#regulus and james
lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 31 - Insecure
@jegulus-microfic May 31, Word count 1101
Previous part First part
This is it, the final part. I hope you enjoy it. I'm just going to go cry that it's over. Love you all xxx
Sirius dropped down next to James and looked thoughtfully at his brother. 
“What is he? A, maine coon?” He tilted his head, trying to see all of Regulus. Remus leant over and traced the flickering star shape on Regulus’s chest and looked closer at the glowing eyes. 
“I swear I’ve read about a cat like this somewhere,” He screwed up his face as he tried to recall the information. 
Peter crashed through the trees and came to a stop beside them, his hands on his knees as he bent over and inhaled huge gulps of air. He looked over at Regulus in his cat form. 
“Oh, he’s cute,” He wheezed. Regulus hissed at him. “Sorry, regally handsome,” He corrected. Regulus let out a little huff. 
“I think he’s a Cat-Sìth.” Remus started, explaining, "They were these huge cats that lived in the highlands. They used to go and mess about with the muggle farmers, so the wizards in the area told the locals to leave out milk for them on Samhain so they'd bless them, or they’d dry up all their cow’s milk. There was also something about the muggles believing that the cats were really witches that could transform into a cat. And there was something about them stealing souls. But everything I read said that they were all black cats apart from a white patch of fur on their chests and eyes that glowed in the night.” They all looked at Regulus with scrutinising faces and nodded along in agreement. 
Regulus transformed back into his human body. 
“Ha! I’m a legendary myth,” He pointed at Sirius, gloating. 
“You might transform into a legendary myth, Reggie. But at the end of the day, you’re still just an itty bitty ickle pussycat.” Sirius took off running and transformed into Padfoot mid-step as the giant black cat of legend chased him into the forest. James couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him as he heard the unmistakable yelp of a dog being attacked. 
“We should probably go and break them up,” He said to Remus and Peter. They followed the sounds of barking and hissing through the trees.
“We’re going to have to add him to the marauders map and figure out a nickname for him now, aren’t we?” Remus chuckled as Sirius yelped again. 
“Yeah, I think we have to,” James grinned happily at the thought.
He was nervous. More nervous than he’d been on the night he’d first turned. He’d followed James, Sirius and Peter out into the grounds. It was still light, but the sun was rapidly sinking towards the horizon. 
Regulus watched James fold away the marauder’s map, now proudly emblazoned with the names, Moony, Wormtail, Eclipse, Padfoot and Prongs. They had decided on Eclipse after they’d pulled Regulus off of Sirius, because James said, with the white flash, he looked like a solar eclipse, with a tiny bit of light in the total darkness.  
The whomping willow reached towards them as they neared. Violently slamming its branches down at them. He watched as Peter transformed into the tiny rat. He scurried under the flailing limbs and pressed a little knot on one of the tree's roots. The willow froze, not even its leaves moved. The four of them slid into the opening at the tree’s base and dropped into the tunnel below. 
Regulus had to stoop to walk forward. He had no idea how Remus walked down here, he must have to nearly crawl. 
The tunnel finally opened up to reveal a door. Sirius pushed it open, and they stepped into the dusty, mouldy insides of the shrieking shack. 
“They send Lupin here?” Regulus asked incredulously. No wonder he’d caused himself so much damage. 
“Better than being locked in a cell made from silver under the ministry,” Sirius said blandly. Regulus turned to his brother, shocked. 
“Is that really what they do?” 
“Yes. Registered werewolves have to report there before the full moon.” Sirius replied. 
“But silver is poison to werewolves,” Regulus argued. Sirius nodded sadly at him. 
“That’s the point, Reggie,” Regulus’s eyes flickered to a spot on the wall behind Sirius’s right shoulder. There was a long deep gouge carved into the wall. His eyes widened as he realised what had caused it. 
“Just how big does Remus get?” He asked, feeling insecure for only a second as he pointed at the claw mark on the wall. Sirius grinned. 
“Let’s just say he makes me look like a puppy.” Regulus stared at him open-mouthed. 
They had to hide quickly when they heard Madam Pomfrey and Remus coming down the passageway. They ran up the stairs and hid in one of the bedrooms until Madam Pomfrey left. 
Sirius rushed back downstairs ahead of them and checked Remus was okay by running his hands all over him. 
“Sirius, I’m fine, stop fussing me,” Remus protested, pushing Sirius away. James pulled Regulus in close. 
"It won’t be long now, love. You ready?” Regulus looked up into James’s eyes and felt completely safe.
“Yeah,” He smiled, being completely truthful. He looked around the room at the four people in the world who truly cared for him and chuckled under his breath.
“What’s so funny?” James asked, his voice full of kindness. Regulus stood on tiptoe and kissed James before he answered. 
