy because I no longer watch horror films. “Normal” human beings LOVE to be scared senseless, right? Or so society says. So, why can’t I savor a night of horror like everyone else?
Contrary to popular assumptions, I am NOT a scaredy-cat or a baby. I have in fact watched plenty of scary movies over the…
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ardollak · 4 years
With Writing, I Can't Compromise
With Writing, I Can’t Compromise
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Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com
  Eventually, we must all decide what we want out of this life and what we are willing to sacrifice to make our dreams come true. Years ago, I realized that I wanted to be a writer most of all. The lure of creating stories and new worlds to share with countless others was intoxicating. Also, I I felt this stirring deep within me that told me that I’d never be…
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ardollak · 4 years
There Is Never Enough Time in the Day
There Is Never Enough Time in the Day
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Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna on Pexels.com
  Have you ever noticed that no matter how much we try to organize, schedule, and cut out the fluff, there still is never enough time in the day? I am a wife, the mother of two teenagers, the servant of a household of cats, the companion of a dog with boundless energy, a freelance writer, and the cook, maid, organizer, and (oftentimes) krazy glue of our…
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ardollak · 4 years
There Is a Phantom in My Mailbox
There Is a Phantom in My Mailbox
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Photo by Abstrakt Xxcellence Studios on Pexels.com
  I have been haunted by a phantom for well over a decade now. Her name is Angela F. Dollak. I have been receiving her junk mail for about 15 years. Her evil junk mail has managed to follow me to two new addresses. I have tried fruitlessly to explain to the senders that she doesn’t live with me–and may very well not exist. But the junk mail keeps…
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ardollak · 4 years
Goodbye, My Worrywart Side!
Goodbye, My Worrywart Side!
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Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.com
  May was an extra tough month for me. The coronavirus pandemic drastically threw my world and daily life into pure pandemonium. Although I arose to face this turmoil and still accomplished quite a bit last month, I’m ashamed to say that I also spent far too much of my precious time stressing and being overwhelmed. I can’t imagine what I might have…
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ardollak · 4 years
The Truth Does Hurt Sometimes
The Truth Does Hurt Sometimes
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Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on Pexels.com
  Have you ever just woken up one day — figuratively speaking — and realized in horror that your life is exactly what you were trying to avoid? That was me tonight. Without going into all the ugly details, I had a sudden and jarring moment of clarity. It was like God gave me a healthy smack across the back of the head to finally get my attention…
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ardollak · 4 years
Senior Citizens Are People, Too!
Senior Citizens Are People, Too!
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com
  I recently came across an internet meme this week that basically said that if you are over 65, you should no longer be allowed to vote — simply because it won’t be yourfuture you are voting for. This is preposterous! I am hoping that this was just one of those things that goes around the internet simply because it is so cringe worthy that some people…
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ardollak · 4 years
I Have a Where's Waldo? Brain
I Have a Where’s Waldo? Brain
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Photo by Flo Dahm on Pexels.com
  My brain is a crazy place. It is jammed full of memories, TV, movies, music, books, knowledge, and oodles of trivia. Consequently, my imagination has an endless well of ideas to haunt me both day and night. My dreams have been especially crazy lately. They have been stuffed full of so many details — many which have no logical connection — that I’m left in total…
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ardollak · 4 years
Ancient History Holds My History
Ancient History Holds My History
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Photo by Rene Asmussen on Pexels.com
  An increase in my fibromyalgia flare this week has cleared up my schedule for some solid TV time. It has given me the opportunity to relax and to rediscover the wonderful world of TV streaming and an old love: history documentaries. (With how hectic and busy my life has been lately, I’ve had little time for watching television for months.) No, I can’t say…
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