leoascendente · 1 year
PAC / Details about the love of your life 💕
I'm back my lovesss! 💖 I'm late with this pac as always but I have to be a responsible adult too. As always with love spreads I try to write with no gender, I always talk about dominant energy of your FS. Take a cup of tea cause this is a long spread
Decks I used: Enchanted love tarot, dark wood tarot, astrodices, romance angels oracle, love oracle cards, goddess guidance oracle and the hidden truth oracle.
Take a deep breath and choose the pile you feel more drawn to, you can choose more than 1 if you feel it, maybe you have more messages in more piles. Take always what resonates and leave the rest
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I love you 🥰
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Pile 1:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: Express your love, true love/ honeymoon)
Omg pile 1 your fs is going to love you so so much you will never doubt their feelings! They will want to make sure you know how important you are for them in every moment, your FS is very loving and caring. The whole spread repeats travel and movement, so you may live in very distanced places from the other or you may travel to new places together to spend quality time by eachother's side, in another sense it could mean that your fs will make you feel like you live in an endless honeymoon. Their love language is majorly about quality time together and words of affirmation, they might have a talent with words and they write letters to you very often, their voice has something special too. I see an specific situation of someone leaving post it everywhere with cute quotes on them telling you how much they love you and things like that. From the very first moment you meet both of you will feel something special like you are the kind of person they've been yearning for and viceversa, if you are an intuitive person somehow you'll know it's them, the feeling when you meet and spend time with them won't be a spark shining within, it's a thunder like no other. They'll probably show their love and interest in you pretty fast, they will be straight forward with you letting you know they want to make you part of their life and include you in their plans. I see clearly that good humor and laugh will be present in all your meetings, your fs loves your smiles and hear you laugh so surely they will be joking all around just to rip an smile of your face.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: 10 of roses; princess of shells; 6 of gems; king of roses // Astrodices: Sagittarius; north node; 2nd house)
Mmmmmm this person is really sexy, they are very physically attractive and has nice facial features, probably the kind that catches everybody's eye when they walk in a room, they also has a confident body language. I feel they are very sexually active people or has a high libido but prefers to be generous with their partner in bed over focusing on their own pleasure, so they will make sure you are having a good time with them everytime you have intimacy, there will be a lot of sexual chemistry and tension between you two, you FS will like to tease you because they will feel so so attracted to you like you had a magnet just for them, they will make you touch the stars, babe! (my scorpio lilith feels very happy for you right now 😏 ). I see your person has a generous and humble nature, they laugh a lot and loves to cuddle, they are very hardworking so they can provide their beloved ones and live a comfortable life, they really enjoy giving to others because generosity is always repeating in my head while I channel for you. Very masculine energy but a little imbalanced because they like to over work, they love their work and that's why they dedicate so much attention to it, it's probably because they are following their true passion or their job is a dream come true, their job might also involve traveling. They are very successful at their job or studies as well even though they want more, not just gor ambition but for the chamce to learn more and improve their skills because they know their true potential. They are well respected and looks like someone nice and kind with everybody, they have a very warm energy even though they can look intimidating (this might be because of their physical appearance because I keep hearing about the "big boy" tiktok trend), do you know this astrology pictures that says looks like they could kill you on the outside, is a cinnamon roll on the inside, well, this is probably the best way to describe your fs. They like to make a safe space for you to feel comfortable, your person enjoys so much more to give than to receive in every aspect of their life, they will value a lot the time you spend with them and will see you as their equal, someone they can open up and show their vulnerable side so they will expect the same trust from you. They are passionate and follow their heart in everything they do, even if that means making mistakes they are willing to learn and grow, they are also very wise like the counselor of their family or group of friends, they surely gives great advices.
You two were meant to find eachother and create a life together, this is a major connection, the love of a lifetime for sure! For some, there might be an age gap between you two but you will fit at emotional level, you probably will share the same view of the future and both perspectives fit perfectly, you two will be best friends, partners in crime and the love of eachother's life, very supportive of eachother. Your FS is really funny and have a very chill energy, the kind that ends up being the center of attention without trying, they will make you laugh until your tummy hurts, if you go out with more people your person will keep always close to you making everybody knows that you are with them, a little possesive but it's because they want to protect what they love and they will love you so much, their body language is very protective over you. I see the sun and the moon in my head so I feel that you two will be opposite but at the same time very similar, your person feels like the sun with their warm energy but from your side I feel the moon with the calmer and peaceful energy, you might also be in tune with your intuition or your psychic gifts, this will be a very balanced relationship.
Conflictive traits:
(Cards: 4 of swords; king of pentacles; wheel of fortune rev / queen of cups)
Well, your person might give too much importance to money and resources and that keeps them always wanting to earn more and never rest, they might value themselves because of the money they gain or their productivity at work, for some I see that your person is struggling with a goal they really desire but never come true and that keeps them in a state of self judgement. They are aware of their negative traits and knows that some things needs to chage to feel better within themselves but this takes a lot of effort to them and might avoid it by overworking, work might be also a way of escapism because this insatisfaction is about themselves not their work development, maybe it's something about feeling respected by the rest of the world. They realize that money isn't everything in life but this trait may come from their childhood and they are just trying to cope and deal with it the best they can, at least they are conscious about it and want to solve it even if they don't have the tools right now to do it. Looks like they are in a conflictive cycle where they have seen a repetitive pattern, something like a bad habit in their life that they want to chage somehow, but change seems difficult for them. I see your person is trying to get answers of some kind to their inner conflicts, I see them asking why some things had to happen to them and maybe realizing they created some of the storms they had to face in life. In my opinion, this is very healthy for them, I mean, taking responsabilities for our actions is pretty mature, they want to become a better person for when they know you and for their wellbeing, for some I see even some kind of spiritual awakening or them trying any kind of therapy.
How they will view you in the relationship:
(Cards: paradise; passion/ kisses)
Their other half they didn't know was missing
Ahem... Just read the cards and let your imagination fly a little. For your FS, you are going to be the one and only they've been looking for their whole life, they are going to see you as the answer to their prayers and loneliness, their perfect match, that'swhy they are not going to hesitate when they know you. You are going to help them somehow to deal with things that are hard for them and viceversa, there will be a lot of trust to open up but just with eachother (I heard something about internal jokes between both too). You two are a power couple, always lifting eachother and helping to become the better version of yourselves, cheering eachother's victories and giving comfort on the defeats. You will want to build a life together as partners respecting the other's free will, there's a lot of understanding, partnership and respect from this pile. Congrats pile 1, this is a very healthy love story and I feel you needed this kind of relationship to gain back the hope in love. Also, expect a lot of passion and intimacy.
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Sekhmet, be strong/ Green Tara, start delegating)
I feel you've been waiting and longing your person a really long time, you've also commited to work on yourself meanwhile but there's a little feeling of exasperation because you have done all that's needed to attract them without forcing any situation, but I know... patience also has its limit and you might be feeling like they are going to take too much time to come into your life. Sekhmet reminds you to not loose hope, divine things come in divine timing and the kind of love you crave for is very lighthearted and pure one so it's normal it's taking the a little more time. Green Tara tells you to be more in touch with your spirituality, your guides want you to speak to them so they can know how you want them to help you, don't feel bad about asking for your FS because your guides want you to reach all your goals, if a romantic relationship is one of your goals don't be scared to ask for it too.
Extra messages:
Twin flames journey; soul mission; earth rising; beach or places with water bodies; success; gold jewelry; white butterflies and dragonflies; someone famous or fame in general, fire signs; until I found you-stephen sanchez; begin again- taylor swift
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Pile 2:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: worth waiting for; you deserve love; wedding)
Your FS is a very straight forward but methodical person, when they want something they do everything at their hand to get it, calculating every step of the road to their goals. Despite of your FS personality, I see that you will make them work hard to prove they are worthy of your time and energy, and babe, they are going to be above your expectations. Your person will be very patient in the process of reaching your heart, they know you are worthy of the effort and the wait so they don't mind because for them it's only you and nobody else. Your person is super polite and have very good manners, if it's a male they are truly a gentleman. They might have a more traditional perspective of life but this will make them want to commit with you sooner and don't waste any moment, probably they will be ready for a formal relationship before you are. But anyway, this person will respect your times until you are ready for moving forward but for them, they will want everything with you after knowing you, not just by the physical but also your personality. This relationship will end up in marriage if you are up to it but if not this will be a very commited relationship, you will only have eyes for eachother, they have a vibe like worshipping you tbh.
For some there's the message that your FS might take a little time to arrive in your life, it might be a proof of patience for you but it will be worthy. You fs will enter in your life after a time of healing yourself, I hear that the most important lesson for you is to put yourself first and love you deeply because the love you give to yourself is the love you are going to attract, make sure it's quality love because that's the kind of love you deserve. Treat yourself like the god/goddess you are because that'sthe way your fs will treat you. Idk why but for some I feel that you already know who your person is, you are just focusing on what you have to do for yourself meanwhile.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: High priestess; the lovers; the devil; queen of roses; the chariot/ Astrodices: Capricorn; mercury; 5th house)
OMGGGG I wish this pile was for me!😂 This energy feels masculine (but you know it's neutral gender) but darnnnnn this person is a gentleman in every sense of the word, so respectful and so polite, they will treat you like their muse and the source of their inspiration. When this person falls in love they do it hard and forever, they might be a little possesive or obsessive about you but it's because somehow you know how to lift them up in a way nobody else can and they have never experienced what they feel for you. There's a lot of attraction between you two but your person will be amazed by you, I see you a little more cold and your person trying to get closer to you everytime they can, maybe at first you reject them even though you'll feel very attracted to them but this might have to be with you because you prefer to take your time to really know them instead of jumping blindly into the unknown. They will love you deeply because that's their way of loving but they will also love to (i'm having a really hard time to avoid this been sexual but... your person is ahem... very horny for you) you have something that drives your person crazy for you, they might tell you that you have a spell on them very often. They are someone really mature even though they can be a young person, they like to take responsability of their life, I feel a traditional vibe from them so they might like to take the provider role in the relationship, they are very into creating a family with their dream partner and this is you. Their love language is mostly material and physical touch, after you let them get close they will never get tired of touching and hugging you, everything you ask for they will put it in your hands, they want to fulfill all your desires but also make your life so much easier and confortable, they also have a foresight eye to the things you might need and they'll put it in your hands even before you tell them. They are wealthy people and probably it shows easily by the way they dress, they might like brand clothes or wears any kind of expensive jewelry, I hear something about perfume so they surely will smell like heaven, they have an intimidating cold look on the outside wkth the rest of the world but they will be such a teddy bear with you showing you a part of themselves they keep hidden because they feel safe with you, they will want to cuddle and hug you always, very into pda too.
