#top gun maverick
outalongtheedges · 3 days
Rooster/Maverick: I’m the way I am because my dad died when I was young.
Hangman/Iceman: I’m the way I am because my dad didn’t die when I was young.
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ruerecs · 2 days
𝑗𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑠 𝑖𝑖𝑖.
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not just pals
by @thewulf
the one i want by @seresinhangmanjake
good in bed by @top-hhun
cowboy up by @allbark-no-bite
love grows (where the mustache goes) by @aemondvelaryon
you've got the real thing right here by @birdy-bat-writes
LIEUTENANT SMITTEN by @maiiiwrites
the hangman special
heat to boil
by @hangmanssunnies
pinky promise by @lostdreamr-blog1
infirmation by @roosteraloha
kiss me more by @witchwyfe
what you do to me by @youvebeenlivingfictional
so it goes by @purelyfiction
before bed by @punishereditz
not you again by @scandinavianfairytale
it comes with perks by @frost-queen
twenty-five going on forty-seven by @sehnsuchts-trunken
fast like rain by @mothdruid
urban cowboy by @bradshawssugarbaby
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justmymindandstuff · 2 days
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I love the gay pilot movies
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diadotcom · 1 day
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here’s some mav pride flags for pride month. i can easily make more if anyone has any requests!
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military-newsboys · 3 days
Mav: I promised Ice I wouldn't do anything stupid today. Bradley: Why would you lie to dad like that?
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vivwritesfics · 1 day
After Chasing Sunsets
Chapter One
Jake Seresin was meant to be a military man. He should have gone up to the rank of Admiral, but the universe had other plans. After sustaining and recovering from a pretty serious head injury, he's left with near constant headaches, bad enough that he's grounded. Permanently.
But somebody in the military felt bad for him. And that's how he ended up as the bodyguard for the rebellious American Princess. She doesn’t make the job easy for him, though (if you catch my drift).
Series Masterlist
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This had to be a joke, Jake Seresin thought as he stood outside of the household secretaries office. He'd never dreamed of this. He was supposed to be a military man. He had been for years, after dreaming of it since he was a child.
He was good, too. The only naval officer in active duty with two confirmed air to air kills. But his injury was bad enough for an honourable discharge. The recovery was long and not easy, the injury leaving him with near constant headaches.
All through his recovery, Jake had been itching to get back into a Super Hornet. He'd been assessed as soon as possible. Those headaches were bad enough to have him on is knees, holding his forehead with his eyes shut to block out any light.
Yeah, there was no way he was getting back into a combat aircraft.
Somebody in the military felt bad for him, that much was clear. How else did he get that email from the household secretary regarding the job of babysitter? Oops, I mean bodyguard.
The household secretary called him into his office.
Sucking in a breath, Jake pulled the little, orange bottle of pills from his pocket. He tipped two into his palm and swallowed them down dry. He steadied himself and walked into the office.
The woman behind the desk looked a little bit terrifying to Jake. But she let her expression turn to a warm smile and gestured to the seat opposite her. "Have a seat, Captain Seresin," she said.
Captain. To anybody else, it was probably impressive that he'd made the rank of Captain. But, to Jake, it was a bitter reminder. A bitter reminder of the career he missed, a bitter reminder of the rank he was never able to achieve. He should have made Admiral, and now he'd never get the chance.
"We spoke to Admiral Simpson at Top Gun, and he couldn't speak any higher of you if he tried," she said with a slight laugh. Jake finally looked at her nametag. Gladys. It was somewhat satisfying. She looked like a Gladys. "I'll be completely honest with you, Captain Seresin-" There it was again. "-From your résumé and everything Admiral Simpson was able to tell us, you seem too good to be true."
Releasing an awkward laugh from his lips, Jake rubbed his sweaty palms on his thighs. "Well, ma'am, I live to serve," he said.
Gladys suddenly pulled off her glasses, the atmosphere in the room turning tense. "Captain Seresin, it is important that I lay all the facts out for you. She is trouble, and we wouldn't be trying to hire a military man if the situation wasn't dire," she said.
Jake straightened in his seat. "My job will be to protect her, right?" He asked, and Gladys nodded her head. "Well, then I am going to protect her," he said.
The smile Gladys gave him could only be described as sympathetic. "You're not the first to sit in that chair and say that to me," she mumbled. "Most don't make it past the two month mark, and there's no shame in that."
Her words were supposed to be comforting, that was made clear by her tone of voice. But it still had Jake clenching his jaw. He didn't remind her that her staff were the ones to seek him out.
But Gladys continued. Or, rather, she got the interview back on track. General questions and such. There was nothing she asked that he couldn't talk about. She ran scenarios past him (scenarios which were outlandish, but, by the look Gladys wore, they had definitely happened before). By the time it was over, Jake was offered the job.
"Brilliant," said Gladys the moment he accepted. She pulled open her desk drawer and pulled out a rather hefty stack of paperwork. Standing, she thrust them into Jake's arms. "You can take them to your new room to sigh. And, as soon as that's done, you start Monday."
Gladys led the way through the halls. Red carpet led the way down a hall and large windows provided it with plenty of light. The windows were lined with the original brickwork of the water. It was gorgeous.
She stopped in front of a door that looked far too modern in the hallway full of original brickwork. It was out of place in the historic walls of the castle. Gladys pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked the door.
The room was small, a single bed pushed up against the right wall and a desk against the left wall. There was a tiny bathroom to the left of the door, with the toilet pretty much in the sink.
