#especially 99 and 103
sims3melancholic · 7 months
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eyebrows #92 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #93 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #94 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #95 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #96 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #97 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #98 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages♡
eyebrows #99 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages♡
eyebrows #100 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #101 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #102 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #103 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
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🔖 BOYS BOYS BOYS: EYEBROWS EDITION! Yup, 12 eyebrows for every taste!
🔖 Most of them works good for all genders btw!! 🥰
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7K notes · View notes
priestessamy · 1 year
hey girl, your boyfriend uh- yeah, we showed him the weird door in his house that appeared out of nowhere and- yeah, he went through. yeah there's a hallway that's like five and a half minutes long. mhm, he's already down the spiral staircase and everything.¹
no, yeah, he's pretty much abandoned you because of his obsession with the supernatural labyrinth beneath his house. sure, you can fuck his brother if it'll make you feel better (it won't)².
the good news is that he's not really being chased by a minotaur. gotta look on the bright side, right? yup, just a manifestation of his trauma. textbook, honestly.
anyway it's just that the narrative is crumpling a little bit. just like the house is unstable, so is the story's fourth wall. he's trapped in the house and you're trapped in the story. sorry, girl.
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¹ I seriously can't even fucking believe it's yet another one of these fucking memes. Like the author just thought it was so fucking clever. Yeah, we all have access to text editors and shit. Anyone could have made this.
² Doe, Jane. "Cuckoldry and Infidelity: The Pointlessness of Shallow Cheating." Extramarital Affairs Quarterly, 123, 45, March 7, 2000, 99-103.
³ This is an especially fascinating entry. The original author did take the time in the hand-written manuscript to carefully write each letter upside down rather than simply rotating the page. They even went to the trouble of writing the second sentence, despite eventually choosing to cross it out like nearly every other reference to the classic Greek myth.
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"The 200+ Symptoms of Fibromyalgia"
(Note: Some symptoms may overlap)
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema (Oedema)
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain - widespread
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Lightheadedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding - "Bruxism"
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder - "Angry Bladder Syndrome"
191. Irritable bowel syndrome - IBS-C, IBS-D
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain - unexplained
197. Weight loss - unexplained
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain - "Interstitial Cystitis"
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMDD)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack - "Costochondritis"
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
​249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
252. Need for early hysterectomy
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kirame90 · 1 year
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SniperSpy is speechless
Spy always knows his way with words. He has no trouble putting his feelings into words, especially on paper. I'm convinced he could write an entire book about compliments and confessions.
Sniper on the other hand.....not so much. In his case, actions speak louder than words. We shall see what he'll end up doing here...
The next page is now available on my Patreon!
The charity of May 2023 is Operation Underground Railroad - OUR
Working in almost 40 different countries OUR rescues children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Since they started in 2013 they have rescued over 6,000 survivors and the arrested over 4,000 predators.
Thank you so incredibly much for reblogging the story! It truly means the world to me!
First part / Previous part
All dem other parts:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 21,5
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
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Part 105
Part 106
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Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126
Part 127
Part 128
Part 129
Part 130
Part 131
Part 132
Part 133
Part 134
Part 135
Part 136
Part 137
Part 138
Part 139
Part 140
Part 141
Part 142
Part 143
Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
Part 150
Part 151
Part 152
Part 153
Part 155
137 notes · View notes
bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 108. brb x oc
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pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none. pure fluff
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
“Are you sure you are okay?”
Beatrice smiles over her shoulder to where Rooster was, leaning his body against the bathroom’s door frame with a subtle frown on his face, “Can you call in sick? Penny wouldn’t mind, would she?”
“Well,I could if I had time and Penny could call someone now. But I’m feeling a bit better, the water helped, especially iced water.” she says while pulling her hair up in a bun and checking her reflection in the mirror, pulling her lip balm to spread over her lips, “Besides, I’m sure it was just because of the chili, nothing more.”
“I’m okay,Roos.”
