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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Things have been busy as I’m designing more promotional posters using Photoshop but I still get stuck into the #lifetimewarmup once a day. 170bpm is now my new “normal” and I am trying to consolidate this tempo. Each day I play through each section of the routine using a timer, for thirty seconds. This is inspired by the Endurance Challenge when Tommy would play each element for a minute. This has had the main benefit of strengthening my Paradiddles and Flam Paradiddles, but the whole routine benefits. Eventually I will aim for the full Endurance Challenge but for now, Thirty Seconds is plenty! #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #endurance #endurancelifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlvgtUnBRF/?igshid=1rn3wqc362aa3
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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I watched an interview with Tommy Aldridge yesterday (thanks to @global2dom) and was interested to hear the Whitesnake drummer talk about drummers needing to learn the fundamentals - Rudiments. I wish I had taken them more seriously as a kid but am glad since discovering @tommyigoe and @johnawooton to have addressed that over the last eight years or so. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8fcFSnN3g/?igshid=1i2lcl0sueduk
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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And today things have stepped up a gear. Again. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC6sYK3HAR0/?igshid=1gnnt07d7pww9
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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So I had to slow everything down 10-20bpm - 180bpm felt ludicrously fast. I have been trying to make 180 my new normal but it’s like sprinting when I am more used to marathons. I will persevere. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4IQU_nJZF/?igshid=12shjlbuqfonf
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Nearly two years on from “redundancy“, I am finally hitting the Advanced Lifetime Warmup. Admittedly the most progress has been made during Lockdown. There’s a lesson there. The paradiddle variations and triplet rolls are making progress so overall, I am feeling like I have really achieved something important. Trick now is to stay on top of it and move towards 200bpm! It’s important to have goals. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCvZ75YnPyL/?igshid=xe8gtavvtxnp
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Have enjoyed posting full practice sessions of the #lifetimewarmup over the last few days on IGTV. Yesterday’s was a real achievement. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbhgsyByBH/?igshid=pfceqwbimezv
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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My battered practice pad post #igoechallenge - am now hitting the Lifetime Warmup at 180bpm. Unthinkable before Lockdown. It’s going to be interesting to see what I do with this once I next get my hands on a snare drum/drum set. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3VlThnu1S/?igshid=1c97eu2p9nra3
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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My Real Feel pad. Since Lockdown I have been able to kick my Lifetime Warmup through a number of mental glass ceilings I had created over the speeds of some of my rudiments. Both the Paradiddles and all the Flams especially have gone through the roof. Propped up are the Drumeo pad which I never use and my old Vic Firth. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5GdlHnG7u/?igshid=1oig3nheufgc
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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#igoechallenge A glass ceiling smashing approach to the Lifetime Warmup. A “Grab & Go” (if I remember correctly, or is it “bite-size”?) involves blasting each element only a couple of times before moving onto the next, only I have been practicing the routine at multiple tempos all in one sitting. Has helped strengthen my Paradiddles, which have been amongst my weakest Rudiments for speed. Will have another crack tomorrow. #chartwriting #chart #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #grabandgo #grabandgolifetime (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_92pIUnuXP/?igshid=1ustja3xsecq5
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Seems to be a lion and an elephant having a cuddle whilst I pose with my newly shaved head. Quite normal here at Casa de Wood here in Leicester. Have been enjoying pushing the envelope and smashing through the glass ceilings above a number of the rudiments in the Lifetime Warmup. I have found it interesting to tempo check some of Tommy’s Live Stream Advanced tempo Lifetime Warmups and it’s impressive to say the least. Inspiring too. I have my own targets which I am starting to hit but it’s exciting to see how far you CAN go. I post progress on my story from time to time. Keeps me humble. #chartwriting #chart #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_60JkPHOAV/?igshid=14p1q29enhx3v