It was small, but it wasn't all that bad. Gladys dropped the keys onto the paperwork in Jake's arms. "The room is yours. All we ask is that you remain respectful while you're living here as it is still castle property. There's a key fob attached to your room key that will let you in and out of the castle."
As Gladys left the room, Jake put his papers on the desk, sat down on the bed and pulled out his phone. He may have been only a couple of years away from turning forty, but he still called his mother.
Mary Seresin had been the one to nurse her son back to health after his accident. She hated how relieved she was when he wasn't allowed to fly combat aircrafts again. And when this job came up, Mary was the one pushing him to go for it.
"Hey, ma," said Jake the moment she answered the phone. "I got it."
Mary Seresin drew in a gasp. "You got the job at the castle?" She asked quickly, holding her breath.
"I got the job at the castle," he repeated.
An excited scream left her lips. "Oh Jake, I'm so proud of you! I told you that the light would come through again! Wait right here while I go and tell your sisters!"
As they spoke, Jake could picture the three of them, huddled around the kitchen table, surrounding the phone that his mother tried to put on speaker. The table had been handmade by Jake's grandfather, one of the many things (along with the ranch), that had been left to them after his fathers death. His father may have been a huge asshole, but the family kept the ranch going after he passed.
Jake filled out his paperwork as his family spoke to him. His sisters asked him so many questions that his head was spinning. He couldn't answer most of them, not yet, anyway.
It had always been his sisters dreams to step foot in the castle, not him. He could remember playing with them, him as the big, evil ogre, Robyn as the princess and Lucy as the prince. They'd been kids then, hiding from their dad in the old barn to play.
"I miss you guys," Jake said as his sisters went out to feed the horses. He had only been gone a few days, and he knew his family didn't need him. They'd gotten along perfectly well all those years he was flying in the navy. But he was supposed to be the man of the house, and he was never around.
He heard his mother sigh. "We miss you too, Jake," she said. "But we know you'll make us proud. You always have and you always will."
The conversation didn't last long after that. Jake ended the call and took his now completely paperwork back to Gladys's office. It held emergency contacts and such. He put down Robyn's name and number, but what could she do all the way from Texas?
Jake Seresin was immensely proud of himself when he found the office again. He knocked gently and let himself into the empty room, leaving the paperwork on a neat pile on the desk.
This was his first job outside of the navy, he realised as he drove his rusted red truck to the motel he'd been staying in since he'd gotten the call about the interview. He didn't have a lot, most of his things were back in Texas. It took just an afternoon to get his things moved into his room in the castle. (It would have taken just hours, but Jake got lost on his way back to his room, something he'd never admit to).
You can take the man out of the Navy, but not the Navy out of the man, Jake realised as he looked at his incredibly neat room. He hand't meant to make it so, it was simply a habit.
The uniform guide Gladys had given him sat on his desk. The one single suit he was currently wearing wasn't going to cut it, not when he needed one for every day. So, Jake spent his Saturday in the nearby city, buying the same suit several times over. All the money not in saving was drained down to nothing, but it was a necessary evil.
On Sunday, Jake met Susan. He hadn't been trying to meet somebody new, had been looking for the laundry room. But the map Gladys had given him was printed on fading ink. He'd barely been able to navigate his way for dinner the previous evening.
He walked past the same woman several times before she stopped him. "Can I help you?" She asked, definitely ready to call for security.
Jake hadn't expected to hear a Scottish accent in the American castle. But he quickly recovered. "I'm just looking for the laundry room," he said as he unfolded the map from his pocket.
The girl, Susan, Jake read from her nametag, let the expression on her face soften. She puled her hand from her pocket, no longer ready to call security. "I've told Gladys about that printer a thousand times," she mumbled as she shook her head. "Do you have a staff pass yet?"
Jake shook his head. "'m still waiting on it."
She gestured for him to follow. Jake fell into step beside her as Susan gave him the tour of the staff area that he so desperately needed. As she gave the little tour, Susan asked him things. Asked what he had been hired for, what he did before, his accent and which state he was from.
Jake found about her, too. She had worked for the British Royal Family, but had moved to the States once she'd met her wife.
"So, you know much about the royal family?" Susan asked as they left the laundry room.
Jake shook his head. "Nope," he said. He knew the basics, of course, everybody did. But while he'd been on deployment, he hadn't kept up with the royal family, hadn't seen the point when he was overseas. (Jake had never really cared about the royal family, anyway, wouldn't have kept up with them if he was stateside).
Susan let a laugh escape her lips. "You don't know anything about the princess?" She asked.
he shook his head. "Gladys tried to put the fear of God in me, but she can't be that bad, can she?"
Susan laughed harder. "Oh, you are in for a real treat tomorrow."
It shouldn't have made the job more exciting, Jake thought to himself as he laid in his small bed, staring at the ceiling. He'd never had to start a job like this before, had been in the military since he'd left high school. Jake hadn't felt anxiety like this. He'd always been known as a cocky shit, but that cocky shit was nowhere to be seen now.
As the sun rose over the castle, Jake got dressed into one of the new suits. He straightened his tie and buttoned the cuffs of his sleeves. As he checked himself over, there was a knock at his door.
He strode over and pulled it open. "Don't you look nice," said Susan. She fished something from her pocket and passed it to Jake. His staff pass. it was official. Jake Seresin was part of the castle staff.
"Thanks," he said as he slipped the card into his breast pocket. He grabbed his keys from the desk, locked his door and followed Susan down the hall.
"You ready to meet the princess?" She asked as she led him out of the staff hallways and into the main castle.
