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You are who you are, only defined by your labels and experience, no one can judge thee but thy self. God and Me are One ☝️ . . . . . . . #lgbt #conciousness #bpdabuse #recovery #selfworth #selflove #selfcompassion #one #universe #ekongkar #satnam #wahguru #love #light #namaste
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Authenticity was always just you being yourself. Society is a trap for your soul. When one doesn't fit into the predefined roles of civilization then one is deemed uncivilized. Who are you was never a boxed to be checked off on a list, but a constant discovery of the inner. We are who we are, defined by our own rules and understandings. Breaking the old paradigm, and pushing the envelope of where society and civilization are going. This is why you came, the experience was your own and no one else's. #selfie #transgender #indigo #rainbow #lgbt #authenticity #artist #batty #spiritual #dreamer #love #light #now #namaste #🌈 (at AlilUnrefined)
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Blonde is striking! #rainbow #lgbt #transgender #transwoman #mtf #selfie #boytogirl #blondehair #authenticity #indigo #infinty #love #light #namaste 😘 (at AlilUnrefined)
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A day late, but here my T to add to the pride of LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 #transgender #boytogirl #pride #lgbt #rainbow #roles #nolabel #love #light #namaste (at AlilUnrefined)
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Mirror mirror what do you see, before you lies, all you believe to be. You are who you are, a character none the less, you yourself is only a word to describe a condition which is only temporary, as your mask falls and another is replaced, hidden beneath you is nothing but a choice. #art #myart #mystical #cognitivedisorders #patterns #philosophy #acrylics #whiteout #sharpie #trippy #psychedelic #mixedmedia (at AlilUnrefined)
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Quiet the inner voices, internal dialogue is not You! If the voice in your head is you then who's listening to that voice! I've been thinking to much, help me! #art #mixedmedia #myart #philosophy #thoughts #mirror #reflection #clear #quietmind #freedom #peaceofmind #trippy #psychedelic #acrylics #sharpie #whiteout #creator #love #light #namaste (at AlilUnrefined)
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How to be human when judged in such a way you feel ashamed to feel and be yourself. #feelings #human #emotions #love #light #namaste
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As early as I could remember I'd see patterns or figures in walls. Entire walls of complete bliss of unlimited possibilities of creation. Like a movie real the images and patterns would morph right in front of my eye, like a new point of view has transpired as the the old has been seen, then accepted and released to make way for something new. The whole process of creation was shown to me symbolically yet still only saw just images on a wall nothing more. We must let go of the old ways of fear and control, and bring back appreciation and understanding. I've been a victim of this fear control tactic to point of sever physical violence when I was a little kid. Use of physical violence should never be the answer to control another or achieve a desired outcome! Anyone who thinks that hitting a child is discipling, reflect discipling is training! What are you training your child to understand? #art #creator #love #life #control #fear #awareness #childabuse #violence #nomore #newpardigm #myart #abstract #trippy #psychedelic #trippyart #abstractart #mixedmedia #oilpainting #acrylicpainting #latex #nomorebullshit #unprogram #deprogram #reprogram #newagreements #selfmastery #enlightenment #acceptance #shadowwork #shadowpsyche #shaman #divine #rights #namaste
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Natural person verse the artificial person! Know who you are. You are sovereign and no corporation or government has right to rule over you, we are the creators they are the creation. We created government because our lack of self governance, and our unawareness of their laws and deceptive rhetoric. #dreads #beard #instadreads #instabeard #naturalperson #sovereignty #mightylocs #dreadlocks #hairliketreeroots #creator #love #light #namaste Beard 4 months old no trimming and 7 months old dreads. #freedom
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Unique experience, unique You! Everything is experienced through your point of view, your understanding and definitions of self. Self images are reference of your beliefs of who you are being or not being, these mental images are not you just a point of view. Reflections on acceptance of all aspects of the self. Love you wholeheartedly for everything you are. #art #abstractart #mixedmedia #trippy #psychedelicart #psychedelic #creator #shaman #shadowwork #shadowpsyche #creator #love #light #namaste
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Love is the answer. #filter #mirror #reflection #art #abstract #light #love #creator #namaste
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Hoot are you? What do you want? #art #pen #doodle #drawing #pendrawing #myart #mirror #reflection #artist #creator #love #light #namaste
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Love you dragon 🐉! ❤#doodle #art #myart #pen #ink #mirror #reflection #dragon #drawings #drawingpen #trippy #tribal #psychedelic #creator #love #light #namaste
