Be Woke in Truth. My family came to America on the Mayflower to escape England's persecution of their people and my family would take part in the Mayflower Compact as it would be the 1st order of governance in America for peace. Christian, American, Eastern European, Native American, Jewish and of Ivory Coast descent. These "opinons" appear as unusual, but noticeably prominent; while having a positive impact through unavoidable significance in excelling above odds in expression; with vision and insight...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
It's tax season for every American with any source of income...whether that's small businesses, sole proprioriters, social security, independent contractors, LLCs, etc...
So, people against Trump for Trump wanting tariffs is just crazy to me. You gotta know your history and not believe MSNBC or any of the mainstream garbage.
The way the tariffs will work is ....the IRS is abolished, there will be no income tax for Americans & the tariffs will fund the federal government rather than our own people being taxed to fund it. (Explained later)
The prediction of Tariffs being used in this manor is about a 40% increase to every Americans yearly salary - rich or poor - and many experts are coming out saying, this strategy will lead to deflation.
President Grant in 1869-1877 was using tariffs to protect American Industries & American currency. This was when hard assets were valued highly. (Gold & Silver circulated & exchanged for the purchasing of products/goods/services)
Tariffs worked, the Great Depression wasn't seen until 40 years later and shortly after tariffs were abolished due to mainstream politicians....sound familiar????....and The Great Depression was nearly, solely due to debts not being payed to the banks....which is alarming because we hold over a $1 trillion debt in college loans (scam - Trump wants get rid of the department of education due to its debt it has suffactoed & accrued on Americans) & a $1 trillion dollars in credit card debts.
So, when you hear Inflation - the correct analysis is simply the dollar, not being worth what it used to be. While the federal government simply "prints money" which is a root cause of inflation & increase of prices due to no external revenue being streamlined & us Americans sharing the same dollar over & over....meaning the bank can't get paid debts unless money is printed.....because there's no source of external revenue.
So, the only way to make money if there is no external revenue & us sharing the same dollar over & over - is by printing it & taxing the same dollar that is printed for us to use - it doesn't work & has never worked - (Explained Later)
Tariffs drew external sourced revenue & worked up until early 1900s - it stopped working, because it was abolished by the mainstream perspective of politicians - comparatively to "our MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS & left wing characters", it was then reinstated after the stock market collapse "as an attempt to recover funds" while soon after free trade was embarked on.
And Literally, you can Google what tariffs did - Tariffs prior to 1934 & prior to the mid-late 1920s were used to protect US Industries.....Grant in 1869-1877 used this strategy to protect American Industries & American Currency.
So, when the IRS was formed; mind you the dollar was formed in 1913 & backed by gold at that time - which when the tariffs strategy was abolished - it actually can be linked to or the recourse/effect of abolishment can be seen by the collapse of the stock market in 1930 or the decline of the economy in the mid-late 1920s....due to no external source of revenue to protect American currency & the increased power of the federal government over the newly created "U.S. Dollar".
The selling point to abolish tariffs & create income tax was there to only to be income tax on the 1% - that was the original plan, by mainstream politicians in the 1860s - mid 1900s (aka similarly to our MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC) ....ironically, the exact selling point democrats/liberals still try to sell today...While we, the American people technically fund the federal government out of our taken from its own people to fund government programs (and the money now is uncovering alot of fraud & misused dollars by those who take from us & do not cure our own American interests)
It doesn't work, so strategically & historically taxing just the "1%" is proven it doesn't work....the federal government isn't the problem - it is the system in which it's funded that needs to be changed.
So, when you say, tax the 1% - that was the thinking of the original income tax which led to & eventually came to be - no, we have to tax everybody....
The federal government's purpose & mission is to eradicate poverty in America;- that's literally their purpose.....when in fact what is being done under all the administrations prior to Trump is to continue to take money by taxation - which results in less discretionary income for Americans to not own land or not own a house - becoming "lifetime renters" of home, auto, appliance can even tie this into the over-saturated college market & college debt.....if you don't make more than the debt you owe. You become a lifetime renter & in the long run, there is no wealth being generated....
