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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
With a warning issued from the doorway, Jimin left Jisoo to finish getting ready. It wasn’t easy to keep the girl on schedule, especially not when she was technically working, but when it came to Jisoo he had most aspects down to a science. He was pretty sure she’d edit him out of her morning ‘get ready with me’ as she hated being wrong but Jimin was completely certain she’d have a bellyache by early afternoon and possibly have to cancel half their outing. However, her viewers seeing him scold her wasn’t the point; she would see it later if she tried to edit it and she’d be reminded yet again that he was right. He was banking on this, at some point, having an impact on her decisions. Over the course of what had already been almost seven years, the concept of obeying him had not yet occurred to her.
Luckily, Jimin was a patient man.
He wandered around their pristine apartment, straightening pillows here and there but mostly he was killing time. He’d already cleaned up the kitchen. He was dressed and ready, simply waiting on her. Ten minutes came and went before Jimin called out from the living room, having perched himself on the arm of the sofa, phone in hand. “KIM JI SOO!” he barked, raspy voice echoing off cavernous walls.
She was late.
There was a little spark of panic as she heard Jimin’s voice - melodic even with its morning rasp - and Jisoo hurried to do the finishing touches of her makeup, having decided that the footage was all but useless.
There were simply too many instances of her being scolded, and she wasn’t about to let her viewers get any ideas.
Regardless, she did rush to get dressed, a little flustered at just how fast her watch had seemingly decided to start ticking away. It was with a hasty reach for her phone and her vlogging camera that she finally made her way out of the room, stumbling into Jimin at the door. Her lips turned downward into what could only be deemed a pout.
“You didn’t have to yell - I was done.”
While the words were sullen, she still laced her fingers with his to tug him out the door and decided it was easier to simply keep them put where they were, her other hand typing a text to the bakery, nimble fingers flying across the screen. A frown tugged at her brows.
“Where’s your car? Is it ready?”
Oppa Knows Best   [PJM ♥ KJS ]
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
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2ji aesthetic: (1/∞) • @247jimin
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
[msg ; ji-sue me] you’re welcome [msg ; ji-sue me] my beautiful face gracing your channel was the best business move you’ve made in a while
[ ✉️ → oh sehun ] : not all business is good business [ ✉️ → oh sehun ] : or at least [ ✉️ → oh sehun ] : not the kind that has your fans starting shit in my comments
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
Jimin leaned back when he was ordered to stop, lips parting in feigned shock. “That face is mine to kiss!” he protested in raspy outrage. His arms snaked their way around her waist, fingers locking her into his grasp as he leaned his head into the crook of her neck. “Yeorubun,” he addressed the camera again. “This will probably get edited out,” he went on. “Jisoo-yah wouldn’t eat any breakfast today. She’s going to eat a bunch of sweets on an empty stomach,” he tattled to viewers who probably would never see the footage. 
“Please scold her a lot when she’s sick later. Oppa told her to have breakfast. He even offered to make it for her,” he went on, struggling to suppress a smile as he watched Jisoo’s expression. A few jabs of her sharp little elbow into his torso had him straightening up but he didn’t move back just yet.
Head turned, lips grazed the soft skin of her neck. “It’s okay where there’s no makeup, right?” he cooed softly, sneaking a kiss onto that delicate skin before she could refuse that too. He had gotten what he needed so he unwrapped his arms from her and stood simultaneously, exiting the shot and making his way to their bedroom door.
“Ten minutes, babydoll, or we’ll be late,” he warned softly.
Whether by will or by instinct, Jisoo’s fingers intertwined with Jimin’s tightly in response, giving them a gentle squeeze even as she felt a sharp chin rest along her clavicle. An exaggerated sigh slipped out from between her lips, and she gave the camera what must have been a rather dramatic eye roll as he no doubt commandeered any hypothetical viewers’ attention.
She certainly couldn’t blame them - he was a gem.
But a gem who was overstepping his bounds, she decided, tilting her head back slightly to rest against his shoulder. For a beat, she paused, contemplating her next move, before her teeth found purchase on the soft lobe of his ear and she gave a nice, sharp nip. She wasn’t a child - she’d damn well eat cake if she wanted to.
“No one will scold me,” Jisoo said easily, elbow making its way into his chest, “Only you ever do and I don’t know why you try at all when it doesn’t work. Did you eat already?” The question was offhand, but she does like to make sure he’s taking care of himself at the very least. Jimin was good about it though - far better than she was.
A scowl formed on her lips but she didn’t stop him from his second attempt at a kiss, even tilting to allow him more access before she caught sight of the camera again.
She blinked. A waste of a good video.
