#love langauges
bunnyswritings · 1 year
Saying "I love you" without saying "I love you" — some ways your otp can silently express affection
Forehead kisses, and smiling through the kiss
Resting their forehead on the other’s after a kiss
Tucking strands of loose hair behind their ears, with a thumb caressing their cheek
Interlacing their fingers with the other’s when they least expect it
Sleepy back hugs when the other person is busy whipping up breakfast in the kitchen, catching them by surprise
Just doing their own things in the same space; being so comfortable around the other even in their pyjamas
Holding both their hands while holding their gaze gently, just before leaning in for a kiss
Switching positions with the other when walking down a busy sidewalk because your feel the need to keep the other safe
Being playfully clingy in the mornings when one has an off day and the other has to rush to work
Getting them something from the store when they only mentioned it in passing
When one is overseas for a work trip and everything they see reminds them of the other person (bonus: whenever it happens, they take a picture and drop the other person a text.)
Squeezing their hand reassuringly and holding their hand throughout an intense social situation (eg. a large school reunion which the more introverted person is dreading)
Kissing away their tears
^ and letting the other cry on their shoulder even when their t-shirt gets soaked from their tears
Meeting them where they are, mentally and emotionally; never forcing them to do anything they aren’t comfortable with
Wholeheartedly supporting their dreams, and putting that into action by making concrete plans for it to happen
Dropping the other person an encouraging text before an important interview/event
Surprising the other with flowers just because; no occasion and no reason needed
Picking the other person up from work when it’s getting late, and walking them right to their doorstep after
Good morning and goodnight texts
Making the other person a Spotify playlist with songs that remind them of their relationship and growth
Remembering the littlest of things — activities they like and dislike, favourite brands of stationery, go-to ice cream flavour, choice of popcorn
Writing little notes on post-its and leaving them in random pages of their textbook, so that they will get a little endorphin boost when studying
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keyotosprompts · 4 months
i'd give you everything ‧₊˚✩彡
acts of service prompts
⇴ person a is lying in bed but has to get up and get their computer for work. while hearing person a complain, person b gets up and grabs the computer for person a (midrant).
⇴ "let me pay you back." "no." "no? why?" "because i love you."
⇴ person a is slumped asf and their head is in an uncomfortable position on their pillow. person b gently lifts person a's head up and places it comfortably on person b's shoulder/bicep.
⇴ person b is not very vocal about how they love, so they tend to show person a that they love them with actions. person b always covers the corner of the table, walks on the side of the sidewalk, and puts a hand over person a's head when there's rain (and no umbrella).
⇴ "shit, i forgot to grab an umbrella. i didn't know it was raining" (sad face). "it's okay" (grabs jacket and puts it over a or puts a hand over a's head while running through the rain together)
⇴ grocery shopping but person b is putting everything in the bags in specific categories based on different factors so person a doesn't have stress about where anything is placed (just me?)
⇴ person b finishes up a project for person a because person a is on the verge of collapse ("when did i finish this??" and person b is just like "last night")
⇴ person a knowing that person b doesn't take care of themselves, so person a comes over to person b's house and brings them a care box. it's filled with all their favorite snacks/drinks (bonus points if person b didn't tell them what their favorites were, person a just knew).
⇴ "if you need anything, don't even hesitate to ask."
⇴ "are you kidding? you thought you needed to ask?" (percabeth anyone??)
⇴ person a & b are sitting around together, until b notices that a is shivering. they get up and sprint towards their shared room, grabbing a blanket and wrapping a in it.
⇴ ^^ "get in here too" with a cheeky cute smile that b cannot help but swoon over. it's like their heart is about to rupture out of their chest after looking at a's smile. they feel a grin break across their face as they snuggle up to a.
⇴ person a always drives around person b, even if it's inconvenient for their schedule. to person a, they'd rather take the long road and get to do something for b.
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Okay so I have a thought/headcanon about Spy X Family.
Anya always does a little hand pat on people when she notices they're upset as a comfort. Which is super cute.
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But what's even cuter is, I think she got is from Loid.
In the first episode, when he officially decides to keep her after rescuing her from the thugs, he acknowledges it by putting his hand on her head:
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And then in episode 2, when Anya gets worried that Loid having her is preventing him from finding a wife, he again reaches out and rubs her head while assuring her it's not her fault:
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He also pats her head in the episode after she gets accepted into Eden and she tells him she's going to do her best.