Conflictive traits:
(Cards: king of wands; 7of pentacles rev / 8 of cups)
They are not the sentimental type of person, they are more into the logic of things and processing situations through the lens of intellect. They are very intelligent but can also seem cold and dittached at first, but let me tell you, althought their coldness they are easily hurt and they've been very damaged in their past, they just deal with their pain in silence so they might demand some alone time to clear their mind when they have an stressful situation. Even if they don't show their emotions openly, they will tell you about what's going on in their mind for you to understand them better, they will feel comfortable enough with you to open up and tell you about what's going on their mind, they do this with you because they will really appreciate and value your opinion and advice, so they will want to know you point of view about things. They might deal with loneliness and feeling misunderstood by people, they don't seem the extrovert kind even though they have good social skills but mainly when it comes to their work not so much in social situations, or it could mean as well that their job position is something that makes them feel more confident to deal with other people, power and authority is something important for your person to feel safe. They are a little hopeless about their current life and they are just going with the flow waiting for things to get better, this is mostly with their personal life and close relationships. They are not violent at all but they have an strong temper, that's why they need space when angry to avoid saying things they regret later. For some, your fs might have some kind of neurodivergency.
How they will view you:
(Cards: talking; lightning / wedding rings)
Their hope back in life
They'll see you as their divine counterpart, like heaven has put you in their way for some reason, they will want to talk with you for days if they could, your mind and intellect is something that will have them in awe. If you are into spirituality they will also fall in love with you for this, like you give the hope in life they could be missing because of their terrenal and logical mind. You will shake their heart and mind and open to them a whole new world of opportunities. You give them the safe place they were needing and maybe that's the reason why they will have that possesive attitude (I wrote about possesiveness here instead on their difficult traits because I don't feel it as negative but more like a child scared of loosing something they really appreciate, probably has abandonment issues or as I said, some kind of neurodivergency). They will make you know clearly that you are the love of their life and wants to spend all their days with you, they will talk about commitment soon and for some they will tell you they want to marry you soon too.
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Oonahg, easy does it / Sehkmet, be strong)
You might be going through a rough time in your life, this may be a turbulent period but you know that's making you develop new skills and polish the ones you already have. Growth and evolution is important for you now, attending yourself and your deepest needs to build the life you want to live. Focus on creating the life you want besides romance, analyze the future you want for yourself exclusively and the goals you want to achieve, I feel this mostly related to your career so try to connect with your ambitions in this aspect and start building that dream life you deserve. Your person will come in the perfect moment, meanwhile make sure you release anything no longer serving your purpose.
Extra messages:
Unchained melody- elvis presley; rule the wold- take that; 1331; 333; something great will happen in May; repeated numbers are major signs so look for their meaning; moths or bats, nocturnal creatures; purple and crimson.
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Pile 3:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: getting to know eachother; religious factors / Calling in your soulmate)
If you are working with visualization, manifesting or attraction law be very specific with your desires about love because you definetely manifested your fs. This relationship will be progressively growing at the time you know better eachother, through that time you'll realize that they are your person but at first, I see that you'll start up as friends and then everything will flow and you'll se how this person has everything you've been asking for in a partner and has all the traits you wanted to attract. You two will fit like puzzle pieces, balance is the word that repeats in my mind when I channel, if you resonate with twin flame journey this person for sure will be your twin flame. They are just made for you and you for them, the connection you two will share will feel magical for both and anyone who knows you, like the heaven has just opened up for you two when you spend time together and everybody can see how you were meant for eachother. Your fs would do anything for you and your happiness and you would do it for them too, you are eachothers' best friend, there's complicity and trust above all in your relationship. For some you might already know your person but right now is not an interest of yours, maybe you have seen eachother but haven't talked yet, is someone that if you see them you know about their existence but is not someone close to you, maybe a friend of a friend or an school classmate you forgot a long time ago.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: the star rev, the empress, the magician, princess of roses, 2 of wings / astrodices: libra, saturn, 10th house)
You FS has big boss vibes, they surely are very successful in their career or comes from a wealthy enviroment, it probably shows because they have a sofisticated and elegant look, they are very nice and well liked by the people who knows them. I hear something about family bussiness so they might work with their family or has a high position in their family circle, their job might be related to laws or arts, they could be interested in these themes too. They are very charming and seductive, their appearence is also very attractive and likes to take care of themselves and their looks, they probably have many admirers but your FS seems to reject every option by the fear of being used for what they have, your fs is looking for deep conections but is a little scared about not being reciprocated in their feelings or face dishonest people. They are very focused on their work and succeding on their field, they want to be valued and recognized because of their good skills, they are so goal oriented that they might spend a lot of time alone, for some is self imposed isolation. If this drive is not related to their career can mean that your fs is currently working on themselves, their growth and evolution in a more psychological way. They probably had a heavy dissapointment in their life that made them focus on what they could do for themselves, they have been improving themselves and evolving to become their best version, they are healing their inner self and solving emotional issues. They are very independent people, they prefer to invest their energies into something useful, I don't see they are too social people they look like they love their own company and doing things for themselves, they surely have more fun watching a sunset on the beach than going to parties.
You FS will have very romantic gestures when they know you, they like to do things in the big way for you, they want to leave a good impression on you from the first moment, they will want you to like them and they cam seem a little clumsy because they are nervous. For some, the first stages of your relationship there could be some distance, maybe your person lives far from you or they have to travel often, maybe their job requires big amounts of time. Anyway, everytime you spend time together it will feel so intimate and unique, it will be only you two like the world around you has just turned off. Theres a lot of romance but in a peaceful energy, like you could read eachother's mind so you could stay in silence for hours staring and would feel great because you are together and you understand eachother. Communication is the major love language of your person, for them is important to share an intellectual connection and feel safe enough to express their opinions.
In some cases I see that there will be some oppositors to your relationship, so be careful of the people you ask for advice because there's one that doesn't enjoy your happiness.
Difficult traits:
(Cards: queen of wands rev, the sun, 3 of swords rev/ the temperance)
Don't expect them to be a super spontaneous person, if you are into adventures and going out of the routine you might be the one in charge of those kind of plans because they are more into more relaxed plans. Your person seem to reject their oportunities of having fun, it feels like they don't think they are ready to deal with other humans or social interactions, they prefer their solitude for the peace and balance it gives them, but that can turn into hermit mode too. They deal with self steem issues and weak boundaries, that made them had heavy heart breaks in their past so they can be suspicious of other people's intentions, they have a hard time trusting. They jump from sorrow and despair to hope and tears of joy, probably has a hard time making important decitions for their personal life. Anyway your person is working on inner personal issues that were holding them back, mostly related to their indecisiveness or constant doubts. I saw the image of someone praying with tattoos on their back, it's a familiar image but I have no idea where I've seen it, so that's a confirmation that you have already met your fs in the 3d but don't know who they are right now. Also the thing about praying combined with temperance is interesting, they are surely working on theirselves and healing inner wounds, they are very close to spirituality somehow, this also could mean that they have a close connection with their guides or their guides are very protective of them. They avoid conflict and arguments to avoid hurting others but forget about the things that hurt them, in general they are very reliable people but they tend to daydream a lot and get lost in their delusions sometimes.
How they'll view you:
(Cards: separation, the dragonfly, healing heart)
Their peace of soul
The time you spend apart will be very heavy to deal with for your FS, they will miss you a lot and will have to deal with some emotional issues they didn't know they had related to romantic relationships and the way they face it. Distance will also make them realize that you are trustworthy and they can just relax and stop worrying, they'll see their own wounds instead of projecting them into you, and honestly, that's such a healthy behavior from them, I see they are very emotinally intelligent and mature. I feel you are a very honest and straight forward person when it comes to your opinions, you are open about your thoughts and feelings and even more when it comes to your fs and your relationship, this trait about you will make them feel a lot more comfortable because they see you don't wear any mask and they are used to people that wears them all the time, they will see they can trust you and that's very important for them. Distance will also be very healing for you, giving you the time and space needed to fully trust and know how your person is too, you two will be devoted to eachother so there won't be place for doubts or worries. This relationship might be a little slow to formalize but it feels so so healthy and emotionally mature from both of you .
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Sige, quiet time; Sedna, infinite supply)
Take more time to rest, my love, you have been dealing with a lot of draining situations and your mind, soul and body are needing a little break from responsabilities. Take also a few minutes to meditate and tune with your inner voice, slow down the rythm for a while because you will thank it later. If money has been an issue for you lately, you can stop worrying, you will have the enough resources, maybe not for all that you want but your needs will be all fullfilled. Thank also the little basic needs you have supplied like a roof over your head, warm blankets to keep away the cold, food to nurture your body... you'll start realizing how abundant and blessed you are, gratitude is the best key to feeling satisfied with our lives meanwhile what we want arrives.
Extra messages:
Here with me- d4vid; red roses; wear warm colors more often; solar plexus chakra; working out routine, 1221; 777; 444; healing limitating beliefs; when we were young- adele
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Pile 4:
Your FS in the relationship:
(Cards: free yourself; attraction/ children)
Your fs will fall in love with your true self, you can be fully yourself with them without feeling judged or misunderstood, they will accept and honor even the things you don't like about you, they want to see you shine and they will be willing to ignite the spark within you. Your person is really nice and funny, they will always try to lift you up and your mood, they'll make you believe that no matter what happens they will always be by your side, somehow they make you feel like the world is a beautiful place and you came here to have fun and not fear. They'll take out your inner child to play with theirs and do together all the things you wanted to do as kids and never did, you'll heal eachother without even knowing. Your fs will make you feel like you are home and you'll make them feel the same way, they want to charm you and make you know they are into you above the physical, they want you to trust them and they will work to show you they are trustworthy. I see they see you as a mystery, they'll feel so attracted to you that they will want to dig more and know you better, they will always want to know more about you and never get tired of it, for them there's always something new and amazing about you they want to discover. Children is something important, maybe because any of you already have kids or maybe you know eachother since childhood.
