#level up tips
windonthewaters · 7 months
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ash-says · 1 month
Hey Girl, Tired of Being Told to "Be Nice"? ‍
Forget the sugar and spice, it's time for some fire and ice! This ain't your mama's self-help blog. Here, we ditch the damsels in distress routine and learn to be the queens of our own damn castles.
Remember the following mantra's while interacting with this blog:
"Kill or get Killed."
"Be Pretty. Be Petty."
We're all about unleashing your inner boss babe and conquering your goals with a side of sass. Here's a taste of what you'll find on this hot mess of a blog:
1. You are your own saviour.
Survival 101
Tips for Dysfunctional Family Girlies Part 1
Tips for Dysfunctional Family Girlies Part 2
Saviour Complex Fever
Tried and tested Manipulation Techniques
2. Quit Being Basic, Get Iconic
Mini steps towards being independent
Devil may care- A guide on being unbothered
Tips on how to be Goody Two Shoes and Pure in the society's eyes
Be Bold. Be Shallow
Being Audacious
The vicious cycle of Needs, Wants and Demands
The Art of People-Pleasing and how to Fail at it
Corporate Tips
Things to be aware as a hopeless romantic
22 highlights for the next year for me and you
3. Mic Drop Talk
Tips to improve People Skills/ Being more Charismatic
Practicing Tact and Open mindedness
Listening techniques
Handling curiosity so the cat doesn't gets killed
Hush Hush Honey
Tips on how to dodge personal questions in a Professional Setting
4. Mind Over Matter
Cheating Anxiety With Me
Exercise and staying fit
How to tackle Fragmented Sleep/ Sleep disruptions
5. Siren School
Being in touch with your sensuality
How to feel sexy instead of cute
6. Opinion Time
Opinion Time 1
Opinion Time 2
Opinion Time 3
7. Random Motivation
Motivation 1
Motivation 2
Motivation 3
Motivation 4
Motivation 5
Motivation 6
Is that Britney Spears ,"Gimme more" playing in the background??
I know you'll be coming back for more like a moth to a flame.
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
how to create a leveling up/dream girl/rebranding plan 🤍🍸🖤
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establish your aesthetic
first thing’s first, you need to know where you want to go in life and what is your “aesthetic”? do you want to be giving “classy, businesswoman”? what about “nyc socialite”? of course these are just examples, but you should know what type of girl you want to embody. remember, you don’t have to fit a narrative, but you should have a general “aesthetic” that you want to be associated with. even if it’s 50 million different aesthetics, it’s whatever makes you, you.
visualize yourself/life
get inspired by making a vision board (physical or digital) and add to your board (if digital) daily. i find that this helps you stay in alignment with where you want to be in the future. you have to stay in that frequency and remind yourself of what’s next to come… because this new life is what’s next to come.
start with habits
please refer to my “starting your leveling up journey” post, but basically— you should create 1-3 habits for each of your goals and work on them until they become second nature. then when you’re ready, start implementing more habits that are aligned with your goals.
create routines with your habits
can you incorporate some of these new habits into a morning or evening routine? we all know that routines are important— they almost become our personalities and they set the tone for the day and night, and even the next day. for me, i know i’m only inspired to exercise in the morning around 10am, so exercise is part of my morning routine.
create daily + weekly goals
let’s say part of your journey is learning a new language. a daily goal could be learning one new vocabulary word in that language. your weekly goal could be knowing the alphabet in that language. use this method for all of your goals.
don’t overwhelm yourself with goals, routines, and habits
start slow; don’t overwhelm yourself. if you want to work on one goal at a time, then work on that one goal. burnout is real and it’s very hard to get back into the swing of things afterwards. i understand most of us are impatient when we just want to be a different version of ourselves, but it’s going to take some adjusting. i suggest not working on more than 3 things at once, but if you can work on more, go ahead
be a part of a community to keep you accountable
tumblr and facebook groups in my opinion are the best ways you can connect with other women who are working on the same thing. you can inspire one another, bounce ideas off of one another, and it’s super fun. you might want to even document your journey online.
set milestones and have a reward system
let’s say you would like to lose or gain weight, no matter the number, focus on 5-10 pound increments. when each milestone is successfully completed, reward yourself with something nice. maybe it’s getting your nails done, or splurging on a product that everyone on tiktok keeps talking about. apply this to any of your goals where there are milestones to get to.
don’t waste the day
you should not have any “zero days” meaning… you should be doing at least one thing everyday to reach a goal(s) you have. it doesn’t matter if one goal was to maintain a more organized, clean environment— do your dishes, set the trash out, clean up the hair from the bathroom sink, etc.
