aafitstudio-blog ¡ 6 years
All Attributes Fitness, 2019
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New Year, New Location, Get Ready for some fun...
Update time. Been a busy month+ around here and there hasn’t been much in the way of communication, so we needed to drop an update for you. Lots going on with holidays as well for everyone, so it was a good time for us to go all quiet. Hope everyone is enjoying their downtime...as things are about to ramp up.
As some/many of you know, we are now operating out of a new space! We aren’t “officially” open but we are still doing our workout thing for all you die-hards (we tried to be as non-disruptive to workouts as possible after all). 
To say we are excited for this opportunity would be an understatement, as we’ve received quite an upgrade from a facility and location standpoint. With the change of scenery though comes a lot of adjustments, and a lot of new sweat equity (have to make the place our own after all). That said, please ignore our mess until we get it how we think it will work best for you all. 
In way of a quick “tour”, the pics above don’t quite do it justice, but man it’s sweeeeeet. We have glass frontage directly on Michigan St, and we share a wall with 7 Monks Taproom (dangerous). An amazing lobby (and future caffeine bar) with built-in drink fridge, 2 large bathrooms, water bottle filler, and tons of locker space, with separate weight room with our custom athletic turf, as well as 20 stairs (which will be used) that lead to our loft area where we hope to hold future classes (yoga, core, HIIT). We even have access in the Spring/Summer to the amazing rooftop (pictured above), which the lovely people from Lofts of GR are going to allow us access to. Rooftop classes will be YUGE...game changer.
ALL that said, due to the quick changes and things that need to be done for the new space (this all happened REAL fast), we’ve been a bit slack on our programs, and getting people jazzed for the Resolution Season. We still need to reward our crazy peeps who made it 100% of the way through the Fall Fitness Challenge, and need to work on prepping the next challenge as well as new workout board for the month. We WILL get there...promise. 
Finally, thanks so much to all of our loyalists that made the transition with us to this new Midtown location, as we know it is a bit of a shocker coming from our previous Kentwood space. We never dreamed of ever moving this far over, but the opportunity was just too good to pass up. How that came to be is another post entirely! 
And not that I’d imagine they’d ever read this, but thanks to Jeff, Dave, Elizabeth, and all the lovely ladies from Lofts of GR, as they’ve all been beyond great in all aspects in welcoming us and helping us make this happen. 
This was too long already so...bye! Til next time. We’ve got a ton of cool stuff coming. 
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 6 years
Change. It’s in the Air.
AAFitness First Newsletter – Fall 2018 Edition
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A weird word looking at it solo -Change- but not so weird that we should fear it as we do. This change can come in many forms, from changing a lifestyle or habit, changing a bit about how we treat one another, changing jobs/careers, love interests, etc. Sometimes this change is your decision, sometimes it’s mutual, and sometimes it’s out of your hands. The one thing it always is…scary.
But…it doesn’t have to be. Not always. Sometimes, the thing creating the change you are so afraid of ends up being the very thing that gives us a little kick-in-the-pants wake up call. Stuck in a job that you don’t love yet were afraid of moving on from? What can seem like a disaster at first can very well end up putting you on a path to greater things. However, you have to work for it…and want it. Nothing comes easy, and happiness usually is found in what you do, and who you do it with.
Mistakes are how we learn, little life lessons on the way to something better. Nothing wrong with that from time-to-time, so long as we continue to move forward, never back. So, I challenge you…don’t wait for something negative to force a much-needed change on you, but rather take control and actively make the change yourself. Even a small thing like changing a bad habit can ripple and have greater impacts than you can imagine down the road. Take charge, make change. You’ll be glad you did.
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
The More You Know...
AAFitness First Newsletter - February FAQ Edition
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One month into the resolution season and hopefully we are all a part of the coveted 8-10 percent of people who actually KEEP those resolutions (We know you are, cause we hold you to them!). Summer months are still a ways out, but now is the time to get the work in to achieve the results you are looking for on the sunny, summer days. Never too late to start so if you aren’t hitting it hard now, you are running out of time…so get in here!
On that note, for Feb we are going to cover 3 of the more frequently asked questions we get from clients, so let’s get to it.
FAQ1: How many times a week do I need to workout if I want to achieve “X” results?