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I think there's some others but I don't feel like trying to find them 😅
Anyway, I think Anya pats people to comfort them because she felt loved when Loid did it to her. I would guess she's never really been given physical affection before, and so Loid doing that made an impact on her, and that's why she does it to others.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Steve always tells people "I love you" before saying bye to them. Maybe it's the years of Upside Down trauma, worrying that these words could be his last. Maybe it's the fact his parents never say it before leaving (if they even bothered to say anything to him at all). Maybe it's because each time his parents were away he thinks that this might be the time they never come back, and he isn't even sure if they love him. Maybe it's due to his years of King Steve, hurting others more than loving.
It doesn't really matter though, the why. What matters is that Steve has made it his mission to always do it before his goodbyes (especially after round three of the Upside Down). Always making sure to even say a quick "Love you! Bye!" as he is rushing out the door.
At first, everyone is a bit put off by it. Especially Nancy who at first thought it was a love confession until Steve turns to Jonathan and says the exact same thing. The kids think he's being gross and mushy, even an exasperated "mommmm" is thrown in his direction every once in and while. Robin is the only one who is receptive to it right away. A soft, "love you too dingus" she says to him, no matter if they are attached to the hip or in a screaming match that day.
Eventually, though, everyone accepts this as Steve's new normal. Gentle smiles, light snorts, and bruising punches (thanks max) are the responses given. But then after round four of the Upside Down, everyone seems to now embrace this part of Steve. Never forgetting to say "I love you too" in return.
Steve's heart comes a little closer to healing each time.
Steve only begins to realize it's a problem though when it comes to Eddie.
Steve finds that Eddie is the only one he has to resist saying it to. See, Steve over the years has become better at providing verbal affection. Note, his "I love you's" had blossomed into "I am proud of you" and "I'm worried about you" and so much more. He has grown out of the years of repressed emotion (well, he was actively learning to at least).
What Steve hasn't gotten better at is touch. Steve yearns for it, craves it in fact, but can't find it in him to reach out. His fear of rejection is too great. And Steve's friends don't really give out touch to those who don't actively seek it.
Eddie though may be the touchiest person he has ever met. It's small stuff at first.
A shoulder brush.
A clap on the back.
A poke in the ribs.
But then it soon turns into bigger stuff.
A boop on the nose.
A tug at his hair.
A goddamn hug from behind.
It's overwhelming, it's intoxicating. Steve can't really tell if it's good or bad for his health. And Steve knows if he asks Eddie to stop he will. Despite his touchy tendencies, the guy understood boundaries. But the problem is that Steve doesn't want him to stop.
The problem is that Eddie's constant physical affection is starting to collide with Steve's need to express verbal affection. The problem is Eddie is starting to fill the rest of the void in his heart. The problem is Steve...
The problem is Steve has to stop himself from expressing his normal "I love you's" because he knows it will mean something different, something more this time. He knows everyone will notice the difference after their years of hearing him say it.
So, Steve never says it to Eddie.
It's no biggie really. Or so Steve thinks until Eddie corners him in the kitchen during one of their game nights.
"Steve, do you...do you have a problem with me?" Eddie asks shyly, staring down at his boots. It was an odd look on him as Eddie was normally larger than life, commanding a room. It hurt Steve to see him like this.
"What? Why would you think that?" Steve asks shocked.
"Not really a no, Harrington." Eddie chuckles darkly, "And don't think I didn't notice but you kinda have a hangup about saying I love you to everyone except me. And ya know, I wouldn't really be offended really if it was cause we haven't known each other very long and ya know, cause I'm a guy. But then, I see you saying it to Argyle. Real easily in fact. And it wouldn't bother me if it was because we weren't close, but Stevie—" Eddie's voice cracks a little, as he slips into his nickname for Steve. Steve knows now, how serious Eddie is being. "—you've gotten to know me better than anyone in this whole stupid state. And that's including Wayne. Hell, you might even be my best friend even though I'm not yours. I'm not delusional I know no one can knock Robin from that spot." Eddie is rambling so hard that he gives Robin a run for her money. Steve thinks for a moment, that the two have been spending too much time together.
Steve stays silent as he walks towards Eddie to stand directly in front of him. Eddie continues without noticing. "Then I worry, it's because maybe. Maybe it's because you found out that I am gay. And that, you had a problem with that. That you have a problem with me." Eddie's voice starts off shaky but then turns into steel as he finishes. He makes sure to keep direct eye contact with Steve, driving his point.
