I will only write with a maximum of 5 people. + my toleration for judgemental peeps is down to 0.
#// hi gf was just ruined for me by the rpc#// but i love mabel and worked way too hard and too long on her to give her up#// i'll write with whomever the fuck i want now and i will block mercilessly on this blog#// i won't let anyone break the love i used to have for this series any more#ooc ★ the horrible life coach
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#// when dipper and ford aren't home#// and she and grunkle stan start the party#musing �� oh muse you work in mysterious ways
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SHE got horns like a devil pointed at me and there’s nowhere to run from the FIRE she breathes
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HYSTERICAL laughter was bellowing all around her. The very fabric of the mindscape starting to shudder from how loud it was. Her responses were just p r i c e l e s s.
“AWWW MAN, THIS IS RICH…” Yet before he could easily claim victory, she suddenly snapped. What? There was no way he won so easily… He was about to make a snarky comment about how even Sixer lasted longer then she did. But something wasn’t right.
“You’re not real.”
… Oh.
Yeesh, talk about cutting the fun short! She was already throwing the punches at him. Saying he wasn’t real and all that. It caused the mindscape to finally grow a bit colder around the two. The dark hue above them, clouding itself in pink. Until finally, his colors began shifting back to its usual yellow form.
He wasn’t scared. not in the least. As his disembodied hands continued to keep her in place. Good thing too! If looks could kill, hoo boy!
Eyes continued to squint at him without paying any mind to the chilling temperature, or the shift in the sky’s colors. If looks could kill, he’d be dead three times by now! The danger of him being here numbed to her own disbelief that he was back or alive for that matter - which reminded her that she needed to go check on Stan’s memories later... where were they kept again? Last thing she could recall was Ford shoving the glass in his coat and proudly stating that he would put it in a safe place. (wherever that may be)
But that was back when she was 12. She was 21 now.
Mabel lifted her tied arms to his eye, shaking them forth with an impatient “HMMM?!?!” for she expected him to get the memo and untie her. This might be a dream, but weirdly enough she felt her limbs NUMBING in the grip of his limbs. Try to make a fist! She can’t BEND her fingers!
... come to think of it, they’re looking a little pale too.
#thexrealxdeal#verse ★ into the unknown [the present]#// look at this little impatient unicorn hater!#// i thought i had enough expressions for her to last me a while#// sike @ me I had to draw this icon because nothing else fit
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Heh, what was he even worried about?
Keep reading
A gasp (or was it a shrill?) tensed her body as widened eyes tore from him and fixated on the limbs curling around her arms and legs, their grip TOO TIGHT for her to be able to move in her panic, let alone kick her way out of it as she was pulled down, flinching with a helpless yelp upon being forced to kneel.
“ Let me go... LET ME GO!! YOU’RE NOT REAL !! “ ... or was he? Shifting, swaying and yelping like a dog caught in barbed wire did little to help the manic from settling in. No amount of moving seemed to do the trick, so she began to BITE the limbs at her arms, trying in VAIN to chew them off with little to no result.
Something snapped within her when he MOCKED her for being scared... Mabel ceased her chewing, and slowly turned her gaze back on him with a growing look of incredulity. That’s right! This was a dream! IT HAD TO BE! Grunkle Stan still suffered from memory loss nowadays because of Bill, and they made sure to store the memories containing Bill in a safe place! He HAD to be a figment of her imagination!
And that’s exactly why she stopped wiggling in his limbs.
“ You’re not real. ” Jaws set tight, she leaned in, leering. “ We got RID of you! ”
He thought her scared? Not anymore! There was NO WAY IN HELL he could convince her that he was back in Gravity Falls!
#thexrealxdeal#bill cipher ★ pointy jerk#verse ★ into the unknown [the present]#// way to make her snap back to her senses!#// he's lucky he seized her hands because she would've greeted him with the pines' infamous left hook to the eye! grunkle stan style!
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// *squints at activity* let me follow people!
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“It’s summer, I’ve got my hat on backwards and it’s time to fuckin’ party.”
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*slides in a starter call with a 5 bucks bill*
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“On all levels, except physical…. I am a wolf.”
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Independent RP blog for Canon Divergent LILITH MAGNE from the upcoming cartoon ‘Hazbin Hotel‘.
Blog Specs:
HC based muse
Multi-verse, Multi-ship
Duplicate & OC friendly
NSFW friendly
written by AC
Genres present: angst, crack, suggestive, neutral Requirements: Read my rules. Muns must be over 18. (muses can be any age)
#selfpromo ★ take me with you#// this is where i'm chilling when im not on mabel#// listen i love mabel with all my person but i've had her for a very long time as a muse#// and lilith is new and great and tragic as fuck and i want her to smother me with her--
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'Girls just wanna have fun!'
// Thanks, friend!
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// MP!Mabel highfiving everyone with a sticker. Oh, you thought she was just being nice? SURPRISE BITCH. You have a rainbow sticker on your palm saying ‘u look gr8 2day’.
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“You don’t gotta stand, there’s a chair right there.”
—Lance Stewart
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Sb: Hey, has anyone told you you look like [x]? Mabel: Nah, they tell me I look like May-May. Sb: Who’s that? Mabel: Me, bitch.
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Mabel, drunk: hugging a bottle of jack daniels Mabel: Oh, Jack! You’re the only friend I have! Mabel, hears a noise: SMASHES bottle against the edge of her nightstand and points it at the door Mabel: WHO’S THERE?!
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// my theme has a LOT of errors... gosh. I might need to redo it.
#// i though i was being smart by coding tabs instead of pages to make my theme load faster#// but i realise now that i was just being FOOLISH#// tho to be frank. tumblr's coding system is a bit confusing to me??? like the documentation is seriously lacking#// and the tutorial isn't even working! the slideshows are DEAD#ooc ★ the horrible life coach
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