acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “So… Bunny. I think I figured out what is going on with me.”
- Panel 2 -
[Bunny] “Yes? What do you think?”
[Crow] “Well, you see…”
- Panel 3 -
[Narration] Explanation.
- Panel 4 -
[Crow] “I’m sorry, I’m not very good at explaining. I’m not joking or exaggerating, though!”
- Panel 5 -
[Crow] “I hope you believe me.”
- Panel 6 -
[Bunny] “I do. I do believe you. I think we should have you talk to someone about it, though. There is only so much I can do to help.”
[Crow] “I know.”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “I wonder… It seems like the symptoms of dissociation I am experiencing are a lot more intense and different than usual.”
- Panel 2 -
[Crow] “Is it dissociation… or just dissociation…? I should look up my symptoms.”
- Panel 3 -
[Crow] “Sometimes it feels like I’m not real, or that nothing else is. Like I emerged in a parallel universe where nothing is quite the same, and I can never go back.”
- Panel 4 -
[Crow] “Or that I’m watching myself from outside my body, unable to intervene. Can’t taste nor feel, my mind exists, but my body is not mine at that moment.”
- Panel 5 -
[Crow, thinking] “Depersonalization and derealization… dissociation. Wow. That is spot on.”
- Panel 6 -
[Crow, thinking] “And yet another thing to add to the list. At least this isn’t as bad as depression, anxiety or suicidal ideation. Pff.”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “Hey, thanks for inviting me out. I do feel a little bit better when I’m with you.”
- Panel 2 -
[Bunny] “I’m always glad to hang out with you! I was a little worried leaving you by yourself in the apartment.”
- Panel 3 -
[Crow] “I know. I hate to admit it, but I can’t stand it there. It makes me want to die and it is such a mess.”
- Panel 4 -
[Crow] “But weirdly enough, when I’m out of there, it’s like my depression and anxiety have never existed! I almost feel lost without them.”
- Panel 5 -
[Crow] “But to be honest, I’m kind of glad they are gone, for however long. I can actually feel like I can get things done.”
- Panel 6 -
[Bunny] “Yeah, I believe in you. I’ll back you every step of the way. You’re not alone.”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow, thinking] “I keep losing sensation in my body. My mouth, my throat, my taste, my limbs… Some days it is better than others. What is wrong with me?”
- Panel 2 -
[Crow, thinking] “Sometimes I can hardly convince my body to move. It’s like watching myself from outside my body and wishing, praying that it will do what I want it to. How strange.”
- Panel 3 -
[Crow, thinking] “Worst part is, I’m still not sure if I’m dead, in a coma, or daydreaming at home and I’ll wake up and be like, wow, what a crazy trip or dream I just had.”
- Panel 4 -
[Crow, thinking] “What if this never ends? I can’t work like this, or go to college. I have nowhere to go.”
- Panel 5 -
[Crow, thinking] “Ah. I wonder if it’s Bunny. He’s probably worried about me. I should answer.”
[Action] Phone buzzing.
- Panel 6 -
[Text Message] Bunny: Hey, how are you doing? Do you want to go to lunch with me so you’re not alone, please?
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “I’m feeling kind of weird again today. I wonder if I can forcibly call out Cat. Couldn’t hurt, I guess.”
- Panel 2 -
[Crow, action] Crawls. Purr.
- Panel 3 -
[Crow, action] Pupils dialate.
- Panel 4 -
[Cat, action] Shake, shake.
- Panel 5 -
[Cat, action] Blank stare.
[Bunny] “Huh. It worked I guess. Hello, Cat.”
- Panel 6 -
[Cat, action] Nuzzle.
[Bunny] “Ahah, all right.”
0 notes
acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “Great Goddess… I’m sorry about the other day. I’m just not in a good place for anything romantic right now.”
- Panel 2 -
[Crow] “I mean, I think I like you, but I can’t be sure like this. It isn’t fair to you.”
- Panel 3 -
[Crow] “And I’m sorry for flirting with you! I’m making this harder for you! You’d be better off without me!!!”
- Panel 4 -
[Bunny] “Crow, please. It’s okay. I really like you. I understand how you feel. I’m scared, too. But I’m not giving up.”
- Panel 5 -
[Bunny] Above all, I’ll still be here for you. Whatever you need. Please don’t push me away. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay.”