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sk-lumen · 5 months
Dark femininity literally transformed my life. You can call it what you want, it's simply about embracing your darkness, letting go of "being too much" or not being "perfect". It's about setting boundaries. It's giving yourself permission to be authentic, passionate, beautifully imperfect and raw, falling shamelessly in love with yourself, and most important of all, being fiercely protective of yourself (your inner child, your vulnerability, your softness).
Ladies, you need that edge, that boundary. Without it, you're an overflowing ocean that can be easily scattered or exploited. The only way to preserve your softness is learn how to be your own guardian first and foremost; because it's not possible nor healthy to always depend on others to do it for you.
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being-addie · 1 year
Making your phone useful🤍
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If you're like me, you're going to want to have a phone that is pretty, functional, and productive to the max. We've gotten so obsessed with our phones, mindlessly scrolling, most people don't even realize how they can make they are spending around 3 months a year on their phones (say 6 hrs a day, which used to be my screen time!)
Here I'll be covering some tips to declutter your phone and apps to help boost productivity.
Clean out your gallery:
Delete old screenshots, accidental pictures of the floor or wall, ones with bad lighting, etc. Empty the bin once you're done. You'll get more storage and a cleaner photo gallery.
Delete apps you no longer use:
You know the ones. The apps you downloaded to try out but never bothered to delete? Yeah. Get rid of them. Remove apps that sit unused like Solitaire, etc.
Delete social media:
You heard me. Delete. Your. Social. Media. Especially if you have an addiction. I had the worst Instagram addiction 5 months ago and decided to end it after flunking my math exam. I'm not saying delete your account. Just log out, and delete the apps from your phone. This will prevent mindless scrolling and make way for more productive things to fill your time with. Reinstall the apps once you have more control over yourself.
⭐Productive apps⭐
Duolingo: Learn a language
Sudoku: Good to increase focus
Lithium: E-reader app for mobile phones.
Notion: Vast app for organization
Study Bunny: Study time tracker
Habitica/Habit Rabbit: Habit trackers
Samsung Notes: Amazing note-taking app (on par with Goodnotes in my opinion)
C25K (Couch to 5K): Really helps if you want to run marathons easily.
Flo: Period Tracker
Water Time Tracker and Reminder: Cute graphics to remember to drink your water
Our phones are mines of information, and if used correctly, you can jump miles ahead of the people running in circles on social media, digesting the same content. Delete things that no longer serve you and see how your life and mental health improve. I believe in you. xoxo
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belleame333 · 1 year
small things that make a difference.
these are some simple things i've implemented in my daily life that generally have really helped me. enjoy xx
waking up earlier
drinking more water
cleaning your makeup brushes more often
doing yoga and meditating
doing a dopamine detox
disconnecting once in a while
going for a walk or hike
dry brushing
investing in hair and skin care
practicing better posture
changing your sheets weekly
cleaning after yourself
being alone once in a while
getting fresh air
learning new hobbies
being mindful of the media you consume
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“Who/What causes you to lose allure?”
If you don’t like cussing, sorry. Your future isn’t guaranteed and we don’t have time to wait for the perfect moment.
The Who’s
Negative bitches. Negative bitches can come in the form of mothers, relatives, besties, and acquaintances. In some cases, they can be well intentioned, but they’ll never understand your lifestyle choices if they aren’t in it themselves. Negative bitches will make you shoot yourself in the foot through sabotage, feeding you doubt through the guise of “caring about you”, and talk about how they never did that and they’re still fine. They want to throw you off track so they won’t feel embarrassed or left behind.
Uninspired persons. The people who want to grow with you by attaching themselves to your hip, and literally copying everything you do. If you do 100 jumping jacks in the morning, they’ll do 101 and take credit for it first if they succeed.
Level up buddies that gave up on leveling up. When you’re on your journey or generally growing your independence, you’ll realize that you can’t afford what you always want to do and staying in your current position ain’t getting you nowhere. Having colleagues that became complacent isn’t helpful to you or them, so dissociate or send them packing.