But it was worth it, she supposed, nodding absently at his warning as she picked up a stray makeup sponge once more.
Jimin always was.
Oppa Knows Best   [PJM ♥ KJS ]
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
[ ✉️ → Mrs. Park ] Might be to do with the half naked pic you sent 4 minutes ago? 😡 [ ✉️ → Mrs. Park ] WHICH I NOW HAVE TO VISUALIZE FOR THE REST OF THE EVENING  [ ✉️ → Mrs. Park ] Look, it’s not my choice that the meeting was scheduled so late [ ✉️ → Mrs. Park ] And I can’t keep saying no to drinks after, we talked about this baby…
[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : oh [ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : well [ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : you could visualise it or you could just come home [ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : you wouldn’t have to just visualise any more [ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : drinks + board members vs me + what i bought last time i went shopping
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
[drunk text] I’m eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza and autocorrect just wrote that text for me pretty much, what’s your night like
[ ✉️ → cha sumin ] : not eating food that’ll leave me in the bathroom for 24 hrs[ ✉️ → cha sumin ] : why are you eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
[text] You’re always safe with me.
[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : when will you be home?[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : i’ll be with you when you’re home[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : it’s late
0 notes
247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
[text] You’re so selfish.
[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : ??[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : what did i do[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : i did a lot of things but i mean[ ✉️ → ☀️❤️☀️ ] : which one
0 notes
247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
more texts for you bitches
[text] You should have told me you wanted me out of your life. [text] I should have never let you back into my life. [text] Okay [muse’s name] what’s the deal, pretty sure this is you…listen if you want me to leave you alone, please just tell that. [text] Please don’t walk away. [text] Please don’t do this. [text] When are you going to realize I want nothing to do with you? [text] You want nothing to do with me, I get it. [text] I’m an idiot. You fooled me again. [text] When I think things are about to change … I’m always proven wrong. [text] I just want you to be happy. And you’ll be happier without me. [text] I just hate that someone could make me trust [him/her/them] the way that I did [text] The truth is I’m not over you. [text] The truth is I never really wanted to be with you. [text] I’m seeing someone else. [text] How the hell did you get my number, stalker? [text] You’re so selfish. [text] I just saw you leave with [her/him/them]. [text] FUCK YOU AND YOUR DUMB CUTE FACE
[text] Did I tell you today that you’re the most adorable? Cause, yeah. [text] Be careful. [text] I’m only saying it because I love you. [text] I’m only saying it because I care about you. [text] Okay, I’m bringing coffee. [text] I’m thinking dinner and a movie later this week? [text] Let me take you out, please? [text] Let me make you dinner tonight. [text] I want you to be happy. [text] You’re always safe with me. [text] I can’t stop thinking about you. [text] I seriously don’t know what I’d do without you. [text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that. [text] It was so good seeing you. [text] You don’t need this shit. [text] I’ll be there in five minutes. [text] Let me help, please? [text] You’re important to me. [text] Stop falling asleep in the bathtub. You’re going to drown and die and leave me and I’m not having that. [text] I would gladly watch Netflix and eat Thai with you any day. [text] I’d give up my phone charger AND the last piece of gum for you. That’s love. [text] Hey beautiful no judgment but why is there a bucket of KFC chicken in the bathtub??
[text] If you don’t want me to bust your window, I suggest you answer the phone. Now. [text] To quote Mean Girls, you’re a fugly slut. [text] Are you SERIOUSLY bringing that up right now!? [text] Lose my number, asshole. [text] You’re so predictable and obnoxious. And it’s not only me who thinks so. [text] …The least you could do is answer, wtf. [text] You’re a piece of shit human being and an even worse friend. [text] This is YOUR FAULT. And you can’t even pretend like it isn’t, because you know it is. [text] Why couldn’t you just stay out of it? [text] Holy fucking shit, take a hint, asshole. [text] Go fuck yourself. [text] What the fucking hell is wrong with you? [text] You can take your stuff back as long as I don’t light it on fire first. [text] I have cramps and a migraine so you do NOT want to mess with me right now [text] Bye and have a very fuck you day