Their personality and traits:
(Cards: 7 of shells rev; the magician; ace of wings; ace of roses; the world/ Astrodices: aquarius; the sun; 2nd house)
There are so many number 1 in your spread and I'm writing this at 11:01. Your fs has leader personality but they have their own way of doing things, they might look a little outcast when you look from the outside but they have all their pieces together and knows exactly what they want and what they are doing, even if it's not what people expect from them. They could be a public figure or being in the public eye often, they are also very creative so their job might involve some fame, idk what it is but they can have an artistic career like music or photography, it will be different for all of you. They look like they get along well with everybody and people like them at the moment they know your fs, maybe that's why they'll be chasing you so much, because you don't get easilly impressed by their charms but they seem focused into conquering you (with good intentions, ovbiously) . Your fs is very nice and has an amazing sense of humor, I see people tend to follow them easily because of their confident attitude but they look very individualistic and independent, anyway, they know their charms and how to make use of them. They are very charismatic people but a free spirit, they won't settle for less they know they deserve when it comes to other people's demands, they will respect an opinion but at the end they will do what the heart tells them in the moment.
They have very good social skills and are also very intelligent people, they have an smart and witty sense of humor, they are surely sharp with words and will try to rip a smile of your face everytime they can. Probably they are very physically attractive too, to be specific there's something special about their smile, so they are used to get always what they want, I feel your fs have been a player in their past or they have a flirty way to talk. They have a rebel and confident personality but they are also sttuborn as hell when it comes to what they want, they are also very optimistic about life even if their hopes seems delusional, they have very big goals for their life and are completely focused into achieving it. They want to have an epic life, to live plenty without regreting about what they didn't do, they prefer to aks for forgiveness than for permission even if sounds risky, life is their canvas and their are willing to make a work of art. They want to do something great and be remembered for that, they want to leave a nice print of their existence in the world, if they are going to dream they make sure it's a big dream. They really don't care about what people say or think about them, they are good with themselves and that's enough.
Difficult traits:
(Cards: strength, ace of wands, 8 of pentacles/ queen of swords)
They are the kind of people that wants to win at all cost, competitive and a little cold hearted when it comes to win the prize, they want what they want and hardly accept a no as answer, they are also sttuborn and maybe a little childish when things don't go their way. Maybe it's for some kind of compelx within them but they are really prideful in the good and the bad way, pride for sure is something your person should work on because it might lead them to take some bad decitions. They seem like the kind of actions first and thinking later, they tend to overthink their mistakes and use their work as a way of escape from their problems. They are ambitious to extremes, mostly when it comes with their career and future and not for money, it's for the power it gives them and maybe a little to slap people who understimate them, again related to pride. Honestly, they look like the villain everybody likes, a rebel with a cause.
How they'll view you:
(Cards: the phoenix, I like you, girl talk/ the sword and the rose)
Their reason to believe in magic
You know this meme of homer simpson slowly hiding into a bush?? Well, I had that image in my mind all time while I was writting this. I feel at first you won't be into your fs at all and that rejection is what's going to make your fs chase after you, they might not be used to being rejected, but for you they probably look a little cringy on your first interactions, or at least, you are going to percieve them this way. This is very like enemies to lovers energy tbh, I feel that you both will realize how much you care about eachother after a while, friends will have a lot to do with this realization. Your fs wil be very protective and defensive with you, also you with them, people better treat you respectfully or your fs will jump over them to protect your honor and wellbeing. Your group of friends will be important, for many of you I see you share the same group and they will realize before you two that maybe that rejection you were feeling is turning into attraction, even if you don't want to admit this connection you two will develop you know denial is a river in Egypt and at the end you will stop pushing them away and accepting your feelings because there's an indeniable, true and strong connection between both
Your fs will be the one to make the first step into something more, making you know they are really interested into create a formal relationship with you. They like you and will show it purposely by teasing you and create a more intimate bond outside your group of friends, to make you see they have deep and true feelings for you. I see you have really good friends that love you deeply and wants to see you happy, don't hesitate to ask them their opinion about the situation because they will give you a great guidance through the process.
Advice from the Goddesses:
(Cards: Guinevere, true love/ Abundantia, prosperity)
Oooh this message is so lovely 🤭. Your fs is the one you will build an empire of success with, I see two people putting bricks together to build a castle where they'll live happily. How can I turn into words what cards say so clearly? Don't worry about nothing, just enjoy your life because you are destined to have the greatest love story of all times, you are going to be very happy but also very wealthy, money won't be a problem anymore. Your fs and you could build up a bussiness together that will bring you both a lot of success and wealth in the future, so be thankful for what you have now because it will only become more and better.
Extra messages:
Chocolate or candy; 1010; 111; carry an amethyst with you; upcoming blessings; angelic guidance; wings tattoo?; lavender scent; 3rd eye chakra; lucky girl syndrome; I love you- billie eilish; life of the party- shawn mendes.
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 © Leo ascendente
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tarotwithlove · 3 months
PAC ⋆ ten things about your future spouse
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
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your ideal future spouse manifested
they are your business partner, or someone you work closely with
a cancer, leo placement
they are from or you may meet in: romania, madagascar, zanzibar, spain. 
a well-travelled and physically active person
someone who always pushes themselves out of their comfort zone - and who pushes you to do the same
too giving, almost to a fault
comes from a religious family
a buddhist or taoist
an anime fan
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an indecisive person
someone with chronic pain, or mental health struggles
a history nerd/history teacher
fan of jane austen and virginia woolf
descended from royalty or wealth
they are from or you may meet in: finland, norway, bavaria, london.
a capricorn, leo placement
they may have been married before you marry each other
a bodybuilder or gym fanatic
a vegan/vegetarian
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your first relationship or first true love
a scorpio, pisces placement
they are from or you may meet in: holland, new zealand, scotland, germany.
wealthy and generous with their wealth
physically strong
a night owl 
someone who enjoys partying - life of the party
passionate and flirtatious
someone you looked up to and admired from afar
dyed/bleached hair
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they may be a doctor or oncologist 
good gambler, poker player
book smart but not street smart
sheltered, naive
they are from or you may meet in: france, italy, gambia, colombia.
a gemini, virgo placement 
one of many children, part of a big family
animal lover
enjoys their own company
an old soul 
472 notes · View notes
themoonistalkingtou · 3 months
Pick a pile: What will the personality of your next partner be like + songs ⁺◦
Disclaimer: These readings are not professional, I use my intuition + tarot and a translator because English is not my native language! Choose the pile that resonates with your intuition ♥︎ you can choose more than one if you like. Your partner have neutral pronouns! sorry if some paragraphs are longer than others!
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Pile 1 — Pile 2
Pile 3 — Pile 4
Pile 1:
Knight of wands, 6 of swords reversed, Temperance
They like to live adventures and are impulsive. Furthermore, they like stimulation, although one must be careful as they have unresolved issues from their past which can cause difficulties. However, they are still able to remain calm and find harmonious solutions when problems arise in the relationship since they are capable of putting themselves in your place. 
"With you, chaos is ordered in harmony"
Pile 2:
9 of swords, the hermit, the empress reversed
They are a very lonely and anxious person. Additionally, they are quite shy initially. Furthermore, it is difficult for them to integrate into groups as they do not easily express their feelings. Instead, they are someone quite reflective who thinks a lot before acting. Gradually, they will start to open up emotionally, though they do this with only a few people.
"Resolve with your tenderness my secrets"
Pile 3:
3 of swords reversed, the devil reversed, 8 of cups reversed
They are mature and, while they had ex-partners before, they have overcome them and are ready to commit to a relationship. Specifically, they have accepted their pain and want to move forward. Namely, they know that being in a relationship is not easy but they will do their best to make it prosper. Notably, they demonstrate a lot of security and dedication to the couple as they are not afraid of commitment for a worthy cause. Essentially, they have freed themselves from many things and do not flee from conflicts, instead, they are willing to face everything so that the relationship succeeds.
"What used to tie me down no longer stops me, my heart is yours"
Pile 4:
King of cups, king of wands, the sun
They are a very compassionate, sensitive and happy person. In addition, they dedicate a lot to the couple and can understand the feelings of others. Also, they are very fun and dynamic. Moreover, they are meticulous and spread their good mood to people around them. Likewise, they are good at giving advice to people and have a lot of leadership presence as they radiate light and warmth.
"With you, life taste like colors"
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tarotwithavi · 8 days
What do you need to know right now?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
Is there something you should not be eating? I see that you use food as an escape or whenever you are sad, you eat something specific; this can be bad for your health, especially if it's popcorn, chocolate, or some kind of processed food. Try to eat mindfully and healthily. Pay attention to what you're consuming. If you want to, you can decorate your room with fairy lights because I see that it will help you a lot. Do not sit in complete darkness. Think of being alone as an opportunity to expand and grow. Don't be upset; you can utilize your time by doing things that will help you in the future. Your time is really precious, and you should not waste it.
Pile 2
Do not rush into conclusions and give your decisions some time. You are being told to wait until winter comes because there is something you are planning to do now, but it will be better to do it in winter. All your hard work is going to pay off, and you need to prepare yourself for the upcoming abundance. For that, you will need to release any mental blocks that you may have and know that you are capable of doing anything you want. There is a new beginning in something; some of you may be starting college this year. Your next chapter is going to be really beautiful. You are going to make a lot of connections and befriend people who actually want the best for you.
Pile 3
Be very honest and clear about what you want to attract in your life. Be really careful of what you wish for because some of you are not really considering what you want. You are being told to step forward without looking back. Let your past go, learn lessons from it, and use it as motivation rather than something to get upset over. Let yourself shine; do not dim your light for others because others want to get their light from you. Do not feel guilty for getting attention. You are meant to do great things in life. Why are you afraid of transformations? In my perspective, transformation is one of the most beautiful things. Yes, the process can be painful, but the result is always beautiful. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper and things you are grateful for on another piece of paper and read them out loud.
Pile 4
You need to go outside and have fun; you won't be a teenager forever. You need to see your current situation with crystal-clear clarity. Realize you're actually living the life you once dreamt of. Sometimes it's actually you who is holding yourself back from getting all the things that you want, and you need to recognize your unhealthy habits that are not helping you. Some of you may resonate with pile 2 or 3 too. You are being told to work on your intuition. Trust yourself, your emotions, and your instincts. Stop ignoring your feelings and start working on them.