Comfort zone friends. Comfort zone friends can be the same as negative bitches, except they can become proactive if they view you as a mutual, instead of as a frenemy. Comfort zone friends can also be childhood friends, relationships that you run back to when they ran their course, acquaintances, and placeholders.
Comparison heauxs. The name is literally their description: bitter heauxs that always feel the need to compare themselves and you to their/your progress. They always try to humble you but copy your habits at the same time since they can’t trust themselves.
Unsolicited advisors. Unsolicited advisors like giving advice and comparing their progress at your age to theirs. Their desired results are attention, praise and appreciation for unwanted advice, but I ask if they want a cookie for giving an opinion no one cared about. If they’re people you can’t avoid, ask them questions that have no benefit to your mission.
The What’s
Telling your business on the first visit.
Exposing your routines, private life.
Telling your favorite habits [to heaux’s that’ll switch up on you if given a chance]. If you love singing and the heaux is mad at you, guess what? Your voice sucks and you sound like a dying goat. Love your pretty nose? Guess what’s being attacked first in a fight.
Telling your plans to anyone who’ll listen.
Taking advice from people TO HEART who haven’t experienced what you do. It’s taking medicine you don’t need, but convinced yourself enough that you’re sick. My confidence is the highest it’s been, and I now understand why low esteem people would take advice or criticism from people who’d never liked them.
Giving up after you put in the work required, because “your plan said I could do this in 6 months” but it’s 6.1 months later.
Revealing who you are to someone who didn’t put in the work to know you.
Living for other people.
Living through other people.
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cherriontopp · 5 months
My Ins and Outs
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Pilates, Celery juice, Gel nails, library to study, Clean scents, Barre, Travel, Less screen time, Grattitude
Smoking, sleepless nights, Being unorganised, Overspending, skipping self-care days, Forgetting to take vitamins/ medication
Keeping it simple and sweet xx
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lonely-l1lypad · 2 months
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭.
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Here are some points I suggest everyone on a self-improvement journey should read and think about, whether you are just starting or if you are well into your journey<3
These are things I've thought about for a while, and I tried to keep them as concise as possible. If you want me to expand further on anything or need advice, you are more than welcome to send me an ask!
You can’t hate yourself into something you love.
For you to actually become a version of yourself that you love, you have to love the version of yourself that you started with. I can’t stress this enough – you can’t hate yourself into something you love. You have to start trying to love the original version of you, with all your faults and imperfections. Even if you think you’re fat and ugly. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying to be a better version of yourself, but that doesn’t mean you have to hate the old version. If you start your self-improvement journey hating yourself, and all you can think about is trying to become this romanticized version of yourself that you have in your head, I guarantee you that you will still hate yourself no matter what you do. In your mind you will still be the first version of yourself that you hated. You have to try loving the first version of yourself. You have to put in the work from day one. It’s not going to be easy, and it might take some time, but you owe it to yourself. At the end of the day, you’re the only person you can depend on. If you can’t love your appearance, try loving yourself for what’s in your heart and your brain. Love yourself for trying to be healthier, for showing up for yourself and others, for being kind, for being a good person, and so on. You are so much more than your appearance. Please start trying to love yourself.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
This might seem like the most obvious thing ever, but you’d be surprised how many people expect to see results while putting in zero work. For something to change, you actually have to change something. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic, in the beginning it can be something that seems very insignificant. What matters is that you do something. Find the area of your life you’re most desperate to change and find one little thing you can do to improve it. And remember, be realistic about it – if you want to work out more, don’t let your first goal be to work out for an hour every day. This relates more to my third point, but again – you have to change something, whether it is your routine, mindset, or something else, for you to see change in your life.
Take little baby steps – a little is better than nothing.
You cannot wake up one day, decide to change everything about yourself, and expect your new routine to stick. We are creatures of habit, and everyone who has had a sudden extreme change in their life knows how difficult it is, regardless of whether the change was for good or for bad. That is why taking baby steps is so important. I recommend you try to find out, through journaling or whatever your preferred method of self-reflection is, what you want to change, what you want to improve. Then you find a small thing you can do in each area, or even just one, that you can try to start doing. One little thing. One little thing that you can actually commit to and manage to do every day, or at least regularly. When you’ve actually managed to change your routine, and implemented a new habit, you can find something else, something a little bigger, to do. By doing it this way, and not implementing drastic changes from the beginning, you’re setting yourself up for success. If you make unrealistic expectations for yourself, you’re only going to be disappointed in yourself and lose all motivation.
