952 posts
Little me in a cosmic sea... I am Monique. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I try to live a good life. I: yoga, garden, preserve, ferment, permaculture, think, create, cycle, do and love. I nature walk and try to turn my life around. I believe that politics and ego blind us from the truth, and we create our own meaning and action. We have but one life in our current incarnations and it is for use to create the world we wish to see. I want to help people reconnect with their true humanity.
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122trees 9 years ago
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Another one from last night. Wow. Just wow. Thank you eyes! 馃檹馃徑 (at West Brunswick)
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122trees 9 years ago
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Epic! #sunset #epic #sky #july (at West Brunswick)
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122trees 9 years ago
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Playing with Kombucha, Jun and vinegar batches outside in the sun last weekend. The orange coloured liquid in the bottle in the centre is a batch of Kombucha put on to second ferment with a lot of ginger #gingerkombucha #kombucha #jun #ferments #fermenting #fermented #fermentista #fermentedfoods #fermentation #fermenteddrinks #suntime but not #nakedsuntime unfortunately.
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122trees 9 years ago
Those feelings when you've waited two weeks to try your new Kombucha flavour and then you have to wait a little longer for the Co2 to calm down before you drink it, lest you loose it all to a Kombucha volcano. Bird soundtrack included. #kombucha #fermentation #fermentyourdrinks #fermentation #fermentedfoods #fermenting #fermentista #probiotic #flavour #oregano #orange #co2 #kombuchabrewing #kombuchavolcano #morningchorus #fizz
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122trees 9 years ago
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Struggle-town broccoli. Didn't get enough water during the longest summer ever this year, so there poor little ones are runts and have no sign of flowering yet. The leaves are tasty though and they look pretty. #istillloveyou #urbangarden #garden #broccoli #climatechangeisreal #useandvaluediversity #brightsideoflife #makedo #growyourownfood #growsomethinggreen #growfoodnotlawns #grow #permaculture
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122trees 9 years ago
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Cucurbitacae fruits are amazing. When they are left to over-ripen and harden off, and then picked the right time (when the vibe is dead and its a new moon), the fruits can store for so long. I stirred this white zucchini from April-June before in finally saved it's seeds. #cucurbits #cucurbitaceae #zucchini #giantveg #growfoodnotlawns #growsomethinggreen #growyourownfood #saveyourseeds #seedsaving #seedsavers #garden #urbangarden #permaculture #captureandstoreenergy
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122trees 9 years ago
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A little underdeveloped winter capsicum. The cold and dark leaves them small. Cute! #capsicum #winter #july2016 #obtainayield #urbangarden #permaculture #growyourownfood #growsomethinggreen #growfoodnotlawns #tinyveg
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122trees 9 years ago
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Sunday's #harvest lineup. #lategram #grow #growfood #growyourownfood #growsomethinggreen #growfoodnotlawns #permaculture #urbangarden #obtainayield #bunches #amiafarmeryet?
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122trees 9 years ago
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Purple veins on an immature January King Cabbage. #cabbage #januaryking #garden #gardening #foodnotlawns #growyourownfood #growsomethinggreen #growfoodnotlawns #brassica #winter #june2016
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122trees 9 years ago
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Weekend wild edible weed haul: Wild spinach (not sure if it's name but it looks related to warrigul greens), plantains, wild brassicas, catsear, wood sorrel and marshmallow. #eatyourweeds #edibleweeds #permaculture #permaculturediet #rewild #rewildyourself #wildfood #forage #forager #foraging #foraged #june2016 #winter #wildfoodlove #plaintain #catsear #woodsorrel #mallow #wildbrassicas
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122trees 9 years ago
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Happy, healthy Tatsoi #tatsoi #asiangreen #wintergreens #leafygreens #garden #gardening #growyourownfood #growsomethinggreen #growfoodnotlawns #urbangarden #permaculture #useandvaluediversity #winter #june2016
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122trees 9 years ago
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Dew drop on nasturtium. Composition of winter 2016. #dew #dewdrops #nasturtiums #rain #raindrop #garden #urbangarden #growfoodnotlawns #growsomethinggreen #growyourownfood
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122trees 9 years ago
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The jasmine is already flowering in June this year. When I was a kid, it started to flower in September. #climatechangeisreal #climatechange #confusedplants #wintersnotthatcold @everydayclimatechange
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122trees 9 years ago
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Nettles, chickweed and beet greens under my cloche. Always #valuingdiversity in my garden. #whatsiygarden #useandvaluediversity #permaculture #greenmulch #permculturediet #growyourownfood #foodnotlawns #eatyourweeds #edibleweeds #winter #winter2016 #june2016
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122trees 9 years ago
Home grown habanero and jalape帽o chillies fermented for two months and then blended with home fermented apple cider vinegar. Life's good. #chilli #chillies #chillisauce #habanero #jalepeno #applecidervinegar #acv #homemade #homegrown #ferment #fermentation #fermentedfoods #fermentista #fermentyourfood #wildfermentation #growyourownfood #foodnotlawns #permaculture #permaculturediet #captureandstoreenergy
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122trees 9 years ago
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Backyard harvest. Including a bag of stinging nettles. #eatyourweeds #edibleweeds #backyardharvest #harvest #permaculture #obtainayield #useandvaluediversity #amiafarmeryet?
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122trees 9 years ago
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Trying to find the sun at sunrise (7:35am) this winter solstice morning. The earth has reached the end of its big breath in. Time to begin to breath out again. Big love to those I know enjoying the summer solstice in the north of the earth. #solstice #wintersolstice #sunrise #winter #breathein #breatheout #breathe
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