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plutonianeris · 5 months
pick a pile: how does this new love feel like a fairytale? ⛓️💗
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this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Interpret & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. messages can be either from you, them or both🍒
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile one
right off the bat this is someone whose been eyeing you for a while. they could be the type that stare in awe at the pictures you post on social media “so pretty” or when they met you that have that immediate attraction.. “who is that?” lol them asking their friends when you walk in. this honestly feels like a fairytale because theyve been wanting you for a while but theyve been super patient i heard “no hard feelings” theyre actually so sweet (im getting water sign suns: cancer, pisces, scorpio energy oop 🙈).
like they have no problem admiring you from afar at alllll. they are mesmerized by you. and honestly they could have been a little toxic before meeting you (not abusive, but someone unable to share their emotions in a healthy way). it seems like they dont want u to see them in the shades and shadows of their trauma, wounds, healing. for them you are the light at the end of that tunnel. i heard “my day was pretty shitty until you showed up” they are willing to work hard for you. they are also very attractive & in an unconventional way (unique hair, being really tall, tattoos, something like that makes them stand out especially in their friend group).
💌letter from their pov;
I know you dont need me. you dont really look like the type to depend on anyone. I can see it in the way you eye people, especially men, with suspicion. you question my motives and thats fair. when youre that beautiful and charming, theres bound to be people that just want to use you. that are dying to be in you energy just to get the chance to say they were in your presence. i dont wanna be like that. i dont wanna be another read message in your phone. i dont wanna be another face that disappears in the crowd for you. and i know you feel that way too. that the worst thing for you isnt to be talked about. its to be ignored. its to be underestimated. trust me when i say since the moment i laid eyes on you, i never once doubted you. i know you are capable of bringing men to their knees with your eyes. i know that your laugh makes my pulse speed up. i know that you make me feel special. and sometimes i get jealous, wondering if you make other people feel that way too. I want to give you the whole world if you just let me.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile two
this new love feels like a fairytale because this happened in the moment when you’re least expecting it and also after you’re recovering from something. Whether it be a relationship break up with a partner or you just changing things in your life, like moving to a different neighborhood or no longer believing in certain things that were very important in your belief systems in the past. this is like a prince or princess, waiting to rescue you. At first, though it seems like you’re suspicious of this energy. You could find that they are way too good with their words. “too good to be true” “I bet you say that to all the girls/guys” energy. but honestly, it seems like you’re the only one that can keep up with them. You don’t give into them like other people do, and they constantly want to impress you by telling you random facts or teaching you about some thing they learned abroad or when traveling.
I am getting a sense that they are very flirty, but with other people it never goes past that it’s just something they do in the moment or theyre just really playful. But even as they’re talking to someone else, their eyes can’t seem to leave you even if you’re across the room. You like your routine and consistency so changing things about your own life is hard, much less accepting other people in. So when they flirt with you, you might not immediately flirt back. you might roll your eyes, but you can’t help but smile when they turn away. you could be someone with earth placements, especially capricorn or virgo. They give off a lot of mischievous energy. This other person could have a gemini placement, third house placements or ninth house placements (if ur into astro).
💌letter from their pov;
Relationships have never really been a priority for me. I mean, cmon I'm young. Isn't it the whole point to experience as much as I can? I know other people have things to say about me.. maybe I lead some people on. Maybe sometimes you feel that way too. But I promise it's not really like that. Well, with you, it isn't. I'm just inexperienced. And I guess that doesn't really stop me from flirting so much and being so cocky…But the truth is I crave your attention badly. You look like you really know what you want in life. And for me, that's all I ever wanted. Because when you know what you want, you get it. and thats when you really start living. After that, even our mistakes are our own and beautiful and intimate in their own way. I see the weariness in your eyes when you look at me. I know you're wondering if I am even worth your time. I promise I am. I promise I can be. And if I'm not, then you can just never speak to me right then and there, I swear. But I know there's more than weariness in your gaze as well. I know you are just as curious about me as I am about you.
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𓆩♱𓆪Pile three
This love feels like a dark romance. This pile is not as lighthearted as the previous two at all. It feels like a fairytale in that "magical" sense though because it will feel like love at first sight. You both will feel immediately physically attracted to the other but what makes it even more intense is that at first no one seems to be able to make the first move. It might seem too good to be true to the point where you don't even wanna disturb the "illusion." You dont wanna burst the bubble. Also, the magnetic attraction you feel/ that slow burn makes it even more desirable for both of you. In synastry, you both might have a lot of conjunctions (especially with pluto, moon, and mars). I also pulled north node synastry as well (and this synastry makes it feel like you're meant to be aka its destiny. but its also uncomfortable). "I have never felt like this before" energy.
Honestly, I see this pile as being able to go both ways and it can easily make you feel heartbroken. You might have venus-pluto placements yourself or 8th house placements or they do. When you are together though, you both hate when other people interrupt. You love your alone time. It feels really good. This pile is all about intense eye contact, glancing down at each others lips, meeting in secret, getting jealous when other people try to talk to the other, hands brushing as you walk but never fully touching. But then devouring each other when alone (if you both end up trusting each other when to get there because, again, one of you or both are hesitating). If you open your heart and learn to trust and communicate in a healthy manner, it could be a life changing connection.
💌letter from their pov;
It feels wrong to fantasize about you the way I do. But I can't really help it. I think about the way your back would feel arched under my palm. your lips on mine, tongues meeting, teeth clashing. I look at your hands and imagine them gripping the sheets at the same time I grip your thighs. It feels wrong that these are things that have crossed my mind since I first met you. sometimes I try to lie to myself. Tell myself that maybe im not really that into you. but its such bullshit. even then, theres the what if. what if. what if. it looks like every odds are against us. we are complete opposites. it might never work. but im willing to take that risk. im willing to bet on us. even if it falls apart. but judging from the way you freeze up when we make eye contact I know its far beyond that. I know you felt it too. the day we met, how you paused. i know that we would love hard. and fall harder. and if it doesnt work out, it would be devastating. and yet, i would still decide to do it all over again. and you would too. life is too short. I dont want us to be a what-if.
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crystalandbow · 1 month
Let's dive into your messages from Aphrodite
Intuitively pick a pile 👇🏻 and check the corresponding message to it! & I hope you enjoy the reading
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1212, " I am sexy, I am divine", "affirm"
Y'all are fucking kings and queens and princesses. Just shut up, y'all pretty (inside out) asf.
Y'all be settling for bread crumbs and shit but stop! Like self worth where?
Stop hurting yourself for petty things/people and start to enjoy life. Celebrate yourself.
You could have a talent for natural healing powers so make use of it. The upright Queen of Pentacles can also signify someone involved in a nature religion such as a white witch. It can be an indication that you may have an interest in or a natural talent for Earth magic such as creating potions using herbs.
Connect with Aphrodite if you want to add more peace and calmness into your life. You might also have some (green flag) suitors that want to make you theirs.
" Confident " for some it is asking you to be more confident while for some it shows that you are confident in yourself & your abilities
Hope the reading helped. This is a general reading so Only take what resonates. bye see you next time!
"pours out their heart to us"
A change is coming your way.
What change you may ask,
You are now on the verge of releasing all that has been holding you back, you are now realising the value of something (your own worth, value of a person, time, effort, anything) and this is going to bring in a new flow of motion.
New love, new feelings or new passion could be anything but it's good!
You might be going through some tough times but you are very brave and standing high. And this new thing is your reward for trusting the universe. Keep slaying and working hard💪🏻
Hope the reading helped. This is a general reading so Only take what resonates. bye see you next time!
Y'all could be feeling tired, disturbed, pissed at everything (or something specific) we actually have very similar cards to pile two.
you have a new opportunity being presented to you rn / soon. this opportunity is brought to you by the divine itself. GRAB IT BITCH! this thing is important for you, it has a potential to grow and get big/ successful. depending on what the thing is it will show you its benefits/pros. it will likely bring you in contact with the right people/ your soulmates/ soul family.
how will you recognize it though? one sign could be your desire for wanting to go for it, you could be naturally talented too.
another message could be that you need to give out to people, help people, be a provider. this could be you providing guidance to people or money or hope/motivation, basically anything.
for some who have been thinking about sharing content online, this is your sign to do it! (and tag me/jkkkk)
Hope the reading helped. This is a general reading so Only take what resonates. bye see you next time!
Y'all seem confused and stuck? Like everything "looks" alright but doesn't intuitively feel right. You are unsure if it's you whose the problem or the other thing, something around those lines, yk?
not here to scare you but yall better be careful. Your intuition is on spot especially with that one thing/person.
If something/someone is giving you weird vibes and you can't figure out why then it's the universe trying to speak to you through your intuition. your intuition needs to be addressed, try to dig in deeper with "why" you've been feeling so.
Just be a Lil cautious, that's it ig.
Hope the reading helped. This is a general reading so Only take what resonates. bye see you next time!
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 7 days
still fucked up? here's a pick a pile reading.
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pile 1. pile 2. pile 3.
a pick a pile reading inspired on sundays being the longest and most tedious day of the week. i never know what to do on a sunday other than overthinking and feeling sort of gloomy.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ – • · Pile 1 · • – ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Honestly, I really dig this combination of cards. I feel like this Page of Wands is asking you to take a different approach when thinking of success. It's clear that you value material and spiritual achievements equally, but you see them as something that's too far away from your reality. I think that it is very important to recognize that you are guarded by energies that match your ambitions, and you are doing things right to become the person you wish to be. 
Other than that, it is also relevant to think of the dissonances and miscommunications that can cause you trouble when trying to face any obstacles in your journey. The Emperor and The High Priestess are both equally strong in their own ways. Both of these energies are present in your life, and they happen to be complete polar opposites, the peak of male energy and the peak of female energy. Balancing both with every step you take is difficult, therefore it's understandable if you choose to focus on one or another depending on the moment. Ideally, these two should be able to communicate with one another, so you don't betray the nature of one taking actions more suitable to the other. 
In order to do this, I'd say that it's a great moment to look at the world with child-like eyes; allow yourself to be amused and ruled by curiosity, enrich your life with first time experiences and find joy in spaces where your creativity is nurtured. Don't assume that your learning years are over. 
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ – • · Pile 2 · • – ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Okay, this is a tough one. Stay strong bestie. So… Clearly that Ten of Swords is about something in your head that has caused major negative impacts on your life. I wouldn't say it's mostly about emotional distress by itself, but instead I think it's more about the prevalence of dysfunctional thought processing patterns that are being ignored or mishandled in the social and emotional parts of your life. It seems that a deep understanding of your own sensitivity hasn't been enough to cope with this. 
But, it's not all bad, as the presence of both Kings, Wands and Cups, show me that the maturity and strength is there, what's lacking tho, is a more solid sense of trust on the logic presented by sources outside your own head. Feeling trapped and buried by your own thoughts, it's common enough that you can share them with trusted ones surrounding you in order to appease feelings of doubt and desperation. 