“I’m so glad I was out picking fluxweed while a crazed werewolf was running amok.”
“Hey!” Remus feigned outrage through gritted teeth. 
“It's time,” Sirius said, giving Remus one last kiss before he changed into Padfoot. 
Regulus watched through his new eyes as Remus dropped to the floor screaming and writhing. Sirius whined and danced about on his feet and Remus broke apart and reformed as a truly enormous wolf. Eclipse craned his neck to see all of him.
The wolf and the dog sniffed each other excitedly and Padfoot licked the Moony all over his face, wagging his tail excitedly. It took a while, but the wolf eventually spotted the cat. He let out a low growl, but Padfoot rushed to Eclipse’s side and whined at Moony, pleading. Wormtail scuttled forward and sat at Eclipse’s feet. Prongs came to stand behind them all, his antlered head slightly lowered in case he needed to protect them. 
Moony leaned closer, but Eclipse held firm. Moony shoved his nose into the white fur on Eclipse’s chest. Eclipse put his paws on Moony’s muzzle and stood up on his hind legs. The werewolf stared into the Cat-Sìths eyes, recognising him as another legendary creature. Eclipse purred. An approximation of a smirk crept across his feline face, knowing everything would be alright.
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honeyedagger · 3 days
au where lily or regulus/remus is trying to bake a cake and james/sirius is sitting on the counter swinging their legs, being impatient and licking the dough bowl instead.
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ashleigghh · 3 days
why is like all of bridgerton so jegulus coded I can't
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not-rab · 7 months
James: How did you get your brother to co-operate with you?
Sirius: I threatened to reveal his dark secret.
James: Which is what?
Sirius: I have no idea, I was bluffing, but it must be something horrible.
James *nervous sweating*:
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rhetorical-conscience · 4 months
James: We need to talk about your mental health.
Regulus, trying to change the subject: Actually, what I need is to be dicked down right now.
James, removing his tie: You know, one of these days that isn't going to work-
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Sirius, introducing Regulus to his friends after they reconcile: …and this is my friend Remus!
Regulus, rolling his eyes: Sirius, I’ve seen you two in the hall. I told you I’m gay. You don’t have to lie to me.
Sirius, confused: What?
Remus, nervous: What?
Regulus, turning to James: Are they seriously that oblivious?
James, distracted by Regulus’s eyes: What?
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 1 year
James: *seductively* I bet you’d like to see me naked
Regulus: *takes James’s glasses* I bet you’d like to see
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starsandmoonys · 1 year
Regulus: Three words, say them and I'm yours.
James: Three words.
Regulus, unbuttoning his shirt: Fuck, you're so stupid.
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nubisecretplace · 1 year
Remus: We all have our demons.
James, grabbing regulus: This one’s mine!
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lilyevansmywife · 1 year
Regulus asks James to help him with his homework because he really can't do some things and James always helps him figure it out and sometimes they spend hours in the secret room doing their homework even though they agreed to meet to kiss
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lulublack90 · 3 days
Prompt 30 - Pasta
@jegulus-microfic May 30, Word count 986
Previous part First part
They jumped up, as another flash of lightning lit up the sky. Sirius bolted upstairs to grab the bag they’d prepared for when this day came. 
“You ready?” James asked as he squeezed Regulus’s arm. Regulus looked up at him as he took deep, steady breathes. 
“The double heartbeat is getting stronger.” James squeezed his arm again. 
“You’ll be fine, I promise.” They headed towards the portrait hole.
“Oi, where are you lot off to?” Mary called across the common room. They stopped in their tracks, crowding around Regulus, as he’d begun shaking. They needed to get him to his potion and soon. 
“Nowhere, just fancied a walk,” Sirius turned his best smile on Mary. 
“Past curfew?” She raised her perfectly manicured eyebrow at them. Lily and Marlene snorted with laughter behind her as the boys tried to come up with a good excuse. Regulus grunted and they were pushing him forward. “Idiots,” Mary yelled after them. 
“Cya, McDonald,” Sirius waved before the fat lady’s portrait closed behind him. 
Remus pulled out the Marauders map from his pocket and opened it. 
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” Remus chanted as he tapped the parchment with his wand. “Filch is on the fifth floor, Mrs Norris is down near the kitchens, and McGonagall’s in Dumbledore’s office.” Remus kept the map out to keep an eye on everyone. 
They reached the seventh floor. Regulus dove into the come and go room and reappeared with his crystal phial in his hand. The contents were now blood-red. 
time, so“Okay, love, you have two options now. We can either go out into the forest, which will take more time, or we can ask the come and go room for a suitable space for you to change.” 
James took Regulus’s hand, trying to comfort him. 
“I still want to go to the forest. We’ve got everything we need in the bag, right?” Regulus looked at Sirius for an answer. 
