Amkha Seed
34 posts
  A seed company specializing in unique and sustainable open-pollinated varieties, dedicated to using only sustainable methods to preserve plant genetics threatened by industrialized agriculture. 
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amkhaseed · 4 years ago
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WE'RE MOVING! We're moving to a much larger location! We have big plans in the coming years including new varieties, live plants, and tuber offerings. Orders are paused until we've finished relocating. But stick around. The new lineup and website will be even better than ever!
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amkhaseed · 5 years ago
#permaculture #organic #vegetable #garden #heirloom #seeds #natural #gardening #sustainable #openpollinated #seeds #sowsomething #amkhaseed #colorado
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amkhaseed · 5 years ago
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Here’s another pepper variety we’re developing. Sturdy medium sized plants are prolific and disease resistant. Two-inch long bright yellow fruits have a medium heat level with distinctive citrus and tropical notes. #capsicum #organic #nature #horticulture #permaculture #organicgarden #heirloom #vegetables #natural #garden #sustainable #seedsaving #healthy #organic #food #gardening #openpollinated #plants #peppers #growyourown #Colorado #heritage #seeds #amkhaseed #sowsomething (at Denver, Colorado)
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amkhaseed · 5 years ago
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Solanum cheesmaniae is one of several wild tomato species we’re working with in our breeding program. Originating from the Galapagos Islands, it has a large bushy habit and produces very small, but extremely flavorful dark orange fruits. Over several years we’ve successfully incorporated several traits from Solanum cheesmanaie, along with other wild species, into many of the new varieties we’re developing. #wildplants #nature #horticulture #permaculture #organicgarden #heirloomtomatoes #vegetables #natural #garden #sustainable #seedsaving #healthy #organic #food #gardening #openpollinated #plants #tomatoes #growyourown #Colorado #heritage #seeds #amkhaseed #sowsomething (at Colorado)
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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‘Japanese Black Trifele’ is an indeterminate potato-leaf heirloom variety that despite its name, was actually bred in Russia. 3 to 7 ounce crack resistant, pear-shaped fruits have an exceptionally complex flavor great for fresh eating or canning. #tomatoes #organic #garden #food #sustainable #foodforest #seedsaving #homesteading #urbangarden #growfood #growyourownfood #organicgarden #homegrown #veggies #heirloomtomatoes #heirloomseeds #growyourown #gardening #seedsaving #openpollinated #seeds #permaculture #sowsomething #amkhaseed (at Westminster, Colorado)
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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‘Gold Medal’ tomato is an indeterminate heirloom beefsteak variety with amazing color and flavor. Yellow-orange with red blush streaks, fruits average 1-2 lbs but can reach up to 3 lbs. The firm flesh is mild with a low acidity and very sweet, perfect for eating fresh. One of our favorite bi-colored beefsteaks. # heirloomseeds #tomatoes #organic #garden #food #sustainable #foodforest #seedsaving #homesteading #urbangarden #growfood #growyourownfood #organicgarden #homegrown #freshveggies #heirloomtomatoes #growyourown #gardening #openpollinated #seeds #permaculture #sowsomething #amkhaseed
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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Introduced in 1893, ‘White Wonder’ produces 5 to 8 inch long ivory colored cucumbers that are incredibly crisp with excellent flavor. They’re perfect for fresh eating or make exceptional pickles. This high yielding heirloom variety preforms well even in high heat. #cucumbers #heirloom #vegetables #sustainable #gardening #healthy #organicgardening #natural #vegetablegarden #seeds #heirloomseeds #heritage #food #seeds #amkhaseed #colorado #sustainability #cucumis #pickles #garden #sowsomething
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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Here’s another tomato variety we’re developing. Still has a few generations to go before it’s stabilized, but has excellent flavor and has displayed excellent disease resistance, high yields, and requires very few inputs. Any ideas for a good name are appreciated. #horticulture #organic #tomatoes #garden #sustainable #varieties #foodforest #seedsaving #farmtotable #homesteading #heirloom #permaculture #survival #gardening #plants #selfreliance #growyourown #Colorado #seeds #amkhaseed (at Westminster, Colorado)
