rypnami · 3 days
we are allowed to be disappointed by the updates.
as a console player, i already had the onyx hippogriff, which is nothing but aesthetic, felix felicis, which is basically worthless, and the hogsmeade quest, which is fun but after 11 times wears thin.
so basically what we get is some outfits and photo mode.
photo mode is nice and i’m glad they listened on that front, but the rest is basically a nothing burger.
i already see people saying not to complain and ‘mod yourself!’ but a lot of us can’t even have mods to begin with.
after weeks of ‘it’s a huge secret guys! secret cool features!’ and getting . . . this . . . we are allowed to have feelings around jt.
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I'm super proud of you as well!! I found you during the ask jyushimatsu days, and i always found your art Adorable in a way that i was pretty envious of. actually learned how to do chibi hands through you!! i tried to send kind anons whenever you were being down on yourself <:> it's very relieving to see you in a better place mentally.
Bean, I've never said so and I should've, but at this point your username has been a synonymous with comfort whenever I see it on my timeline TwT Thank you so much as well!! I've definitely always seen you and appreciated you and I don't say it enough TwT
(...Also... h a n d s ? For real? I thought I absolutely sucked at drawing hands 🙈 That's pretty amazing)
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ai-das-ei · 4 hours
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Guys am I trippin
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wanologic · 16 hours
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Please support the Pacific Bonsai Museum and pick up some cute bonsai keychains! Everyone there is so sweet and every purchase helps!
You can pick them up online in their museum store 💚
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frontierghost · 3 days
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Nai out here living his best life. This man is gorgeous btw
idk if this is exactly the design the author had in mind, but I did my best. I love the silver shades, he's so twinning with Vash.
Now take this fic rec of which I am completely obsessed. It's currently a work in progress but it IS being updated.
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fandom-drake · 19 days
Dinah, who somehow got roped into being the batfam counselor: And why did no one explain to Jason that the Joker was nearly killed twice by the two people he originally called family and only third party interference stopped him from permanently dying, not only giving the young man closure but also opening a line of communication???
Bruce and Dick trying very hard not to look at a bewildered Jason: It just never came up.
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kyriathanatos · 3 months
hey, you guys wanna see something completely fucked up?
why the FUCK do these match so well. i didnt edit SHIT.
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prokopetz · 9 months
Historically, the American animation industry has recognised only two types of cartoons aimed at adult audiences:
The animated sitcom
Martial arts action with tits and gore
I'm watching the Fionna and Cake miniseries right now, and I genuinely think we're witnessing the emergence of a third broadly accepted option: whimsical fantasy adventure in the mode of popular children's programming, except everyone is clinically depressed.
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hkblack · 11 months
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Hi folks. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what we as fans can and can't do with the striking happening. So I made a flowchart.
Let me make this SUPER DUPER EXTRA CLEAR. Unless an AMPTP studio reaches out and says "We would like to give you X (money/swag/whatever) to create content for us" (that would include writing or acting in anyway on your part) you will NOT be crossing a picket line.
Cosplay, fanart, fanfic, going feral, sharing marketing posts, watching your favorite show, getting your friends to watch your favorite show, etc does not count.
It is ONLY scabbing if you are getting REIMBURSED by the STUDIO.
Please take this flowchart, repost it, spread it everywhere!
The studios benefit from us being confused. The studios benefit from us not promoting and not watching and cancelling our subscriptions. The unions, the actors, the writers, they all benefit from us promoting in their absence, they get paid when we watch the shows, we bolster their argument when we boost the shows numbers. If we make the media popular and successful the studios have to meet the writers and actors at the table, and the writers and actors will be in the position of power.
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ps1demodisk · 4 months
Sorry I'm not low empathy autistic in the "mysterious loner boy who secretly cares about his friends and talks in a monotone voice" way and I'm actually just completely indifferent to the suffering of people I don't know personally and help strangers out of a sense of "this is the right thing to do" and not "I feel so bad for this person" or guilt.
I sit and listen to my friends even though I don't really care about hearing about their problems because I know they'll be upset if I don't, and despite the fact I honestly can't genuinely care about the issue itself, I care about the impact it's having on my friends and that's enough to make me want to help them through it.
Did you know that's actually an expression of empathy all of its own?
It will absolutely happen again I literally am not even sorry
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keferon · 3 months
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Pow you messed with the Wreckers. Or something haha
Listen I don’t have a type. BUT SOMEHOW every time I find and add a character to my favorites, he turns out to be a wrecker. My best theory - I have a built-in wrecker radar~
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wifey-type · 2 years
“Who got you smiling?” The voices in my head cracked a joke leave me alone
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ilovetvtoons · 2 months
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Furry reminder that Muffin can be a bit of a brat. She's a good big sister to Socks at times.
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gleafer · 2 months
Apple of My Eye Part 2: La manzana
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adh-d2 · 3 months
The dad and the dog he didn't want 😭
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