Curiosidad Digital
35 posts
Ana González Mata
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
anagonzalezmata · 5 months ago
Me encantaría que la película hubiera seguido esta posibilidad. Yo adoró el original, pero también me hubiera gustado que estos dos amigos no se hubieran separado.
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anagonzalezmata · 1 year ago
This drawing is lovely!! The style of this artist is enchanting!!
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I don't trust her... 🪶
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anagonzalezmata · 1 year ago
The style of this artist is wonderful!! Check out the works they made!!
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Here is my part!!, hope you like it!
>//< ♡♡♡
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anagonzalezmata · 1 year ago
His reaction is perfection, in my humble opinion!!
Out of Curiosity how did Haddock react when he met Allan again at The Gypsum Maw after he resigns from being a Criminal???
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Allan completely understands his reaction.
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anagonzalezmata · 3 years ago
Estas dos películas son geniales. Fuimos a verlas al cine (Tadeo Jones 3 hace solo dos días) y tanto yo como mi compañía las disfrutamos muchísimo. Recomiendo a todo el mundo que vaya a verlas, merecen la pena. 
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me @ the third movie title : “the EMERALD TABLET???” the emerald tablet :
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anagonzalezmata · 3 years ago
I wish them all the luck in the world. I don’t have a job right now so... I hope this reblog helps a little bit. 
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Hi, my name is Bianka (they/them). You may have seen my art around tumblr. I make very little money from it. Lately, inflation has been causing a mess in my country, and I went from doing OK to suddenly being told I can’t afford my apartment anymore. I will be forced to move out in June, unless I have enough money to stay. I’m also struggling with severe anxiety disorder and heart problems, so, needless to say, I am terrified.
I also have a Patreon, where I post my stuff regularly, so if you feel like my art has any value, you can follow me there as well! Even dollar a month helps! Now more than ever, I need your support!
But that’s not all! My laptop is broken beyond repair, and I’m forced to share the current one with my partner. It’s not ideal and I need my own equipment. But that also requires money. So…
I am now open for COMMISSIONS!
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I will draw your OC, or a character from the cartoon you like! USD only, payment through Paypal. I reserve the right to turn away any commission and will not draw mecha, NSFW, gore or hate art. Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the character. Please give me references for your characters! Colored commissions require colored references. Full-body commissions require full-body references. Posing references are also handy if you’d like something specific. By default, my drawings will come with a white background, but you can request a transparent background, or any color you’d like.
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
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Experimented with cool and warm colours :) 💙
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
Listen up!
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You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled
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Hit that.
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Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern
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Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
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Doll House inspired by Taylor Swift’s Folklore album
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
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When your husband is a moving castle.  something I spent too much time on but had to make. 
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
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It’s always nice getting an interesting nendoroid from a new series and that Nendoroid Kumoko from “I’m a Spider, So What?” Besides this nendoroid being super cute it is notable for looking very similar to their anime counterpart and being very unique since the characters are not human.
I have watched a few episodes of “I’m a Spider, So What” this season and I think Kumoko is one of the best parts of the show so far. I find her 3d model very cut, even though I don’t think the other 3d characters look that good.
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Even if you don’t like the anime the light novel has a decently committed fanbase, so maybe that will be your cup of tea. Even if the show is lacking in some aspects I plan to continue watching it, and this nendoroid was a nice treat before whl4u.
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
This tiktoker shared some simple ASL for people to know to help deaf/hoh people communicate their needs while everyone is wearing masks !
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
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((Here you go, people! The new gang is here with a brand-spanking-new banner. 
This also marks the official re-opening of F1T7, with the ask inbox ready to receive new questions. I wiped it clean so I could start over, so feel free to ask anything within the realms of sanity X���D))
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
No se exactamente porque, pero este video junto con esta canción me parece una obra de arte.
Didn’t expect people would actually like the short edit. Here’s a longer one :)))
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
✨Please Help Alfred ✨
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Hi everyone, not an art update but a friend update. My friend Alfred Coleman, who you may know better as PaperboxHouse, (who you may know better as the “Eggman Announcement” guy) is in serious trouble. 
In the past month I’ve taken him to the ER three times. He’s been suffering from serious stomach pain and anxiety, and he hasn’t been able to keep down a full meal in almost a month. He’s suffering from malnutrition, and he hasn’t been able to take care of himself. Yesterday morning I picked him up from endoscopy surgery, and the hospital discharged him when he was obviously still unwell. He was too weak to walk, and couldn’t even get back in his apartment. I took him to a different hospital to hopefully receive better treatment.
While in the emergency room, I was able to set up a ko-fi page for him to help pay for any medical expenses. This new hospital has already been treating him much better so far, and he finally is being monitored overnight instead of being dismissed like he has been in the past. My only worry is that he would be unable to afford his new treatment, and that’s where you guys come in. 
Through some miracle, we’ve already been able to raise over $47,000. That is insane. But it only proves how much he is well-loved, and what he means to the artist’s community. Alfred is one of my dearest, oldest friends, and if you could help with this cause, whether it’s through donation, or just sharing this post, it would mean the world to me. I’ve been keeping updates on the situation on the ko-fi page, with more minute to minute updates on my twitter. Thank you all for your support. 
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Link to the ko-fi page
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
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disclaimer: I am east asian. if anyone who is not white sees anything wrong with my phrasing, inaccuracies, or insensitivity, or something I missed, please feel free to add on. I'm just one person with one perspective; none of what I say should be taken as The Singular way to draw an Asian character. if you havent done so already, please take the effort to expand your view of Asian culture outside this one tutorial.
if a white person reblogs this and adds something stupid I'm going to bite and kick you like a wild animal
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anagonzalezmata · 4 years ago
Esto es muy útil en el caso de que tengas pocos fondos. Para los estudiantes, puede ser una ayuda muy grande.
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