#writing heals
belovedapollo · 2 months
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archive of my mind 🌙 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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writers-potion · 2 months
can you make a list of specific relationships tropes(platonic or romantic) pls🫶
List of Relationship Tropes <3
Hope this helps! :) If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram!
Romantic Relationship Tropes:
Forbidden love (it can be an external or internal taboo)
Stuck together - 'trapped in an elevator'
Secret identity (billionaire/royal/celebrity in hiding)
Best friend's brother/sister/ex
Seconc chance romance
Soulmates (soulmate AU prompts)
Fake relationship
Wedding fever - runaway brides/best men/wedding planners/ jilted
Amnesia/mistaken identity
Holiday romances/flings
Opposites attract (similar to enemies to lovers)
Academic rivals (high school/ college)
Unrequited love
Sunny vs. Grumpy
Pen pals to lovers
Matchmaking gone wrong
Sworn off a relationship (then falling in love, of course)
Single parent with new love
Arranged marriage (Arranged Marriage Prompts)
Return to hometown & fall in love with your childhood friend
Bully turned out to be the nice guy
One person being afraid to commit + the other chasing them
Falling in love with someone from the past/future
Tiny guy, huge girl
Other Character Dynamic Tropes:
Badass and child duo (usually, the child will be extraordinarily mature/capable)
Battle couple (like Mr. and Mrs. Smith vibes)
Blood brothers
Brother-sister team - bickering but working perfectly together
Intergenerational friends - being best buddies with your grandparents, which your parent doesn't understand
Translator buddy
Talker plus Doer duo
Student and Master team
'Sensitive guy + the most macho guy ever' duo
The Shy Guy/Girl + the outging wingman
The popular girl/guy + the copycat
Ride-or-Die found family
A childhood enemy becomes a central part of a friend group
Parents who see their kids become best friends too
Orphans from the same orphange
Long lost siblings finding themselves in each other
A straight girl + lesbian as bffs / a straight guy + gay guy as bffs, becoming each other's wingmen/women
a secret handshake or unique SOS sign that only they know
Girl code/bro code/friendship code
Having set routines, like meeting under ---- tree at --- hour
Family Tropes
Adoption angst
adult adoptee - an adult character is adopted into a different family despite being legally of age
Awkward parent-child bonding efforts
Babies ever after - the child is forever a baby to the parents
Black sheep/ugly duckling
Cannibal clan
Feminine mother, tomboyish daughter
Obnoxious in-laws
Twin Tropes
Angst surviving twin - on twin dies so that other becomes nervous
Single-minded twins - can have a creepy twist...
Evil twin
Playing their own twin
Twin telepathy - twins can pick up on each other's thoughts/emotions
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heartsephiphany · 11 days
Allah will rebuild you infront of the ones who broke you. You don't need to take the revenge, you just need to have complete faith and lots of Dua. This Dua is what connect you with Allah. Wallahi that one Dua you asked Allah with full faith and with heart Allah will accept it. Even when you can't trust yourself, Trust Allah 🥹🤍
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roxyrondell · 22 days
I got inspired to write some more of my fic “We Belong”. Only it’s a future chapter that came to me instead of the one I need to write. It’s going to deal with grief and how it can affect your life even years later. Whenever I figure out where that chapter is going and I publish it I will put cw in case anyone needs them. If anyone out there is dealing with grief from something that recently happened or happened years ago just know that you’re not alone. It’s ok to still be dealing with it even if it happened a long time ago. Grieving shouldn’t have rules like set time limits. Don’t listen to anyone trying to tell you to just get over it. That’s not how grieving works. I’m sending love and positive vibes out hoping they reach anyone who needs them.
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I watched a video a few days ago from the first real vacation I ever took. It is a minute-long clip I used to marvel at, a time-lapse I propped my phone up in a sandbank to capture. In it I wander into the frame, plop down on the beach with my back to camera and stare at the horizon. The sky transitions from blue to orange, bright purple to pink.
Seeing this video used to bring me peace. Now all I can see is how minuscule I appear to be in comparison to the ocean before me. The tide rolls in and out ferociously and it's like the waves are screaming “we've been here forever and we will remain here forever and you're lucky we didn't swallow you when you dared get this close on your first big girl vacation at age 17"
My dad’s house boasts a barren interior as do most of the homes of men who go through a divorce in their mid forties. When I was there yesterday I noticed a self help book on the side table. Strange, I thought, for a man who has proudly never read a single book in his life.
Later on I went to my mom's. Her partner hates clutter, so a few years back she got rid of the entire catalog of books she spent the duration of my childhood enmeshed in. She hasn't been much of a reader since. I was taken by the moment of synchronicity when I looked to her otherwise empty bookshelf and saw the same book my dad was reading.
“Loving it,” she said, noticing me noticing it. “You can borrow when I'm done if you want?” 
I do not. 
When the door flew off that Alaskan Airlines Boeing earlier this year I was a week out from a trip out West and I experienced my first ever bout of flight anxiety. Back when I wanted to die, I thought going out on a plane would be kind of glamorous. I used to feel spiritual up there in the sky and accept my demise in a cool, dramatic way. Scarier than a plane door coming off mid-flight is my realization that I’ve always been afraid of having a life I love, because that would mean that the thing I love is finite and the things that bring me joy will be over. I can only wrap my head around my own mortality should it be tied to a life of misery. I think that now, at 26, I carry the burden of liking life more than I did at 17. There’s much more that can slip away from me now.