AAFitAnswer: As in math, you must first solve for the “X”. One workout per week is better than none, that much is clear, so don’t let life tell you that because you can’t get to the gym six times a week, that you might as well do nothing. That is an easy trap to fall into.
In general, we encourage our clients to average 2-3 times per week if they want to start seeing the results within the first few months. However, being active throughout the week and supplementing your personal training sessions with runs, walks, workouts of your own, etc is always encouraged. Just cause you can’t make it in here doesn’t let you off the hook!
Of course the variables to this are numerous, including the rest of your lifestyle (eating habits, stress, sleep, occupation, etc), so for a true personalized answer we can work that out with you on a one-on-one basis, to ensure you will get the results YOU are looking for.
FAQ2: What is the deal with the “fill-in-the-blank” diet? Is that something I should try?
AAFitAnswer: Like the above answer, a lot depends on the individual and where they fall in the fitness landscape. The simplest answer is that adopting a clean eating lifestyle is really the ultimate goal you are looking to achieve. One of the main problems with the “diet” is that the word itself implies a temporary condition; otherwise you’d just call it “eating”!
As a general rule anything that completely eliminates ____ entirely is usually one to watch out for, as the sustainability of that in the long term would be questionable. That isn’t to discount them entirely, just think of them as stepping stones to changing your habits for the long term.
Stay away from all the processed junk, excess amounts of sugar, alcohol, etc…and you will be on the right track. Of course, those are all the things we love, and we can’t forget to live a little. All things in moderation so they say…and hard work in the gym deserves rewards!
FAQ3: How much alcohol is too much? What if I just drink “fill-in-the-blank” and waters?
AAFitAnswer: No one is going to like this answer but…any amount is too much. The common practice for drinking yet justifying it by a low calorie count doesn’t account for the full equation. While calorie (and sugar) count is undoubtedly a great reason to avoid alcohol in the first place, it doesn’t factor in how the body metabolizes alcohol, or how it affects other important fitness factors like sleep, or our main concern – our clean eating habits!
As in the above answers, the common theme here is personalization and moderation. If alcohol is something you enjoy then swearing it off entirely just might not be an option for you. Try to pick a couple of months where you challenge yourself to stay away or keep it to a minimum, and use those months to really go hard for your fitness results. Maintaining a healthy body is a bit easier than fighting to get one in the first place, and remember, you should be rewarded for all your hard work!
Feel free to submit any other questions you might have (or just ask us in person), and we will include on a future post as a topic!
As always, see you in the Studio!
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
Holiday Fitness Ain’t Easy
AAFitness First Newsletter – Holiday Edition
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If you were anything like us, you took a nice break from chicken and rice and really got into the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday! Now, it’s back to work...as we can’t allow the slope to become too slippery lest we completely lose our momentum. However, holiday season is upon us, and with that comes more feasts and more chances to skip workouts, as we go into this December month. When we add the shorter days and the increasing cold, things can “snowball” really quickly! (see what I did there?)
With this in mind, it’s easy to fall off the wagon, stay home and warm, and eat whatever we want. Don’t! Even in this hectic month it’s more important than ever to stay the course and keep at it. It’s proven that we don’t respond well to less sun, and depression can set in if we let it. Working out during these times can help with this, so don’t underestimate the power of a good workout and what it can do for your mood and well-being.
However...have fun, visit with family, and do the holidays up the way they were meant to be done. Everything in life is balance so if you want to focus your efforts knowing that you are going to go at it full speed on Jan 1st, that’s okay too! Give yourself a little time to enjoy the good things in life, just don’t forget the gym awaits you when the holidays end!
Happy Holidays everyone!
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
Choose Your +1 to Survive!
AAFitness First Newsletter – October “Halloween” Edition
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Prologue: Rain. So...much...rain. As the rain continues to pour down, a scenario emerges in which humanity's only hope is to rebuild an Ark, to survive the oncoming floods. As there is limited space and only certain people will be able to secure a spot on Ark 2.0, you must use your skills and knowledge gained from All Attributes Fitness to survive...
With the Ark boarding process starting to begin, you must choose, how will you approach the scenario, knowing that your life and future is on the line?
If you decide to use your Strength and Power - scroll to scenario  1.
