legendary-guest · 3 months
what r ur favorite drakgo fics?
A very good question! I have a lot of favourites! List with blurbs and commentary incoming, giant. Reviewed Mad Angry, Mad Crazy by bcbdrums Hell hath no fury like a mad scientist scorned! Borderline psychological thriller, equal parts character deconstruction and tragedy, a twisted telling of the aftermath of So the Drama and Mad Dogs and Aliens. Love having your brain scrambled, heart torn apart? This one's for you! I've reviewed this one in particular for anyone who may feel lost when following the story; also, because I adore it.
Mint by OhBoyOhBoy A moment of deep sentiment and romance amongst chaos and debris. Tension is built upon excellently, the sweetness is the peak and the end, a (literal) gasp. This author has great work, but this is my absolute favourite. Contains my favourite Shego name ever.
Drakgo Drabbles by gofordrakgo Some of the best drabble work I have ever seen. No word is wasted. Moments in time, bits of unique characterisation, huge events condensed into 100 words; a wide variety of topics and themes. You will find something you love here, don't let the word count put you off. Less is more, and how! I recommend revisiting a piece that catches your interest to appreciate it better, don't fly through. Dwelling by gofordrakgo A unique origin story for our favourite villains, where a young Shego, Shea (my second favourite Shego name), worms her way into dorky Drew Lipsky's derelict apartment and the domino effect that comes of it. Reverse-engineered Drakgo; unrefined, naive, and...innocent? Lots of sweetness and humour with an underlying, creeping darkness. Developing story, I recommend sticking around - I know I am! and now i'm covered in you by soulffles (NSFW 18+) A fantastic post-Graduation get-together fic with wonderful prose. Deeply romantic, intimate and funny! The internal monologues for this piece are spot on, the way the author weaves in humour amongst these vulnerable moments and thoughts just endears me to Drakken and Shego's plight of...realising that they love each other. A Precise Hand by eclipsing-dreams Fantastic subject of hands being the focus, revolving around all the wonderful things they can do (and can elicit!). Two chapters, one for each of them. Excellently constructed, fantastic characterisation, and just a touch (har har) naughty. A slightly unique edge of characterisation is given to Shego's part that I find intriguing. Happy, sweet ending; you aren't left hanging! Highly recommend the author's other pieces, this is simply my favourite. Here by gofordrakgo Drakken and Shego show-up for each other when they need someone most. The Shego section in this story is my favourite; the best depiction of, to avoid spoilers, a 'vulnerable' Shego I have ever seen. This convinced me, this was her. Dr. D showing up for her in that part, my goodness. I love it. The wounded pride, the shame, the quashing of feeling she presents is just great. Fantastic balance. So lovely. Happy ending. Friends by gofordrakgo Shego realises she may not have been the greatest friend to Drakken, and questions the nature of their relationship post-Graduation in her emotional exhaustion. Fantastic character breakdown, very tightly written. If you love slow-on-the-uptake Drakgo, an emotionally exhausted Shego who suddenly lets her thoughts (and feelings) run wild and awkward domesticity, I recommend. Forfeit by bcbdrums The only winning move is not to play! Somewhat non-linear story-telling, smashing together the bits of Dr. Drakken's shattered life post-Graduation, and post-Shego. O, we love a good Greek tragedy! Parting is such sweet sorrow. Jealous by TheyCanHaveTheSex (NSFW 18+) How can I say no to angry, angst fuelled sex, anguish and repressed feeling? How can I say no to jealousy? I can't, is the answer. Love the tension and how bizarre Shego is in particular in this piece, at least to a certain point. The way the story gives way to genuine hurt, too, I really love it a lot. It's not very heavy, in my opinion, but it does get a bit sad. Sweet, happy ending, I really love this one.