I used to say I didn’t like Neil Young, but yesterday his CD was playing in the car and thank God I had my big sunglasses on because I couldn't stop myself from crying. We zoomed past the Burger King parking lot where I saw an older gentleman attempting to balance three large pops in a tray while trying to get the door to his blue sedan open. It struck me then that we are really all living this life for the first time.
I’ve always shied away from writing because
it hurts my fingers to hold a pen, and 
I've never allowed myself to believe that my thoughts are valuable enough to be put down on paper
As you can see, I no longer care and am writing regardless
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inmysolitute · 2 years
I'm more of his love than his lover, more of his shadows than my silhouette, I'm more of his than I ever was mine, I'm more of his words than the poems I bind...................
*wrote here after ages*
inmysolitude, 24th of Sept 2022
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lantanam · 3 months
what is that fear called when the person who your parents trusted enough to leave near their tomboyish 10 year old only child manipulates her into opening the door to her bedroom she had locked herself into by promising to hurt her younger brother left in her care if she did not and she is just laying on her bed staring at her ceiling thinking of how she'll need to wash off her bedsheets before her parents notice otherwise she'll be in big trouble?
how does she fit that big primal terror in her small body without growing up?
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emma-saige · 2 years
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belovedapollo · 2 months
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endlessly thinking about things again and again 🥲 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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zeerena · 1 year
Can you love me tonight?
Looking up in my ceiling, The mood isn't right when you're not around. Wish you could be around Wish i could just see you right now.
Right from the moment when you left me, Things got hard on me, But i know you never see my point of view Cause you only see me as someone that you can easily say Goodbye.
I don't know where things got wrong, Maybe it's my fault to let you enter in my sanctuary. Cause eventually you gave me butterflies i shouldn't had. And we both know why it shouldn't be.
But i wish when we're together, Can we both atleast pretend we like each other? Can you love me tonight? If we met in the right time, Will we ever have the the chance to love each other, right?
I never know how it feels to fall in love with you, But when every time you call my name, I'm hoping you won't let me go. Cause if you'd try, I'd try to hold on.
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heartsephiphany · 7 months
Allah will heal your heart in ways you can’t imagine. He will show you miracles and grant you His favours. Don’t let this phase make you forget how Kind and Merciful your Lord is. Your sadness will end. Allah knows you’re tired and how long it has been. Know that you are not alone. He is with you, all the time, every minute, every second, He knows about your sadness. He will fill your hands with blessings He has written for you. Believe in His generosity.
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roxyrondell · 23 days
Hey everyone, I just wanted to give y’all an update on chapter 4 of “We Belong”. I’m working on it when I can but it’s been difficult because I’m having a really bad pain week. If you didn’t know I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Sjorgren’s syndrome which among other things can make doing simple everyday tasks difficult and very painful. On top of that it’s May which is a really rough month for me since my mom passed a few years back. For anyone who is reading my fic thank you for your support and patience while you wait for an update. I’ll try to get chapter 4 out asap.
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moonsoulmama · 1 year
a heart that always understands gets tired…
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lindruethers · 2 years
Did you know?
When I loved you,
every single day
was I so scared of losing you,
forgot about myself.
Did you know,
how I not allow myself to eat
and love nobody else
to always be ready?
And when I finally reached out,
you just disappeared,
me too, I was a crooked skeleton.
How could I ever forget myself?
I don’t blame Linda anymore.
But it’s hard not to blame you.
I am so ashamed, I still hate you.
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zahrawhere · 2 years
Home is a feeling, it's a mix of emotions. Home is a drive back to the past, a rush of bittersweet memories. It's watching your brothers pray fajar, it's the voice of your father reciting Qur'an just before the crack of dawn, it's the scented smoke wafting from the kitchen, the aroma of perfectly gol and layered parathas of your mother which you won't ever be able to match. It's the morning haste and chaos while getting ready for school, the warm lunch for your speaking stomachs when you finally return in the afternoon; hot and tired. It's the evening chai in the living room, savoured with rusk and biscuits and cakes. It's prime time tv shows, the silly jokes, the stupid banter, ridiculous character preferences, inconsequential criticism, it's telling your siblings to shush because you can't hear properly. It's junooni cricket streaming, the irregular heartbeats, the hurrahs and disappointment. It's working in the kitchen with your mother and marvelling at her precise cooking, and mocking your sister for burning the handi. It's sending your brothers running for tandoor, it's telling them to cut cucumber or make raita. It's sometimes staying up late to watch movies and turning up the volume after closing the door to your parents room. It's huddling around your mother and listen to her talk about religion, about people, about life and the hereafter. It's turning off the air conditioner, take a sweeping look at your parents and siblings in the dark room and come back to your place and pull the duvet up to the nose.
Home is a routine, a system. Home is joint laughs, shoulders and tears and hugs. Home is family, it's the time pervading the space.
Home is the absence of loneliness.
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