punkpandapatrixk · 1 day
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🧜🏻‍♀️Vain Sass ☆ Timeless Tarot Guidance
Elements/Signs in this reading are calibrated to all aenergetic placements. Feel free to read as many Elements/Signs as you feel called to at this point in your spiritual evolution♡
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‘It is really a hard life. Men will not be nice to you if you are not good-looking, and women will not be nice to you if you are.’ – Agatha Christie
Well, what are you gonna do about it? Life is hard when you’re a girl; might as well do whatever you like. And if somebody doesn’t like you for your style, oh, who cares? Stop trying to be liked by everybody! You, don’t even like everybody. Live and let live. The most important thing is that you’re having fun on your own terms~
‘Eat whatever you want, and if anyone tries to lecture you about your weight, eat them too!’ – Vlada Roslyakova
pov: you're in an edit (recommend to listen alone)
☆♪°・. aenergetic companion PAC ☆♪°・.
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Vain Sass for 🐞Fire Signs – Gold Astronomer (John Dee)
8 of Cups Rx, 10 of Pentacles, 5 of Cups
The power of Fire Signs is that you don’t easily lose yourself in the midst of a battle of wits. If you’re reading this and feel like this doesn’t describe you, it’s only because you haven’t fully tapped into your Fire Sass, trust me. You’re literally a dragon that possesses a breath of fire that can annihilate all of the naysayers in your Life. Sure, you wanna be wise when using it and not lose your temper to a point of detriment, and you surely don’t wanna burn those who actually care for you.
But when it comes to a struggle of wit and identity, you should stand your ground for that is the only way you will ever feel content as a Fire dominant person. Your dignity lies in your ability to maintain ground and create your empire of authenticity with your own hands, supported by your confidence in your ability to manifest every single thing you have ever wanted for yourself. As long as you stay loyal to yourself, you’re destined for great material happiness in this lifetime.
Outgrowing your bullshit is one thing, but changing yourself to fit some norms or expectations is never a good fit for you. Not for anybody, I guess. Learn from your mistakes, be even better, be stronger in your conviction, and continue to return to yourself as you grow up. Growing older is easy but growing up is not. It is easier to gain years than to gain wisdom. You don’t wanna be foolishly stubborn; you gotta grow up and wise up, and the older you get and clearer about yourself, the sassier I’m sure you get.
All Fire Signs are sassy and honestly quite vain. Is that a sin? Nah, hardly <3
Oracle Guidance for Fire Signs🔻❤️
🐏Aries – Priestess of Integrity
🦁Leo – Priestess of Luxury
🎠Sagittarius – Priestess of Happiness
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Vain Sass for 🐍Earth Signs – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
10 of Wands Rx, 8 of Wands, XVI The Tower
You’re cute, you know that, don’t you? If you want, you could turn simps into SLAVES; so when you’re in a pinch, you should not hesitate to use that sensual Earthy power of seduction to get what you want XD I’m hearing, you’re a juicy bitch (however that resonates LMAO) and you should never live a difficult Life! I mean, Earth aenergy is kinda twisted in that you’re defo the type that shouldn’t work so hard—because all the manifestation power of the Earth belongs to you. And yet, here you are struggling to make ends meet~ tsk tsk…
Communicate your needs seductively, attract the right people, the genuinely helpful ones, and thank them for all that they’re willing to sacrifice for you. I’m not teaching/endorsing you to be a selfish mean bitch who uses people like they’re walking ATMs hahaha So in essence, I’m getting that learning to be vulnerable in your communication can really help you with attracting an easier Life…more easily. As an Earth dominant person, you really deserve to live an easier Life.
If you’re motivated to work extra hard on something at all, make sure it’s something that matters to you on a Soul level. And most of all, don’t work so hard sacrificing yourself for things/corporations/goals and endeavours that are only there to make you look good in society. All of the passionate hard work you’re personally interested in, whatever it may be, it’d suit you best if your goals and endeavours can enrich the lives of those in your community. Earth aenergy, after being nourished yourself, literally lives for the enrichment of other people’s foundations/soils as well <3
Make it easy for others the way your simps are making it easy for you LMAO
Oracle Guidance for Earth Signs🔻💚
🐂Taurus – Priestess of Fertility
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – Priestess of Purity
🐐Capricorn – Priestess of Magick
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Vain Sass for ⛲Air Signs – Red Geographer (Marco Polo)
Page of Wands Rx, King of Wands Rx, 7 of Pentacles Rx
Y’know, Air Signs are defo usually known for intellect and grace, but what some people forget to remember is that underdeveloped Air Signs are some of the world’s worst cowards. Listen, this is tough love, baby. If your Air aenergy makes you weak, meek, scared and anxious, you gotta tune into other elements in your natal chart that could help you gain confidence, first and foremost, until you know how to develop your Air quality alright.