If you decide to use your Agility and Reflexes - scroll to scenario 2.
If you decide to use your Endurance and Energy - scroll to scenario 3.
If you decide to use your Intelligence and Wit - scroll to scenario 4.
If you decide to use your Charisma and Persuasion - scroll to scenario 5.
If you decide to use your Vitality and Stamina - scroll to scenario 6.
If you decide to use your Toughness and Guile - scroll to scenario 7.
If you decide to use your Willpower and Determination - scroll to scenario 8.
If you decide to use All Attributes - scroll to scenario 9.
Scenario 1
You are a beast. A human "bull" if you will. Therefore, you showcase your incredible strength to the Ark selection committee, and they agree the likes of your abilities are unmatched. In a space saving move, they decide to allow you to join the ship, as long as you agree to fight the actual "bull" (the animal) already on the ship. You agree. A Thor vs Hulk type battle ensues with awesome special effects and near death escapes, etc etc. In the end, you are standing. All is well. You join the ship. Unfortunately, 8 weeks into the journey, a deadly virus has broken out, which is determined to be from the gore and spectacle that exploding a live cow might entail. The ship is slowly whittled down as the virus wipes out all on board. You are the last to fall, and as you spasm out of this world you look back to the fight that started this all...and declare to the vast emptiness, "Rosebud"... You were clearly delirious.
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 2
You are fast, real fast. You knew before they did, there was going to be a line, and you knew you were going to be first in it. As the Ark committee called for the last available seats to be given out, you were on your toes and ready to roll. For some reason the committee decided a free-for-all, Far-and-Away style seat grab race was the way to go, and you knew you were a shoo-in. The race starts, and you easily dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge your way through the chaos, zig-zagging past the masses and to an easy first place finish. Your speed and prowess were legendary. Also legendary, the malice toward your greatness... You barely had time to relish in your victory before you were ganged up on by the other jealous and embarrassed participants of the race. Legend tells of a Matrix-like dodging of bullets and a showcase of speed unlike any ever seen, but in the end...it was too much. In the new world, you are memorialized in statue...on the spot your bullet-ridden body finally faltered.
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 3
 A flood you say? Limited space on the boat? Pssh...you have no time for such trivial concerns, as your level of endurance allows you to swim...indefinitely. Rather than worry about the chaos and certain death that awaits from the melee to get a boat seat, you are determined to brave the flood waters with nothing more than a small set of inflatable swimmies. As the flood waters and new world ocean order come to pass, you spend your time treading water and using all the ocean feels fit to provide to survive. As the months turn to years, and the years to decades, your endurance gives way to a genetic mutation, and you grow the ability to breathe water, and process it for its nutrients. Once the waters finally subside, your now vibrant community of fish-people live happily ever after. Ha, just kidding. The "landies", as you now call the descendants of the "boat people", hunt you for sport...in a most dangerous game. After numerous bloody engagements and 10 years of war, your people are all but extinguished, and your final resting place is above the mantle in a log cabin, with your head singing bad show tunes when someone walks by.
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 4
You know exactly what to do. You always do. Rather than worry about the boat and the remaining seats, you begin work on your cloning and genetic enhancement facility. Using knowledge and expertise available to you at the time, you determine that the only way to survive a global flood scenario will be to create an army of Kevin Costner's character in WaterWorld...the Mariner? (really? Mariner? I had to look that up...is that his name?...or like, a description of what he does?..I've never actually seen it). Anyway, where was I?...oh yes, the Mariner. Your experiments quickly come to fruition and your clone army of Kevin Costner's is unleashed. They look to you as a father figure, and obey your every command. Your first command is to commandeer the Ark, to use as you see fit. The Costner army quickly overcomes all aboard the Ark, and you are victorious. As you bask in the glory of your accomplishments, you realize that the world now consists of only you, and nothing else but Kevin Costners'. A fate...worse than death.