Steve first thinks, wait Eddie's gay? Then Steve processes everything, panics, and loses his filter completely. Throws his worry about losing his best friend (don't tell Robin, but she's his soulmate so she'll forgive him) out the window, and throws his heart on the table instead. "Jesus, no Eds. I—shit. It's not that at all. Like I don't care about that stuff. You know that. I love Robin regardless."
Eddie gives him a look that screams, we both know why it's different. Steve pushes forwards anyway. "And it's not that I don't want to say it to you. It's just, it's different okay. Like with everyone else, I don't have to worry about it being bullshit. And god that sounds bad, but I don't know how else to say it. And I just know if I say it, if I say it you'll just know it's different, and then you'll hate me and it's one thing for the others to not say it back at first, but I think it might kill me if you didn't. And that's not fair to put that pressure on you." God, now Steve could give Robin a run for her money.
Steve cuts him off, he knows if he doesn't say it now he won't say it all. "God Eddie if you knew how much I cared—if you knew how much I worried every time you leave. If you knew how much I worry about how I don't say it to you when you leave, how I might not ever get to say it, it would terrify you, Eddie. This isn't a normal amount of affection. This is like—what's the word—astronomical amounts of affection. Cause Eddie, it takes everything in me every single time you walk away to not say I. Love. You."
Steve hears it, how he says it. He knows how it's going to sound before it comes out. How it's different. How it's more. Steve closes his eyes in shame.
Eddie's hand cups Steve's cheek. "Baby."
The hush, but the firm tone makes Steve open his eyes. Eddie has gotten so close they are breathing the same air. Steve's heart stutters.
"Baby," Eddie says again, before giving Steve the one affectionate touch he hasn't gotten yet.
A kiss.
A soft, heartstopping kiss. A kiss that has Steve's soul bursting at the seams.
Steve leans his forehead against Eddie's, feeling content for the first time in weeks. Knowing this was Eddie's way of saying it back.
Though, the delicate "I love you too." that Eddie whispers against Steve's lips doesn't hurt either.
Not even a little bit.
sometimes I set out to write a quick little thing…and sometimes that little thing turns into a big thing. enjoy :)
p.s. I apologize if there are any tense changes, I wrote this at 1 am lol
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sagittariuski · 7 months
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 13 days
Autistic Love Languages
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Lil Penguin Studios/Autism Happy Place
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rottindecay · 5 months
Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Itadori, Megumi ♡
🪦 . . 𝐙𖤐𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄 ’s 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 (1): im so into JJK rn holy fuck.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎⊹₊ ⋆
🪦 . . I feel like we all can agree that Gojos’ love language would totally be GIFT GIVING.
⭑ When he’s out and about and walking by stores, he would peak through those big windows these shops have at the front of their establishment to try to lure potential buyers in, Gojo would lay his eyes on something that reminds him of you. Something you wanted or needed. Or seeing you looking at a certain item in a store for a little longer than all the other items in the building.
He would smile to himself, Imagining you looking inside the bag and seeing what new thing he has gotten you, to spoil you rotten.
He dosent give a shit about the money, he has enough of that. But he will never, i mean never, get enough of seeing your face once you open his new present to you.
🪦 . . When it comes to Nanami, i feel like his love language would be ACTS OF SERVICES.
⭑ Just Imagine, youre already stressed out of your mind from all the projects you have to do for work, the cleaning, or something along those lines. Point is, you are stressed.
Nanami would notice this and his heart would sadden, seeing you all worked up. So gradually he would snoop around and find your planner and notice how full it was of stuff you needed to do. An idea would come to his mind, what if he did some of these things? You know, just to make your life a little easier.
You were at work, doing whatever you needed to do over there as Nanami stayed home. You thought he would teach more students at Jujutsu High like what he normally does. But he had other plans. When you walked back in to your shared house, smiling fondly to yourself as you saw all the rooms cleaned up. You were going to thank him later, right now you have to focus on all the other stuff you need to do. After a bit of searching you finally found you planner on your desk like where it always is. Once you opened it you saw all the stuff you needed to do was crossed out with a bright red line.
Once Nanami came home you questioned him about it and he nonchalantly told you that he finished it for you because he saw how stressed you were and thought you needed some help.
🪦 . . i definitely see his love language being QUALITY TIME.
⭑ you guys could be doing anything, and he would still cherish the time he’s spending with you. It could be shopping, watching movies, trying cook meals together..
As i said, anything.
