chungkong-nl · 2 hours
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Bring your walls to life. Visit the webshop chungkong.nl today!
A story of family, religion, hatred, oil and madness, focusing on a turn-of-the-century prospector in the early days of the business.
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Stars: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Ciarán Hinds
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lawyer-fatale · 12 hours
I need a tag for orpheus 😞 one for myself bc I see him as familial
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all girls want is to move to a rural beach town, to turn a beautiful house into a home, to never have to use an alarm, to wake her lover up with kisses, to be loved, to make breakfast while the birds are singing and the ocean is roaring, to have lots of fresh flowers, to read under the tress in her backyard, to write poems and love letters to her lover, to cook for her loved ones, to make the food from scratch, to have fun creative silly little hobbies, to take care of her sacred vessel, to go on walks and buy new books, to use the sauna naked every day, to swim naked with her lover under the moonlight, to love love and love.
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large-baguette-112 · 2 days
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itis very silly looking right now . but
erm actually this js very cool looking!!!!! you're very good at grayscale dude holy shit!!!!!!!!!
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tomster1274 · 2 days
Hello followers. I bring out of nowhere RE7 content because I still love that game, I still haven't seen 8 though because I'm a huge loser.
Anyways, uhhh, I think these 2 should kiss maybe perhaps ...?
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charmedoralarmed · 3 days
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strikingamatch · 4 days
.. __ ... ___ ._. ._. _.__
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loveyouanyway · 5 days
hey bitch. 9, 17, and 22 for the ask game!
hey bitchy bitch
9. tell a story about your childhood
okok i have a great story. picture 10 year old nolan breaking into their own home with his dad's help!!! sdjfkdfd well the lock was jammed or something so he went and got some supplies and we went to the backyard. he used a suction cup to open the window?? then he cut the mesh thingy and i had to climb up onto the AC thingy and go through asjdksd it was very fun and that started my love for breaking into houses /j
17. name 3 things that make you happy
bernie the bunny, 911 and you or whatever
22. say 3 things about someone you love
fishing for compliments? 🤨 well i don't love you so hah hmm ok how about 3 things about my lil bro we have the same stupid (like really stupid) sense of humour so we are very annoying together hehe. he is 12 and seems both young and old for his age. and he's in karate class rn sdjskdjd
questions or ask/tell me something else!!
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sonseulsoleil · 5 days
Vancouver another again! I'm really enjoying the show. I have two episodes left and not enough time to watch them both tonight. So that sucks!
But generally it gives me like, Dirk Gently vibes? I think the editing is so good!
Hi again! I'm glad you're enjoying the show!! And I absolutely agree it has Dirk Gently vibes, I thought the same thing myself. I hope you get to watch the last two episodes soon! Episode 7 is a DOOZY.
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lilartifex · 6 days
I'm currently reading through the original Dead Boy Detectives Comics and the funniest thing to me is how different their characters are between the show and comics while still understanding the assignment.
Like, the show versions are probably how they'd actually be had they died at sixteen and had those extra three/four years of character development.
Also, I love the fact that show!Edwin is the driving force behind most of the plot and gets all these love interest and Edwin in the comics is like. A quiet reserved twelve-year-old who would've spent his afterlife in a literal attic if Charles hadn't convinced him to leave.
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sparklecryptid · 6 days
oh i randomly thought of this earlier, in your bloom in frost story did the people who were forcibly ascended gain a domain? like were they the god of anything? or was it just blank? cause I'm wondering what Inna would be the god of
That lore is locked behind SPOILERS but what I can say is that there were a few who were granted dominion over certain things but most were not or were given dominion over very niche objects
Inna was supposed to have dominion over (redacted) but well-
He never fully ascended so while no one could take his authority or dominion from him he couldn’t fully understand the scope of it either
Anyway his dominion and authority are one of the reasons he was yeeted into the past
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hamoodshah · 6 days
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kiw-ee · 6 days
i found their vent acc and damn . I feel really bad for them I wanna give them a big hug and a kiss on the hand and to tuck them in and give them a big soft plushie and a nice kissie on the forehead
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Bone spaghetti.
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I dont think my teeth could handle it, and it might make me cry to eat bones. I love pasta spaghetti though, its so good. I want to cook some spaghetti bolognese for my friends sometime soon.
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protcg · 8 days
tell me you love me 👉👈
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bishopfgnl · 5 months
Tonight is Part 2 and the closing of the message series titled; "A False Hope of Heaven." This is our Wednesday Night Bible Study. The main Scripture Text is 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. Otheer Scriptures mentioned are as follows - Genesis 2:7; John 4:24; 1 timothy 6:16; Luke 23:43; Luke 16:19-31; and Revelation 6:9-10. An Altar Call for Salvation is given at the end of the message.
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