To expand on the example I gave in my last point: if your goal is to start working out, and you expect yourself to suddenly workout for an hour every day, you’re going from zero to a hundred. Your first goal should be to do something almost every day, and that something can be a 5-minute stretch one day, and a 10-minute walk another day. That’s much more sustainable and realistic. Once you get into the habit of doing that, you can start setting higher expectations for yourself.
Fake it till you make it.
You won’t suddenly wake up one day with amazing confidence. By now we’ve all probably heard about Beyonce’s alter ego Sasha Fierce, but truly, there is something to it. You don’t have to create an alter ego for yourself, but you do have to embody the qualities you wish to have. If you want to become a confident person, you have to pretend to be one, even if your knees are shaking and you’re terrified. These qualities you wish to have aren’t something you suddenly gain, they are something you train yourself into. Think of them like muscles. If you want to squat a hundred kilos, you won’t get there overnight, you have to train squats with heavy weights. For you to be a confident person, you have to practise and pretend you already are one. Maybe not the best analogy, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. In every situation you are in, act as the person you want to become, until acting like that person is your second nature.
Stop worrying if other people like you – do you like them?
Instead of worrying if people like you or not, start asking yourself whether you like them. There’s a saying – “you can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will always be someone who hates peaches.” No matter how good of a person you are, how nice, how kind, how wonderful you are – there are people who just won’t like you, not matter what. And you should not care about that. It is exhausting to try to be a person everyone likes, and it is quite frankly not possible. Stop trying to impress everyone and start asking yourself if you like them. For the longest time I was sad when a group of girls I know didn’t invite me to their parties, until I had a realisation that I literally don’t like them. I wanted to be “cool enough” to get an invitation, but I didn’t think about the fact that if I did get an invitation, I would be miserable the whole time because I don’t like them. Start living for yourself. Make decisions on your own terms and for yourself, and not to please other people who don’t care or like you anyway. Living for yourself and not caring about what other people think is almost like a superpower.
That's it for now, thank you so much for reading<3
Love, Lily
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windonthewaters · 8 months
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ash-says · 25 days
22 highlights for the next year for me and you:
1) Never trust a person who tells you other people's secrets even after them knowing they shouldn't. Yours aren't safe either.
2) Grooming changes the way you are perceived on a 360 degree.
3) Fake it till you make it but the making should be happening in the now simultaneously.
4) Multiple personalities always to the rescue but never forget the base. Change the sauce not the crust babe.
5) A colleague is always a colleague. Never a friend not on the job at least.
6) Surviving is your karmic duty. Are you thriving? That's where the real thing sets in.
7) Mental, spiritual, emotional health over anything and anyone.
8) Believe in God blindly. Have a strong belief system.
9) Play by ear on social media. Do it smartly. It's important to keep relevance and be on the trends in today's society especially if you are in a field like me.
10) People lie all the time. So trust with discretion.
11) No matter how low your personal life might be it shouldn't spill over in your professional life and vice versa.
12) Every man's love language is a physical touch. Don't be fooled.
13) A no is a no. Never a potential yes. Make sure you stick to your no's to keep them relevant in the market.
14) Make time for the things you love and enjoy. Don't let the creative in you suffocate.
15) Surround yourself with people that naturally bring out the good in you.
16) Being a little judgmental makes you stable. Too much open-mindedness leads to indecisiveness.
17) If he wanted he would.
18) Material, professional success takes you a long way.
19) Casual sex is bad both physically and emotionally.
20) Always wash your dirty laundry privately. Iykyk.
21) Save money but don't be stingy.
22) Do not let the burden of your past and others weigh over your present and future. Live as freely and wildly as possible. There's a reason we don't have a manual on how to live your life.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
Here's a small snippet from my b'day
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
ideas to work on during your self-improvement journey [that girl]
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1. body language— both reading and practicing (perfect for those of you who are verbally awkward)
2. being more exclusive with your time, effort, energy, and presence
3. finding a theme or mantra during your self development journey— it helps if you are someone that finds quotes and words helpful and as reminders
4. strengthening your life skills such as cooking, baking, cleaning, budgeting, shopping smart, self-defense, etc.