This combination of cards shows me that you have the capacity to move from this thought provoked stagnation, to move from a mental eco chamber of negativity. To accomplish this you should aim to build more solid relations based on nurturing each other's potential and emotional strength. Don't be doubtful when taking the first steps towards what you already know you can do for bettering yourself and others. Stop being confident in negative thoughts and begin being confident in positive ones, even if you need help beginning to do so. 
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ – • · Pile 3 · • – ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Well, one is not bad but it’s not that good either. I think the main topic of this spread is to remain cautious when material success is achieved, in order to not cause yourself emotional and spiritual harm. Sometimes our material achievements can be directly related to spiritual growth, yet, we can not deny that the energy we spend on creating success for ourselves is just as valuable as the energy we spend on our spiritual journeys. In this case, the Seven of Pentacles shows me that your sense of purpose, in resonance with patience and determination, will bring great satisfaction as long as you take time to reflect and rest from the hard work. 
Nonetheless, be careful with who you choose to be generous with. There’s nothing wrong with providing a helping hand, but make sure that those who receive it understand the value of your hard work and are not there to deceit you by playing victims. Keep an eye on anything that is causing you doubts on your enterprises, and do not fool yourself with ideas and proposals that come from unrealistic perspectives. This is a great moment to reflect on the ways your energy is being received by others. The main priority should be your well being and your stability first. You can’t give to others if you can’t provide for yourself.
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hey there, im gigi i did this tarot thing, hii. hope this was at least fun to read i guess? im just chilling with the cards and writing. thinking about making a introduction post but then idk... like i love this blog and i love tumblr so im like ayyy i get to practice my english and get back into tarot? slay. like i swear
im kinda rusty with tarot's rn but hopefully eventually I'll get back on it like i used to so i guess that if someone wants to follow me in case i open my questions inbox to answer questions with the cards and stuff that could be nice.
ugh and im also putting together a nicer space for the readings, my desk is full of paint stains (my normal job is art related lol) and there's always a university thing peaking from the side of my desk, it's like my notes are watching me while i kinda ignore them...
anyways i got like 40 notes on my first post, soooo thaaaanks omg i was so like nervous about it i hate that im this kinda shy to post tarot content anynomously like wtf how can i be like that when im posting nasty thirst traps on my personal instagram with no context?? the duality of women i guess. okay this is too much venting
bye thanks for reading, stay bad, stay focused, might post a card of the week PAC reading later seee yaaaa love yaaa
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vitaminseetarot · 16 days
PAC: What Hobby Should You Begin Next? 🎨🛶📯
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Sup y'all, it's time for a new pick a card reading (this one's especially for you night owls out there as I'm posting this at midnight lol). Ideally, I'd like to post one PAC every week after this but eh, lettuce see about that. 🥬👀
This pick a card was inspired by the remaining energies of late Taurus season. The grass is bright, the air is warm, the flowers are blooming, and it's brought out the artist in me. While I've been finishing a leisure painting, I stopped to draw out some cards to help out anyone who's in the mood to do something fun in their spare time but could use some direction or guidance.
Pick any one of the four Prism Oracle cards below, or its corresponding crystal/emoji, to see what hobby you could explore next, or if there is a hobby you enjoy that is calling for your attention:
Pile 1 - Consciousness + Moonstone 🌙 Pile 2 - Happiness + Carnelian 😊 Pile 3 - Creativity + Amethyst 🎉 Pile 4 - Determination + Citrine 🧭
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Pile 1 - Consciousness + Moonstone 🌙
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77 Beginnings, Sound+Resonance+Frequency, The Musician, Capricorn Rising - Aspire; Page of Swords, Page of Wands, 9 of Cups, Knight of Swords, XI Justice
Wow, pile 1, I think you have the most obvious answer of all four piles. You're very drawn to pursuing something musical. It could be in a variety of ways. You might try singing, writing a song, playing an instrument, learning to dance, or perform in musical theater (the purple curtain in the Justice card definitely brings theater to mind). You could enjoy collecting vinyl records, or producing music through special programs and apps. You may desire to publish your music online, or dream of going big on stage and signing major contracts with labels. Two Pages tells me you're most likely into more than one thing, as plenty of musical artists can multitask.
Your pile was the only one to get two Prism cards at first as Anxiety initially wanted to pop out. It's also clear that with two Pages and the Beginnings card, you're very new at this hobby. There's an over awareness of this fact, that on some level you may not know where to even start. There's some doubt I sense that you feel you can't be at the level you wish to stand on. Capricorn energy wants to reach for the very top of the ladder in accomplishment; it is a steady energy although not intent on settling. I get that there are many people here who greatly look up to an artist and wish to have their same talents. Try to look past the smoke and mirrors of all the top 40's singers and know that music is way more accessible than it's made to look.
Try embracing the newness of this pursuit, pile 1. It's okay to be a little lost, or feel that there's a long way to go. The only way to go pro is to start small and grow. There are a lot of free resources online for learning music (try out musictheory.net for free lessons) and free vocal technique lessons on Youtube. Some people are very lucky to have the chance to start learning at a young age, but if we were to set a rule stating that only those who did so could play, that would leave a lot of creative geniuses and successful musicians out of the frame. If you're learning to play the keyboard, practice one song or even one note at a time (doesn't have to be Chopsticks, lol). Consistency is key.
When the inspiration and joy to explore music finally strikes you, take the time to really dive in and make something small. If you're trying to write a song, start with a jingle. If it's music theory you want to go over, start with just 1 lesson and see how it feels. If you're learning to dance, begin with warm ups and slow music before working on the more intense songs. Are you looking for writing inspiration? Keep plenty of notes on hand and learn how to identify music so you can easily write a melody down (there are empty music notebooks for this). If this is something you would like to do in the long term, then continue to practice with that perspective by not overdoing it to compensate for "lost time". You are exactly where you need to be on your creative journey.
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Pile 2 - Happiness + Carnelian 😊
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66 The Selves, You Belong Here, The Wise One, Cancer Moon - Intuit; X Wheel of Fortune, Sagittarius ♐, VI The Lovers, 9 of Pentacles, XVI The Tower
What's going on, pile 2? With the Selves card above Sagittarius, I'm getting that a lot of you may be interested in pursuing theater or comedy, whether that's stand up or it's simply channeled through the projects you create. Your next hobby may involve incorporating a lot of humor into what you do. This pile is the most multifaceted of the four, with many differing hobbies, so I'm going to list a variety of different talents, but what binds them all together is the need to express one's own (very) strong opinions for the world to see.
You may want to be a photographer who documents unusual things, or write something that makes a powerful statement. There's a need here to let go of any of the anxieties that come with expressing your authentic self, because while those feelings are natural, listening to them too much will dampen your creative drive. This is the group that wants to make very surreal graffiti art or provocative dance routines. With the Tower card, here, I feel there's a need for the shock and awe to get your inspiration buzzing. On the gentler side, I can see some of you getting into something nature based like flower printing and permaculture but the caveat is that it's a reflection of your genuine self and beliefs in some way. With Wheel of Fortune, some of you may feel an urge to learn about tarot or pendulum reading, as these things are typically categorized as "unusual".
You may also get into traveling to stay involved in your hobby, or it requires roving about in some way. To break down creative blocks, it might help to actually move yourself to a different location. It doesn't necessarily involve moving to a whole new place, it could just refer to another part of your home or you may benefit from walking or dancing to decompress. I feel that moving your body will stimulate your creative ideas to flow through. A small number of you may have considered trying out extreme sports like free climbing or parkour. I don't really need to mention that these can be incredibly dangerous, so some of you may like something similar like skateboarding or gymnastics as well. It doesn't have to be intense, just active.
With the Lovers, there also exists a social aspect to your hobby. You may be drawn to share you hobby with a friend or with partners. It will greatly help you to be in an environment that supports your avant-garde tastes and not settle for less. It's not always easy to put shocking art with profound messages out there for the world to make sense of it, though some make it seem that way. It's easy to pretend that negative feedback doesn't get to you, but only accept constructive criticism as that will feed you more than shocked reactions. You cannot afford to have others in your life discourage you, as your skill sets require a lot of space for growth. Nourish relationships that want to celebrate your talents with you. Find a community that loves what you love, and wants to see you happy with what you do. Embrace the wild side of your artistic abilities.
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Pile 3 - Creativity + Amethyst 🎉
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54 Security, the Messenger, The Aspirant, Aries Sun - Assert; 2 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, 0 The Fool, Aquarius ♒, Virgo ♍
Hello, pile 3. With the 2 of Pentacles, many of you may want to explore a hobby that is both online and offline, or the internet and social media are major components. If you like making artwork, you could be into digital art or simply want to upload images of your offline work for others to see. With Virgo, some of you may have a lot to say, by starting a blog or online journal documenting your life or interests, or you could try out freelance editing. If you were a youtuber, you could be really good at creating epically long videos about niche topics, or short videos explaining how to do a certain task (like tiktoks that showcase a person's routines and what cleaning products they recommend).
I see that this is the pile of innovation, as the Creativity card shows a lightbulb. You could have various ideas pop up in your head, only to feel unsure of how to approach them. Your attention span could split into a variety of different mediums for getting the idea out. Aquarius wants to take its genius energy and spread it around the world. For a lot of you, social media will support your ideas by broadcasting them. Your hobby may directly involve interfacing with others; your creative spark is not for hiding away. Web design, for example, is a hobby but it involves creating something that others will directly interact with. Your work is meant for a wide audience, should you choose to put yourself out there.
This may not always be easy for you, since there could be a pull towards more stable and predictable activities. There's a nervousness here, kind of like imposter syndrome. You may get a really cool idea for a mobile game app before you or someone else goes "but that's an unrealistic goal to spend so much time and effort on", followed by, "how could I ever make something like that?" The thing is, you can be the most talented, skilled, and experienced person when it comes to a subject, yet still have these same worries. Imposter syndrome doesn't magically go away with a college degree, a new job, or 10,000 subscribers. It's completely normal, but make sure to not let your doubts tempt you into doing something more boring and unfulfilling. This is the pile most likely to try a totally new hobby that is unrelated to your other skills, it doesn't have to be realistic.
But also understand that it can take time for something to get really good. Your first fiction draft is gonna turn out clunky, or your app could be filled with bugs, but it's part of the process. There's no perfect time; when you get the urge to try, just try it! Reach out to a local community or chat group so you can get a realistic sense of how long it takes for projects and skills develop. Slam poetry may be a great outlet, so if you'd like to do that, attend an open mic and see how others do it. You are allowed to be imperfect with your hobby--if you wish to evolve your craft, remember the passion and curiosity that brought you to it.