The only wealth generated is by the banks....and even their access to additional dollars eventually becomes strangled because there is no source of external revenue.....which causes the federal government to print more, which in the end causes inflation.
See, without a source of external revenue for funding governmental programs - the idea of "tax only this bracket" simply doesn't work cause there's no other source of funding except by taxes & the, in result by not having enough from just the "1%" - everyone eventually gets taxed.
And it shows it doesn't work because:
#1. We all are still being taxed, Americans have less discretionary income.
#2. There is no other source to fund federal funding; just nearly, tax the people & "print money" which causes inflation & an increase of prices
#3. The cost of everything since 1930 - continues to go up ...and increase.... recently hyper-inflation.
MSNBC & these left wing characters blame inflation & corporate greed (while MSNBC is itself is a corporation - a media corporation - everyone on the left telling everyone, everyone else is the problem with misconstrued history & falsehoods)
MSNBC will never admit that they themselves are a corporation, because their sense of corporation are actually people who build business to provide incomes for those who work for the corporations - "but, they are the problem" - it's very hypocritical & assanine of what they preach.....take away MSNBCs advertising dollars and they go out of business because they aren't creating a product or direct service to consumers.
So, when I hear or read people that say "I don't like rich people - tax them more".......Well, you actually need rich people or people with more money to help you have money....or an external source to fund an individual....the revenue has to come externally.
Prime Example:
If you and I exchange a dollar for 2 one day and then you exchange a dollar for 2 back to me.... We break even...there has to be other sources exchanging money for you or I to make money....and if you don't believe you don't need someone who has more money than you to make's a simple test:
(Test: You put a $20 down and I put a $20 down on the table......then I give you an extra $30, I'll take the $40 from the table....
You make $10 -$30 from my pocket
I lose $10 - $40 from the table
But, the only way you make that $10 is if I had the extra $30 in the 1st place.
The purpose of fund our government makes sense because its an external source of money/revenue coming into our country....which before the federal government was created - Congress on left & right would vote to approve funding as pure silver was minted in was real silver & a real physical asset in the working people's pocket....arguably due to tariffs....and Congress took it seriously to vote on because it was real value being circulated in our country for products & services...
In 1972 - the dollar was no longer backed by gold, and to this day it still is backed by nothing, unless you find an the value "the dollar" holds is literally the belief and trust that my 5 dollars is what you say it is, and the price you charge at $5 - is saying, I hope you hold this "federal note" as credible to be worth $5
So, when Trump wants no income tax...this means no income tax & the tariffs he wants to install will actually cause deflation....due to an external source of income streamed into the country.....not an internal source of revenue being streamlined internally from our own people to fund our own programs.
This simply is losing money and being taken away within our own people & own system, especially if funds are misused & abused all while we have no streamlined external revenue.
It's common sense and a simple concept to understand.
I my personal belief, I believe that America due to tariffs can make so much money - that Americans could see at "tax season" benefits of the surplus could be $5 per American & I read one economist said - they could foresee $2300 per American in addition to not paying income tax due to the profits of tariffs.....the government paying Americans is a far thought, but it's a conceivable notion to me personally...
One thing tariffs will do, is it will encourage global competition...the short story; better products/better quality = more income.
Increasing competition - this strategy was proven to work in American history in the benefit of Americans.
There was a time that American made products were better than the rest of the world.
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Election 2024 - The American Dream Is Being Lost; Even Among Our Own Citizens
I'm an independent. I've thought about my vote this year and I don't know if I will.
-Good for economics/money (Whether you like him or not, he knows how money works)
-He's good for peace among nations and international affairs….he understands America's value/brand.
-Trump is Pro-Life. But, under the circumstances, if the woman is raped or the mother or the child is going to have complications; I do believe the woman has a choice.