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Step 3 of the #igoechallenge Assignment Days 31-45 - Creation pt2. In the end I went for a combination of my possible approaches - orchestral style vs groove drummer. I also decided to build up each groove during the second and fourth sections, starting with the bass drum and adding more voices to the groove every four bars. Section three I kept very simple, and, apart from a very quiet bass drum or possibly floor tom, laid out of section 1 all together. Really don’t want any of the playing to be bombastic, just supportive. #chartwriting #chart #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_1SYN2H_Jg/?igshid=nzrq779g3x8a
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Step 3 of the #igoechallenge Assignment Days 31-45 - Creation. I think I was always headed for Step 3, bypassing Step 2. Choosing/creating parts to accompany this wonderfully twisty piece of orchestral music has been great fun. I have a few initial ideas which I have written here but I think choosing an approach is the most important thing for me. My role should be a supportive one - there’s so much going on and it builds and builds. So an overall controlled volume is a must. All the ideas I have come up with are relatively low key but could build in intensity with volume and different voices. As for what I play, I could take a percussive approach as if an orchestral snare drummer with access to a huge pallet of sounds. There’s no snare, hi-hat or tom parts on this recording so I could provide those unique voices. I am a drum set player and could approach the piece using the layered rhythmic sound that configuration offers. In other words, play grooves! I think this has the most appeal as it plays to one of the drum set’s greatest strengths - coordinated multilayered rhythms. There’s a third option which is to use a combination. The best part about this assignment is that there’s no right or wrong. It’s about creativity. I can’t help but wonder what a conductor would want. I have had to be flexible in my approach in the past. On the other hand the music is fixed in stone so that makes things easier. #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zDC5fHvb2/?igshid=d7se6n947dt3
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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Step 1 of the #igoechallenge Assignment Days 31-45 - The Chart. Question is, do I go to Step 2 (transcribing Tommy’s original parts) or Step 3 (creating a drum part)? Probably 3, where I get creative and compose my own part? I have a tiny bit of orchestral experience and love prog rock! Decision time. #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpadsforlife #realfeelpads #practicedrums #practiceroutine #practiceroutines #practiceroutineformusicians #drums #drumming #technique #technicalpractice #rudiments #rudiment #flams #singlestrokes #doublestrokes (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_wm3kvHZF7/?igshid=1chdz5rn532l3
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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I set a goal for myself recently to work on some of the individual elements of Tommy Igoe’s Lifetime Warmup - #igoechallenge. The aim was to increase the quality/speed of these elements to an Advanced level, specifically to match the Advanced Backing Track that comes with the Great Hands package. Have made good progress - the only elements I have really struggled with are the all Paradiddles (excepting the paradiddlediddles). But have slowed them down again and began to push forward again. The Flam stuff is really falling into place. #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpads https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nNLybHx8S/?igshid=1y1s6lbgzln64
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adiwooddrummer · 5 years ago
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#igoechallenge Day 26-30 Assignment My Current Best Tempos Rebound Strokes 170 bpm Five Stroke 170 bpm Seven Stroke 170 bpm Nine Stroke 170 bpm Ten Stroke 170 bpm Eleven Stroke 170 bpm Singles and Doubles 170 bpm Three Stroke Ruff 160 bpm Ruff Combo 160 bpm Single Paradiddle 160 bpm Double Paradiddle 160 bpm Triple Paradiddle 160 bpm Paradiddle-diddle 160 bpm Paradiddle Combo 140 bpm Singles Grid 140 bpm Single Drag 160 bpm Double Drag 160 bpm Triplet Rolls 125 bpm Flam Paradiddle 100 bpm Double Flam Paradiddle 90 bpm Triple Flam Paradiddle 90 bpm Flamacue 100 bpm Flamacue Syncopated 100 bpm Flam Taps 100 bpm Flam Taps 6/8 140 bpm Flam Accent 140 bpm Flam Drags 95 bpm Swiss Triplets 140 bpm Flam Combo 140 bpm Ratamacue Combo 170 bpm Target Tempos 180 bpm - overall Advanced Warmup tempo 110 bpm - Flam Paradiddles, etc 136 bpm - Flam Accents, etc 166 bpm - Flam Accents, etc - faster #lifetimewarmup #tommyigoe #tommyigoegrooveessentials #tommyigoelifetimewarmingup #realfeelpad #realfeelpads https://www.instagram.com/p/B_AzLygHrQQ/?igshid=eyv3cb7eyyr1
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