shangrunard · 3 days
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mydarkworld17 · 9 hours
But the truth no one like this 💔???
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antomatkoen · 3 months
i have returned from the depths of artblock and am here to drop you more ghoap brainrot
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koko2unite · 8 months
girls be like "he's so babygirl" and it's the darkest, most brooding, melancholic, tortured man you've ever laid eyes on
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mothras-in-my-belly · 1 month
My sexual, romantic, and gender identities could all be honestly summarised as "absolutely not, but maybe, in this very extremely specific way that barely makes sense to anyone"
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lyrichi · 3 months
[asmo is laying on mc's bed while mc does something at their desk]
asmo: what are you doing over there?
mc: math
asmo, humming: what kind?
mc: algebra 2
asmo, looking over at mc and trying to start a conversation: why don't you tell me about it?
mc, tiredly reading the problem: given that f(x) = x² - 5, and g(x) = 2x + 3, what is f(g(x)?
asmo, kind of stunned:
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Imagine Astarion with ears so sensitive that he's never willingly allowed anyone to touch them except for you. Imagine laying next to him in your bed, facing him, lifting your hand up slowly for that first touch. His eyes on yours, the rapidity of the breath he doesn't need to take, but still does reflexively. Seeing that he's nervous, but that he's trusting you, feeling his shaking hand come to rest on your waist. The audible sound he makes- half a moan, half a gasp- when you finally brush your thumb over the soft skin at the tip of his ear.
You trace the long shell of his ear and watch his pretty eyes, deep red like velvet in the moonlight, flutter shut. He says your name softly, as close as you've ever heard him to prayer. You pinch his earlobe gently, and his hips roll forward involuntarily, the jut of his hipbone pressing against your thigh as he makes himself still. Heat flares low in your belly, but you tamp it down as quickly as possible- likewise, Astarion makes himself still against you. This isn't sex and won't become sex, you'd promised each other (though that's not to say that you won't explore this thoroughly during one of your hours-long lovemaking sessions. He is all about experimentation these days, after all).
You lay there, touching him in his most vulnerable place, with reverence and grace and occasionally disbelief that you could be here at all with this beautiful, horrible, ridiculous and wonderful man, that you could be trusted so completely. You take in his every shuddering breath, the flexing of his fingers in your shirt, the softness of his mouth when he presses his lips to yours and tells you he loves you. If you have your way, if he has his, if somehow your utterly insane lives hold together for a year or a decade or ten, it will always be like this.
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eeriedragone · 2 months
Ooooagh I'm DONE more or less
A while ago I got to see Mother Mother live (still can't believe that happened) and it inspired me to make... whatever this is :p
The inconsistencies can be attributed to the breaks I had to take whole making it, and my fluctuating motivation. Messy as it is, I still had fun, and that was my main goal :) I hope you enjoy it, or at least discover a new cool song!
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tuziehr · 2 months
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me whenever i see a doomed/tragic/angsty sibling dynamic
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thecatron2000 · 2 months
why is the will wood fandom just shitty pictures of him
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thenmichael · 4 months
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“Father always says ‘quit wasting your time pretending to be a scholar’ … curse you.”
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mizgnomer · 9 months
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They know each other so well (or do they)
Good Omens Season 2
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personfrommars10 · 2 months
Damian: Todd, Can I have a puppy
Jason: If you can find one you can have one
Damian: I now have enough respect for you to call you by your first name Jason, but don't tell Richard
Jason smiling under his mask even though he'd never admit to it: Don't worry I won't say shit
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forsaire · 3 months
no but I've been thinking about Soap with temporary Prosopagnosia (face blindness) after his injury
Price had put Soap on medical leave after he got out of the hospital, his only responsibility being rest and recovery. Of course Ghost took time off to be with him as well. He didn't even need to ask either, Price just did the paperwork for the both of them at the same time.
Some days were better than others. Sometimes Soap had trouble remembering words or doing delicate tasks with his fingers. Ghost always waited patiently for him to work it out, only helping when Soap asked him too.
For the past hour, Soap had been lying in their bed, his lighthearted laughs filing their flat as he watched something on his phone. Ghost was sitting in the other room and reading a file Price had sent over, informing him on their continued investigation to find Makarov.
Ghost heard a particularly loud laugh before the box spring squeaked lightly, the sounds of Soap shuffling off the bed following soon after. He heard footsteps begin to approach him and he glanced over.
"Ghost!" Soap said cheerfully as he looked down at his phone. "You have to see this funny cat vid-"
Soap abruptly stopped speaking as he looked up, the words getting caught in his throat. The wide smile that always spread across his face with enough brightness to light up Ghost's entire world suddenly fell, swiping down in one smooth motion. His eyes widened slightly, almost as if in shock, and his mouth dropped open a sliver. His eyes locked onto Ghost's face, but there was no warmth to be found.
It was fear.
"Who are you?" Soap choked out, taking an apprehensive step backwards.
Ghost was immediately on his feet, the look on Soap's face shattering his heart. He raised his hands out in front of himself and curled his shoulders in, trying to make himself look less intimating.
"Johnny... it's me..." Ghost said slowly, the words coming out calmly despite the rising worry in his chest. "It's Simon."
Soap tilted his head as a deep furrow scrunched up his brow. His eyes jumped back and forth across Ghost's face, refusing to focus on one thing.
"What..." he let slip from his lips, breathless and confused. "I... I don't..." He squinted slightly. "...Simon?"
"Yeah, it's me," he said quietly, taking a careful step forward. Thankfully, Soap stayed where he was and he let Ghost approach him, although he still looked unsure, small.
Ghost gently took Soap's hand and placed it up against his face. At the same time, he wrapped his arm around Soap's waist and pulled them closer together. Once their bodies were pressed up against one another, Soap let out a shuddering sigh and he dug his face into Ghost's neck.
"I..." Soap started hesitantly, holding Ghost back tightly. "I don't recognize you..."
His usual confidence was gone, the words coming out weakly, almost broken in shame.
"But you recognize my voice?" he asked.
Soap nodded in silence.
"Okay..." Ghost said quietly, letting his fingers trace up and down Soap's spine. "Just close your eyes then. Listen to me speak."
Soap closed his eyes.
"I got you," Ghost murmured soothingly. He wanted nothing more than for his imperfect words to reach Soap and rid him of his fears. He wanted Soap to feel safe. "It's me. Just listen to my voice, love. Everything's going to be okay. I won't let go. I love you, Johnny."
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radvelvetcakez · 3 months
Lucifer: How do I make a date really romantic? Angel: Be mysterious. Lucifer: Okay! *later, while on a date with Alastor* Alastor: So where are we going? Lucifer: None of your fucking business.
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forgettable-au · 4 months
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What do we think? I think he's like the coolest scientist to ever science
I'm genuinely so shocked about that I'm so so glad you're all enjoying this AU so far hehehe:D
Also I just made the 1000 followers celebration post like a month ago or something??wow
Here's the guy ‼️‼️ I wanted to practice drawing him quickly and in different poses. I think I achieved that, all this was made with just the lasso fill tool it was soooo fun and I loved not being worried about details just SHAPE
ALL SHAPE (and colors)
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