But, I'm for legal immigration and I'm against not allowing honest human beings across the world to use America as a refuge away from danger; a safe haven.
I also disagree with the dissolution of Social Security. America's population is stagnant. The population isn't increasing enough equal to the money made by individuals to say people don't need it. And the population isn't decreasing enough to not afford it.
The States in America have enough tax money and profits from gambling alone to afford it. And If people need help with finances until they get themselves on their feet, they should get it. If they need a break from life while dealing with mental health issues, they should get financial help.
If people go through the process for financial help legally and honestly without abusing the system they should get it.
The American Dream ironically due to the direction of penalizing Capitalism and a decline in societal values, morals and selection of who should be rich and who doesn't deserve it is putting the American Dream at risk....which leads me to Biden.
-I don't like the path he is setting for people, their futures, their families, education and peace - both within American Communities and Internationally.
-I'm completely against his new proposal of increasing the Capital Gains Tax. If people find a way to financial freedom. Allow it. The Capital Gain Tax is fine the way it is. He's determining who doesn't deserve the American Dream and if they get it, penalize them.
-I'm against his social-class warfare he's creating; in a way which determines who does deserve the American Dream vs. if they get the American Dream, penalize them.
-I'm against him not holding colleges accountable and liable for not helping ALL students of race, religion and politics to get a job in the field they studied.
-I'm against him not holding colleges accountable and allowing college's to allow students and people not of the campus or enrolled at the college to protest on matters that they are completely not only un-educated about; but matters that are encouraging division and enticing violence. This breaks the law of peaceful protests, especially if it is intentional to get or encourage a violent reaction. In the end, taking the luxury of our Freedoms for granted.
It should not be wrong to support your country with an American Flag or frowned upon. The Freedoms this country was founded on, has not been at risk of invasion in over 100 years, the closest anyone has come is Pearl Harbor and 9/11. 2 events on 2 days....there hasn't been years of risk of invasion like most countries in the world.
-He's terrible with foreign affairs.
-He refuses to take a strong position on anything. He can't take a stand and call what is yellow is yellow and what is purple is purple.
On both sides, there is too much allowance for generalizations among people, race, religion, populations, social classes, politics, governance and nations. For example, just because I'm white, doesn't mean I like every white person; if I'm treated poorly by someone, am I supposed to like them? So the thinking and reasoning of just because I'm white, I like every white person is a generalization. And a historical example, yet an extreme example - just because Germany was ran by Nazi's doesn't mean there were no German citizens who were against the Nazi's. There were Germans who wanted out; and if they went against the Nazi party they were murdered.
It's an extreme example, but my point is - You can't generalize people, race, religion, populations, social classes, politics, governance and nations.
(Note: What astonishes me with these college kids who claim to be Hamas supporters; if they showed support for Hamas in Hamas controlled territories/sanctions, but Hamas found out they're American. There's a high chance they'd be murdered or held hostage - for just being an American.
There is some dis-connect with these "Pro-Palestinian" supporters at these college campus' not understanding, that they are representing Hamas in these protests.
And I'm certain that these protestors don't recognize, that there are most likely Palestinians who do not want to be associated with Hamas.
This is the misunderstood pro-active movement being a vehicle for a generalization.)
Generalizations are dangerous; the entire point of disagreement is to come to a sound conclusion and decision. And this country, we have lacked that for decades. The constitution and amendments were based on disagreement to come to a sound conclusion. Laws in which we still live by, that were made based off the Mayflower Compact; the first governance order in America to allow peace is still supposed to be upheld.
There are different factions among people, race, religion, populations, social classes, politics, governance and nations.….and if people aren't educated to understand factions and operations to have disagreements with the goal of a sound conclusion….You will NEVER get a unified nation….It will always be division….even to its form into government as saying well they're Republican or they're Democrat…, you can't generalize like that….there are Far Right, Far Lefts, Right, Lefts and Moderates in each and believe it or not there are Rights, Lefts and Moderates who do agree on things and want to make sound decisions; but what does the media cover and promote?