[text] Just let me suck your dick and be happy. Let me have this. [text] Why are you so hot…like honestly, it’s not fair. [text] Yeah, you looked good in your [dress/shirt/pants] last night but really, they looked way better on my floor. [text] Come over. With condoms. [text] You should come over, clothing optional. [text] I feel like a nasty slut and I LOVE IT [text] Sorry I got drunk and texted you about my sex life [text] Sex on a rooftop - trashy or adventurous? [text] If you’re not at my apartment, shirtless, in five minutes, I will be personally offended. [text] I don’t think he likes that I’m always sending him pictures of me in my bra but he needs to get it together [text] It’ll be like The Notebook, except with way more of my penis. [text] I didn’t know that all of his brothers would be hot and musically inclined, too. That’s a dick move on behalf of biology. [text] I DON’T WANT YOUR DICK. I WANT BRUNCH. [text] So is it your turn now to pretend like dating someone else would stop us from fucking? [text] I just need some of your time and all of your body. [text] I am available for nakedness [text] I think about [him/her/them] when I masturbate so I guess you could call it love
[drunk text] So wat are you really over me no w [drunk text] AND I UNFOLLOWED YOU ON INSTAGRAM TOO, BITCH [drunk text] You are my queen and my savior and I love you forever [drunk text] You are the most beautiful girl I have ever known [drunk text] I’m eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza and autocorrect just wrote that text for me pretty much, what’s your night like [drunk text] Listen up slut, you’re one hot piece of ass and if [he/she/they] doesn’t realize it, it’s their loss [drunk text] but what’s the point of a Disney sing off party if you’re not here. You have to be be the Pumbaa to my Timon [drunk text] Can you pls remind me tomorrow of how much of a fool I made myself tonight [drunk text] FUCK YOU YOU’RE GORGEOUS [drunk text] I think maybe you and me should like go out and eat pizza or something check yes or no [drunk text] Please don’t hate me I’m too tired and too dizzy to be hated [drunk text] I hate (him/her) but less when I’m drinking. Thanks, alcohol. [drunk text] Omf g you need to get over here now I think I’m dyin [drunk text] SWEEEEEEEET CAROLINE
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
Today was going to be a very special day.
Jimin could find something good to say about most situations; easily find something special about any given day. But today wasn’t just any day. He’d taken off from work and was going to spend the entire day with Jisoo, wrapping up some of the bigger wedding decisions that hadn’t yet been made. Most notably; wedding cake testing.
He could hear Jisoo’s soft narration from down the hallway. She’d already started filming and skipped breakfast, a detail that had earned her an actual frown from her fiancé before he’d dropped the subject. He dried his hands now that he was done cleaning up his lonely breakfast dishes and padded quietly toward the bedroom.
He smirked when his entrance distracted her, always pleased to have her attention. Already dressed and ready, Jimin just had a few finishing touches to complete his outfit. He slipped his tie around his neck and rolled down his sleeves as he stood slightly off camera, buttoning the cuffs and watching Jisoo work.
He reached up to button his collar properly and then went about sliding his tie around and twisting it into knots and bows until he’d adequately gained Jisoo’s attention and was beckoned to her side. The vanity bench she sat on wasn’t quite big enough for two, but that didn’t stop her enthusiastic fiancée from making room for himself.
Jimin tugged his pants up at the thigh before straddling the bench and substantially invading Jisoo’s personal space. He wasn’t doing anything out of character, but he knew what her viewers liked to see. He turned his head toward the camera, keeping his torso facing Jisoo so she could ‘help’ him. “Hello everybody,” he greeted sweetly, smiling, eyes squinting adorably before he promptly turned his face back towards Jisoo and leaned in swiftly in an attempt to plant a kiss somewhere on her half made-up face.
Jisoo had started her vlog today relatively earlier than she usually did, but she liked to think that this was of no volition of her own - after all, the cake tasting had only had, to her rather significant annoyance, a single time slot. An early time slot. She would have asked for another day but all her days were entirely booked, and she was left with very little choice.
Wedding planning was difficult.
Still, there was little she could say in complaint as she made do with the early hour, frowning at puffy cheeks in the mirror with a sigh. Contour would be a necessity today. Breakfast was a no-go, not when there were plenty of cakes to be tasted, but she certainly wasn’t about to stop her fiancé from making himself happy with a warm meal before they headed off. It was with that thought that she started the vlog, equipment already set up at the vanity.
As she spoke, however, her eyes caught movement as Jimin, apparently having already eaten, entered their bedroom. It spoke of patience that he let her film there, honestly, but she was more distracted by how particularly dashing he looked when he wasn’t entirely ready. Narrowing her eyes briefly, she turned back to the camera.
Except he was doing that thing again - the thing where he could never quite figure out his tie - and as if he knew her fingers itched to fix it he slid down to make room for himself on the bench, effectively entering the shot.
Well, the viewers would appreciate.
Nimble fingers fixed the tie, solely focused on it, before she was again distracted by lips coming at her and ready to ruin her freshly done makeup. Her voice rose in complaint.
“Jimin, stop!”
Oppa Knows Best   [PJM ♥ KJS ]
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247jisoo-blog · 8 years ago
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170705 Blackpink Jisoo at SBS Park Sohyun Love Game Radio © paint it pink do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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