Jake sucked in a breath. "As I'll ever be," he said as they passed staff getting the castle ready for the day. Maids cleaning surfaces and swapping the wilting flowers in the vases for live ones. Picture frames being polished and floors being cleaned well enough that Jake could see his own reflection.
"No, you're not," said Susan as she took him up the stairs. She led him down the corridor and into another, more private part of the castle.
Susan stepped in front of a grand set of doors. He hadn't realised that doors could be grand like this. Jake straightened his already perfect tie as Susan raised her fist. And then, she knocked.
TGM Taglist (for the life of me I can't remember if some of you just wanna be tagged for bob stuff. If that is the case, feel free to message me): @biancathecool
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beeeeeta · 2 days
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Organize photos
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 days
Chasing Cars
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➪the one where bradley risks his life to prove a point to mav, and you call him out on it as soon as he gets back to base, then later at home.
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, swearing, arguing, mentions of death, mentions of crashing, both you and bradley are aviators, mentions of bradley being willing to crash just to get back at mav, family issues ig
Word Count: 3.4k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | New theme bc I hate looking for pictures that fit
“What the hell was that?” You asked as soon as Bradley walked back to base from the tarmac.
“Nothing,” he muttered as he walked past you, probably wanting to go to the locker room and forget about what he just did. What he just risked.  
But you weren’t having it. “Hey,” you quickly caught up to him and grabbed his arm. “Talk to me.”
Bradley stopped walking abruptly and turned to you. “What?” 
Your brows furrowed and you took a protective step back, not used to hearing him sound so cold and hostile towards you. You knew he would never do anything to hurt you, so the step back wasn’t because of that - it was more so to give him the space he clearly needs right now.
“Huh?” He grunted as he stepped into your personal space again at your lack of response. “What?”
You huff and cross your arms over your flight suit that matched his, not backing down this time like you normally would to keep the peace. He did something reckless, and there was no way you were going to let him think that what he did with Mav in the air was okay. “You could’ve died,” you say, eerily calm as you stared up at him. 
Bradley glared at you, clearly not liking the confrontation he’s found himself stuck in. “Spare me the lecture, baby, alright? I’ve been doing this for years, I know what I’m doing when I’m in the air,” he placed his hands on his hips, his tone still as stubborn as ever. “I know how to handle myself and pull myself back.”
“I know you do, Bradley,” you trailed off, feeling your words beginning to get caught in your throat. Less than ten minutes ago you were holding onto Bob’s shoulder tightly as you heard and watched Bradley and Pete nearly plummet to the ground, and the adrenaline was quickly wearing off and being replaced with fear and anguish. “But flying angry is not the smartest thing you can do.”
You watched as a flicker of realization flashed in his eyes, your use of his real name rather than a cute pet name you usually call him by letting him know that you were completely serious right now. “Not the smartest thing I could do? Is that your nice way of calling me stupid?”
“I’m not calling you stupid,” you correct him, looking at him with a sense of pleading in your eyes. “What you did was stupid.”
Bradley crossed his arms, “Is that supposed to make me less pissed off?”
“I’m not trying to piss you off,” you say tiredly, dropping your arms back to your sides. “I’m worried about you.”
A small scoff leaves his lips as he looks around the tarmac that was clearing out as the minutes went by. “Worried? It’s my job to fly jets,” he muttered. “Things like this can happen every time I go up there.”
You shake your head. “But it’s not your job to pull stunts like the one you did today,”
The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over his stupidly pretty features, and if you weren’t so riled up right now, you would’ve definitely made a comment on it. “It wasn’t a stunt,” he mumbled. “You need to lighten up, I’m fine.”
Your eyes well up with tears and you quickly look down at the concrete of the tarmac. “You nearly crashed,” 
Bradley huffed, looking around as if any of the few aviators left could save him from this situation. “But I landed safely,” 
“But you almost didn’t!” You finally break, looking up at him through blurred vision. You could see his hard gaze soften and his brows drop a bit as he kept his eyes locked on yours. “You almost died.”
He sighed, guilt written all over his face as he moved closer to you. “I know,” he finally admitted, reaching out to place his hand on your hip. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
You press your lips together as you give him a look that told him all he needed to know without you actually saying it. 
Bradley wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against his chest, his rough flight suit against your own making it not the most comfortable embrace you’ve shared with him. “I’m okay,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. Your usually neat bun is messy from the way you tugged on it earlier from the panic you felt, and you were sure Bob’s shoulder will have a bruise on it. “I promise.”
“Are you?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper as you pressed your face against his chest. 
He paused as if he was trying to find the right words to say that would give you comfort. “I am,” he confirmed, stroking the side of your neck with his thumb. “I just get so pissed off around Mav sometimes. That’s not an excuse, though.”
You shake your head and pull away to look up at him, finding comfort in the way he softly wiped your tears away with his thumb. “Let me ask you something,”
“Okay,” he sounded a bit unsure as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Anything.” 
You brace your hands on his shoulders as you ask, “If I pulled something like you did today...If I almost died because I wanted to prove something, how would that make you feel?”
Bradley’s eyes darkened a bit and his brows furrowed further as he took in your words. “I’d be really fucking mad at you,” he answered and your frown softened as you watched the way he processed your question further. “I’d be pissed that you risked your life for no reason.”
You give him a half shrug and a forced smile. “That’s exactly how you made me feel today,” 
Bradley sighed and his shoulders visibly dropped as guilt spread across his face. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, stroking your jaw with his thumbs. “I know I need to be more careful, and you’re right. It was stupid to let my ego take over. I’m sorry.”