“Yup. I packed the cloak, blankets, healing potions, bandages, books for Moony and food.”
“What food did you pack?” Peter asked, looking interested at the bag on Sirius’s back. 
“Sandwiches, crisps, chocolate for Moony, penne arrabbiata,” Sirius listed on his fingers as they set off towards the staircases at a brisk pace. 
“Wait, you packed pasta for an animagus transformation?” Remus questioned Sirius over his shoulder. 
“It was what we had for dinner when I packed the bag,” Sirius replied. 
“Sirius, that was over a month ago!” Remus said, horrified. 
“I put a stasis charm on it, don’t worry Moony, you don’t have to eat it.” Regulus groaned again, rolling his shoulders uncomfortably. James scooped him into his arms, and they broke into a run. Remus silenced their footsteps and kept his eye on the map.  
“I’ll, catch, up,” Peter wheezed when they slowed down when he started lagging behind, “I know where you’re going, it’s fine.” 
They crashed through the entrance doors, Sirius, twirling to fire a spell to close the doors behind them. Rain had begun pelting down while they’d made their way outside. 
The sky lit up again, the storm was right above them, the thunder was deafening. 
‘We’re nearly there, love.” James puffed under Regulus’s weight. 
“We’re not going far in, Reggie, don’t worry,” Sirius panted. 
They rushed past Hagrid’s cabin and into the forest. He and Sirius had picked the perfect spot. The trees were thinner, so while not a true open space, there was enough clear area for Regulus to transform safely. 
James carefully lowered Regulus to the ground, kneeling him in the crunchy leaves. 
“It’s time, love. You need to drink the potion now and say the incantation one more time,” James instructed. Sirius dropped down next to his brother and put his hands on his shoulders. 
“Reggie, you can’t be scared, okay? It’s going to hurt, a lot, but we’ve faced worse. The double heartbeat isn’t going to feel nice, but as soon as you transform, it’ll be gone.” He leaned in, pressing his forehead against Regulus’s and said confidently. “You can do this. You’re going to be amazing.” 
They moved away and Regulus unstoppered the crystal phial. Regulus lifted the phial to his lips and swallowed the potion. He held his wand to his heart and chanted. 
"Amato Animo Animato Animagus"
“Give me your wand, Regulus,” Remus told him. Regulus tossed it over and Remus pocketed it. 
James watched Regulus carefully. Nothing had happened. But then Regulus bared his teeth and the vein in his neck stuck out as beads of sweat covered his skin. He dropped forward onto his hands and grunted through the pain. His eyes were screwed tightly shut. Sirius took a step forward, but Remus held him back.  
Regulus’s form began to shimmer and shift. They couldn’t make out what he was turning into yet, but he was nearly there. He flung his head back, letting out a loud roar of pain, and then he fully transformed.
Stormy eyes glowed in the gloom. They blinked up at James as the cat got to his feet. But this wasn’t a normal cat. It was huge, the size of a dog. Not as big as Sirius, but still, it could easily be mistaken for a dog. He was black as ebony apart from a flash of white on his chest that reached out like a star. 
James knelt on the floor and held out his hand. The cat arched its back, bristling its fur and hissed at him. He pulled his hand back. 
“Reg, love. It’s me, James.” He said gently. The cat stopped hissing and peered at him with more intelligence than it should. It slunk forward and butted James’s chest with its head before sitting back. James reached out a hand and stroked the cat's head. “You’re beautiful,” He told him in awe. The cat purred loud as thunder as he nuzzled into James’s lap.
Final part
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siriuslygay1981 · 7 months
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Jegulus ...... regulus Abt James IDC IDC IDC IDC
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marauderstars · 9 months
Regulus: There’s a thin line between being a genius and being a fucking idiot.
Regulus: James uses that line as a skipping rope.
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not-rab · 25 days
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this with jily BUT james ends up falling in love with the therapist (*cough* regulus)
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stareggie · 4 days
did anyone say: modern!jegulus?
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resist - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 153
James was not subtle.
As his best friend, Sirius knew it better than anyone.
So when James fell for Regulus, it wasn't exactly difficult to tell. He was all heart eyes and falling over his words; grand gestures of 'friendship' and over-the-top gifts and compliments.
It was almost funny that James thought Sirius didn't know, actually.
It was cute. Most of the time. A mooning James was a happy James, and a flustered Regulus was entertaining, to say the least. But sometimes...
"Oi! Regulus! I like your hair! It's looking particularly...black today!" James called across the Great Hall, face screwed up in genuine adoration and confusion at his own words.
Regulus blinked and narrowed his eyes. "Thanks, Potter," he muttered, turning away. But Sirius caught the pink that poured over his face.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Sirius just sat at the table and ate his dinner. Fucking oblivious idiots.
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