You’re intelligent, and so that makes you aware of the possibilities of how other people react/respond to what you say or how you behave. And since you value being on good terms with people, you could be juggling WAY too many thoughts and calculations on how well or badly people could receive you. That’s bullshit, OK? You’re expending way too much aenergy on things that aren’t even real—they don’t even matter in the grand scheme of things. The most important thing is that you’re loyal to yourself.
If you’re with someone or a group of friends who don’t value you for your originality and individuality, they’re not your people. You have to have the courage to let such connections dissolve from your Reality. Air or no Air, all people deserve to be seen and acknowledged for their individual divine identity in Human form. Being charming in social situations is one thing but never be a people pleaser. Nobody has ever genuinely liked a people pleaser in the history of people pleasing each other XXD
Having an identity does NOT equate being a mean bully. Know the difference! <3
Oracle Guidance for Air Signs🔻💙
👯Gemini – Priestess of Opulence
⚖️Libra – Priestess of Shine
🏺Aquarius – Priestess of Patience
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Vain Sass for 🐝Water Signs – Green Astrologer (Robert Fludd)
Queen of Cups, 3 of Wands, IV The Emperor
You, hold so many secrets in your heart that you keep from spilling over so as not to drown other people with your emotions. In that sense, you really strive to be a decent and responsible person. I think that’s healthy and admirable. But I hope you also find a way to express your emotions in other ways when the need arises. That much emotion not going anywhere could rot your spirit and make you bitter. Don’t do that to yourself, OK? As much as you care for other people’s feelings and ‘comfort’, you also need to think of your sense of sanity. If anything, that should be priority.
So speak your mind when you need to. If you find yourself failing at your first attempt or if you find you aren’t clear enough the first time, you can try again. It’s perfectly OK to be awkward in social situations tho XD Many people are awkward as fuck! Ultimately, it is vulnerability and honestly that will save your sanity. People who are able to speak vulnerably and transparently are the strongest people, you know that? That’s literally the realest confidence ever.
The way I see it, it’s people whose speech is impassioned with emotions and yet imbued with logic and rationale who make the most amazing public speakers. There is reason and sensibility, and yet, there is empathy. People who speak/communicate like this are the most loved and respected people in the public arenas. With the Emperor card here, I just know it that you can develop yourself to become a very engaging conversationalist!
So, before emotions bubble up to the surface hot and nasty, it’s better to speak what’s on your mind at the time it matters~ <3
Oracle Guidance for Water Signs🔻💛
🦀Cancer – Priestess of Rebirth
🦂Scorpio – Priestess of Intellect
🎏Pisces – Priestess of Clarity
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Tiles! I want to have a kitchen wall full with different designs
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thespectralcottage · 3 months
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Ways To Use Each Element In Spells
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Burning Herbs
Using Ashes
Bonfires to Raise Energy
Burning Petitions
Melting Things
Water Bowl Spells
Enchanting Water
Using Spiritual Waters + Colognes
Soaking Items
River Magic
Verbal Spells
Blowing Air / Smoke
Sound Bowls
Wind Cleansing
Storm magic
Salt Bowls
Burring Items
Plants + Herbs
Dirt Spell Jars
Making Terrariums
Plant Wards
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belalugosigrave · 1 year
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Photography: Kalliope Amorphous
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🔮💖Witchy Aesthetic💖🔮
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Whimsical glass bottles
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naomixxz · 5 months
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑠 2024 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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ts-witchy-archive · 8 months
ADHD Witch Tips
We need more adhd witch tips so here, have these. These are the things I have learned and seen done over the past 3 and a bit years of practicing witchcraft. As always, if you have anything to add, please comment them and I'll add them to the list with credit to you and a link to your blog!
Make witchy playlists with intention. Music is the most accessible way of doing magic in my opinion, especially if you're using spells that already exist. You can listen to these while working, traveling or just doing things around the house. If you sing along then you're adding to the manifesting power of the playlist!
Use really large spell candles so that you don't have to make a new one everytime you want to do a spell. I used to have 1 really big protection spell candle that I would light daily. Not having to make a new candle every time made me so much more likely to practice
Learn to meditate. I know, I know, hear me out. This is less of a witch tip and more of a mental health thing. You can meditate while colouring in, listening to music, cleaning, going for a walk. You don't have to sit down with your legs crossed. Mediation is an important skill that none of us do regularly enough.
stop caring about aesthetics. Are they nice? yes! absolutely! but unless it makes you more likely to practice then it's not worth it. caring too much about how your craft looks can also lead to burn out.
Be aware of your energy levels. Burn out is a serious issue among the neurodivergent witch community. Rest and pacing yourself is just as important as actually practicing.
Audio books <3333333
Try to combine your hyperfixation and witchcraft practice. This could mean using sigils in fanart or dedicate your writing to a deity.
Use hearth craft as a way to motivate you to clean your home or to cook meals/eat.
Have affirmations on your phones home screen so whenever you unlock your phone you reminded of your intentions
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