daily-spooky · 2 days
The craft inspired fits
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Witch Aesthetics
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kabewski · 2 hours
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Boom Witch Marcille!
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bebs-art-gallery · 1 day
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Rider of the Storm by Roberto Diaz
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brujaluas · 2 days
The impression you leave on people when they look at you
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They think you are a very spontaneous and adventurous person, and also very romantic, you give off a protagonist vibe from old romantic stories, Wuthering Heights came to mind (even though Catherine is sharp) and especially Elizabeth and her sister of pride and prejudice, Bridgerton also comes in here, hm, you always seem to be accompanied by new people, you seem like someone who makes easy friends with everyone, regardless of differences. a person who can be auttruistic, prosper financially, nepo baby vibes and also quite mature…
You seem to be immature, I don't know, as if you haven't lived life much, people think you are very suspicious, you hide secrets and you are someone who is difficult to reach, but you can also be quite proactive, and financially well off, someone with a talent for doing things in groups, yes, there is a contradiction in what people think of you, they think that you are a very loving person too, someone who has potential for something but is just starting out. and someone who might be dating.
hmm you have an energy of suffering, people feel that you are a sad person, that you have been through a lot, someone already jumps to the conclusion that you have some mental disorder, you are prone to anger, people think that you might have a short fuse and you don't take much care of your appearance, because you have a sloppy look (in people's minds), people think that you've been through something intensely painful in your life, like the death of a loved one or something that changed you but they hope for You, some here love it when you are smiling, you may feel alone but it's because people want to leave you alone because they are afraid of your aura and they also don't want to bother you.
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becomingvecna · 2 days
© carnivorous_plants_journey
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inbarfink · 2 days
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nouilleverse · 3 days
Saturn the witch moth !
This fine lady is based of the giant peacock moth ^_^
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sketchbot9000 · 2 days
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"So what if it's not summer yet? Nobody has ever died from a neurogenic cardio-respiratory response to cold water!"
-Orange Goblin Witch
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daily-spooky · 19 hours
creator source
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absentwriterdoll · 2 days
A demilitarized combat doll.
But it's not that simple, is it?
You can't just take the weapons out of a combat doll and expect it to be just like any other doll.
It won't stop the combat doll from deploying its weapons only to find empty casings.
It won't stop it from throwing someone who moved just a bit too quietly for its now-commercial audio sensors to pick up.
It won't stop it from taking cover the moment it hears fireworks.
It won't stop the nightmares.
It won't stop it from waking up in the middle of the night, screaming for a comrade that has died a thousand times over in its dreams.
The only thing you can really do is give them a kind and patient witch and hope for the best.
And pray that their lingering horrors, both waking and sleeping, don't bring itself to take itself from the world.
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dead-twink-detectives · 12 hours
If Charles and Edwin weren't ghost then here's what other supernatural creatures they'd be
Charles: werewolf or vampire
Edwin: siren, zombie or witch
The reason why I think Edwin would be a siren is because he literally pulled four people two of them he didn't even know that long and the other one is the whole reason for his death and then there's the fourth one who he didn't even know he liked until he met the two he didn't know for long ( if you couldn't tell I'm talking about him pulling Charles, Simon, Monty and cat King) so you can't tell me he wouldn't be a good siren
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myrtles-and-blood · 21 hours
I deeply love when I see people talking really good about the deities they worship, especially when I have never been drawn to them, or known of their existence.
Like I do not know what you're talking about whatsoever but I want to get in
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horror-aesthete · 2 days
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The Devonsville Terror, 1983, dir. Ulli Lommel
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