Unreviewed A New Beginning by Windcage (NSFW 18+) Yet another fantastic post-Graduation get-together fic! Mature, sort of refined atmosphere that I love, featuring a particularly distracted Dr. Drakken and an unusually patient Shego - until she isn't. Very, very sweet, romantic and funny. Doc's plant mutation is characterised in a fun way here as well. Highly recommend. come back when you can by obijuankenobi (NSFW 18+) A Drakgo exclusive Graduation Part 1, basically! Excellently written exploration of Drakken and Shego's new careers post-Graduation, and insight into how Dr. D really sees himself, after all the fanfare. Well-written, fun plot that does not overstay its welcome, fun action scenes, Drakken and Shego protecting each other, and, most of all, extremely sweet and tender romance. A++, five gold stars, Honour Roll, you name it. And, Motor Ed gives Shego a sexy motorcycle! Why didn't she ever have one in the show? This author gets it. Bad is Good and Good is Bad by split-n-splice Realistic, gritty and somewhat surreal depiction of how Drakken and Shego met, before they became Drakken and Shego. Strong, tense atmosphere. Visceral, ugly, the lowest they have ever been in their young lives, and, when they meet, consequences are inevitable and paths are determined, set in stone. The author makes clever narrative choices, such as omitting names entirely, which builds upon the emerging, almost 'blank slate' aspects of the Doc's and Shego's identities as youths at this point in time. The setting is fantastic, probably my favourite aspect of this piece. So many strong bits of imagery that involve the environment, especially in the second and third chapters. A great scar origin story, too. I highly recommend for anyone who likes something meatier, more grounded. O yeah, and there's great art inside! How considerate of the author to help the reader out! Durable by tabbyclaw Love this one, especially the bluntness of Shego's inner monologue/prose. Possessive, cheeky, somewhat domineering, almost feigning playing second-fiddle to Dr. Drakken. The setting for this is great, there's a great sense of Shego-flavoured risk and recklessness involved without sacrificing her glamour. This might all sound like nonsense, but, I assure you, it is all there in the text! Fans of kissy-face, this one is for you! (Meaning, every Drakgo fan ever, but I digress).
Untitled by tabbyclaw I always appreciate this author's maturity when dealing with Drakgo, I adore it, and it's present here, too. No skimping on the romance at all, it's just wonderful. A take on a love confession that's just so...nice. After the whirlwind and fervour, realisation rolls in. Comforting. Ocean Views by Aleego ; Tumblr fanfic link inspired by art by midnightcaptions (NSFW 18+) An excellent fic inspired by a great piece of art! Truly a merger of great minds! Phone sex might be nothing new, but it works excellently here to establish tension. It's actually a fantastic headspace for Drakken and Shego to be in as characters, not having to face each other, but to speak as if they were alone. It's a strange bit of intimacy between them that, potentially, serves as a lynch pin to how their dynamic changes. Tastefully written. Truth or Dare by those-other-ones (NSFW 18+) Love this one. Love how unique it is, how casual it is, how unglamorous it is. It's also incredibly sweet, vulnerable. Romantic drunkenness, if you will. Captures their competitive and stubborn personalities very well, sabotaging themselves without even knowing by throwing alcohol into the mix. Happy ending, very tender, intimate, sweet. Full-on sex not something you can handle? Try this one. Untitled by those-other-ones (NSFW 18+) An alternative take on an existing fic where Shego is still a hero in Go City and Dr. Drakken makes his villainous debut! I enjoy how weird this is as a first meeting. The setting allows for a great sexual tension and atmosphere that's very unusual, and, when villain and hero are alone together, fervour, desperation and tenderness are unleashed. Very different, highly recommend. Love this one. Routine by Nikki-wr (NSFW 18+) Drakken and Shego's relationship suddenly becomes physical, but it's not all roses. This is a really excellent, weighty, angsty fic. I love how their misunderstandings, miscommunication and insecurities are depicted, their fears of honesty and taking risks when it comes