The generalization of division simply made as Republican vs. Democrat.
It's absolutely ridiculous and completely uneducated.
America is the place of refuge, the melting pot. An idea and dream to not only be safe, but a land of opportunity. That is being lost. The American dream, even among our own nation and home grown citizens is being lost. The sense of ownership especially with land and homes; the ownership to be part of the American dream is disappearing. Especially when people can't afford homes and land anymore.
And the media, whether left, right or moderate outlets refuse to educate the people about anything and continually allow generalizations to encourage decision making.
It is all re-active reporting with an agenda "that appears" to encourage pro-active decision making for the future, thus making people feel they are making a difference while it is simply re-active reporting with an agenda to create the upcoming future.
People don't realize, that the media is simply pre-programmed. Do not think for one second that the media (whether left, right or moderate) hasn't planned the programming for future reporting ahead of time for that week or even, maybe that month. Literally in the guide of your cable television; you can see each outlet now labeling their shows as Episode 1, 2 and so on.
And all the while the journalism is absolutely terrible; simply just keywords to keep a viewer watching while reporting limited information for a controlled perspective without giving the audience truth among both sides to allow the viewer the free will to make their own decision and come to their own conclusion.
This is not journalism. This is not un-biased reporting. Honestly, it should be illegal.
And I truly believe, if the media took the initiative to recognize this. People would be empowered to attempt to be unified, rather than being empowered by differences.
Media outlets focusing on Trump's trial as a priority while ignoring real conversation American's should be having and being aware of true issues that effect the future without an un-biased opinion should be a priority. America is going to enter a fragile state.
There is no pro-active reporting without agendas. The Daily Show worked in the early 2000's to make jokes of political ridiculousness; it was popular and worked then....And tension in America is so tight, the jokes are out.
I just read an article on Jerry Seinfeld and within so many words, due to the current state - it is hard to be a comedian...people need comedy. But, tensions are too high and everything is offensive.
So, whether its the media or the politicians. You just can't generalize everything. Life is complicated, but you have to call the color what it is.
I'm not defending anyone who comes to your yard sees the dandelions there yellow, believes that your dandelions are purple while they're in your yard trying to convince you the dandelions are purple....when they're yellow.
I can't get behind that.
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It’s Savage In America; The Great Oppression
Our America is going to shit. This is not “The Great Depression” or “The Great Recession” is worse - this is “The Great Oppression”. There is more than one catalyst....these are just to name a few. America is an extremely dirty bottle and many are in the bottle and can not see from the outside; how bad, dirty and unhealthy this bottle is. 1. Between the mental health crisis & epidemic. The crisis is at an all time American high ever in history. People say, “Well, it’s always been here”. No that is not true; especially when research is linking what is going on in society today with social media and every other factor and catalyst that is occurring in America. Big Pharma is racking in profits - not actually coming to solutions to solve the mental health crisis. All they care about is how to get people hooked on pills for profit.
What this era of Oppression is doing is causing massive Neurological Stress in the brain where the brain can not function as normal due to so many factors in catalysts occurring simultaneously and at such a speed that the brain much like a computer; when it becomes overloaded; it slows down leading to mental health issues.
2. Financial Enslavement & limited money.....The experts are calling it “A Seller’s Market” - this is untrue...A Seller’s market has buyers...The buyers have no money to afford the “seller’s market” are over priced, we have hyperinflation...Just take an excel sheet and tell me what two negatives equals more negatives....this isn’t magnetics where two negatives equal a positive; this is math where two negatives equal more losses / negatives....
”The Sellers Market” who can’t sell take a loss; while “The Buyers” are taking losses due to hyperinflation and can not afford “The Seller’s Market”.
Here are the statistics of Americans and what they have in their Savings Account:
32% of Americans have $100 or less
12% of Americans have $101 -$500
That is 44% of Americans who have $500 or less in their accounts. That is nearly half of America. And “The Experts” are calling this a “Seller’s Market” - completely delusional and untrue.