Your lip trembled a bit and you looked down at his boots, the tears finally spilling over. “You can’t do things like that to me,” your voice broke as you tighten your grasp on his suit. 
He gently lifts your head and looks you right in the eyes, and you could see the adoration and guilt swimming in his. “I know, I’m sorry,” he said again, much quieter this time. “I promise it will never happen again.” Bradley leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and you could feel the way your tears continued to fall on both yours and his face now. 
You kiss him back and practically melt into him, the anger and frustration slipping away as the need to have him close takes over. 
Bradley holds you tight, his hands grabbing hold of your waist as he pressed you impossibly close to him. “I love you so much,” he whispered when he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve never done what I did. It was selfish and reckless, and I promise I’ll do better.” 
You nod and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “You need to…because you scared me today,”
He nods. “I know, and I will, I promise, baby,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “I love you.”
Pulling away slightly, your tears had stopped but your face was still damp. “I love you,” 
Bradley gave you a smile before stepping away and gesturing to his bag. “I’m going to go put this away, then I’m taking you home,” 
“Okay,” You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest as you wiped at your eyes. “I’ll be in the parking lot.”
He nodded and took his keys out of his bag, handing them to you. “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he promised and you smiled before turning away from him and making your way to the parking lot. 
Words couldn’t describe how angry Bradley was at himself. 
Now that the high of being in the air and going head to head with Mav had worn off, he could clearly see why you were so upset and mad at him. He hadn’t thought about anyone or anything as he forced himself to drop closer and closer to the ground until Maverick was left with no choice but to pull up first. 
Thinking about it now, Bradley was too into his own head at the time, he was sure that there was no way he was going to be the one to do that, and that would’ve ended in his death. He would’ve left his best friend behind, his mutilated body, Mav, you. 
When you asked him how he would feel if you had gone and done something like that, he could physically feel his heart shift in his chest at the thought of losing you in that way. He’d be more than mad at you, he’d be on the verge of never letting you out of his sight again. You are both aviators, you both knew the risks of flying and missions. Why had he put himself in that situation during training? When it really didn’t even matter?
He couldn’t imagine his life without you, and the thought of burning in and leaving you behind was one he hated to think about. The thought of you leaving his life in that way? He was almost prepared to beg you to quit right then and there. 
But you loved your job, like he loved his, and the risks that came with it were high enough as it is. He didn’t need to add to that list. 
He shoved his flight bag and helmet into his locker before leaving the base without saying another word to anyone else. He knew Nat would have her go at him tomorrow when he returned for another day of training, and he would let her. Because he knew he fucked up. He knew he was selfish. 
Bradley walked through the doors and quickened his pace when he saw you leaning against the passenger side door of the Bronco. “Hey,” he greeted, despite seeing you less than five minutes ago. “Why aren’t you in yet?”
You shrugged with your arms crossed, and he knew you were still upset, even if you were trying your best to hide it. “I just needed to be on solid ground for a little longer,”
In the midst of all that happened, he forgot that you were also an option to be picked to fly the upcoming mission. You also had gone up against Mav today, and you took your loss maturely, unlike how Bradley did. You were taking it seriously, because you needed to, and so did he. 
Bradley felt more guilt creep into his body as he reached out and ran his knuckles along your jaw. “I’m sorry,” he said for the sixth time, and he was sure he would keep saying it for as long as he needed to. 
Because you are the one. You’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, in the exact way he had been spending the last three years. 
You give him a small but beautiful smile as you lean into his touch. “I know,” 
Bradley reached around you to open the passenger side door, and your smile grew as you climbed in. He braced his hand on the top of the door as he leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to your cheek, watching as you tried to fight off a grin when he pulled away. “I’ll make it up to you,”
You smiled at him and he closed the door before rounding the front of the Bronco and getting in on the driver’s side, taking the keys from you when you held them out to him. “You don’t have to,” you tell him quietly as he puts the key into the ignition. “I already forgave you.”
Bradley grinned over at you and took your hand in his as he began the drive that would take him back to the house he’s shared with you for the last two years. “You know, I don’t know what I did to ever deserve you. I don’t know how I got so lucky,” he rasped, lacing his fingers with you. “You’re so smart and strong and so fucking gorgeous, every other woman in the world doesn’t stand a chance.”
He glanced over and watched as a blush took over your face and you slumped back in your seat. “Quit trying to make it up to me,” you mumbled and he laughed. “I’m the lucky one. I love everything about you. You’re my entire world….which is why I can’t lose you.”
He knew what you meant; you couldn’t lose him like that - in a way that is so easily preventable. You were well aware of the fact that you could lose each other on missions and deployments, so you both tried to not increase those chances during your work days. 
Bradley gripped your hand tightly as he looked over at you, his expression one of regret at making you so upset today. “You won’t,” he said, though you both knew he couldn’t promise that. Neither of you could. “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
You lean against the seat and gaze at him in a way that has him driving a little faster to get home quicker. “I love you,” 
He raises your hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “I love you, too,”
When he pulled into the driveway as the sky was getting darker, he kept his hand in yours as he looked over at you. He could tell that you were still shaken up but a lot calmer than before, so he traced random shapes onto the back of your hand as you sat in silence. 
“Do you wanna head inside now?” He asked after a while and you shook your head, lifting your joined hands and pressing the back of his against your cheek. 
“No, I don’t want to let go of you right now,” you answered and he felt his heart swoon in his chest. 
Bradley smiled over at you and unbuckled his seatbelt, shifting so his seat was pushed back a bit. You understood what he was doing without him even telling you as you unbuckled your own seatbelt and crawled over the center console and into his lap. 