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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Here's another pepper variety we're developing. 2-3 foot tall sturdy plants are productive, show good disease resistance, and require very few inputs. Pods have a pronounced fruity flavor with mild heat, maturing from light green to deep red. See other projects we’re working on at #peppers #genetics #newplants #horticulture #permaculture #sustainableagriculture #gardening #organicgardening #cropresearch #lowinput #natural #hotpeppers #seeds #agronomy #foods #plantbreeding #seeds #amkhaseed #colorado #sustainability #capsicum #pepperseeds (at Denver, Colorado)
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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The Chocolate Habanero is best known for its earthy, fruity, and smokey flavor, and for being significantly hotter than most other habanero varieties (roughly 420,000-570,000 SHU). Productive plants yield 2-inch long pods that mature from green to a stunning chocolate/brown. #peppers #hotpeppers #capsicum #organicgardening #foodgarden #vegetablegardening #foodnotlawns #sustainablefood #growyourown #Colorado #natural #seeds #biodiversity #sustainability #agronomy #horticulture #research #amkhaseed
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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Here's another pepper cross we're working on. 5-6 inch long sweet, medium-walled pods mature from green to purple/brown. Moderatly tall plants are productive and show good disease resistance. #peppers #genetics #newplants #horticulture #permaculture #sustainableagriculture #gardening #organicgardening #cropresearch #lowinput #natural #agronomy #plantbreeding #seeds #amkhaseed #Colorado
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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Another eggplant line we’re working with. #eggplant #new-plants #gardening #organic #garden #open-pollinated #vegetables # sustainable #gardens #amkhaseed #foodforest #seeds #genetics
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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Any guesses? It’s an eggplant line we’re developing. Great flavor, similar to many Asian accessions. #eggplant #newplants #gardening #organic #garden #open-pollinated #vegetables # sustainable #gardens #amkhaseed
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amkhaseed · 6 years ago
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Garden Huckleberry ‘Chichiquelite’ (Solanum melanocerasum) is a Mexican garden berry variety originating from western Africa. The ripe dark purple/black berries are great fresh, cooked, or preserved. They’re often used in pies and preserves and are usually heavily sweetened. Unripe green berries contain toxins and should not be eaten. It’s been traditionally grown for centuries and remains popular around the Chichiquelite region near Sonora Mexico where the cooked leaves are often eaten (uncooked leaves contain toxins). Vigorous plants produce large yields, are early to harvest, and require few if any inputs. #sustainablegardens #foodforest #permaculture #eatweeds #natural #solutions #solanum #gardenberry #organic #gardening #rare #seeds #amkhaseed
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amkhaseed · 7 years ago
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Asparagus Pea ‘Lotus tetragonolobus’, also known as 'winged pea', is an edible podded legume not closely related to peas or asparagus. Cook the young pods and seeds like you would beans. They taste great and can generally tolerate poor soils. #sustainable #vegetable #seeds #organic #gardening #seedsaving #garden #forgotten #rare #permaculture #horticulture #organicgarden #Amkhaseed (at Westminster, Colorado)
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amkhaseed · 7 years ago
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‘Sword Leaf’ lettuce is a popular Asian variety. Though it can be eaten fresh, it has a strong lettuce flavor and is usually quickly cooked or stir fried. #lettuce #heirloom #heritage #vegetable #seeds #organic #gardening #seedsaving #sustainability #permaculture #horticulture #Amkhaseed (at Westminster, Colorado)
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amkhaseed · 7 years ago
Tomatoes are self-pollinating, containing both male and female parts in the same flower. This video shows how to prevent self-pollination, and how to cross-pollinate. #horticulture #organic #garden #sustainable #varieties #foodforest #seedsaving #homesteading #permaculture #survival #gardening #plants #selfreliance #growyourown #Colorado #seeds #amkhaseed (at Westminster, Colorado)
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