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 5
Talking your way onto the ship was easy...kids stuff really. Everyone you meet is simply a palette you paint on. You are able to shape their thoughts and wants with a mere glance. As you use your charm and personality to befriend the entire ship, you quickly become one of the most liked people aboard. So liked in fact, that before you know it, you are being asked to run for a spot on the selection committee, who decide the fate of humanity. After an easy victory to a seat on the committee, you are soon asked to head the entire thing. The fate of everyone you know, or would ever know, is now in your hands. Deciding who lives and who dies is no easy business, and the stress begins to build. This was something you were not prepared for, as you like everyone, and everyone likes you. Eventually it is all too much, as you simply cannot handle the emotional stress of all these decisions. Your body is found alone, among pictures of those you were forced to doom... The cause of death. Sadness (so deep).
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 6
You asked for a place on the Ark, and you received it. You were surprised at how easy it was honestly, but it still felt justified. As the weeks on the ship go by, everything seems normal, until one day you run across the files for all persons aboard. Out of curiosity you check your own file of course, only to discover news most distressing... You drop the open file on the ground, and back away into the arms of 2 armed men,...who drag you off never to be seen again...
The file notes read: "Subject X - Pinnacle of human health and wellness. Standard to which all others are judged. Body, mind, spirit, handles everything well. Lives life to the fullest. Fate: human guinea pig to be poked and prodded, to serve as future cloning genetic material, or as needed for scientific advancements of future humans."
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 7
Takes a licking but keeps on ticking. Not just a Timex. That's how you've been described on numerous occasions. This "global flood" thing is just going to be water off your back...literally. You apply for the boat...they deny you. You are not phased. You simply get to work chopping down trees and construct your own vessel of grit and determination, metal and brawn. While you never really find out the fate of the Ark that denied you, you never care to. You use your steely determination and toughness to last on your own, just you and your family...for decades to come, in the new wilderness of the global ocean. Obstacle after obstacle is overcome in a lifetime of adventures. Decades come and go and you mark the time with new scars from your battles. You are last seen facing down a giant Mer-Bear (fish-man-bear), with just your bare hands. You become a Legend of the Fall...
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 8
Make it so. Not just for Captain Picard, but also your mantra. Determination and force of will bend to you like a spoon in the Matrix. There is no situation you cannot overcome, this one included. To get on the Ark, only the best of the best can be allowed, and you decide you will be THE best. There is a great 80's montage of you training in the gym, improving skills a little at a time, whilst also showing a clear passage of time and your continual improvement. This montage is super inspirational and amazing... It includes other things like failing a bit, only to succeed the next time, and so forth. After this montage, the people of the Ark welcome you with open arms, simply amazed at how you've met all their requirements in the short time given. Another montage is shown of you on the ship, living your life, from young to old, your new responsibilities and daily life, etc. At some point you realize the horror that you live ONLY in montage, and have somehow become stuck in an infinite loop of one. There is no escape, only a life of continual small improvements over time set to a sweet soundtrack (most likely featuring Kenny Loggins or Survivor).
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
Scenario 9
Cheater. You have the combined skills of all attributes, and have no need for someone else's plan.... You use your strength and speed to build a bigger and better Ark...and you do it in half the time. Your improved endurance allows you to work double time, and you use your superior intelligence to engineer a ship that can fly....instead of sail. Your charisma is key in convincing all the best people from the Ark to come with you, and your natural leadership abilities makes you the easy choice to command the ship. Your perfect health allows you to easily overcome the difficulties of space travel, as your body and immune system are strong enough to resist space bacteria and anti-grav conditions. You will need toughness sooner than you think, as aliens have become aware of your advances in technology and space travel, and you must fight through them to survive. The odds are against you,...but through sheer force of willpower and determination, you are able to prevail. Your new space Ark safely shepherds humanity through your entire lifetime of 147 years, and you die knowing that humanity will carry on thanks to your efforts.
Happy Halloween from All Attributes Fitness!
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
Building A Habit
AAFitness First Newsletter – September Edition 
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Happy Fall! (it's only about 90 degrees out at the time of this writing). In the spirit of our AAFit Fall Challenge, this edition is all about habit forming, and breaking cycles (both bad AND good). Summer is about over, but that doesn't mean it's time to just bail on fitness again until the start of the new year. This mentality is especially prevalent here in Michigan, where the days get shorter, colder, and darker as we move into the winter months. If you are on a roll, it's important you stay on that roll, and not lose momentum simply because swimsuit season is ending. Conversely, if you are just starting off, it's best to start now and not get caught up in the totally manufactured "Jan 1st resolution" hype. Chances are that come winter it will be MUCH harder to start a lasting program if you don't get on that wagon now (that's a big reason why so many people that start a Jan resolution have given up by March).