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Gratitude for everything is unconditional love. In this unconditional love and gratitude we find the abundance of life all around us. The magic of now! #multidimensional #art #mirror #reflection #spirit #angels #crystals #indigo #rainbow #neon #gratitude #abundance #now #awareness #agreement #toltecwisdom #spiritual #meditation #unconditionallove #mixedmedia #myart #acrylicpainting #sharpie #whiteout #trippy #psychedelic #shaman #totem #protection #artist #creator #light #love #namaste
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Let it be known, that I do not consent to any agreement of entrapment that bears intention to deceive, misinform, manipulate, exploit, control, steal, harvest, seduce, harm or negatively influence my being, in mind, soul, spirit, body and physical place of habitation, business, website or published works in any way across all levels, dimensions and time, whether they are fabricated linear or synthetic creations or times on all levels and dimensions.Through my statement of non consent, I intend protection from harm and maintain neutrality, so that my presence of being honors Truth, compassion, wisdom, harmony, healing, constant awakening and life, so as to not be deceived and trapped, to the best of my ability in every situation. I do not consent to false limiting beliefs or false soul “programs” driving my body and consciousness, but rather my highest Spirit’s truth within without limitation as a Creator as integrated mind, soul and spirit of original Primordial consciousness. Let it be known that by my choice to NOT CONSENT to any agreement of entrapment on any upon all levels, across all dimensions and for all time. It is in effect now and forevermore. I hold that such is true and in effect, and that any such agreement of entrapment, deception, and harmful intention, now be withdrawn and DEEMED null and void based on the intention of its creator to harm and not honor my life, my sovereign being and free will. No singular, collective entity or artificial intelligence is under any circumstances given permission (of mal-intent) to enter my Universe, life, dimensions, levels or time. If there are such attempts to ignore this LAW, they are is responsible for one thousand times the consequences of that breach in self-destruction—and are fully legally responsible for their choices. 👇👇
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CLEARING #REPTILIAN ENERGY #Arcturians (see www.arcturi.com). #Rainbow energy brings peace, #tranquility and #enlightenment thus #transmutes #sorrow and bringing order into chaos. These are the roles of the rainbow children at this time on earth. IF you are being affected by Reptilian energy, simply sit quietly in meditation and call in the rainbow light from the Central Sun, see the angels are with you, ask the Arcturians to be with you then see the rainbow light washing over you and into the earth. You might like to ask for karmic release from the person/situation throughout all lives, layers and dimension. Ask for it to be made effective now and to all eternity. Take a walk in nature and swim in natural waterways (the sea is ideal) would also help clearing the energy. Very cold water such as shower is also effective. #love #light #rainbowchildren #indigo #lightworker #crystals #shaman #multidimensional #spirit #entity #healyourself #art #trippy #journAl #pen #ink #sharpie #psychedelic #light #love #angels #namaste
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Reptilian energy similar to a virus that affects people in a negative way and Reptilian entities are invisible beings (similar to disembodied spirits) who has the ability to possess human and control the host’s physical body, emotions, mind and spirit. These are invisible forces that affect people. Through understanding and awareness, we can prevent, clear and protect ourselves from the effect of these energy/entities. Most people when being possessed, they don’t have awareness of being possessed. The people around them just notice that they have changed in many ways. For example, they may become very psychic over-night; their physical limitations/illnesses/injuries disappeared instantly; notable change in personality; dramatic and unstable mood swings; high in energy, forgetfulness, cold/robotic in nature, their behaviours show no signs of conscience …etc The process of possession starts with negative emotional outburst with physical symptoms like feeling nauseous, headache and pain in the chest. Some feel cold and experiencing nightmares, inter-galactic dreams or dreams involving reptiles like snakes, crocodile and lizards. Others feel physical exhaustion, drowsiness and they sleep for days on end until they wake up feeling very different and the need to go and be with others so that they begin feeding on other’s energy. Many are now infiltrating spiritual workshops, healing/yoga centers and they target the light-workers, spiritual teachers and the guardians of the New Children, the crystal or rainbow children. It is an organized effort from a dimension/level which a normal human is not capable of perceiving. Recently (post December 2012) there is an increasing number of people being affected by Reptilian energy/entities. #reptilian #entity #karma #soulcontract #agreements #karmicrelease #cords #chakras #aura #soulattachments #spirits #guides #rainbowchildren #ascension #crystals #indigo #clearing #release #unconditionallove #mystical #shaman #patterns #art #journal #ink #pen #sharpie #trippy #psychedelic #psychic #medium #message #healyourself #rainbowlight #arcturian #angels #light #love #namaste
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