always-pottermore · 4 years
Anxiety, people throw the word around a lot, but for some people it’s crippling. For me i don’t handle change or anything out of routine. Something as simple as one of my co-workers being away or doing an extra shift can have me in multiple panic attacks. I have several set of cloths that I rotate through and don’t buy new ones. The first time I got my hair done took almost three days for me to calm down and now I have to build myself up to it. It’s not simple, it’s not logical but it is real and it a hard thing to live with. So next time you meet someone who says something makes them anxious try to be sensitive as when I say that it usually means I’m already panicking.
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always-pottermore · 4 years
Hey! Calling for a beta for a Hermione centric fan fic! Anyone feel like they have the time and patience to fix up my work? I love writing it.. hate editing.
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Yes 👌
Ron: If I could shag any celebrity, it'd be Hermione.
Hermione: Awwww.
Hermione: For me, it would be Hugh Jackman!
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always-pottermore · 5 years
“Granger is the most down to rumble witch I’ve ever met,” Drago drunkenly slurs. He squints at Blaise and Pansy, not sure how they don’t just know this. “She’s just not as angry as the other two idiots are.”
“Down to rumble?” Blaise asks. 
“How many fights has Granger provoked?” Draco demands to know, ignoring Blaise’s question. It’s not his fault Blaise isn’t keeping up with their Ministry-mandated muggle studies course.
“Like eight,” Pansy says, counting on her fingers. “That time in third year, then in fourth then in–shit, our second seventh year? Does the war count?”
“Exactly, “ Draco says, ignoring how that’s not a count at all. “And how many fights has she won?”
“Oh fuck,” Blaise says. He looks at Pansy with wide eyes. “Oh, fuck, Pans, she’s won all of them.”
Pansy touches the bridge of her nose. Granger broke it once. “I am aware.”  
“So the-the paper is wrong,” Draco says. He feels (drunkenly) very offended by that. “When they say she’s the brains of the Golden Trio. She’s not. She’s got the least impulse control of all of them. She’s the fuckin’ brawn.”
“Okay,” Blaise says. “Okay, okay, okay, b-but—“ He stares at his drink then looks back up. “She still kicked your ass in Newts, mate.”
Draco nods. “And that’s why I’m drinking,” he says like he’s won.
Pansy snorts and doesn’t bother pouring herself another drink. She takes a shot directly from the bottle.
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Lily: What are you doing?
James, standing on the chair: I live here, you know. I can stand wherever I want, thank you very much.
Lily: Where's the spider?
James: Under the table.
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always-pottermore · 5 years
“You grew up... It’s awful being a grown-up, the carasole never stops turning.... you can’t get off.”
Ellis Grey, greys anatomy S02E05
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Anna: “Guys I have the plague!”
Wives: “Omg, what!”
Anna: “just kidding my life’s amazing”
Six the musical
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Dumbledore, if Harry Grew Up at Hogwarts: headcanon
Minerva: Dumbledore… why is there a new 5th points counter next to the other House Points counters? And who is earning all of those points?
*earlier that day*
Dumbledore: Oh look baby Harry sat up on his own! 10 points to Harry!
Dumbledore: Oh Minerva look! Baby Harry put the blocks in their right places.
Minerva: Dumbledore…he got them all wrong, and I saw you flick your wand to put them right.
Dumbledore: 10 points to Harry!
Dumbledore: Baby Harry took his first steps! 50 points to Harry!
Dumbledore: Baby Harry just said “Dumbley!” 1000 points to Harry!
Hagrid: *wiping away tears* He is just so smart that boy!
Dumbledore: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Minerva: Headmaster!
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Dumbledore, if Harry Grew Up at Hogwarts: headcanon
Minerva: Dumbledore… why is there a new 5th points counter next to the other House Points counters? And who is earning all of those points?
*earlier that day*
Dumbledore: Oh look baby Harry sat up on his own! 10 points to Harry!
Dumbledore: Oh Minerva look! Baby Harry put the blocks in their right places.
Minerva: Dumbledore…he got them all wrong, and I saw you flick your wand to put them right.
Dumbledore: 10 points to Harry!
Dumbledore: Baby Harry took his first steps! 50 points to Harry!
Dumbledore: Baby Harry just said “Dumbley!” 1000 points to Harry!
Hagrid: *wiping away tears* He is just so smart that boy!
Dumbledore: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Minerva: Headmaster!
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Grindelwald: Wow. Once again my character is under attack simply because I have taken the lives of thousands of innocent people.
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Perfect life philosophy
Sirius: You can only be young once, but you can always be immature.
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Why did will not turn won’t... I meant can’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t.... how did we get won’t instead of willn’t?
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always-pottermore · 5 years
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When there is only two of you but you still have to play
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always-pottermore · 5 years
YES. The casting was SPOT ON
Say what you will about Johnny Depp but you cannot deny that HE. WAS. BORN. TO. PLAY. GRINDELWALD. Like he DELIVERED. He was the perfect villain. His speech was so good, so convincing. Heck, I almost joined his side. Step aside Voldemort and make way for the king
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always-pottermore · 5 years
I wish I could obliviate myself so that every time I read Harry Potter it’d be like the first time
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always-pottermore · 5 years
Harry: ok here’s the phone bill
Draco, not knowing a single thing about muggle bills: OH MY GOD
Harry: that’s our phone number
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always-pottermore · 5 years
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