The Sun's Smile
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anastasioraf · 3 years ago
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L' orgoglio italiano Campioni d' Europa Grazie ragazzi. #volley #team #azzurri #champions #europe #cev
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anastasioraf · 3 years ago
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Grazie Ragazze Thankyou girls #italianteam #volleyballgirls #volley #champions #campionesse #emozioni #congratulations #thankful #sport
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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@marateale Un festival pazzesco ricco di eventi arte e tanto tanto cinema Grazie @nicolatimpone #movie #awards #festival #cinema #maratea #me #blogger #screenplayer #dreamer #dontforgettosmile #nevergiveup #thesunssmile #beautiful #photocall #redpassion
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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@ischiaglobalfest 2021 RED SHOES IL FIGLIO DEL BOSS #documentary #movie #real #story #idea #screenplayer #festival #award #love #art #passion #dreamer #storyteller #redshoes @redshoes202021 #director @isabellavalbranca
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Avevo solo 18 anni quando sono stata ospite durante le prime edizioni di Capri Hollywood di @pascalvicedomini ed ora dopo qualche annetto mi ritrovo ospite in concorso di @ischiaglobalfest con il documentario Red Shoes - il figlio del boss. Festival con energia positiva. I was only 18 years old when I was a guest during the first editions of Capri Hollywood of @pascalvicedomini and now after a few years I find myself a guest in the competition of @ischiaglobalfest with the Red Shoes documentary - the son of the boss. Festival with positive energy.😍🎬📽 #gratitude #life #passion #art #heart #ischiaglobalfilmfestival #movie #documentary #redshoes #screenplayer #story #real #me #dreamcometrue #festival #award #dontforgettosmile #thesunssmile #blogger #writer #experience #energy #nevergiveup #believe
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Avevo solo 18 anni quando sono stata ospite durante le prime edizioni di Capri Hollywood di @pascalvicedomini ed ora dopo qualche annetto mi ritrovo ospite in concorso di @ischiaglobalfest con il documentario Red Shoes - il figlio del boss. Festival con energia positiva. I was only 18 years old when I was a guest during the first editions of Capri Hollywood of @PasCalvicedomini and now after a few years I find myself a guest in the competition of @ischiaglobalfest with the Red Shoes documentary - the son of the boss. Festival with positive energy.😍🎬📽 #gratitude #life #passion #art #heart #ischiaglobalfilmfestival #movie #documentary #redshoes #screenplayer #story #real #me #dreamcometrue #dontforgettosmile #thesunssmile #blogger #writer #experience #energy #nevergiveup #believe
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Questa rinascita azzurra sarà indelebile nei nostri occhi nei nostri cuori... Grazie @azzurri grazie @matberrettini Campioni di cuore CAMPIONI D' EUROPA This blue renaissance will be indelible in our eyes in our hearts ... Thanks @azzurri We are the champions #rinascita #resilienza#forzaazzurri🇮🇹 #dontforgettosmile #believe #dreaming #cometrue #azzurri #sky #champions #euro2020 #wembly #wimbledon @matberrettini @mrmancini10 @giorgiochiellini @bonuccileo19 @lorinsigneofficial @fbernardeschi @fedexchiesa @gigiodonnarumm @gallobelotti @pessinamatteo @spina_leo @ciroimmobile17 @jorginhofrello @emersonpalmieri @dilorenzo22 @florenzi @bryancristante #alloofyou @ficg @giacomo.raspadori @alex_meret @sirigu_1_official @francescoacerbi88 @alessandrobastoni @rafael.toloi2 @nicolo_barella @locamanuel73 @elcastro10 @marcoveratifan (presso Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy)
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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We are the champion Campioni d' europa @euro2020 @azzurri #forzaazzurri🇮🇹 #campioni #ilcieloèsemprepiùblu anche a #wembly Grazie #dream #come #true
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Reinventarsi..... Reinvent #me #thesunssmile #dontforgettosmile #nevergiveup #strength #storyteller #writersofinstagram #blogger #hairstyle #blond #sun #newlook #summer #time #changes #pictureoftheday