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Pile 4 - Determination + Citrine 🧭
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57 Spiritual Guide, What Goes Around Comes Around, The Astronomer, Taurus Rising - Enjoy; 9 of Pentacles, Cancer ♋, Queen of Swords, Knight of Wands, Knight of Swords
How's it going, pile 4? So this is the most active and possibly athletic pile we have here. Staying in the house is not gonna work because something is itching you to get out underneath the stars. Could some of you be majoring or planning in major in STEM? I'm getting a lot of natural science here. With the Astronomer card, you could want to use your telescope to go stargazing or visit planetariums. Are you still feeling the buzz from all the aurora storm and eclipse hype? It would not surprise me if these events awoke an interest for you and now you're looking up when the next meteor shower will show up or when Saturn will be most visible in the sky.
Your next hobby needs or is the outdoors on some level. But Cancer energy is that of a homebody. The most laidback people in this group may enjoy relaxing hobbies like birdwatching or gardening. These hobbies could be spiritually fulfilling for you. I'm seeing someone wearing an apron outside, so could some of you be interested in grilling or being the host to a fun party in the backyard. Do people even have book club meetings in gardens? A lot of enjoying nature is simply finding a good spot and soaking in the scenery with no other goal in mind. Just being near trees and beach sides might be enough.
But I see a lot of you mainly wish to have an adventure and go far out in nature when the weather's just right. You could be thinking about hiking or backpacking out on trails. It all depends on your comfort level as we all have different tolerance levels. I don't know if geocaching and pokemon go are still popular, but they can be unique ways to engage with the outdoors. You could try guided nature tours presented by nature conservationists like the National Audubon, where you can identify and take photos of animals as you wander through the woods and plains. You may like a hobby that is seasonally specific, like swimming in warm waters or skiing down a snowy mountain.
Your hobby may have you think deeply about how humans connect with nature, exploring the ecosystem and how our actions influence our environment. Climate change can be a very serious and, for some, directly impactful topic to mull over. Remind yourself that as long as you're respectful (leave no trace), mother nature enjoys your company as much as you do for her. A small few of you may have the urge to travel to weird locations. Two knights in your reading suggest boldness. If you decide to visit an abandoned or haunted place, Queen of Swords says to please be careful and follow rules if it says no trespassing, and remember that abandoned places can be dangerous from faulty wiring and unstable flooring. Overall, I feel this pile just can't do with an indoor hobby. You have the motivation and courage to explore the vast beautiful world out there. It awaits you.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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divinefemmefatalexo · 10 months
More tarot tips 🎴
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katiifaetarot · 4 months
In honor of Valentine's//Galentine's Day, The Reading Today is:
What Makes You Sexy to Other People ?
about me + why i am a tarot reader
⚠️ Im using a rather explicit deck today, so PLEASE!! MDNI!! 18+ CONTENT!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!! ⚠️
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through Tarot of Segg-xual Magic Cards in the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING THOSE TYPES OF READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
You dont play around pile 1 !!
If people are playing games with you, you immediately catch on and start playing a better one agaisn't them.
Some would even say, You're the one who invented the game ;P
Yeah, you're sexy because you stand up for yourself and dont take sh!!!t from nobody. You also let karma deal with nobodys, but sometimes when you want more satisfaction, and YOU might deal with the nobody's yourself!! Hehe
you know how and when to take control and there is L I T E R A L L Y nothing sexier than someone who knows what they want and knows how to get it. People love watching you take charge of situations or people.
People love how much movement you bring
You have people mesmerized by how your body knows exactly how to move in certain.....settings;)
You know how to relax and enjoy the moment without thinking too hard about it. You are free and people admire that about you alot. You dont let things keep you down!!! You fully absorb the situation and moment so you can enjoy it later too!!
you know how to ask people for what you want and need and you also LET people show YOU love and affection too! You're not afraid, which makes you fearless....which makes you so SEXY!
(( OKUURR pile 3 so people love your hips, thighs, the way YOUR BODY MOVES ))
You are the epitome of a soft, once in a lifetime, STERN love pile3.
You have everything and mooreee! You have things people HAVE TO WORK FOR!! And they just come naturally to you.
People love your idgaf attitude sometimes, but how you can turn around and be so soft spoken too. Depending on who or what situation is brought to your feet.
You are actually a noble person and really just want the best for people in the end, and that is precisely what makes you so sexy!
You may forgive but NEVER forget, you set up AMAZING boundaries, and you know and feel your worth!!
You take NO type of disrespect, and that is so commendable and COOL !!!
when people mess with you incorrectly, they have noooo idea the storm that is coming for them when its all over.
Wow. you're powerful pile 4
people love that you seem like you're okay alone. You have an intimidating energy but only for protection. You may feel you want more affection or like you arent sexy because you dont get affection but WOW do people who see or interact with you feel so fkn different!!!
people see you as sexy because you analyze before speaking, you methodically move about, and you can read people in a SNAP!!
You are sexy because you are working on yourself and your dreams!! You are virtually untouchable to people and that, in a really weird way, is sexy to people.
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated because i've been off tumblr for about 5years+ now and its all different n' shizz 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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spiritualitygeek · 9 months
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Your Heart's True Calling
Disclaimer: This pac is for entertainment purpose only. I am not liable for any actions or decisions taken or made based on the information presented in the reading. The interpretations and insights are subjective and open to individual perception. Please use your own judgment and intuition when applying the messages to your life or situation. Thank you!
~ Pile 1 ~
AoC rx, Knight oW, 5oP rx
As I was shuffling, the message "Hakuna Matata" came up. It's telling you to embrace a carefree and blissful existence. This message actually makes sense if we look at the cards too.
The Ace of Cups here in reverse is hinting at emotional challenges you might have faced in embracing or even finding your heart's true calling. It could be in one way or another, and it varies for each individual. The way I'm seeing it, it seems like you know what you want and how you gonna have it, but your cup is empty. You don't have the right resources? Trust me bestie, once you ask, it'll be given. Please ask God! Or the universe. Whatever your beliefs are, ofcourse. It's not the time for you to be held back by these limitations. It's time to let go of those feelings that no longer serve you.
The Knight of Wands plays a significant role here as it's helping you find that energetic spark. It's encouraging you to embark on new adventures with enthusiasm. Knight of Wands is definitely the energy of "Hakuna Matata" here. Blissfully walking your own path. Following your passion, your bliss. Being care free and happy. I'm strongly feeling it's the key! Your heart's true calling! "Follow your bliss." Whatever it may mean to you. Take what resonates, ofcourse.
Lastly, with the Five of Pentacles reversed, financial worries are beginning to ease, allowing you to see the abundance around you. If lack of financial resources have held you back from following your bliss, it will no longer be the case. Here I'm seeing two possibilities so please take what resonates. You'll either find alternate ways to follow your passion and do what makes you happy, a way that doesn't involve spending 💰 at all. Some of ya'll are possibly manifesting this, be it consciously or subconsciously. For others, I see money pouring in. Which again, y'all are manifesting of course.
Combining these cards with the message of "Hakuna Matata," it's clear that your heart yearns for a life filled with joy, spontaneity, and a lighter outlook.
Hence, your heart's true calling is to embrace the present moment, release burdens, and trust that life will provide. Remember, the path of Hakuna Matata invites you to dance through life's challenges, just like the Knight of Wands charges forward fearlessly. Embrace your passions and interests, and don't let worries hold you back.
Overall, the way I'm seeing it, once you start following your bliss, things will start to fall into place. Specially your finances if that's what you're struggling with. Your heart's true calling revolves around the carefree spirit of "Hakuna Matata." Embrace joy, follow your passions, and live life to the fullest, knowing that the universe and your intuition are guiding you toward a more blissful and fulfilling journey.
Signs: Pisces, Sagittarius or Taurus (Sun, Moon, Rising)
~ Pile 2 ~
8oS, 2oC, King oC
While connecting with the cards, I got a vision of a warrior on a horseback, embodying the spirit of strength and courage. This image seems to suggest that your heart's true calling might involve embracing a "Warrior Spirit."
The 8 of Swords hints at past challenges that may have left you feeling restricted. The 2 of Cups signifies a potential for deep connections and partnerships, while the King of Cups reflects emotional mastery and compassion.
From these cards and my vision, I'm seeing that your heart's true calling is closely tied to connections and partnerships. It seems that you've faced hardships in the past, which may have led to trust issues and a reluctance to ask for or accept help. Yet, like a warrior who doesn't let the number of battles they've found define them as a person, you've preserved a soft heart capable of trust and love. Although, you may be unbeknownst to it.
Your true calling is indeed about rediscovering the very ability to love and trust which you think you've lost. The 2 of Cups and the King of Cup are saying that you're still a person with a big heart, despite the challenges you've faced.
You're stronger than you think, Pile 2. Regardless of what you've been told. Every battle you've fought, have transformed you into a beautiful person. You have a heart unlike any other. Your energy is so pure for a warrior. Like the knight of flowers? There's something about your energy. It's like, you protect people because you don't want them to fight the same battles as you. You want to protect them from the harsh world. You don't want them to lose their purity as you have? Although, you may think you've lost your purity but the truth is you haven't. It's rare to see someone like you. Who's been through so much yet chose not to be bitter.
Moreover, there's something significant you're meant to create with a partner, whether that's a close friend or a lover. This creation could be a legacy, a business, a work of art, or anything that resonates with you. This partnership may or may not be strictly professional, mind you.
Remember, Pile 2, you're meant to be with people. Your heart's true calling involves collaboration and partnership. Isolation doesn't serve you well. You have the capacity to make something beautiful together. So, reach out, open up, and embrace the connections that will lead you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful path.
Signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio (Sun, Moon, Rising)
~ Pile 3 ~
AoP, PoC, 7oW
As I closed my eyes while connecting with the cards, I saw an eagle in my vision. It is likely that eagle holds a significant symbolism for some of you. For others, it represents a higher perspective, courage, and a strong connection to the spiritual realm.
The Ace of Pentacles signifies new beginnings, particularly in the material realm. The Page of Cups brings forth emotions and creative potential, while the 7 of Wands represents a determination to stand your ground in the face of challenges.
Combining these cards with the eagle symbolism, it's apparent that you're called to soar to new heights and embrace opportunities for growth.
The Ace of Pentacles here indicates a fresh start in a practical aspect of your life, possibly in areas related to career, finances, or material stability.