5. evaluating your boundaries and communicating your boundaries
6. not letting anxiety or depression become who you are and defining you as a person
7. learning how to enjoy being alone without feeling lonely
8. identifying self-destructive behaviors such as taking toxic exes back or self-sabotaging
9. becoming more bold with the actions you take towards something you really want aka going for it with your whole heart
10. not letting rejection hit you personally. it’s okay that we’re not a right fit for someone just like it’s okay when they’re not a right fit for us— that doesn’t mean we think horrible things about them and vice versa so stop taking rejection personally
11. not getting attached prematurely
12. not pushing anyone away once we feel like we’re becoming close
13. setting standards for yourself and who + what comes into your life
join my self-development membership page here that has dozens of free ebooks that i’ve purchased, 2.5 hours of leveling up audio content that i don’t post on tumblr, and the addition of weekly content uploaded every wednesday or thursday 🤍
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sk-lumen · 6 months
Pearls of wisdom from journaling & therapy
chasing people who ghost you, mistreat you, ignore you, is a trauma response. you're re-enacting a similar dynamic from your childhood in hopes that you can change the outcome and feel "fixed" or "worthy" of good treatment finally
you go for emotionally unavailable partners for one of 2 reasons: either your self esteem is too low and you think you don't deserve a healthy and reciprocal relationship; or you are protecting your heart by intentionally choosing someone you can't truly connect/resonate with, nor have to fully open up or get attached to
we are attracted to partners that in some way recreate the dynamic we had with our primary caregivers. ie. an emotionally unavailable parent can lead people to chase partners with avoidant attachment styles and/or emotionally unavailable
being obsessed or holding on to an ex, a situationship or unrequitted love of some kind is not always because you were "so in love with them". it's not about emotional attachment. it's about the mental attachment: to what they meant to you, how they made you feel, or a (often toxic) belief you associated with them, and by letting them go you feel you will lose some essential part of yourself (or self concept)
there is no wrong or right choice, it's about creating a foundation for yourself where you feel safe and strong enough to handle the consequences of either action. create a strong foundation within yourself, and you will achieve a newfound confidence and boldness in living the life you've always wanted, because you won't be afraid/anxious anymore of every little decision
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being-addie · 1 year
Sunday Resets
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Setting aside time for yourself is so important. I don't think people understand how vital it is to pay attention to your body and just take a day to let your body r-e-l-a-x. We're all so busy fighting to reach the top, that while climbing the corporate ladder, we lose ourselves somewhere along the way. Burnout, depression, and monotony come into play when we don't listen to our bodies telling us they need a break.
Once every two weeks or so, on a Sunday, I turn off all my notifications and have a day dedicated to me. Giving my body some TLC, resting and preparing for the next week. If I have plans on a Sunday, such as brunch or a meeting, I shift that day to Saturday, or at the very least, a day where I have at least 4-5 hours to spend leisurely.
Things I like to do on my Sunday resets:
Wake up early/sleep in: Depending on my mood, and how much sleep I've had during the week, I'll either be up at the crack of dawn or still in bed till it's nearly noon. There's no shame in staying in bed till 11:30 if you're particularly exhausted, but I recommend waking up at least before 11 AM because then you'll feel tired and groggy (of course, this doesn't apply to everyone)
Clean my room: I always make my bed without fail, and if my room is messy, then I'll clean it. Clean the vanity table, my desk, closet, art cupboard and bookshelf, and then the bathroom. If my mom needs help around the house, I do that too.
Food: I make myself a good breakfast, taking time to move around the kitchen and just breathe. I'm getting to eat good food, the sun is shining and I'm alive. It's great. Sometimes my dad cooks for the whole family and we just sit and eat together.
The Everything Shower: I take my Everything Shower on Sundays, where I wash my hair, deep condition, use a hair and face mask, exfoliate and do a face massage. I don't shave because I get my waxing done in a salon. I then slather myself in cocoa butter lotion and apply lip balm. Then do my hair routine (curly hair). It takes a few hours, but it's worth it.
The Next Week: I prep for the next week by cooking something I can take to my classes, like granola bars or homemade pita chips. I also sit down and plan my schedule (any dinners, meetings, parties, etc) and make a rough plan of my goals for the week, like assignments and deadlines.