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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A volte un sorriso....può bastare... Sometimes a smile can be enough... #smiling #life #love #live #neverstop #blog #thesunsmile #dontforgettosmile #eyes #me #soul #efitness #spirit #energy #heart #simple #dontstopmenow #strength
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Dietro i tuoi occhi.... Un mondo infinito. Behind your eyes an infinite world. #eyes #dontforgettosmile #blogger #beautifulworld #soul #inside #thesunssmile #writer #dreamer #storyteller #smiling #time #pictureoftheday #nevergiveup #stay #breathe #air #me #stop #itsenough (presso Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy)
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Eccomi Le mie rughe, le mie occhiaie,i miei capelli che non hanno un senso..un sabato mattina, appena sveglia, gli occhi ancora non abituati alla luce, scelgo di immortalarmi così in un autoscatto senza filtri. Chest è!!! Here I am My wrinkles, my dark circles, my hair that don't make sense .. a Saturday morning, just wake up, eyes still not used to light, I choose to immortalize myself in a self-timer without filters. This is it. #thesunssmile #dontforgettosmile #dreamers #nofilter #me #writer #screenplay #pictureoftheday #42esto #soul #picutre #nevergiveup #styleblogger #semplicity #naturaleza #life #live #itsme #time #run #selfie (presso Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy)
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
Weekeend starting Are you ready? #dontforgettosmile #fan #cazzeggiotime#weekendvibes #smiling #saturday #boogiewoogie #onlyvibespositive
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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EARTH DAY 22 APRILE 2021 #EARTHDAY #WORLD #sensibility #nature #life #live #animals #our #baby #onePeopleonePlanet #generations #bekind #begreen #earthday2021🌍 #climatechange #climateaction #breathe #globaleducation #planet #savetheplanet
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Ho tanto cercato il mio posto nel mondo,ed era proprio dentro di me: proprio qui dove mi batte il cuore,dove fluisce il mio sangue,dove respiro,piango e rido, restando viva. Il mio destino sono io. I tried my place so much in the world, and it was right inside me: right here where my heart beats, where my blood flows, where I breathe, cry and laugh, remaining alive. My destiny is me. #comeunrespiro @ferzanozpetek #me #bew #bekind #dontforgettosmile #blogger #writer #dreamer #smiling #destiny #pictureoftheday #portrait #selfie #book #life #live #breathe #lifeisstateofmind #simply #storyteller #immagination #freedom #soul #mood #you #nevergiveup
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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"Poi ci sono gli amori che esplodono come una bomba, facendo terra bruciata tutt’intorno. Nascono e muoiono senza nemmeno lasciarti il tempo di capire che cosa stia succedendo e, a volte, lasciano ferite impossibili da rimarginare. Allora ti aggiri per anni tra le macerie di ciò che avevi vissuto come la tua unica opportunità di essere felici, e non riesci a credere di essere ancora vivo. Infine, ci sono gli amori che sanno unire la forza gentile della tenerezza alla potenza del fuoco della passione. Che ti travolgono e non smettono più di farlo. Amori che ti aiutano a restare vivi l’uno per l’altro, qualsiasi cosa succeda.” @ferzanozpetek #seilamiavita Then there are the loves that explode like a bomb, making the ground burned all around. They are born and die without even leaving time to understand what is happening and sometimes leave injuries impossible to heal. Then you around the rubble for years of what you had lived as your only opportunity to be happy, and you can't believe you are still alive. Finally, there are loves who know how to combine the gentle force of tenderness at the power of passion fire. That overwhelm and no longer stop doing it. Loves who help you remain alive to each other, whatever happens. " #dreaming #love #lovers #book #istanbul #turchia #traveling #mind #dontforgettosmile #blog #bridge #memories #nevergiveup #canyaman #bekind #picture #adventure #experience #life #time #cometrue #you #me #together #beauty #colors #nature #scusatenonhocapito
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anastasioraf · 4 years ago
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Sorridi sempre. Always smile. #dontforgettosmile #me #mybirthaday #happy #foreveryoung #blog #thesunsmile #soul #sumset #twilight #smiling #alwaysandforever #bekind #writer #dreamer
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