His hands settle on your waist as you press your body against his, a content hum slipping past your lips. “Is this better?” He teased, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he held you closer to him. Truthfully, he wasn’t any better than you; he needed to hold you like this as much as you needed to be held. 
“A little,” you hummed, nuzzling your nose against the side of his neck where his scars are. “I just need to be close to you right now.”
Bradley pressed countless kisses to your face and jaw as you settled against him. “I need it, too,” he confessed, his words muffled against your skin. 
He loved holding you like this and having you in his arms. He loved you; how could he possibly risk losing it just to get back at his dad’s best friend?
You wordlessly lift your head and cling onto the front of his flight suit, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you give a slow roll of your hips. 
Bradley bit back a moan as his hold on your waist tightened a bit, his eyes widening. “Baby-”
“How close do you need to be?” You asked in a sultry voice that had him growing hard almost instantly. 
He lifted his head from where it ended up against your shoulder and looked at you, seeing how your eyes shifted from longing to a more intense emotion. “As close as possible,” he managed to say in a deep voice before pressing his lips to yours. 
You kiss him back immediately, moaning against his lips as you slowly begin grinding against him. “Baby,” you echoed his affectionate pet name as you deepened the kiss. Bradley let out a breathless groan when he pulled away and buried his face against the side of your neck as you rode his lap in the driveway. “Do you like this?” You asked, knowing damn well that he does. He was still reeling from what happened today, so it didn’t take much for him to get hard for you, and it didn’t take much for him to be a whining mess because of you. 
“God, yes,” he groaned, the sound coming from the back of his throat, a deep growl. 
“Do you want me to keep doing this?” You continued with your questions, and he knew exactly where you were taking this. 
But he would always willingly give in to you. “Yes,” he nods, holding your hips tighter as you move on top of him. “Please, don’t stop…please.”
You smiled at the way you had easily made him a begging mess for you, your lips connecting with his in a surprisingly sweet kiss. “Then promise me that you will never be reckless like you were today ever again,” and there it was, the place he knew you were getting to the second you lifted your head and gave him that look. 
Bradley huffed out groans as you leaned in and kissed all up his neck, nipping at certain places as you went. “I promise, I won’t be reckless again,” he said against the skin below your ear, his hands sliding up your back as you shifted on his lap. 
“Good,” you praised and he thrusted up against you without being able to stop himself. 
He was sure his fingers were leaving bruises on the skin of your waist as he helped guide the roll of your hips. “God, you feel so good, baby,” he rasped against the smooth skin of your neck, his breathing picking up with each passing second. 
“Are you close?” You asked, a hint of teasing in your voice, but the desperation and need easily overpowered it. 
Bradley nodded quickly, actually whimpering as you ground your hips against his. “I’m so close,” he whispered, his voice low and deep and desperate for you. “You take such good care of me, baby.”
You smile and kiss him, trailing your hands through his hair and tugging on it. 
He moaned loudly, feeling his body begin to tense up at your touch.  Each roll of your hips was met with a thrust of his as he met you halfway, trying to get as close to you as he could. “Please,” he said against your lips. “Oh, fuck, please.”
You whined into his mouth, pulling away to softly demand, “Come for me, baby,”
Bradley’s head tilted back as his body stilled, his grip on you impossibly tight as he pulled your body close to his. “Fuck,” he grunted as his body shuddered slightly from the feeling of his high ripping through him. 
You tug on his hair before smoothing it out, pressing a loving kiss to his temple afterwards. “Did that feel good?” 
There was another question you knew the answer to already, but he’d never not give you it anyway. “Yeah,” he breathed out, dropping his head to look back at you. “So good.”
You firmly take his chin in your thumb and index finger. “Never scare me like how you did today, or I swear you’ll never see me again,” you said, only half serious as you brush your nose against his. 
Bradley quickly shakes his head, lifting his hands to tuck your messy strands of hair behind your ears. “I won’t, I’m sorry, I promise I won’t,” he rambled, the high he felt from you being better than anything else. “I’m sorry.” He repeats and pulls you into his arms again as he tries to regain control of his breathing. 
“Okay,” you said quietly, kissing him softly. 
“I love you,” he whispered, unable to stop the smile from forming on his lips because, at the end of the day, he had you to keep him grounded - even when he fucked up sometimes. 
You give him a final kiss before returning his smile. “I love you, too,”
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manwrre · 2 days
what’s your favorite ship and why is it a feral blonde with anger/daddy/mommy issues and a brunette who tries (but fails) to keep him on a leash?
OR alternatively, psycho, killing machine brunette and his moral compass and handler blonde?
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sophiencl · 1 day
I'm in desperate need of new icemav fics. I remember when we used to get like twenty new fics a day, and now we only get one every couple of days.
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torchflies · 3 days
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This one’s gonna be a doozy, folks! 🧡💛
“Here’s the thing, the view from base camp is way better than reaching the summit. The best outcome would be leaving the mountain entirely. But you can't do that.
Still, base camp’s nice.
You can live a whole life at base camp.
Or: Jake’s survived nine years of brutal treatment, two kinds of cancer and a stem cell transplant — so, a bit of flak and a broken heart is nothing really.”
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pix-dust · 22 hours
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This plane movie has me on a grip 🛩️
Here's some sketches
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All of Me
Part 10
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: A missed turn is the start of something more.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, teasing, femdom, orgasm delay/edging, use of a makeshift gag, honor bondage, oral (m receiving), ass play, a little exhibitionism, talks of blood/medical stuff.
“So…” Jake sets the cruise control once he gets on the highway, “you like-like me, huh?”