Errands: I usually make a list of things I need to do during the week, like any specific separate groceries that I use, art supplies I'm low on, or needing to top up the air in my tyres. Then I go complete all of those in the afternoon.
Walks: In the evening, I take a walk around the block with a friend. I usually am too busy to do this during the week, so getting some fresh air is always a treat.
Relax: The rest of the evening is spent relaxing. I watch Netflix with my family, chat with my younger sister, read a novel/play the piano/write poetry. We have dinner together and then either watch a movie or just spend the time talking about our week, or the news. It's fun.
Double-check: Before I go to sleep, I make sure to double-check that my work is done, my bag is packed, clothes are folded and all my devices are charged. I'm in bed by 10:30 PM.
Remember that not all Sundays will be like this. Sometimes I'm extremely drained, so I'll sleep in, order food and just lay in bed recuperating. It's okay to take a rest day. This guide is if you want to be more productive, and it helps the week go smoother. Be the person who has their life in charge. You've got this.
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belleame333 · 1 year
small things that elevate your beauty.
some tips from yours truly on enhancing your physical appearance in inexpensive small ways. enjoy xx
groomed eyebrows make such a difference
clean, file, and apply clear nail polish to your nails for a clean and put-together look
use light makeup to enhance your features, not to try to cover them up or change them
drink more water - as cliche as that is it really helps your skin and is just good for you in general
dry brush before you shower, it's so helpful
brush your teeth at least twice a day, and if you can even thrice. also, invest in some whitening strips or use coconut oil
invest in affordable skin and haircare - you don't need super expensive products to have healthy skin and hair
try out new hairstyles every day (get inspo from pinterest, youtube, etc.)
work out, whether that is going to the gym, doing pilates, or trying out a new sport
always wear jewelry! gold jewelry makes every look come together. h&m is my go-to for cheap but pretty jewelry of decent quality
ALWAYS wear sunscreen, you'll have the best-looking skin even when you're older
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5 Things to Come to Terms With For Pretty Privilege, No Sugarcoating!
1. Your purpose/reasoning.
To fully acknowledge your beauty and its effects, the sooner you can manage it.
I had to stop convincing myself it’s a one-off occurrence and everyone experiences it, because it’s not true.
My purpose is to level up, work for myself without worrying about finances, and just being able to buy & live how I want, without sacrifice!
Identify yours.
💎💎 Beauty is a vehicle, be a fully loaded one!! 💎💎
2. The scary effects.
Overt beauty, like money and power, brings the best and worst out of people.
I no longer go out at night alone unless it’s to the neighborhood store because people are insane.
Your spatial awareness needs to be up to par.
You can pretend to be naive to its effects, if you are, until you have to be identified by a family member.
3. ✨✨ Having to toughen up. ✨✨
Wandering around bright eyed and bushy tailed will put the largest bounty on you.
If you’re already wearing your head on a swivel, you need 2 more heads.
Emotions will greatly intensify in your presence, so people will go out of their way to humble you, embarrass you publicly, take advantage and generally take you down a few notches because you’re a threat.
Being called a bitch, ugly, whore and shallow mean nothing to me.
😍 Bitch = beautiful, good on you for noticing! 😍
When you look really good and know it, there will be public displays of hatred & jealousy and times you’ll be uncomfortable by women trying to claim their significant other’s by making out in your airspace, announcing they’re taken, acting jealous and the like.
Form thicker skin, read between the lines, value your opinions over others, find others who can relate and level up your mindset to stay ahead.
4. ✨ Intelligence being your powerhouse. ✨ Being a beauty queen + speaking as such = muah 💋💋 that’s peak hotness to me!
Education, well roundedness, and intelligence reflects in how you carry yourself.
People enjoy assuming beautiful people are lacking in brawn to make themselves feel better.
In my required speech class, my professor coached a pageant queen, then I took a Dale Carnegie class for professional speaking!
If you can find a DC class, public speaking, and improv, enroll!
5. Not stressing out due to your pretty privilege!
I’m wholly aware of the dangers, as well as the life changing benefits since the same dangers could arise if I was on the opposite end.
Viewing pretty privilege as a lifestyle enhancer will help you enjoy it!
I CHOOSE to enjoy my pretty privilege and love the enhanced version of my life!
Choose to enjoy makeup routines!
Choose to enjoy your privilege! I choose me!
💖 Choose you, and maximize the pretty! 💖
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