He pushes himself off the threshold to walk behind her, his arms immediately slipping around her waist and his chin propped on her shoulder, with his lips kissing the patch of visible skin that peeked from under her Led Zeppelin shirt. She just smiles at their reflection, even more when he looks up to meet her eyes in the mirror, “This brings back memories.” he murmurs, kissing underneath her jaw, “Really nice ones.”
Beatrice’s cheeks flushed red as she immediately recalled what he was talking about, before they flew off to Palermo and moments after they said yes to each other. “Roos…” she warns fondly, feeling his lips trail up her neck and up her ear, “I-I can’t stay…”
“What if,” he says between kisses, “I call Penny and say that an emergency happened?”
“Yeah, there’s something in your husband’s pants and you need to stay to help him get rid of it.”
Beatrice sputters a laugh that’s so melodic it makes Rooster laugh himself, muffling some of it against her neck and bringing her closer to his chest, “I don’t think she’d like that.” she whispered, caressing the side of his face once he looks up again, their eyes meeting one more time, “...do you really miss me that much when I’m gone?”
He chuckles softly, “I always do.” he says sincerely, rubbing his face against her neck like a big cat to catnip, inhaling the lavender embedded to her skin, “Not seeing you is a pain in the ass, but Nikki keeps me distracted enough.”
“...are you going to be one of those husbands…who will always be outside waiting for me, even when we are both old and white haired?”
“And with a cane.” he adds, “Course I will,what sort of husband would I be if I didn’t do that to my gorgeous wife?” her smile turns shy when he says it, so he kisses her cheek again, “You are not getting rid of me, gorgeous. Ever.”
“I don’t want to.”
Beatrice laughs again, turning around in his hold to cup his cheeks and kiss him sweetly, “I gotta go.” she whispers against his mouth, smiling when he makes a sound of disappointment, “Do you want to take me or should I drive there?”
“You are not feeling that great.” he mutters,kissing her lips quickly, “Me and Nikki can take you.” Beatrice smiles more, leaning her head back to look up at him, “I don’t mind.”
“I know you don’t.” she says, rubbing his cheekbones with her thumbs, “Are you going to grab her? I’ll wait for you here.”
“Will do,gorgeous.” he kisses her one last time, this one a bit more deeper than the others, just enough to make her humm in surprise and quickly slap on the shoulder. He chuckles at her beet red face, giving her an innocent shrug and a wink as he backs out of the bathroom towards Nicole’s nursery.
He shouldn’t be surprised to see their little daughter sitting in her crib, she’s been doing that a lot, with her light eyes squinting because she just woke up from her nap, “Hey,Birdie.” he coos, making the little baby look over at him, her hair in all directions because of how she slept, “Hi, sweetie. Did you sleep well?” Nicole just let out an annoyed little whine, rubbing one small fist over her eye, “Come on, let’s get ready to take mama to work and then we are going to spend the night together.”
Nicole yawned when he placed her on his chest, her soft cheek pressed against the muscle on his shoulder and her eyes blinking hard to stay open, “Don’t worry, you can sleep when we get to the car,” he stops moving when she whines, her little arm reaching for the colorful monkey in her crib, “Right, sorry Birdie.” the tinkling gets louder when he picks it up and hands it over to her, smiling as his daughter immediately chews on it, “Are you already teething?”
He gently pries her mouth open to check if there was anything out of the ordinary, only for his daughter to ‘bite’ his thumb with her gums, “I don’t see anything, but you are six months old already, so there’s a chance they’ll show up soon,huh?” she just kept chewing his finger because it was clearly more fun than her monkey toy.
He didn’t mind it, after all it wasn’t hurting him…yet. The second she gets those teeth…that’s a different story, “Come on, let’s see if mama is done.”
“Yes,mama, mama is getting ready for work.”
“Wok…mama.” he blinked when he hears her almost say the word correctly, “Wok?” she shakes her little monkey at him, “Wok.”
“Mama has work- are you expanding your vocabulary right now?”
Was his daughter a prodigy?