“You were awake? The whole time?!” You laugh and smack his arm when he nods with a smug smirk. “You ass!”
“I know,” he agrees. “I’m sorry. I was going to make it known, but then…I didn’t want to embarrass Drew.”
You nod and take a deep breath as your stomach flips like you’re on a roller coaster.
Here goes nothing.
“I do like you, Jake. More than a friend.”
“You already know I like you too. More than a friend,” he grins, “and Drew was right. I’ll do everything in my power to never hurt either of you.”
“Okay,” you whisper as you try not to cry. Again.
In the comfortable silence of the car, your eyes close as your thoughts drift to one of the last verbal conversations you had with Andy before he lost his ability to speak.
The sun was just coming up when you got home from a 24-hour shift at the hospital. Utterly exhausted at 7 months pregnant, you crawled in next to Andy in his hospital bed.
“Hey,” he says, lips twitching in his attempt to smile.
“Hi,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead before laying your head on his thin shoulder.
“How’s my boy?” He asks, his speech slow and slurred and getting worse by the day.
“Good,” you answer, rubbing a hand over your swollen belly, “sleeping now after he danced all night on my bladder.”
“Tired himself out,” Andy replies. “So. I’ve been thinking.”
“Yeah? Did you hurt yourself?” You tease, giggling at his exaggerated sigh.
“I was thinking when I die,” he continues, making your heart squeeze painfully in your chest, “that you and Bradshaw should get together.”
“What?!” You nearly shout as you try to sit up, but you struggle with your pregnant belly in the way.
You knew ALS could change his thinking and behavior but this is way out of left field.
When you finally can get up enough to turn and look at him, he’s shaking with silent laughter.
“What the hell?!” You ask, unable to keep from laughing too. “I thought you lost your damn mind.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he explains when you lay back down on his chest. You commit to memory the steady beat of his heart for a few minutes before he continues. “I do want you to be happy though.”
“Andy…” your voice breaks with the tears filling your eyes. Dating is the last thing on your mind right now with being pregnant and married. Even though he’s dying.
“I know,” he answers, reading your mind. You reach back and pull his arm around you when you feel it trying to move at your back. “But someday, you might want to; and it’s okay.”
“Okay,” you whisper, unconvinced. “No one could ever replace you though.”
“If you say so,” he teases softly.
“Will you send me a sign?” You half-jokingly ask a few minutes later. Your eyes are closed, lids too heavy from exhaustion to open.
“If I ever date again. Send me a sign from heaven,” you reply sleepily with a yawn. “So I know you approve.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he chuckles as sleep pulls you under.
A sad smile (as Drew would say) graces your face as you come back to the present. You slowly blink your eyes open to the sound of Jake’s voice.
“I hate Apple Maps,” he grumbles, trying to zoom out on the screen. “Never told me to turn and now it’s re-routing us.”
“Yep,” you agree, pulling out your phone. “Same thing happens to me all the time. I’ll try pulling it up on mine.”
Jake’s low whistle has you looking up a moment later.
“Look at all those flowers,” he says, nodding his head to your side of the car.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur.
To your right is a field with row after row full of yellow flowers.
Jake wordlessly turns into the driveway at the end of the field, parking the car near a small shop. It’s closed but there’s a note stuck to the door stating, “Sorry, we’re closed! Feel free to look but please don’t pick the flowers so everyone can enjoy them.”
“Daffodils,” you realize as you walk closer to the edge of the field, Jake at your side. “Wow. I’ve never seen so many.”
“Me either,” Jake murmurs, lacing in his fingers in yours.
You walk down the aisles hand in hand, enjoying the soft sounds and calmness of nature that you don’t often get to experience when living in the city.
At the very end of the last row, there’s a sign. A peculiar, almost precognitive feeling has your heart beating faster with each step as the two of you draw nearer to it.
Symbolizing both hope and resilience, daffodils are strong, little things that manage to survive long, dark winters; waiting to pop up with a fresh start and renewal that spring brings.
Let this be a sign to not let fear hold you back and to embrace new beginnings with open arms.
The words have tears spilling from your eyes as Jake reads them out loud.
“Oh my God,” you say and a laugh escapes despite your tears.
Well, you did ask Andy to send a sign. You didn’t mean literally but you’ll take it.
“What?” He turns to you, concern furrowing his brow when he sees you’re crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you whisper as he turns your chin toward him so he can wipe your tears. “I don’t even know how to explain it but I’ll try in the car. Ready to go?”
“I know it’s probably just a coincidence,” you murmur after relaying the memory to Jake, now feeling a bit vulnerable.
“Thinking of that specific memory, missing our turn, ending up at a field full of flowers that symbolize hope and resilience, and then seeing that sign?” Jake says, glancing at you before looking back to the road “Feels like more than a coincidence to me.”
“Me too,” you smile softly and place your hand over his. “So Jake, will you be my boyfriend?”
You pick up food on the way home for an early dinner before spending the rest of the evening in bed. It’s different than before; softer, unhurried, and more intimate after the emotional
“Do you want me to stay?” Jake asks after cleaning you up as his fingers play in your hair. His appetite for you is sated; at least for now.
“Yeah,” you reply, nuzzling into his chest, “if you want to. I’m on call tomorrow starting at 8, but I don’t have anything else planned.”
“I do want to,” he says, already sounding tired. “What do you have to do when you’re on call?”
“Not much. I just have to answer my phone if it rings and give the nurse orders or talk to the patient,” you explain, unable to stifle a yawn.