Ok, so start now (or don't stop). We've got that part taken care of. How to start? Personally, I feel it takes me about 3 solid weeks before I am fully comfortable with a new routine or habit, but this is different for everyone (there is no magic 21-day habit forming myth), as it can take anywhere from 2 months to 8 months to craft a new behavior routine. The key here is to set your expectations accordingly, and know that the only way to get to day 300 is to start with day 1. If you are like me, you believe in an all-or-nothing philosophy, where you have to eat perfect and work out perfect every day to get results. Moral: don't be be like me. Building habits isn't an all or nothing process so don't freak out if you miss a workout, or splurge on a pizza every now and then. Just make sure you don't slide down the slippery slope and you'll be just fine.
Finally, the 3 stages (as I see them), of the habit building process:
Stage 1: The Start Up Euphoria. This stage is marked by feelings of joy as you pat yourself on the back for beginning the program. You are getting up at 5:45 am and doing workouts you never thought you were capable of. Everything seems great and you will be in shape in no time flat!
Stage 2: The Reality Sets In...Gosh this is hard...I want ice cream...I'm sick of eating tuna packets and protein shakes...I'm sore all the time, and waking up super early or staying late after work to workout is a drag....phase. FYI: No one likes this phase. Fight through it.
Stage 3: In the Zone. The promised land. This is where we want to be where all of this becomes second nature, and you really can't imagine doing it any differently. It's also the phase where you will start to see solid results, which should bring you back to that euphoria stage and motivate you all over again. It's also where cheat meals and the occasional splurge won't really phase you, because you'll be too in-the-zone for those things to become habit again. It's the built-in rewards zone!
So that's it. Know what you are getting into, set your expectations, and get after the results you want. No time like the present. Don't be a Jan 1 resolutioner, be a September one!
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
Why Difficult = Rewarding
AAFitness First Newsletter – August Edition
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Life is hard. Undoubtedly that is a turn of phrase we have all heard at some time or another (more than likely from our parents), and though over-simplified as it may be, it does hold a certain truth. “Hard” of course is a relative term, though in the context of fitness I’m sure we can agree certain things are hard: “burpees, HIIT classes, leg day, eating correctly, no-sugar challenges, etc”. Generally these “hard” things are also coincidentally the exact things we need to do to meet our goals (weird how that works). Also strange that “hard things” and “things-I-don’t-want-to-do” seem to align a great deal of the time. How do we reconcile this? Well, with another over-used phrase of course. “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” But back to that later…
So what mainly are we talking about here? Essentially it boils down to the thing (or things) that are standing in our way (fitness and in life). Some of these things are mental, some are physical, but I’m sure we can agree ALL are annoying. From personal experience, there are a “big 3” that always trip me up, and those are: healthy eating, overcoming injury, and just a category I will call “mental life BS”. That last one is just a general work/life/stress/funk that keeps you unfocused and in no mood to workout. We all have our own things that stop us from achieving our fitness goals, and those are mine!
Okay then, so what do we do about this? Well, for starters, it’s tough to get through a lot of these issues alone. (Shameless plug incoming) - that’s why the philosophy of our business is: accountability equaling results. Whether it’s eating advice, pushing you to go just one rep further, rehabbing annoying physical injuries, or just a friendly ear to bounce ideas and issues off of, we are here for that. Let’s be honest, that’s the reason we are here. Hopefully it’s a two way street as well, as I know personally I can use the same help from all of you. Doing the hard things are hard for a reason, but they are easier if we attack them together. Plus, it just feels so much better to accomplish something difficult now doesn’t it? If it were easy…
Til next time, see you in the studio.
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
Hydration and the Summertime Workout Blues
AAFitness First Newsletter – July Edition
#$&@ it’s hot. As if working out wasn’t hard enough without the added elements, these hot summers really do a number on the mental and physical aspects of the game, don’t they? Think I’d rather just be chilling pool side with a nice cold Corona, all things being equal. However, a slippery slope is just that, (slippery) and skimping on your workouts during the summer can cause you to lose that precious momentum that you built up heading into the vacation season.