Nicole just kept on nomming his finger instead of replying with any other vocalization, deciding that her father’s hand was a better chew toy than her colorful monkey ever was. But he just ignored because as long she was having fun everything was okay, plus it wasn’t hurting…it was just…wet. Bradley looks back at Nicole when she tries to chew on his knuckle, “Okay, okay,alright,Birdie,” he pulls his hand back only for her to whine in complaint, “Listen,I know I’m your dad…but I’m not a teething toy.”
“No, you can’t bite me!”
And her eyes filled with tears, her little hands reaching for his own as she hiccuped a gentle sob, “Oh,no, no, no no! No, no, don't cry! Don’t cry,” he curses under his breath, then brings his hand up to her lips again, Nicole’s gentle whining stopped and she continued chewing on his curled finger, as if it was her own pacifier, “...you are just like your mother, you two have me in your hands.” 
“What’s that?”
Rooster turns when Beatrice shows up on the door, her back slung on her shoulder, head tilted and brows furrowed when she sees his hand being chewed by their daughter, “Um…” she laughs softly pointing at the scene, “What’s going on over there?”
“Apparently our daughter thinks I am a much better toy than any other that she has.” he says, completely serious with his six months old chewing on his finger as if it was the most casual thing that ever happened, “And she doesn’t want to let me go.” he pauses, “And there’s drool all over me but I don’t care.”
“I can see it.” Beatrice laughs, stepping into the room and smiling when Nicole’s eyes dart to hers, her daughter giggling while keeping Rooster’s finger inside her mouth, “Oh you are such a cutie! You can’t be chewing daddy’s hand like that!” Beatrice waits until Nicole lets go of his hand to pick her from his hold, “Because soon enough you’ll have teeth and baby teeth can be complicated.” she frowns a bit, “Especially when I breastfeed you.”
“Ouch.” Rooster mutters, “I’m going to wash my hand really quickly.”
“That’s okay.”
He kisses her forehead before walking around her, only to stop at the threshold, “You are okay,right?” his brows furrow with worry and Beatrice feels her heart soar, “If you do, you can call me and I’ll pick you up.”
“I know Roos.” she smiles, “I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, yes,I’m sure Brad.” he still stood by the door for a few seconds, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk and he walked away. Beatrice only smiled while bouncing Nicole in her arms, this time she was chewing on her rubber monkey instead of anything else within her reach.
Beatrice’s nausea was partially gone, it was much better than before, it was just a little discomfort that often passed whenever she had water. She was feeling better and didn’t want Rooster to worry - which was hard, all things considered - and just wanted to go to the bar and work until she had to leave.
It’d definitely help ease her mind.
She looks back up when she hears the tinkle of keys and his footsteps approaching the door, “Ready?” he asks and she nods, “Good, come on then.” he waits for the two at the door, kissing her cheek and Nicole’s head, smiling brightly when his little girl immediately turned her head to look at him, keeping him in her sights as her mother walked down the stairs.
Nicole’s cheeks looked so much fuller when she smiled and her eyelids almost swallowed her light eyes with how happy she was. Beatrice peeked at their daughter briefly, then at him, “I know,Birdie, daddy is lovely to look at.’
Rooster ‘hms’ amusedly, “So is mama.”
“She’s looking at you now.” and as if on cue,Nicole looked at Beatrice with the same happy look, “Oh you are just so cute,huh?” Nicole vocalized happily, clapping her little hands the best that she could as they got to the first floor.
As they said goodbye to the dogs, Rooster unlocked the car so Beatrice could put Nicole in her seat, “Alright, do you want me to pick you up?”
“Oh, there’s no need,Roos. Shells can take me.”
‘You sure?”
She knew that tone, looking back at him with a knowing smile, “Yes, my darling husband.” she coos, draping her arms around his neck, “I’m very sure.” she kisses his lips a few times, giggling at the sweet pecks he gave right back, “Don’t worry about me.”
“Hmmm, gonna try my best.” he mutters against her lips, breaking every part of his sentence with a kiss, ‘But I,” kiss “Can’t,” kiss, “Help it.” 
