adhde · 3 years
when we have someone legitimately asking if having a favorite color is a neurodivergent thing i think we need to address how we talk abt neurodivergence on this site skdnfsmdkms.
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adhde · 3 years
i hate being neurodivergent sometimes bc someone will be like "hey, check out this piece of media!" and i'm like. i would love to. unfortunately if i do i will probably become hyperfixated on it and lose my current hyperfixation and i don't want to do that bc i love my current hyperfixation :/
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adhde · 3 years
Having ADHD is like just now I went to look up salmon recipes but suddenly I’m building a shelf
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adhde · 3 years
I am undergoing a full character arc in my mind that I will forget about in the next hour
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adhde · 3 years
adhd is having super amplified introspection yet zero self-awareness or decision making skills. i literally never stop overthinking absolutely everything but if you ask me how i am? i dont know. am i enjoying myself? i dont know. my opinion? i dont know. my favorite? i dont know. am i lying? i dont know. do i want this? i dont know. trust my gut feeling? it changes every second. which of these is better? i cant breathe. just pick one? eating glass would hurt less
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adhde · 3 years
Anybody else, maybe with ADHD, see something but not SEE it?
Like as I was closing the fridge I saw the garlic and was like “oh yeah I have to put garlic in the stew” and when I reopened the fridge ten seconds later I had to search around for the garlic because I hadn’t SEEN it.
Just now I’m at a craft store, I saw the word “adhesive” but I didn’t SEE it so now I’m trying to find it again, a literal 2 seconds after I saw it.
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adhde · 4 years
A way i like to think about how i feel things is primary and secondary emotions.
Everyone knows what a primary emotion is. That’s how everyone thinks about emotions! It’s the ‘i’m happy’ or ‘i’m sad’ or ‘i’m angry’. Its how most people think of feelings, the one at the forefront, the one most easily pinpointed.
Secondary emotions is a concept that really helped me understand how my feelings worked a lot more.
An example: my first emotion is happiness, or maybe i’m in a bit of a hyperactive moment. That’s primary emotion. My secondary emotion is sadness, or anxiety, or self loathing, or anger. This means that although i’m happy, i’m enjoying myself, i’m high energy, every so often (meaning either seconds or minutes apart) my secondary emotion seeps through and i have no choice but to feel it. I’ll return to my primary emotion momentarily, and usually i’ll still be outwardly showing that one, but now all my brain is doing is SAD SAD EVERYONE HATES YOU REMEMBER ALL THE TERRIBLE THINGS YOU’VE DONE and then poof! It’ll be gone until it ebbs back again.
Sometimes, you’ll get a pair of negatives. Like sadness and anger. Ever been crying, and suddenly you get so agonisingly angry at whatever caused your sadness that you clench your jaw, or bite your pillow, or muffle a scream? And then it’ll fade back to just regular sadness, and maybe come back again in a few minutes? Yeah.
It doesnt always have to be negative, though. I find when i’m at my purest form of happiness is when my primary emotion is happiness and my secondary emotion is peace/ a different kind of happiness. Times like that are probably the only times i 100% relax. I feel like everything will turn out fine in the end, that everything’s already fine.
And primary and secondary emotions arent pairs that follow each other around. They fluctuate separately! Like, your secondary emotion may change throughout the period of one primary emotion. Or you might be stuck with the same secondary emotion for weeks, even as your primary emotions change up as often as you would expect.
The secondary isnt always more/the same level of negative as the primary too! Sometimes your secondary can be ‘getting by’ while your primary is ‘completely destraught’, so you’ll get little waves of ‘hey, i’m fine, why am i so upset? I’m overreacting.’ This is also something that comes to mind when someone asks me ‘how are you?’ And i reply ‘good!’ or ‘fine!’ Because that might be my primary emotion, but my secondary is something completely different that maybe i feel they don’t care enough to know about, or vice versa and fine is the secondary.
Maybe this is something other people already talk about, maybe not. Just thought i’d share cuz being neurodivergent is hard and spewing half legible thought processes onto the internet is somehow a coping mechanism
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adhde · 4 years
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I used to think I can't have ADHD because I wasn't hyperactive.
Not everyone can allow themselves to act on their hyperactivity, so we find ways to redirect or hide the understimulation.
(Sneak introduction to the new inattentive Alien! A hommage to a collab I did with René ♥️)
If yo u’d like to support my work, check out my patreon :)
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adhde · 4 years
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A friend sent this to me and I about lost my damn mind it is so funny 
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adhde · 4 years
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adhde · 4 years
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adhde · 4 years
while im at at? here are some more things non-psychotic people REALLY need to stop fucking doing:
using the fucking “what if it was a mentally ill person’s fantasy the whole time?” trope.
equating psychosis to violence because guess what? Those two things are usually unrelated.
using psychosis as Angsty Ship Fuel Angst Because Psychotic People are Unworthy Of Love So It’s Angsty™
Using psychosis to make ur characters “~~Edgy~~”
Using psychosis to make ur plots “~~~Spicy~~~”
Treating psychosis like a joke.
Acting like there aren’t psychotic people out there, right now, consuming content, who are already demonized in their day to day lives over something they never asked for, things that are constantly misinterpreted to make some mediocre non-psychotic person’s media “”better”” and “”spookier”” for other mediocre non-psychotic nuerotypicals, who may see this shit and be further hurt by it.
acting like people don;t abuse psychotic people for their psychosis.
being fucking dicks about psychosis.
I encourage non psychotic people especially to reblog this.
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adhde · 4 years
Just saw that someone reposted one of my posts onto instagram (at least they didnt crop out my url✌️😗) and just, the visceral reaction. My stupid brain worm thoughts, put on other platforms? Terrible. Have a horrible day.
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adhde · 4 years
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ways anne finds out venom is alive option #1
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adhde · 4 years
My parents, when i told them i wanted to get a diagnosis: you know the only thing they’ll be able to offer you is meds and therapy, right?
Me, basically vibrating: yes i am aware
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adhde · 4 years
I literally just want ‘our last summer’ mamma mia version out of my head. That is my fucking ONLY wish. Its the only thing i could hope for. Just. I just. I just want to not have colin firth’s singing voice in my head every waking moment. Is that really so much to ask. God. God is that so much to ask. GOD ANSWER ME PLEASE JUST ONE THING
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adhde · 4 years
Me in art class, frantically painting to keep from inserting myself into the other people on my table’s conversation about minecraft parodies: do not interrupt them do NOT interrupt them do NOT INTERRUPT THEM DO NOT INTERRUPT THEM
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