alborneih · 16 days
She was martyred with her fingers in her ears for fear of the bombing.. A child was killed in an occupation raid on Gaza City
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alborneih · 18 days
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A child was turned into pieces by the occupation forces' bombing of a residential apartment belonging to the Jouda family in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, north of Gaza City.
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alborneih · 23 days
Be patient, my mother, with the unhealing pain of the heart, with the separation from the dearest ones. Their bombs that tore his pure body apart will never break our resolve, nor weaken our faith in justice. His pure soul will continue to haunt those who supplied this vile entity (Israel) with the bombs that massacre children and civilians.
They think that killing brings them victory, but they do not know that the souls of martyrs rise to become a light that illuminates our path. His memory will remain eternal, and his blood will be a testament to their injustice and tyranny. The blood of the innocent is but seeds sown in our land, growing into a tree of freedom they will never be able to uproot.
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alborneih · 1 month
Every day, this is repeated dozens of times. They bomb children and then claim that they killed terrorists. How long will we be killed?
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alborneih · 1 month
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Look at what the Israeli army, the most moral in the world, does. A child was blown to pieces in the bombing of a house belonging to the Yassin family in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
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alborneih · 1 month
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Palestinian Muhammad Abu Al-Qumsan went to obtain birth certificates for his twin children who were born 4 days ago, but the most immoral Israeli occupation army in the world killed them and their mother after bombing his house.
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alborneih · 2 months
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What was written in Hebrew (Just for fun, give a title 🤔)
Look at what the Zionists write while they kill children with American bombs
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alborneih · 2 months
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This is the moral army that Israel talks about. They steal the money of the Palestinians in Gaza and then destroy homes.
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alborneih · 2 months
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The spread of skin diseases
among children in displacement camps due to the lack of hygiene tools and water.
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alborneih · 2 months
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alborneih · 2 months
Can you wait 2 more weeks to get my donation ? Someone has stolen $$$ from me. I need to work again now as an 80 yr old man.
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alborneih · 2 months
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alborneih · 2 months
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Hi friends How are things? Can you help us rebuild our house that was destroyed by the war on Gaza? We all worked for 13 years, morning and evening, to build it, and now we are sitting in tents. We are 4 families, me, my father, and my married brothers, all of us without shelter. I hope you can help us rebuild. House building
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alborneih · 2 months
Within the Israeli Goal Bank this morning
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alborneih · 2 months
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13 years I have been building a house
PayPal by Donating
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Dear loved ones,
In light of the turbulent events and harsh circumstances that we have experienced, we address you today with an invitation full of hope and optimism. We appeal to the need to unite our humanitarian efforts to collect donations and rebuild our home that was destroyed in the war on Gaza, which was our only refuge and our vibrant heart.
Our house witnessed moments of joy and sadness, and we were a family who lived under its roof, building our memories and dreams within its walls. However, due to the harsh conditions and the war on Gaza, not a single stone was left unturned, and this house, which was a witness to our family’s memories, was destroyed.
It took us nearly 13 years of hard work and sacrifices to build this beautiful four-story home. It symbolized pride and determination in the face of adversity. Today, we find ourselves facing a new challenge: rebuilding our homeland, which has been shattered under the weight of cruelty.
This house housed four families with beautiful memories in every corner, and its walls were a refuge of life and hope. As a Palestinian family, we urgently appeal to you to collect donations to rebuild this house and revive hope in the hearts of our children who have lost everything. This house means more to us than just walls and columns; It is a haven for life and memories, and a symbol of resilience and hope.
Your generous contributions will be a step towards rebuilding our family's lives and restoring our lost dignity. Let us stand together as one community to prove to the world that the power of solidarity and humanity can achieve miracles.
We extend our sincere thanks to you in advance for your generous support, and we pray to God to reward you on our behalf and multiply your blessings. Together, let's build a new home full of life, radiating a spirit of security and happiness.
With sincere thanks and gratitude,
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alborneih · 3 months
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13 years I have been building a house
Dear loved ones,
In light of the turbulent events and harsh circumstances that we have experienced, we address you today with an invitation full of hope and optimism. We appeal to the need to unite our humanitarian efforts to collect donations and rebuild our home that was destroyed in the war on Gaza, which was our only refuge and our vibrant heart.
Our house witnessed moments of joy and sadness, and we were a family who lived under its roof, building our memories and dreams within its walls. However, due to the harsh conditions and the war on Gaza, not a single stone was left unturned, and this house, which was a witness to our family’s memories, was destroyed.
It took us nearly 13 years of hard work and sacrifices to build this beautiful four-story home. It symbolized pride and determination in the face of adversity. Today, we find ourselves facing a new challenge: rebuilding our homeland, which has been shattered under the weight of cruelty.
This house housed four families with beautiful memories in every corner, and its walls were a refuge of life and hope. As a Palestinian family, we urgently appeal to you to collect donations to rebuild this house and revive hope in the hearts of our children who have lost everything. This house means more to us than just walls and columns; It is a haven for life and memories, and a symbol of resilience and hope.
Your generous contributions will be a step towards rebuilding our family's lives and restoring our lost dignity. Let us stand together as one community to prove to the world that the power of solidarity and humanity can achieve miracles.
We extend our sincere thanks to you in advance for your generous support, and we pray to God to reward you on our behalf and multiply your blessings. Together, let's build a new home full of life, radiating a spirit of security and happiness.
With sincere thanks and gratitude,
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alborneih · 3 months
Life in Gaza, my friend
Just living in the Gaza Strip means that you are experiencing a new catastrophe and suffering every hour
Let me explain the topic to you in a simple way
This means that every hour you will see your brother, friend, or acquaintance brutally killed in front of you.
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It means that you will see your little brother die of hunger and disease (from the Al-Kafarna family in the northern Gaza Strip)
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This means that you will struggle to provide drinking water.
It means that you will suffer just because you want to enter the bathroom and find no water or paper to clean yourself.
This means that you will be exposed to poisoning because the food allowed to be brought into Gaza is spoiled or spoiled inside Gaza due to the lack of refrigerators.
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It means you won't find a cure for a headache or any other illness due to the lack of medicines.
It means that you will see an Israeli tank run over your mother while she is alive, while you are tied hand and foot amid the laughter of the occupation soldiers.
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It means seeing your home, built with sweat and toil over 13 years of work, destroyed by air raids for no reason.
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That means a doctor amputates his 16-year-old disabled daughter's foot at home without anesthesia because she was hit by a tank shell, and the army does not allow them to leave the house to go to the hospital.
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This is a small, indivisible part of the reality of Palestinians in Gaza. Despite this, we endure and say we will not leave our land and will rebuild our destroyed homes.
All we ask of you is to support us in providing water, food, and rebuilding homes."
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