She laughs even more, kissing him one final time and stepping away from Rooster’s body, “I’ll be okay.” she smiles, “If I don’t feel good I’ll give you a call.”
“Penny would hate it if I just called nonstop,huh?”
“She would.” she smiles, watching as he opens the passenger door for her, “Maybe even forbid you from coming to the bar,” she says as she places her bag inside and then sits down, her husband’s arm holding his whole body up against the door. His smile falter for a second, just as his mouth parts in a retort.
“She wouldn’t…right?”
“If you distract me,which…you do most of the time,” Bea grins, “Too much then yeah, she would. You talk as if you didn’t know how Penny is.”
Rooster furrows his brows and pouts his lips ever so slightly, waiting until Beatrice was fully inside to close the door and walk to the driver’s side, “Hypothetically.” he says as soon as he sits down, making his wife grin and Nicole babble happily behind them, “How many calls would that take?” Beatrice tilted her head at him, “I mean,I’m just curious because what if it’s three? Or four?”
“It’s not my fault.” the garage door slowly opens to reveal the outside, “I mean, come on, you aren’t feeling well,” Beatrice leans her hand against her cheek as he speaks, numbering out the reasons why it’d be okay for him to call the bar, “If you aren’t feeling well I can call you maybe…twice?” he drawls out the word just to see his wife grinning even more, “Twice wouldn’t be enough to kick me out.”
“That depends how long you’d end up talking to me.”
“I mean, it wouldn’t be too long, maybe two hours.”
“Two hours?! Roos!” she laughs with surprise, gently shoving his shoulder, “You can’t talk to me for two hours.” but she knew he could if he so desired, especially because they never see the time go by when they were chatting at all, “Okay, maybe you could…but that would be too long and it’d cover more than half of my shift at the bar!”
Rooster huffs almost indignantly, tapping his ring finger against the steering wheel as they wait for the light to turn green, “I mean…yeah, you are right. But you promise me you’ll call if you feel sick.”
“I do.” she holds up her pinky finger, “Pinky promise.”
He stares at her smaller hand with a slow grin spreading over his lips, shaking his head while laughing and hooking his larger digit against her own, “Good.” and he kisses her one more time before he drove off to the bar.
Luckily the parking area was empty every time Beatrice went to work, so he could park really close to the Hard Deck and make it easier for her when she walked out. “Okay, I’m going to go.” she grabs her bag from the floor, looking back to check on Nikki and playfully wiggle her small foot, “You have a good time with dada,okay? I’m sure you’ll nap a lot together.”
“Hey…that’s not all we do.” he retorts, “We play and nap,thankyouverymuch.”
Beatrice offered him a gentle eye roll before she checked her bag’s contents, “Well, okay,I’ll go now…and you’ll be okay,right? Not worrying about me too much.”
“Gonna try my absolute best,gorgeous.” 
She grins before meeting his lips in a kiss, “Okay,’ she whispers, leaning back only for Rooster to follow her lips and snatch another peck from her, “Rooster! Don’t start,I’m already partially late.” she dares one look towards the entrance only to see Shells’ face poking out from behind the doors, “See?”
“One more.” he coos, “One last one, before you go.”
“You are terrible.” but she’s laughing,cupping his face between her hands and kissing him quickly, adding one more for good measure, “Okay, okay now I’m going to go.” she laughs at his dopey smile and at the way he leaned his body against the seat, almost as if he was absolutely soft because of their kissing.
Beatrice stops by the door, holding onto the edge with her face going a soft red, “I love you,Roos.”
Rooster’s smile widens, “I love you too,gorgeous. Have a nice night at work.” he watches as she waves her hand to Nikki one last time before closing the door and walking towards the bar. He could hear Shells’ saying something and then playfully jabbing Beatrice’s shoulder repeatedly and laughing, cackling before looking back at Rooster.
He waits until both are inside the bar to sigh and lean back on his seat, “Alright,” he turns to face Nikki,”Time to go,Nikki.”
