Adi Wood – Drummer
371 posts
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Adding timings to Jules’s backing tracks. In the heat of a performance it’s too easy to get lost. This way Jules can concentrate on connecting with the audience. #jts #jtsmicrophone #tchelicon #tcheliconvoice #reverb #solovocal #solovocalist #reverbpedal #backtoblack #evacassidy #lockdownmusic #lockdown #lockdownrecording #facebooklive #homerecording #iphone #ipad #Vocals #vocalist #ipad #iphone #backingtracks #stagetraxx #reggae #ska #loversrock #everythingiown #boygeorge #bread #kenboothe (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Another poster design, this time for our wonderful friend AnneMarie. Am loving using Photoshop again and re-establishing best practices. Plus after years of working to templates I am enjoying the process of design ideas and implementing them across a body of designs. Like being back at Art College again. Only better. #graphicdesign #photoshop #poster #posterdesign #singer #solosinger #solosingerposter #singerposter #artistposter #singerposterdesign #newventure #newventures #filters #karencarpentertribute #karencarpenterforever #karencarpentertributeartist #karencarpenter #cameraflare (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Things have been busy as I’m designing more promotional posters using Photoshop but I still get stuck into the #lifetimewarmup once a day. 170bpm is now my new “normal” and I am trying to consolidate this tempo. Each day I play through each section of the routine using a timer, for thirty seconds. This is inspired by the Endurance Challenge when Tommy would play each element for a minute. This has had the main benefit of strengthening my Paradiddles and Flam Paradiddles, but the whole routine benefits. Eventually I will aim for the full Endurance Challenge but for now, Thirty Seconds is plenty! #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #endurance #endurancelifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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A new solo singer poster for Jules - based on a photo I took in Liverpool. After some thought I did some work to the background to improve it. I have included the original photo so you can compare - see if you can spot the differences. #graphicdesign #photoshop #poster #posterdesign #singer #solosinger #solosingerposter #singerposter #artistposter #singerposterdesign #newventure #newventures #filters #bevelandemboss #bevel #emboss #cameraflare #beatles #theBeatles #theBeatlestribute (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Logo to unify Jules’s solo shows. Drawn in Graphic for iPhone - a vector graphic program. #graphicdesign #photoshop #poster #posterdesign #singer #solosinger #solosingerposter #singerposter #artistposter #singerposterdesign #newventure #newventures #filters #bevelandemboss #bevel #emboss #cameraflare #amywinehouse #amywinehousetribute #amywinehousevocaltribute #adobesketch #vector #vectorgraphic (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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More graphic design/photoshop poster work. This time it’s a Tribute poster for a September gig back at the Nags Head, Darlaston for @jules.singer18. She played her first gig since Lockdown in a Gazebo outside the pub. They heard her sing a selection of Amy Winehouse and suggested she do a Tribute set at the next gig. Perfect. The photo of Jules was taken outside the pub. I came up with the “Vocal Tribute” tagline to help explain that it’s not a lookalike Tribute. Not seen Vocal Tribute used before, although that’s not to say it hasn’t been. #graphicdesign #photoshop #poster #posterdesign #singer #solosinger #solosingerposter #singerposter #artistposter #singerposterdesign #newventure #newventures #filters #bevelandemboss #bevel #emboss #cameraflare #amywinehouse #amywinehousetribute #amywinehousevocaltribute (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Poster design for a Amy Winehouse/Eva Cassidy “Tribute” show @jules.singer18 and I dreamt up. #graphicdesign #photoshop #poster #posterdesign #singer #solosinger #solosingerposter #singerposter #artistposter #singerposterdesign #newventure #newventures #filters #bevelandemboss #bevel #emboss #cameraflare (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Playing playing playing! #graphicdesign #photoshop #poster #posterdesign #singer #solosinger #solosingerposter #singerposter #artistposter #singerposterdesign #newventure #newventures #filters #bevelandemboss #bevel #emboss #cameraflare (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Finally been able to install a copy of Photoshop on our PC (don’t ask!) and am rapidly getting into the workflow again. Want to design posters for singers, etc. and this is shaping up just fine. #graphicdesign #photoshop #poster #posterdesign #singer #solosinger #solosingerposter #singerposter #artistposter #singerposterdesign #newventure #newventures (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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I watched an interview with Tommy Aldridge yesterday (thanks to @global2dom) and was interested to hear the Whitesnake drummer talk about drummers needing to learn the fundamentals - Rudiments. I wish I had taken them more seriously as a kid but am glad since discovering @tommyigoe and @johnawooton to have addressed that over the last eight years or so. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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And today things have stepped up a gear. Again. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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So I had to slow everything down 10-20bpm - 180bpm felt ludicrously fast. I have been trying to make 180 my new normal but it’s like sprinting when I am more used to marathons. I will persevere. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Nearly two years on from “redundancy“, I am finally hitting the Advanced Lifetime Warmup. Admittedly the most progress has been made during Lockdown. There’s a lesson there. The paradiddle variations and triplet rolls are making progress so overall, I am feeling like I have really achieved something important. Trick now is to stay on top of it and move towards 200bpm! It’s important to have goals. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Have enjoyed posting full practice sessions of the #lifetimewarmup over the last few days on IGTV. Yesterday’s was a real achievement. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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#letthemusicplay #saveourvenues (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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No drums set up for months... so a pretty picture with lights. #drum #drumkit #drumset #drumkits #drumsets #snare #snaredrum #bassdrum #kickdrum #floortom #racktom #acrolite #ludwigacrolite #ludwigacrolitesnare #code #codedrumhead #codedrumheads #codedrumheadendorsee #codedrumheadsendorsee #teamcode #ludwigsnare #ludwigrocker #ludwigrockers #ludwigdrums #sabian #sabiancymbals #sabianxplosion #sabianaaxplosion #sabianaaxplosioncymbal #sabianaaxplosioncymbals (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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My battered practice pad post #igoechallenge - am now hitting the Lifetime Warmup at 180bpm. Unthinkable before Lockdown. It’s going to be interesting to see what I do with this once I next get my hands on a snare drum/drum set. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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