“I’ll keep you company then,” he replies as he drifts off.
“Mmkay,” you mumble before succumbing to sleep too.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Jake whispers before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smile at the use of a pet name, slowly blinking your eyes open as you stretch, feeling more rested than you have in a long time. “Morning. What time is it?”
“Ten to 8,” he replies, handing you a cup of coffee. “I wanted to let you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I haven’t slept that good in a long time,” you say, noticing the lack of sun coming through your curtains. “Is it raining?”
“Yeah, I checked this morning. It’s supposed to last all day,” he replies, settling next to you. “It’s nice and sunny up by Drew though.”
“Good,” you smile into your coffee cup. “On the bright side, we won’t have to feel guilty about spending all day in bed now.”
“True,” he agrees, setting your coffee on the nightstand before returning for a kiss. He guides the tee shirt you stole from him over your head before pulling you down with him.
Goosebumps follow your fingers trailing over his chest and he sighs into the kiss when you find his nipple.
You love how responsive he is to your touch and it reminds you of the package under your bed that arrived earlier this week.
“Hey, I ordered…something to try,” you say breathlessly before kissing a line down his neck. “I think you’ll like it.”
“Mmm, what is it?” He asks breathlessly as his hips press into you, precum already staining the front of his boxer-briefs.
You lift off him to dig through your bedside drawer, finding your black satin sleep mask and holding it up.
“Let me surprise you?” You ask, nodding to the mask.
His eyes darken as he nods.
You cover his eyes and reach for the box under your bed, setting it next to him while you gather everything else you need before crawling over the bed to him.
“Keep your hands here,” you murmur as you pull his arms above his head to grip the headboard.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies breathily, flushed already.
“Always so good for me,” you purr, leaving a kiss on his lips. He chases it with a whine when you pull away.
“You can tell me to stop at any time, and I will, okay?” You say as you kiss a path down his eager body before settling between his legs.
He nods before hissing when you suddenly suck sharply on his hip bone, leaving a dark bruise. “I can’t hear you nod.”
“Y-yes ma’am. Sorry ma’am,” he replies shakily, sounding fucked out already and you’ve barely touched him.
“Fuck!” He cries when you suck the head of his cock into your mouth without warning.
You hum around him as your head lazily bobs up and down his shaft, pausing only to place a generous dollop of lube on your finger.
“Oh,” he breathes when your index finger presses his rim, circling the right ring of muscle before pressing in. You smile as he opens his legs a little further before bringing them up to give you better access.
Your mouth goes back to his cock as your finger works in and out of his hole, occasionally brushing his prostate to keep him on edge. “Can I add another?”
“Yeah-I mean, yes ma’am,” he stutters, correcting himself before you can.
The thick muscles of his arms flex and another breathy curse leaves him as you slowly push two fingers in.
“You’re taking it so well,” you praise, rewarding him with a touch to his prostate as you lick the precum beading at the tip before swallowing him to the back of your throat.
“Fuu-ckk,” he says brokenly, clenching around your fingers as his hips jerk.
You swallow again before pulling back, smiling at his frustrated whine before doing it again and again, bringing him to the edge over and over until he’s begging.
“Please, ma’am, please let me cum?” He whines when you pull off again.
“Not yet,” you murmur as you remove your fingers from him to pick up the toy and coat it with more lube.
“What…is that?” He gasps, flinching when he feels the cool silicone pressing against his sensitive rim.
“A prostate massager,” you reply, pushing it in when he relaxes. “Feel okay?”
“Yeah,” he replies, shifting his hips and sucking in a breath at the feeling.
You haven’t told him it vibrates.
“Good, I’ll be right back, just gonna wash my hands quick,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Your phone rings as you walk back into the room from the en suite.
“Damn it,” you mumble when you see your work number. “Hang on, hopefully it won’t take long.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies, cock still hard and dripping precum into his stomach.
“Hi, this is Dr. Kerner,” you answer, sitting next to him on the bed.
“Hey, it’s Shannon. I’ve got Lt. Luke Thompson, date of birth: 2/21/1991 calling with a nosebleed that started this morning when he woke up, no known injury, not on any blood thinners…”
He gasps when you reach over and start stroking him idly as you listen to her give report.
“Sounds good,” you say when she’s finished, “You can put him through.”
“Okay-shoot, we got disconnected. I’ll call him back and transfer him to him,” she says.
“Thanks,” you reply, hitting the red button to end the call.
“Can you stay quiet for me while I’m on the phone?” You ask, still stroking him.
“I-I’ll try ma’am,” he breathes.
“Mmm, I don’t know if I can trust that,” you reply. He whimpers when your hand leaves his cock, but he can’t see that you’re removing your underwear. “This outta do it. Open your mouth.”
He shudders but does as asked, groaning when you stuff the lacy fabric in his mouth.
“If you want me to stop, just let go of the headboard, okay?” You ask as your phone starts to ring again.
He nods eagerly as you swipe to answer it.
“Hi, Lt. Thomson? I’m Dr. Kerner. So you’ve got a bloody nose that started when you got up this morning. What time was that?”
“A little less than an hour ago,” the patient replies nasally as you pick up the toy’s remote.
“Okay, so I want you to pinch your nostrils shut and lean forward,” you instruct as you click on the vibration to the lowest setting.
Jake’s entire body jolts at the sensation, his sound of pleasure muted by the makeshift gag.
“Yeah forward. I know it sounds weird, but it’ll go down your throat and upset your stomach if you tilt your head back,” you continue on autopilot as arousal pools between your thighs.