- Panel 6 -
[Crow] “Okay… I trust you. I just worry. You’re my best friend and I don’t want to hurt you. Just be careful, okay?”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “It happened again, didn’t it? I can’t control it. I’m embarrassing myself. It’s like all of my secrets no longer belong to me.”
- Panel 2 -
[Crow] “Gosh, Bunny is probably so confused. I have no idea if what I’m saying is more or less true and honest than I would say at any other time.”
- Panel 3 -
[Narration] Earlier…
- Panel 4 -
[Crow] “Bunny, whatever I do, do not let me get any closer than this to you. I don’t trust myself.”
[Bunny] “Huh? What do you mean?”
- Panel 5 -
[Crow] “Ugh, I just… Don’t want you to find out like this. It’s not right. But I can’t control myself the way I want to right now!”
- Panel 6 -
[Bunny] “Hmm. I think I understand. In any case, I feel a lot better about myself! Haha.”
[Crow] “Jerk.”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Bunny, thinking] “What happened? What is wrong with them? What can I do? I guess I’ll just keep an eye on them.”
[Cat, action] Shiver. Sob.
- Panel 2 -
[Cat, action] Sniffle.
[Bunny] “Hey. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do?”
- Panel 3 -
[Cat, action] Blinks.
- Panel 4 -
[Bunny] “What? Are you okay? What’s wrong? Can you talk to me?”
[Cat, action] Snickers.
- Panel 5 -
[Cat, action] Stares.
- Panel 6 -
[Cat] Nuzzle. Purr.
[Bunny] “Ah, okay. Hello, Cat. I’m not sure what we’re doing, but okay.”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “Haha, I’m having a great time! Everything is so happy and funny.”
[Bunny] “I’m so glad!”
[Crow] “I want to draw!”
- Panel 2 -
[Crow] “It’s my snake! He’s the best snake, I love him! This is my favorite drawing!”
- Panel 3 -
- Panel 4 -
[Cat, action] Squeeze.
[Cat] “I thought I was going to forget you!! I am so scared! Please don’t leave!”
[Bunny] “I… guess this is my life now.”
- Panel 5 -
[Bunny, action] Flee.
[Bunny] “I’m going to go get a drink.”
- Panel 6 -
[Cat, action] Shiver. Bristle. Sob. Sniffle.
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “Hey. I feel better today. Thank you for staying with me -- for keeping me safe.”
[Bunny] “Anytime, you are my best friend. I would never let anything happen to you.”
- Panel 2 -
[Crow, thinking] “That was so weird, though. I’ve never felt anything like it. Will it happen again? Do I want it to? What if I do something stupid? What if I hurt myself, or someone else? Is it the real me, or a fake me...?”
- Panel 3 -
[Bunny] “Clarity, Crow. You’re doing it again. I’m worried, too. But you are real. Stop thinking about it. Believe in me. I won’t lie to you.”
- Panel 4 -
[Crow] “Okay. You’re right. I trust you. I am glad you were there.”
- Panel 5 -
[Crow] “Thanks. I really do appreciate it.”
[Bunny] “Anytime. If you need me, I’ll be there. I won’t judge you. I want you to be safe.”
[Crow] “Thanks. Again… You’re way too nice.”
- Panel 6 -
[Bunny] “No, I’m just doing what I should. I care about you. I want you to be safe and happy.”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “So…  What is going on? How did I get here? Is this real? I don’t feel like myself. I’ve never felt like this before. I’m scared. I’m SCARED.”
- Panel 2 -
- Panel 3 -
[Bunny] “Hey.”
- Panel 4 -
[Crow, action] Shaking.
[Bunny] “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m real. You’re real. Breathe. You can feel the pressure of my touch, right?”
- Panel 5 -
[Bunny] “There, there. We’ll figure this out, together. I won’t leave you alone. I’m sorry you feel this way.”
- Panel 6 -
[Crow] “Thank you.”
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acwclm-blog · 8 years
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*Panels are to be read left to right, wrapping around to the bottom left, then to the right again* - Panel 1 -
[Crow] “It’s dark. Where am I? I can’t feel anything.
- Panel 2 -
[Crow] “Am I dead?”
- Panel 3 -
[???] “No, you’re fine. I’m right here. Do you need anything? You’re okay. I promise.”
- Panel 4 -
[Crow] “Can I trust you? I can’t see.”
- Panel 5 -
[???] “Then open your eyes, silly.”
- Panel 6 -
[Narrative] And you were the first thing I would see.
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