to each other, juxtaposed with irony of perpetuating a self-destructive path. My words might be strong, but this fic ends very, very sweetly. In truth, all of this author's pieces are strong, and angst-tinged, which I adore, but I've chosen this one to highlight. Love the passion. Oldies: Fics from Years Gone By! Vietnam by Dr. Agent My absolute favourite Drakken-centric Drakgo fic ever, bar none! Drakken's developing feelings for Shego are documented in unguarded moments, woven with masterful, restrained prose. The language in this blows me away, it's just. Wow. There is one line in this, a single line, that I obsess over. Powerful imagery and metaphor that ties together the wilderness, war and jungle-theming of the piece - just brilliant, multi-faceted. The author also has a Shego-centric one to mirror this, but Vietnam is my absolute favourite. Beautiful Dynamite by Crystal Allen My favourite Shego character-study fic, ever! Set during Two to Tutor, the author utilises Señor Senior Sr.'s wisened voice as our guide into the ferocious, yet unattractive, side of Shego. Brilliant, I cannot think of a more polarising pair to make commentary on each other, despite their shared hedonism, passion for wealth and villainy. SSS makes slight Drakgo commentary at the end, which I love. Makes me want to read more from his perspective on the two of them, since in this fic, their relationship sort of parallels and contradicts ones he has had in the past. I highly recommend for any big Shego fans. Jealous by NAster Another great Shego-centric fic with jealousy as a core theme that makes the list? Say it isn't so! Wonderful take on Shego's flighty, ornery nature and how it's influenced her behaviour with Drakken, and, with everyone else. Understated, sweet Drakgo, possessive Shego. What's not to love?
Out of Control by Blackfire 18 The Supreme One's treatment of her last line of defence has warped him, not just in body, but in mind. Some of my favourite nasty lines from Supreme Shego and Drakken live here. Rage, angst and tragedy, all in one. The Supreme One's future is miserable for all, even herself. Downer ending. Seeking Shelter from the Rain by Blackfire 18 A classic. Adore this author's Gothic atmosphere, it's very nostalgic, and very prominent in this dreary piece. Amidst a recent failure, Shego is vulnerable and Drakken is there with her. Comforting, sweet ending. Fatal Mistake in the Dark by Blackfire 18 In my opinion, not as strong as the other two pieces. However, it is the ending to this that I really like. The author's sense of building dread is fantastic and present in all her dark fics, but the pay-off for this one is intriguing. Tragedy...? Everything by Hematitebadger A measured, mature, sweet, outcome of a scenario where Dr. Drakken wins. The sheer gentleness, the duality of Lipsky, what he is capable of and who he is. Just lovely. Minutes and Years by Hematitebadger 50 sentences, a real relic from the past! One of the very best that Drakgo has to offer. You only need one sentence to grab you! Symbiosis by Ninnik Nishukan from The Ones That Never Happened Liked Out of Control? Watch a similar dynamic play out and end in a completely different way! Understand the reasons behind Shego and Drakken's transformation and relationship in this timeline, and the brief humanity they end up sharing. Optimistic, relieving ending compared to its sibling-fic. The author's best work, in my sincere opinion. More? Interesting ideas/cute moments/unique settings that I like Stay by Eienvine - Oldie Any Road Will Get You There by Crystal Allen - Oldie Definitely Exactly What It Looks Like by souljelly - Reviewed Sick Day by split-n-splice - Reviewed Practice Makes Perfect by split-n-splice - Reviewed The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by split-n-splice - Unreviewed Not Sentimental by sweet_tangerine_dreams - Reviewed New and Not New by Malvolia - Reviewed A Knotty Situation by bcbdrums - Unreviewed In All the Gin Joints in the World, He Asks for Coco Moo by UnapologeticallyMeatwad - Unreviewed The Aftermath by dragannahEireann - Unreviewed / Incomplete Fic Expected by gofordrakgo - Reviewed Just a Pair of Cold Dwellers by OhBoyOhBoy - Unreviewed
Thanks razzledazzledrakgo, for breaking in my ask box, and for breaking the dam! I don't know how to add a Keep Reading cut.
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