Anytime Itadori finds a place that seems like you two would enjoy going together, say the carnival for example. He would go to text you, sounding excited to see if you would go with him. Once you say yes Itadori immediately gets ecstatic that you agreed we to go with him!
Once you two arrive you guys go on various rides, eating some of the food they had over there and even playing those stupid rigged games they have at the carnival and Itadori is enjoying every single second he’s spending with you.
..okay maybe not when he lost to those carnival games because then you would have to console him saying that he did a great job, it’s the games that are rigged
But other than that, he absolutely loves to spend every minute of his day with you!
🪦 . . I have a gut feeling his love language would totally be PHYSICAL TOUCH.
⭑ No matter where you guys are, he absolutely loves to hold your hand anywhere you guys go. Same with having his pinky finger interlocked with yours, or his arm snaked around you waist. He just wants to be touching you.
But when you guys are alone, one of the main things he’s obsessed with is cuddling you.
Let’s say you’re laying down comfy as ever on your bed once you see Megumi walk in through the door. He looks tired, you could visibly see the eye bags under his eyes. You greeted him softly, a smile on your lips but he didn’t respond. He just continued to drag his feet, making his way to you before crawling onto the bed and immediately spooning you. You let out a small giggle before wrapping your arms around him, asking him if he was tired which he only groaned to before pulling you as close as he could to his chest with his chin placed on top of your head. And with that, Megumi is out like a light, sleeping soundly with him cuddling you.
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teddys-draft · 2 months
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Dear Me…..💙😎
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indybob · 2 months
Incoming soft hangster headcanon:
Bradley’s love language is physical touch and Jake’s is quality time, which works out perfectly for their relationship.
Jake loves that Bradley is always attached to him because it means they’re always spending time together, even if it’s just a lazy day around the house. Bradley loves that he and Jake are always hugging, kissing, cuddling, or stealing innocent touches, and that his boyfriend never seems to mind🥰
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bosverdimmcoktann · 2 months
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Bu renk >>>>>>>>>
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assassinnumber9 · 10 months
TwiYor's Love Languages
So as you guys may or may not know, a little over a year ago I published a fanfic on Archive of Our Own called Loid Forger is NOT A Cuddler, which is basically just 5 chapters (so far) of Loid cuddling and denying it.
It's practically an essay for how his love language is physical touch.
And while I do like to joke about how Loid Forger is a cuddler and whatnot because of my fanfic and headcanon, this most recent manga chapter of Spy x Family gives me a perfect opportunity to talk about this headcanon and why it's in line with Twilight's character as well as Yor's own love language and how they relate.
We'll look at the obvious and pretty much explicitly stated first.
Yor's Love Language: Acts of Service
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As previously mentioned, she basically says it outright. Her growing feelings toward Loid are much more obvious than his, and so it's easy to point out that her wanting to help him and have him rely on her is both a way for her to care/love him outwardly and a way for her to know he's accepting of that love.
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I think Loid being the one to rely on her also makes her feel even more loved/trusted/confident, because Loid Forger is just so perfect at anything and everything he tries. From the outside, he really doesn't need any sort of help from anyone.
And, Twilight would likely agree. He's confident in his abilities and doesn't seem to want help from anyone as far as we've seen. The only missions he shares are the ones where more than one person is really needed.
Fiona could be potentially seen as someone he accepts help from, except that her help is more of an employee to an employer (or inferior to superior in their case.
And Franky... acts almost like a brother to Twilight? So like, they just force each other to help. Neither of them are accepting any kind of help, just going, "You're doing this."
All this to say that Yor is the only one that Twilight accepts and asks for help from. In the latest chapter, we see Twilight is comfortable enough to ask her.
And, she's ecstatic at hearing him ask for it.
She gets to finally show her love the way she knows how - the way she showed Yuri during her childhood.
Now for Loid Forger, rather Twilight.
Twilight's Love Language: Physical Touch
So far in the story, we have not seen much in terms of love when it comes to Twilight.
Emotions, and love especially, are weaknesses for spies unlike assassins, where emotions and attachments can be seen as strengths. Both fight for their respective loved ones, but the former has to do so hidden under a mask without being caught and the other is able to outwardly express these protective instincts through their actions (assassinations).
So, Twilight, like the great spy he is, hides his love.
You could possibly argue his love language is the same as Yor's (acts of service), but his acts are to keep her happy to ensure she stays with him (ie actually for the mission).
He also seems to give words of affirmation as well, but he only does so when he needs to provide them.