The Page of Cups and the eagle's symbolism point toward your intuitive and creative abilities. It implies that your calling is closely connected to expressing your emotions and creativity in a unique way that resonates with your soul. I'm getting artists in this pile. You're meant to create, to express, Pile 3.
Just as the eagle has a keen perspective from high above, you're being guided to see things from a higher vantage point, tapping into your intuition to navigate your path.
The 7 of Wands adds an element of resilience and courage to the mix. It suggests that while pursuing your true calling, you might encounter obstacles and competition. Yet, like the eagle who faces challenges head-on, you're encouraged to stand tall and assert yourself. Trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to defend your passions and creative endeavors.
To sum up, Pile 3, your heart's true calling is about embracing new beginnings, creative expression, and a higher perspective, just like the eagle that graced my vision.
Navigate challenges with courage, tapping into your intuition and creativity. By doing so, you'll find yourself soaring to new heights, fulfilling your potential, and aligning with your true purpose.
Even if you're not an artist, but you chose pile 3, your true calling may be about tapping into your creative and intuitive side in a unique way. While the artistic aspect is one way to interpret the Page of Cups and its creative potential, it's important to remember that creativity comes in various forms.
The Ace of Pentacles suggests new opportunities and beginnings in the material realm. Your true calling might revolve around building a strong foundation in areas such as finance, career, or even personal development. It's about embracing new ventures that resonate with your passions and practical pursuits. The Page of Cups encourages you to explore your emotional and intuitive side, regardless of your profession.
Your true calling might involve connecting with others on a deep level, offering empathy and compassion, or finding innovative solutions to challenges. As you're spiritually blessed, whether you know it or not. This doesn't have to be limited to artistry—it could be applied to any field where human connections matter. The 7 of Wands implies that challenges and competition might be part of your path.
Even if you're not an artist, you could be called to stand your ground in your chosen field, asserting yourself and your ideas. This could be about leadership, advocacy, or being a voice for positive change.
The eagle's symbolism is still relevant. Just as the eagle represents a higher perspective and courage, your true calling might involve stepping back to gain insights and viewing situations from a broader angle. This can be applied in any domain, helping you make informed decisions and navigate challenges.
Overall, Pile 3, your Heart's True Calling, even for non-artists, is about embracing new opportunities, connecting deeply with others, and approaching challenges with resilience and courage. Remember, creativity and passion can be expressed in countless ways, and your unique path might involve harnessing these qualities in a field that resonates with you.
Signs: Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries (Sun, Moon, Rising)
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Thank you all for taking the time to read my pac. I hope the insights resonated with you and provided some guidance. If you found this helpful, I'd be grateful if you consider following me for more spiritual content and future tarot readings. Wishing you all love, light, and positivity on your journey! ✨
- with love, Snow ❄️
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veritasss5 · 11 months
10 advice that you need right now. | pick a card.
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Disclaimer: this is a GENERAL READING, take what it resonates and leave behind what doesn’t. This is for fun and should never be taken seriously. This is for entertainment purposes. It is just for helping you to have a general idea about your situation. If it does help you fine I am very happy about it, if not then I am sorry that it wasn’t for you and move on.
Take a moment to relax your mind and choose with your intuition.
(All the art is found on pinterest, if you know the artists please comment their name so I can credit them)
Pile two art is from weibo @/咸鱼中下游
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Pile 1 → Pile 2 → Pile 3
Pile 1
1. be happy and content with the things that you have right now. Some experiences happen once and not twice.
2. enjoy your time with friends, family, your lover, anyone that is welcoming you and accept you for who you are. Those moments are golden and they will be a warm memory for your future to remember.
3. clean your room. Having a clean and tidy space can help you to improve your mood. Cleaning your stuff can help you to find stuff to declutter that doesn’t serve you anymore.
4. compassion and kindness can be rewarding for you. Don’t let negative situations affect you, be always kind and compassionate to the right people. You just gave to the wrong people up until now.
5. you deserve a break and vacation. It’s time to visit somewhere that has water like rivers, lakes, ocean, etc.
6. you deserve to be free. Your freedom is one of your rights that can’t be sacrificed.
7. eat more fish. It gives you nutrients to feel energetic, and may boost your brain health.
8. time to look to the future and stop looking at the past. The future is now, the past is gone.
9. you have the right to feel your emotions without guilt. You can cry, be angry and shout. You are human, it’s fine to not be perfect.
10. fill your cup. A cup filled with pure intentions and emotions can help you to welcome the right people that will accept your offer. Be mindful to whom you give your time and energy.
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Pile 2
1. choose one goal to focus on. Don’t try to get everything at once. Step by step. All things have their own time.
2. don’t overspend on things that can’t be useful for you. It’s time to spend and invest on things that can help you and have your best interest for your better future.
3. save money. Don’t compare yourself to the people that can’t be compared with.
4. dream big, but go catch on to your dream. Daydreaming and doing nothing can’t help you to achieve your greatness.
5. make your life interesting and aesthetically pleasing to motivate you. Yes, you have something interesting about your life, don’t say no.
6. leave behind everything that is harming you or stopping you to elevate yourself.
7. moon can be very significant for you. Cold night can be significant for you as a metaphor or literally.
8. you don’t need to talk and declare to people what you are going to do. Just do it in silence.
9. right now you have the power to be independent and leave everything behind you to start over from zero.
10. you are able to achieve anything that you desire, just believe in yourself and bet everything on you. You are the best investment.
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Pile 3
1. someone betrayed you or disappointed your expectations. Don’t let this slip. Confront them. Better now than later.
2. misunderstandings will be bigger if you don’t clear them as soon as possible. It will look like you are searching for excuses if you don’t address them.
3. bad experience will help you to grow and let you be more mindful and careful of who you confide in and talk with.
4. don’t let bad experiences affect your future. It happened once. Alright, make sure to not fall for the same mistake. But remember there are still people out there that are worthy of your trust.
5. it is time to let go of toxic and negative thoughts and habits. Bad habits create a toxic cycle where it will be harder to break the longer you engage with.
6. you are someone powerful and beautiful. You need to find out your power.
7. there are lessons that will teach you to be confident and strong. Some situations happen because they want you to become better, not to harm you or curse you.
8. you are destined to be independent, charismatic and strong. Someone that can draw people’s attention with your charm and skills.
9. you are very very interesting to know, stop saying otherwise. Be proud of yourself and what you have achieved currently, small or big doesn’t make any difference.
10. trust your gut feelings, they are hardly wrong. Your feelings are valid to be listened to. Let the people hear your voice and see how strong you actually are.
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tarotwithlove · 5 months
PAC ⋆ meeting your future spouses family for the first time!
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · BOOK A 2024 YEAR AHEAD READING WITH ME (GENERAL OR NSFW) · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards · eight of boons, six of spells, keeper of spells, keeper of challenges (reversed), the faery wind, child of boons, the grace fool: be graceful. 
channelled songs · famous by taemin. end transmission by fire from the gods. identity by taemin. bad friend by rina sawayama. 
hey there group one ♡ you will be fairly anxious before the meeting. for some, to the point of nausea or loss of appetite. you will think that you’ll have to go above and beyond, work three times as hard, just to be liked. this will not be the case at all as your future spouse’s family will be enamoured by immediately. 
because of your anxiety, and because you want to make the best impression possible, you will put a lot of effort into your look, into bringing a home-cooked meal or a freshly made dish. all which will be appreciated but unnecessary -- and your partner may tell you as such time and again, but you will disregard it. 
you might be your future spouse’s first partner or, more likely, the first partner that your future spouse has brought home. because of this, your future spouse’s family will already know that you are special; that there is something special about you and about the relationship you and your future spouse share. 
while meeting your future spouse’s family, you may feel like you’ve taken centre stage. it may only be your future spouse’s parents that you’re meeting here rather than a whole family, or a mother and a grandmother. they will be jovial and full of smiles -- genuine, radiant smiles. they will ask you lots of questions about yourself and pay you a lot of attention, so much so you won’t have a moment alone. a moment of quiet. or a moment to just sit. 
but i don’t think you’ll even want it. you’ll love talking to your future spouse’s family, and will get along with them so well and so easily that you will wonder why you were ever scared in the first place. your future spouse will whisper a loving, “i told you so,” when you share this sentiment with them. 
there may be an obvious difference between you and your future spouse's family. they may be visibly and obviously rich -- though they are the kind of family that says they are "well-off" or "comfortable", not a family that ever describes themselves as rich or wealthy. or they may just be richer than you and your family ever were (they have a house in the suburbs when you only ever lived in small apartments for example). for some, they may be a famous or renowned family. 
this will make you feel uncomfortable at first but their genuine warmth and excitement to meet you will quickly get rid of any discomfort.
for some of you, your future spouse’s family may even try to rope you into the family business. or into joining them as vendors at a weekend market.  
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cards · the oldest one, eight of boons, five of spells, six of visions, child of visions, the enchanter’s wheel, the sentimental fool: make life happen now. 
channelled songs · nobody gets me by sza. goosebumps by travis scott. ms mural by lupe fiasco. ave maria by beyoncé. 
hey there group two ♡ it is more important for you to meet your future spouse’s family that consists of their child or children rather than meeting your future spouse’s family that consists of their parents or anyone else. 
you may have never dated a parent before, so this will be particularly stressful -- as with all things that are new to a person. you want them to not just like you but approve of you, and you'll wonder if this is even possible or if they'll hate you at first sight. 
you will bring gifts for the children -- something which you would have done regardless, but which is more important as this first meeting is taking place at this child's (or one of their children's) birthday party. you'll ask your future spouse for advice or grill them about what this child likes so that you can get them the perfect, the absolute best present -- but all this without looking like you're trying too hard. this energy of being careful not to seem like you're trying too hard will also come through in the way you dress and carry yourself. you want to come across as laidback and as someone this child -- or these children -- can connect with.
you have such a gentle, ethereal energy that this child will immediately be drawn to you. you seem like an angelina jolie figure in my mind, as someone who is beautiful and who just has this absolutely lovely spirit. and the child will be enamoured by you. if the child is young, they will think that you are a fairy or a prince/princess. 
at first, this child may not even realise that you and their parent are in a relationship. they just think that you’re a guest at their party, a friend of their parent or something similar. i’m thinking of the scene from one of the despicable me movies where gru dresses up in a fairy costume for one of his kid’s birthday’s, so this may be a similar situation you find yourself in; volunteering to be the entertainment or to dress according to a certain theme. maybe even as a party clown, for some. 
when the party dies down, your future spouse introduces you officially to their child as their partner. once they find out, this child will be shy at first but will then almost immediately get excited and drag you to their pile of birthday presents. 