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bergdg · 22 days
Analyzing Invention: Jan-April 2024
The first four months of 2024 have come and gone. Along with wind, snow, solar eclipses and rain, there have been 16 challenges with the Inventor's Fair, a Magic: the Gathering card design contest blog here on Tumblr.
For the uninitiated, each week, a design challenge is announced on the blog and members of the community create cards meeting the design specifications. At the end of the week, a few winners and runner-ups are selected from the submission.
Similar to what I did at the end of last year, let's take a look at some of the trends so far this year - January through April.
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Art. Katerina of Myra's Marvels. Illustrated by Gaboleps
The Contests
So far, there have been 16 contests over 17 weeks, with one off-week for a call for new judges from the community. In Week 6, spooky-bard moved from contestant to judge and had their first time in the judgement seat with a contest all about Nothing.
There have been 78 distinct participants, with 3 participants submitting a card each contest thus far. On average, there have been 21 participants per contest, with the highest being Week 3 - For the Spikes! (28 participants) and the lowest being a tie between Week 7 - My Better Half and Week 11 - War Never* Changes (16 participants).
A big shout-out to the IF team for their work in planning and judging each week's contest: @abelzumi, @follower-of-liliana, @gollumni, @loreholdlesbian, Mr. ShinyObject, and @spooky-bard!
Speaking of the contests...
The Submissions
Over the 16 contests, there have already been 350 unique submissions. And with some contests having multiple cards per submission, that results in 377 cards, enough for a draftable cube.
Let's look at some of the stats behind these cards, starting with Card Type.
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Fig. 1 - Bar graph of card submissions by card types. Artifact, 51. Battle, 16. Creature, 205. Enchantment, 41. Instant, 30. Land, 2. Planeswalker, 1. Sorcery, 48. Other, 0.
By far, the most popular card type to design are Creatures, with a fair few of them also falling into the Artifact and Enchantment buckets. Planeswalkers have seen the least amount of love, with only one having been in the contest thus far: Leucina of Dark Desire by @mudthing in the For the Spikes! contest of Week 3.
For color, I've decided to stick with the overall Color Identity of the cards created, rather than those represented in the mana cost. I've also just separated the submissions by single colors; parsing them into pairs, wedges, and shards would be possible, but a little more convoluted.
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Fig. 2 - Donut graph of card submissions by color identity. White, 103. Blue, 99. Black, 117. Red, 100. Green, 80. Colorless, 20.
Black colored card submissions are slightly edging out white, red and blue with 22.5% of submissions being at least partial black. This is especially interesting as one contest, All the Colors of the -1/-1 Counter in Week 15, was explicitly to NOT have any black cards.
Of the five main colors, green is lagging behind with only 15.4% of card submissions being at least partial green. Sounds like we are in need of some lichens and tigers and bears ...
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Image - George Takei, Oh My
For Mana Value (MV), there is a similar bell curve to what we saw last year.
MV 0: 7 cards
MV 1: 24 cards
MV 2: 76 cards
MV 3: 116 cards
MV 4: 83 cards
MV 5: 37 cards
MV 6: 14 cards
MV 7+: 10 cards
Cards at MV 3 are the most popular to design, with MV 4 and MV 2 close behind. Seeing these numbers, it really does make it seem like there could be a draftable cube, albeit a wonky one with some crazy drafting strategies.
Finally, let's jump into Rarity.
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Fig. 3 - Donut graph of card submissions by rarity. Common, 51. Uncommon, 140. Rare, 151. Mythic Rare, 24.
At around 40% for each, Rare and Uncommon are the card rarities most often designed. This is right in the sweet spot for a decent amount of complexity, really allowing designers to show off their design skills.
Winners and Runner-Ups
Starting in this section, we have to give a shout-out to the 31 card designers who have had cards selected as either a Winner or Runner-Up in the contests. In particular, put your hands together for the top 3 entrants so far this year:
@izzet-always-r-versus-u: 10 submissions selected
@nine-effing-hells: 8 submissions selected
@horsecrash: 7 submissions selected
Data-wise, we see some similar patterns with what has been submitted. Creatures are crushing it (67 entries), MV 3 is ahead (32 entries), and Uncommons and Rares are close (although Uncommon is slightly ahead with 41 entries to Rare's 38).