In order to stave off the dreaded “all or nothing” mentality (more on that next month), make sure you take the summer season to reap the benefits of the body you have sewn, and enjoy that beer, that ice cream, that dinner by the lake, as we all only live once right? After all, this is why you worked so hard heading into the summer, so you could afford those little rewards guilt free.
We still want to see you in the studio however, working hard to maintain your current progress to offset those little “treats”, so do yourself a favor and don’t totally fall off the wagon! Since we know it’s a tough slog in the heat and we all need to stay hydrated to keep on our feet, we’ll be discounting our protein and pre-workout drinks for the remainder of the summer!
Stay cool kids.
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
May State of the Union
AAFitness First Newsletter
Well, things sure are moving along quickly now aren’t they? Been a bit of a journey from the days of “old seafood factory” to where we are now, but we still have a ways to go, and that’s what I want to highlight here in May’s check-in.
First off, some business. Need to thank all of you crazy die hards for sticking it out with us as we get this thing off the ground, as we literally could NOT have made this happen without you. You are the type of people that Melissa and I love to be around, as you are all positive people, have great energy, and believe in the vision. Can’t thank you all enough. #gushfestover (for now)
As for where we are vs. where we want to be, here’s a quick bullet point list of what we are hoping to do here in the upcoming months.
Outside Improvements
This one is a bit of a no-brainer, but is a major piece that we need to address. We’ve spent most of our time fixing up the inside, now we are on to the exterior.
-         Lighting
-         Signage
-         Parking
-         Exterior “beautification”
-         Garage Door
-         Commercial glass front door
All important things that we are looking to accomplish here over the next couple of months.
Fill Equipment Gaps / Interior Finishes
We are still a few “toys” short that we’d love to have available for you, and we will be looking to add these as we continue to move along. Also, any suggestions for what you think we might be missing, or would love to have…feel free to pass our way. (if it’s not on my list of course)
-         Leg Press Machine
-         Leg Curl/Leg Extension Machine
-         Additional sets of dumbbells/kettlebells/plate weights
-         Plyo Jump Boxes
-         Additional step up risers
-         Preacher Curl
-         Medicine balls, climbing rope, calf step up, hanging ab straps, etc
-         Interior finishes: Mirrors for cable crossover wall, sound system and mic set up for classes, wi-fi, additional lighting, TVs
New Custom Classes, AAF style
Starting with the Circuit 10 strength/endurance class (that I’m rocking!), we are going to be building our own custom versions of classes that we feel you will enjoy, and that we KNOW will get you in crazy good shape. HIIT classes are on the docket next, as Melissa and I will be putting together our own spin on these 30 minute high intensity interval classes, with our own choices of music and moves to infuse them with a little personality and tailor them to our liking. We plan to have 3 levels of difficulty (that we will put to the test of course), and add additional move sets into our lineups to keep things fresh (cleans/rows/pulls can get a bit tired after all).
Also, a new core focused class and a yoga class will be phased in to our schedule sometime here in the near future, to help round out our offerings, which I will highlight in a future update (as I’m already pushing the length on this one!)
Til next time, see you in the studio.
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aafitstudio-blog ¡ 7 years
And Now We Begin
AAFitness First Newsletter - First Edition!
The time has come. The time for no more excuses. The time for change. The time to stop saying things and start DOING things. I say all these things not as cheeseball fitness marketing word buzz speak, but because they are things that I need to believe. That we all do, though I’m sure some more than others. Right now I’m part of that “some” group, but I’d like to get back to the “others” group. Now that we’ve got this place up and running, for me that time is now. Summer is fast approaching and there is work to be done. For me, that means no more BS excuses about “eating healthy”, or my old, broken ass body causing me pain, or because I’m constantly at the gym yet can’t workout (how’s that for irony?). For me it means 30 lbs that I’ve gained since last 4th of July, that I need to shed before THIS coming 4th of July. Some lovely symmetry there no doubt, but that’s a lot of weight and not a ton of time. My +1 is going to be Willpower…and I’m going to need a LOT of it. What’s yours going to be? (now THAT is how you do cheeseball marketing buzz speak)
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