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cards · six of spells, the huntsman, the wisewoman, ten of boons, weaver of boons, keeper of spells, the doubt fool: doubt appearances, as they can be misleading. 
channelled songs · i belong to you by whitney houston. suck my dick by lil kim. favorite (vampire) by nct 127. dead man walking by brent faiyaz. 
hey there group three ♡ there is an aura of falseness around your first meeting with your future spouse's family. they may be kind to you and very sweet, almost too sweet, as if, if you were to peek beneath the shiny veneer of familial love and openness you would see a coldness. a distinct disapproval. 
this is likely because of some major difference or divide between you and your future spouse and their family -- especially when it comes to how you look. there may be a racial divide here, or you may be plus size, or transgender, or just any major difference here that makes your future spouse’s family disapprove of you. even if they do not voice their disapproval to you. the only reason they do not voice their disapproval to you is because of your future spouse and any conversation they had or warning they gave ahead of time. 
your future spouse’s family may spend the whole time judging you; sizing you up. and while they may not say anything outright, it may at many points become obvious the true feelings they harbour towards you. through subtle remarks and snide comments that could be brushed off as nothing if you were to bring them any attention. this may come most of all from your future spouse’s mother, as well as from an older sister. 
they may grill you and at times it may feel like you’re being interviewed -- especially by your future spouse’s father who may be more reserved but more unnerving to speak to.
you may try to convince yourself that they liked you, even though you get the feeling that they hate you and don’t want anything more to do with you. that they, more than anything, don’t want your future spouse to have anything more to do with you. they’ll think you’re fine enough. they’ll think you’re nice enough. they’ll think that you’re okay, but that you’re not someone who your future spouse should marry. 
once you and your future spouse leave, they'll likely gossip about you; about the way you do your makeup, the way that you look, the way that you carry yourself. they make find problems where there aren't any.
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cards · five of challenges, two of visions, ace of spells, the faery wind, six of boons, four of spells, the faith fool: have faith. 
channelled songs · all the man that i need by whitney houston. so beautiful by dpr ian. heavyweight champion of the year by nilufer yanya. blinking game by jonghyun. 
hey there group four ♡ this is the most interesting group by far… when you meet your future spouse’s family for the first time, you may meet someone they are related to with whom you have an instant connection with. this may be love at first sight, but a love you only acknowledge over time. years and years down the line, when you and your future spouse have already been married for some time and things are much too complicated. especially as this may be your future spouse’s sibling, or your future spouse’s very close cousin. 
the first time you meet your future spouse’s family might be at a party, dinner or family gathering. your future spouse will go off to run an errand for another family member or to speak to someone before they leave, leaving you alone. in this time is when this person will come to talk to you. they will make you feel safe, welcome, and comfortable. amongst this sea of people you do not know, they will make you feel at ease. absolute ease. 
this person will chat with you. they'll make you laugh. they'll flirt with you, but in a way that you don't take it seriously at all and rather see it as something fun -- and actually quite refreshing. the way that they speak to you immediately makes you feel like less of an outsider. 
once your future spouse is back by your side, they take you around and introduce you to everyone. and while your future spouse’s family likes you and you like everyone, no one will make quite the first impression that this particular person does.
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themoonistalkingtou · 2 months
pick a pile
What Makes You a Good Person?
Disclaimer: These readings are not professional, I use my intuition + tarot and a translator because English is not my native language! Choose the pile that resonates with your intuition ♥︎
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
💙 Pile 1
King of cups reversed, 3 of swords, the chariot
I notice that you are a very emotional person and you tend to feel emotionally, although sometimes you tend to be too anxious forgiving there is still determination in you. Sometimes you want to give up and you tend to be in a very bad mood...there is still that little spark in your heart that tells you to keep going, maybe you don't even know where this spark comes from but it is there, inside you, in your heart; and that makes you a very determined and beautiful person. Yes, you feel emotional pain and maybe you are sad but you have self-compassion and you know how to feel your own pain, and you let it flow. And even with this very big emotional pain you are still standing and walking forward.
❤ Pile 2
4 of wands, ace of wands reversed, 10 of wands
You are very strong. You put a lot of effort into your request and you don't stop. Maybe you don't even know where you are going in your life but you keep going, going, going and going! You know that with this effort will come calm and relaxation, people may see that you work very hard and non-stop and, although you do not know where all this work leads you, you know that at the end of the road will come that calm that you expect so much. There is a lot of fire inside you and your way of working hard until you reach the joy you desire is impressive. You may not know why you are working so hard, but even so, you strive hard because at the end is the relaxation and happiness you desire so much.
🧡 Pile 3
The hermit, the magician and 10 of wands
Although you are a very isolated and lonely person, you have great power and ingenuity. You have to accept that maybe some jobs are hard for you or seem too hard for you, but when you are alone, with your own solitude, you have an incredible inspiration. Maybe you find it hard to do things that maybe are out of your comfort zone but when you are with yourself, in your own solitude, you usually have a lot of inspiration to do the things you like to do, an incredible power of manifestation and you can think of things with more ingenuity, you have a power inside you when you are quiet and this power is with yourself too.
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tarotwithavi · 10 months
Messages from Aphrodite 🐚 🕊️
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Piles : 1~2~3
How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Politely request your spirit guides to reveal the appropriate pile meant for you, then open your eyes. Whichever pile captures your attention is the one meant for you.
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Pile 1
Aphrodite wants you to know that things get worse sometimes, they don't go the way we want them to. I know it sucks but that's just how it is. You shouldn't stress out or get upset over something that isn't in your control. You've been working really hard and haven't gotten the results you should get. Don't worry everyone has their own pace. She wants you to know that you shouldn't give up yet. Keep on working and you'll be really grateful that you didn't give up one year from now.
She wants you to know that love begins within oneself. You won't experience true love until you learn to appreciate the love you have for yourself.
I'm also getting that she is sending lots of blessings into your life. And you might already be experiencing some of them right now. Don't worry things will only get better from now on. For some of you, you'll have to choose between two love interests. And she is telling you to ask her for guidance before making the choice.
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Pile 2
Aphrodite has recognised your efforts. She acknowledges the effort you have been putting in mastering that skill. She is really proud of you. She wants you to know that you'll soon have to face a huge crowd and this is especially for you to let your talents shine. I'm getting that you're going to be put into a situation where you'll have to face your fear of recognition. I feel like some of you fear being recognised as you believe it'll attract unwanted attention to you. And I'm also getting that in the upcoming days someone might approach you for their own profit. This person could be really famous in your work area/school/University.
You'll be recognised by your teachers/boss/ higher authorities and I promise you, you'll be really grateful for the opportunity that is coming your way. However I do want you to be careful of letting people know too much about yourself. Especially about your finances and how you manage your money.
Most of your blessings are related to work/career/studies/finances. You might not be focusing on love right now , rather Your focusing on improving yourself. Which is really appreciated by Aphrodite. She wants you to put yourself first.
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Pile 3
I heard "Justice is going to be served" . Aphrodite wants you to know that people who have treated you badly are going to face the consequences of their actions. And it is going to be in front of you. People are going to ask for apology and take accountability for their actions. Also she wants you to know that she is with you no matter what. Someone here has been bullied for having monolid eyes. And some have been bullied for "not fitting in". You have been made fun of for the way you looked and the people who said those hurtful words are going to have their downfall right in front of your eyes.
You're going to shine and people are going to talk about you, how much you have changed and Your recent glow up has people going crazy. Some of you may be doubting yourself. Aphrodite wants you to know that you're blessed by her. And someone who has been blessed by her is everything but "not beautiful"
Some of you are going to travel to the place you always wanted to in just a few weeks. I'm also seeing international travel.
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 year
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꒰ ♡ ꒱ 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝒶 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝒹 ; 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
⋆·˚ 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 ⋆·˚ ----- This reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn't, you don't need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn't resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious!
⋆·˚ 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 ⋆·˚ ----- All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from 'pinterest' i don't own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and belong to me only @alaezasmystery . I use the editor tools canva and kapwing for the header and divider. Extra credit to @daninixx for giving permission to use her rules and disclaimer.
⋆·˚ ༘ 🍋 ✧*
Instantly, I'm getting strong Leo energy here . I feel that your future spouse's love language is more on the physical touch and quality time spent together . I feel that you guys are gonna be having a lot of passionate love making in the bedroom .
This is someone who treasures every moment spent with you. I feel that they may not look like the kind or really sweet talk. But they are hella romantic and gonna notice every single little things about you.
I feel that both of you love travelling and be out in the nature more. So do see them bring you out more for walks sitting by bench and bringing you out to See the stars .
You may catch sometimes staring at you more often but not in the creepy way rather than in adoring way. I feel like you're gonna think if you are truely blessed to have them . I feel like they suck at communication , but rest assured they are gonna show you.
Actions speak louder then words ... afterall 😉.
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For this pile I am getting a strong Taurus energy . I feel that your future spouse's love language is more on act of service to you . I feel that they will put you on a pedestal and be very protected over you . They're gonna be treating you like a queen or King .
At times, you'd feel like they are being very gaurded and they might hover over you and when there are other people around or sensing someone trying to get too close to you . I feel that they can be throwing a little jealous comments but it's not that they are possessive . It's cause they want you all to themselves . It's kinda cute how would they react , they are like a baby who wants your attention on them only.
They are someone who will go distance for you . I feel like that they will work together with you to build a strong Foundation . I heard " built an Empire for you because you are my queen or king " .
They would want to take things one step at a time because they believe that good thing takes time . I feel that they are gonna have this endearing gaze on you when you guys have a kid together .
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For this pile I am getting air sign and fire sings more . I feel that your future spouse's love language is more on the quality time and giving / receiving gifts .
I get this cheeky vibe from pile 3 . The way they show their love isn't how many would show. They will be acting like a child and always teasing you to get your attention but when they do get you mad they will sulk and feel sad about it .
Like Pile 2 , they are a big baby when it comes to you . I feel that on the another hand they will be working very hard on their pentacles so that they can provide for you .
Some of them may even gift you with a key that symbolises , that you hold the key to their heart . I feel that they will shower you with random gifts and flowers . I feel that your future spouse is quite the adventurer, a cheeky one I'd say ....
I feel that they will want to do crazy stuff with you like out of the blue . They see you as this light that lights up their world . I am hearing " you are my sunshine " . Just know that sometimes they didn't mean to annoy you , they were just trying to make you smile and to get your attention on them by doing something silly .
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© @alaezasmystery ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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