But a shake-up between submissions and selections is in the works with Color Identity.
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Fig. 4 - Donut graph of winner and runner-up card selections by color identity. White, 21. Blue, 33. Black, 30. Red, 25. Green, 22. Colorless, 3.
In a big surprise, Blue jumps to the front of the pack, followed closely by Black. Red sits in third place, with Green and White close behind (and to each other). In my analysis last year, Red was the color to beat, but it looks like Blue's allure of card draw, bounce effects and flying creatures has wowed the judges this time around.
But really, the biggest take-away is that we have a community of wonderful card designers and judges who give us a little something to look forward every week. Thank you everyone for your hard work! There will be another data analysis at the end of August.
And I'll see you in the weekly submissions!
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xavieryaa · 5 months
Making My Own Tumblr Year In Review
So tumblr is not doing the individual years in review for 2023 like they did the last couple of years :(
This is the first year I’ve really been active on Tumblr and used it as my primary social media, so I was really sad to hear that. But then I decided…why not do it myself?
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I posted 1837 times in 2023. That’s 5 times per day.
1748 (95%) of my posts were reblogs, and 89 (5%) of my posts were original.
Blogs I think I reblogged the most? Not in order.
These are just based on me cmd-f'ing my blog using the names of blogs I remember reblogging a lot. It's probably wrong.
My top 15 most used tags (not 5 because i love tagging and want to show more):
#bts - 1045 posts (yeah obviously)
#bts pics - 803 posts (yeah obviously x2)
#queue attack my heart - 691 posts
#memery - 312 posts
#namjoon - 308 posts (i am so mentally ill)
#hoseok - 167 posts
#jungkook - 166 posts
#seokjin - 138 posts
#jimin - 138 posts (i wrote down seokjin's tag first so i put it higher)
#yoongi - 119 posts
#fic & writing - 108 posts
#taehyung - 103 posts
#bts birthdays - 99 posts
#serious posts - 92 posts
#namjoonposting - 59 posts (my favorite tag)
By the way this was so fucking annoying to do. The archive does not show how many posts you have in a certain tag. For every month I counted the amount of rows in a tag, multiplied it by 8, and added in any rows that didn't quite get up to 8. Then I added all those months together. I had to do that for every tag. Tumblr why is there no easy way to see the number of posts in a tag.
My top 5 posts of 2023:
5. Luffy Tab - 20 notes
Still can't believe we just. got a luffy tab. i just woke up and had a luffy tab
4. BTS Post Search - 27 notes
As it turned out. the poster changed their name to something else so that's why i couldn't find the post from tumblr user soupmoths -- they were an entirely different person. oopsie
Also I ended up being able to reblog it! Someone tagged me!
3. 3D Rant - 32 notes
This post got me my first hate reblog <3
In case anyone is wondering. I still agree with everything I said here.
2. Porn - 99 notes
Not doing the big link preview for this one since that on its own is kinda nsfw. Minors don’t click that link.
But yeah. That makes sense.
Even though there’s only 5 reblogs people find it semi-frequently (especially the past few days, no idea why), so I guess it’s spreading somehow? Which makes me happy :)
The Reddit Post - 2.1k notes
Obviously that was going to be it lol, over 20 times the amount of notes than anything else. My notifications were Dying.
Also, this stuff wasn’t in the actual Year in Review(s), but I’m adding them in for fun.
I liked 21k posts in 2023.
I followed 426 blogs in 2023 (not including the accounts I unfollowed).
I gained 69 followers in 2023 (excluding porn bots and regular bots). Nice.
I started 4 blogs on this account, 1 main blog and 3 side blogs.
I gained 15 mutuals in 2023 <3
All this data was as of December 18th, 2023.
