anidiotblogs · 7 months
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
Mental Health: The Punchline We Need to Retire
Hi folks! Now let's discuss mental health. Yes, exactly—the subject that occasionally receives a joke-like treatment during a subpar stand-up comedy performance. However, mental health is not a joke; rather, it should be viewed as the star of a serious drama deserving of an Oscar.
Now, let's talk about the stigma that exists in the space before we get started. It reminds me of that pesky relative who always shows up at family get-togethers without permission. Stigmatized people tend to believe that mental health issues are trivial and should be dismissed with a clever comment or chuckle. However, let's be honest: mental health problems are serious matters.
One-liners like "She's bipolar; one minute she's happy, the next she's sad" or "I'm so OCD about my closet being organized" are undoubtedly familiar to you. Yes, those remarks may make some people laugh, but they often reinforce negative stereotypes and minimize the difficulties faced by those who actually have mental health issues.
Shall we discuss language now? Referring to someone or anything as "crazy" or "psycho" is not only impolite, but it is also insulting. Like using a sledgehammer to split a walnut, it's superfluous and, to be honest, a bit ridiculous.
Not to be forgotten are the social media postings and memes that mock anxiety or despair. Memes are supposed to be humorous, but not at the risk of someone's health. It exacerbates the situation, much like attempting to put out a fire with gasoline.
What then is the remedy? It's easy really; let's put an end to the jokes and begin having meaningful discussions on mental health. Let's swap out judgment for empathy and stigma for comprehension. Let's build a society in which individuals can open up about their difficulties without worrying about being mocked or written off.
Because, let's face it, everyone is impacted by mental health in some capacity. Everybody has experienced occasional days of feeling a bit depressed or apprehensive. And what do you know? It's alright. It's acceptable to not feel OK. Making light of someone who is having difficulties or acting as though mental health is a cause for shame are not acceptable.
Now let's put an end to the humor and give mental health some serious attention. One kind word at a time, let's be the change we wish to see in the world. Ultimately, while laughing could be the best medicine, it shouldn't be used at the detriment of a person's mental health.
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
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5 posts!
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
"O Captain! My Captain!"
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
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I said left you 😂🤡
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
Life is short. Stay awake for it.
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anidiotblogs · 7 months
You've felt it, haven't you? Those feelings that seem to get so big in your chest, like something is so beautiful it aches?
-Heather Anastasiu
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