The muscles in Jake’s arms strain further as his grip tightens, and his heels dig into the mattress with a muffled curse when you click it again. He shakes his head and it sounds like he’s trying to say “I can’t”.
Yet his hands don’t let go.
“Are you feeling dizzy at all? Lightheaded?” You ask, struggling to keep your voice even as you watch this big, strong man struggle under your control
“Okay good. Stay like that for another 10 minutes or so,” you continue. “If it doesn’t stop, you’ll have to go to urgent care to get it packed or cauterized”
Jake’s entire body shakes as he fights the urge to give in to the pleasure.
You end the call as you click it to the highest setting and watch as he unravels.
The fabric shoved in his mouth is does little to muffle his uninhibited, throaty groans as his hips flex, cock twitching as stripes of cum paint the valleys and ridges of his abs.
A/N: So, they’re officially official! What did you think of the literal sign Andy sent? Also, while looking up flowers that symbolize hope/resilience I found some daffodil farms in California and now I want to go there 😂
I’m also aware this was super inappropriate of Reese to do this while on the phone with a patient. This is purely fictional/fun and I do not condone this IRL!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist!
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military-newsboys · 3 days
Mav: Thanks for your help, Tom. Ice: Don't say anything, I don't want credit in case it goes wrong. Mav: Yeah, that's smart, given my track record.
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vivwritesfics · 23 hours
A shitty relationship with a homophobic asshole and she doesn't know who she is. For three years it remain unaddressed, until her current boyfriends both come home with pink, purple and blue flags painted in their cheeks
I got emotional about shit that happened last year so wrote myself a short comfort blurb
warnings: Shitty relationship, homophobia
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I had been, what, three years since her shitty fucking relationship. In those three years she's met the love of her life. And then she'd met the other love of her life.
Three years since she left that asshole. She knew who she was before she met him, but she'd lost that girl somewhere. Those things she loved to do, they'd been lost.
She had been bisexual before him. Or, she'd been attracted to more than a single gender. But he had put a stop to that rather quickly. She hadn't even noticed it was happening. But that asshole was incredibly homophobic, and she wasn't allowed to be bi around him.
Soon that bled into all areas of her life, but that was because she was constantly around him, not allowed out of his site.
It was something she hadn't addressed since they broke out. Something she hadn't addressed since she met Bob, since they pulled Bradley into their relationship.
Truthfully she hadn't thought about it. They were all navigating how to love more than one person in equal shares. Through all of that, she hadn't expected Pride Month to come about to quickly. Even when it did come about, she didn't notice.
But then Bob and Bradley came tumbling through the doors, a little bit drunk and with the bi flag painted on both of their cheeks. They were stumbling over each other, lazily kissing as they laid on the couch beside their girl.
"Hi, pretty girl," said Bradley as Bob kissed his cheek, smudging the flag painted on his cheek by Natasha.
Immediately she put her book down and began moving her fingers through Bradley's hair. "Hey, guys. What's all this?" She asked as Bob reached up to kiss her.
Suddenly he was on the floor, giggling to himself as Bradley reached to pull him up. "We officially came out today," he said, his head falling against her knee. "You got two, sexy, bisexual boys on your hands!"
She didn't start crying right away. But she couldn't hold back the floodgates for long. "Fuck," She whispered as she wiped at her eyes.
As soon as she started crying Bob and Bradley were on their feet, sitting on either side of her. "Woah, sweetness," Bob whispered as he pulled her into his side, Bradley's fingers pushing her hair back and scratching at her scalp. "What's all this?"
She hadn't told them about him, about that homophobic asshole, hadn't told them about her sexuality. She should have, could have (they wouldn't have judged), but something was stopping her. And she hated it.
It was too much to get out while she was crying. So, simply, she just said, "I'm bi, too," she whispered as Bradley moved his fingers up and down her back.
The boys looked at each other. They looked back down at their girl, still trying to comfort her as much as they could. "Well, that's great, pretty girl," Bradley said as he pulled her legs into his lap.
But, clearly, there was something else going on. "Sweetness," Bob tried, pressing his lips to her head. "Wanna tell us why you're crying?"
She nodded her head, but it wasn't coming out. Not yet, but she'd try again when she calmed down, she knew.
Bradley suddenly pushed her legs off of him. "Roos," Bob called as their boyfriend stood up.
"Give me a minute!" Bradley called back as he rushed off to their shared bedroom.
A minute later, he emerged again, one of her eyeshadow pallets and her put of makeup brushes in hand. "Which one do I need to use, baby?" He asked her as he knelt down in front of her.
Her tears had stopped, brows furrowing as she looked at him. But she selected the brush she usually used to do her eyeshadow.
Suddenly, Bradley took hold of her face. He held her still as he moved the brush over her skin, placing the eyeshadow on her cheek. Bob watched, a fond smile on his face as Bradley worked.
He wasn't good at it. But, when he was done, he shut the lid of the pallet and pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of her. "There," he said as he placed his phone in her lap, letting her see his handiwork.
It was a mess of colour, but it was an attempt. Bob and Bradley had dainty, cute bi flags on their cheeks, but hers was huge. It was massive, and it was beautiful.
"Now we're matching," Bob said as he swiped his thumb over the flag, neatening up the edges.
She kissed him quickly, the kiss thanking him for how he had been comforting her. And then she flung forward, throwing herself into Bradley's arms, kissing him everywhere but his flags.
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beezelarts · 3 days
Okay, so we can all agree that Hangster is that kind of couple that shares their sets of pyjamas. The question is who would wear the t-shirts and who would wear the pants. I can't decide, so here's a poll.
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