3. The media & social media not being held accountable for manipulation of people's minds / actions and the mental health issues it is causing....woke is being re-defined by the media for social, political & regression of "new" societal norms to be accepted and I blame the media as they have ZERO accountability.
Being woke is supposed to be defined as spiritual, moral & ethical truth.
4. In the workforce; incompetent management literally owning the employees & running out whoever they see as a threat to their job....We need to make results matter again.
5. Colleges racking in college debt, while they have no accountability for Job Placement after graduation - if they don't help everyone get a job, they should be held accountable and eat the debt of each individual...this would eliminate the political nature in college.
6. What is coming with A.I.
If we have one Hitler in the world get a hold of the upcoming A.I. - it's over
A.I. will in the next 10 years will be replacing many jobs...the creative sector will be gone first (Music, Art, Acting etc...Disney is already using A.I. for voice overs)
There will be SOOOO MANY law cases of who owns the copyright; the government will not be able to keep up.
Here is a guy saying exactly what I’ve been predicting for years....
Elon Musk has been warning the world and the governments for over 1 year straight of the catalysts and what is coming.
Just think if all Americans could come together and work as a team. We'd live in a very prosperous nation. Hunting like Lions; when Lions hunt - they all eat. When Hyenas hunt - after the kill; they fight over who eats....unlike lions.... And that is the savage America we currently live in. This America would never win WWII - People would be fighting on the boats to storm Normandy & they'd all be dead by shooting each other before we even get to the beach. It's Savage in America.
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"With great power, comes great responsibility"
William Lamb
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Christ Rejoices In You
The world is condemning holy unperfect people by tiny or big doesn't really matter....while making the unjust and the unholy look Godly...while the holy unperfect people are striving for perfection.
And the world is moving so fast at light speed, that error is magnified and your spit up and chewed out; even on those who have repented and are attempting to be better people.
All while the world is anointing the unjust and unholy. The vice grip of the devil is everywhere.
People are mean and jealous. You can’t share achievements or success, small or major if you're not in the in'll be hated.
And you're only hated, because the world hated Christ first. (John 15: 18-19).
The devil is taking a lot of people with him.
And you don't need judgement from others if you're being corrected by God and yourself; acknowledging mistake and re-correction.
I've been asked often about what the crown means on my logos/brands....I made them years ago and slowly putting them in motion.
Its not that I think I’m a King. The crown actually comes from the bible - James's to encourage the resistance of temptation for Christ's gift of the crown of life....the reward of overcoming the get rewarded by the resistance of temptation...tempted 10x a day and resisting once is glory.
Surely, rejecting temptation 10x a day and resisting once, seems like a small feat....but, you don't know what that person is going through or their environment they are around and conflicted with.
A ladder; to get to the top is made of small steps, conquering small steps to get to the top.
So, over time, the more you resist the many temptations of the world.....Christ sees it.
And he rejoices in you defeating temptation.
Christ is your number one fan....
James 1:12 - "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him"
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A Christian’s Prayer
I was praying the other night, and I started thinking; why are my prayers feel like they are not answered or not being heard?
The prayer I say the most is the "Our Father" - the strongest prayer in the new testament; I've been praying this prayer all my life...
So, I took another look at the language of the prayer....After I started diving into the "Our Father" - I realized ALL Christians and those who believe in Christ are praying wrong and NO ONE is talking about the language of the prayer.
The prayer should not be to deliver us from evil. Meaning to be delivered from Evil is sending us from Evil, coming from evil; keeping us within the Evil seed.
The way the "Our Father" should be prayed is, to deliver us AWAY from evil. In other words; protection from evil.
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I truly believe if we're all woke in truth, I think we can have a wonderful world for all people...but, it takes the brave to seek truth as truth is the "enemy of the state". Truth in today's society is dangerous and it shouldn't be. The goal of a better society should be the common goal.
American Ivory
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