Gifts and Quality time can also be crossed out, because we don't really see him giving Yor gifts and we haven't seen him really go "I need to be with Yor more" yet. The only time we ever saw him think of her when they weren't together was during the cruise arc. But that’s not enough solid evidence for that specific one yet.
Also keep in mind that we haven't seen him express any of these languages to anyone else either.
There is one language we do have solid proof for, and of course that's physical touch.
While no, it's not proof that features Yor or even Anya.
We both hear and see it when it comes to his mother.
He explicitly states that he loved being held by her.
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While this story was meant to show his mother's strength as a person, it confirms that loving physical touch was a large part of his childhood
Because he remembers it
Twilight remembers loving being held by her.
He can't remember her face, or his father's face, and is even flustered and confused after his PTSD flashback when he was unconscious. His memories are covered in trauma, and I believe one of the only reasons why he can remember what his friends looked like are because he saw them later in life.
It's hinted that he remembers very little of his childhood - likely due to the trauma.
But his mother holding him stayed with him.
Physical touch was an influential thing during his childhood.
Like Yor's love language during hers.
I would really like to believe that we'll see him learn to love touch again when he finally learns to accept his emotions, and in turn, his "weaknesses" (which will likely be turned to strengths).
And Yor being strong, a trait he remembers of his mother, only strengthens my theory that he'll learn to love physical touch again.
Because, he'll once again be able to know that everything is fine when he's holding her - just as he felt with his mother.
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 year
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꒰ ♡ ꒱ 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝒶 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝒹 ; 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
⋆·˚ 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 ⋆·˚ ----- This reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn't, you don't need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn't resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious!
⋆·˚ 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 ⋆·˚ ----- All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from 'pinterest' i don't own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and belong to me only @alaezasmystery . I use the editor tools canva and kapwing for the header and divider. Extra credit to @daninixx for giving permission to use her rules and disclaimer.
⋆·˚ ༘ 🍋 ✧*
Instantly, I'm getting strong Leo energy here . I feel that your future spouse's love language is more on the physical touch and quality time spent together . I feel that you guys are gonna be having a lot of passionate love making in the bedroom .
This is someone who treasures every moment spent with you. I feel that they may not look like the kind or really sweet talk. But they are hella romantic and gonna notice every single little things about you.
I feel that both of you love travelling and be out in the nature more. So do see them bring you out more for walks sitting by bench and bringing you out to See the stars .
You may catch sometimes staring at you more often but not in the creepy way rather than in adoring way. I feel like you're gonna think if you are truely blessed to have them . I feel like they suck at communication , but rest assured they are gonna show you.
Actions speak louder then words ... afterall 😉.
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For this pile I am getting a strong Taurus energy . I feel that your future spouse's love language is more on act of service to you . I feel that they will put you on a pedestal and be very protected over you . They're gonna be treating you like a queen or King .
At times, you'd feel like they are being very gaurded and they might hover over you and when there are other people around or sensing someone trying to get too close to you . I feel that they can be throwing a little jealous comments but it's not that they are possessive . It's cause they want you all to themselves . It's kinda cute how would they react , they are like a baby who wants your attention on them only.
They are someone who will go distance for you . I feel like that they will work together with you to build a strong Foundation . I heard " built an Empire for you because you are my queen or king " .
They would want to take things one step at a time because they believe that good thing takes time . I feel that they are gonna have this endearing gaze on you when you guys have a kid together .
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For this pile I am getting air sign and fire sings more . I feel that your future spouse's love language is more on the quality time and giving / receiving gifts .
I get this cheeky vibe from pile 3 . The way they show their love isn't how many would show. They will be acting like a child and always teasing you to get your attention but when they do get you mad they will sulk and feel sad about it .
Like Pile 2 , they are a big baby when it comes to you . I feel that on the another hand they will be working very hard on their pentacles so that they can provide for you .
Some of them may even gift you with a key that symbolises , that you hold the key to their heart . I feel that they will shower you with random gifts and flowers . I feel that your future spouse is quite the adventurer, a cheeky one I'd say ....
I feel that they will want to do crazy stuff with you like out of the blue . They see you as this light that lights up their world . I am hearing " you are my sunshine " . Just know that sometimes they didn't mean to annoy you , they were just trying to make you smile and to get your attention on them by doing something silly .
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© @alaezasmystery ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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aponii1 · 5 months
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My love language
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xxxxlovexxxx · 1 year
"i will take you as you are" a love language
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shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
Jason: My love language is acts of service.
Tim: So is that your entire argument for why I should break you out of prison again or?
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