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kaiowut99 · 8 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 102-104 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episodes 99-101 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-102: The Pulse of Light VS the Neo-Spacians
Ed was defeated in his battle against Saiou, who was taken by the Pulse of Light. Saiou asks Judai for his key to the laser satellite in exchange for Ed, pushing him into a corner. Right then, Neos appears and prevents the key from getting to Saiou--causing a furious Saiou to duel with Judai and settle this. As with his bout with Ed, he predicts the future, leading the duel to play out in his favor. For his part, Judai uses his Fusion specialty to summon Monsters, but...
TURN-103: Judai in a Pinch! The Light Barrier Field Magic
Saiou, taken by the Pulse of Light, activates his Light Barrier Field Magic. This barrier has an effect that even weakens the power of Card Spirits, driving Judai's Monsters into a corner. Saiou also summons his "The World" Arcana Force and pounces on Judai. Elsewhere, with both laser satellite keys in hand, Prince Ojin--being controlled by the evil Saiou--activates the satellite. Kenzan tries to stop him, but he's already too late as the laser satellite fires its beam right at the Earth. Will it be possible to...
TURN-104: Whither Victory?! Judai VS Saiou
Judai summons his Glow Neos and destroys Light Barrier, waging a direct attack against the evil Saiou upon turning the tables. Driven into a dilemma, the evil Saiou tributes The Material Road, The Spiritual Road, and The Heavens Road to summon his ultimate card, Arcana Force Extra - The Light Ruler, using it to deal him an intense blow. For his part, Judai also has Gran Mole and Neos do a Contact Fusion and summons Gran Neos as he shifts into a counterattack, but...
A bit delayed due to some life stuff going on (like moving!), episodes 102-104 are now up and finalized as we make our way into the Season 2 finale!
that Saiou eyecatch is haunting my nightmares all over again
As this three-parter gets underway, we have the aftermath of Ed losing to Saiou as the Light within him decides to use him as leverage to get the second SOLA key from Judai; once he does and tries to get them for himself, Neos shows up to stop that, forcing him to duel Judai for them (I do like how, when Judai tells the Light he'll give up on his plans if Judai wins after he's given up his key, Saiou correctly notes, "The keys are already with me and you expect me to agree to your terms?" lol). This is one of my favorite duels because of how much it emphasizes Judai's attitude of "the future's not set, we change our fates with each card we draw!" that he first told Ed about in episode 53, along with the foreshadowing we get to the events of Season 3--and the huge literal shadow it puts into play. At the same time, we have GeneX finishing up as Rei makes her surprise comeback and duels Manjoume for the championship, and I like that it serves as good cutaway material from the Judai/Saiou duel, though I do wish we got to see more of Rei's deck (especially since, 17 years later, her Mystic cards have still not been printed). Ojama Yellow also gets to make the finishing blow, to the onlookers' chagrin, which is fun, and Saiou and Mizuchi get to satisfyingly reunite in the end which is cute.
Also, Kenzan's dino DNA helps him turn into a Space Saurus to help bust up SOLA--A+ content.
(Quick Translation Note: As Manjoume and his group approach the remaining Society of Light members, he's holding a Gunbai baton (the Gunbai being "a type of signal baton and Japanese war fan," per Wikipedia) with the Japanese text 一意専心 on it, translating to "with heart and soul." I translated it for the hardsub, as covered here, in the two scenes it appears in by applying the English text over the Japanese text in Photoshop--similar to the edit worked on by Kay for episode 9's "Fighting Spirit" banner. I was also inspired with "Whither Victory" for 104's title translation after looking at a Dragon Ball Kai title used for the dub that more concisely conveyed the "where is victory" idea in the JP title here.)
Animation error-wise, interesting mix here. I worked on about 30 of them altogether (a bit fewer than in 99-101), not counting the additional hardsub-only edits I made to translate the "With Heart and Soul" staff Manjoume carries for two clips in 102 or fix re-applications during the recaps; part of the delay with this was my moving and adjusting accordingly, as it took a few days before I could work on these fixes. About half of these were little quality-of-watching fixes, mostly split-screens but including fixing a stat-counter SFX error in 102, while the rest were mixes of incomplete-drawing errors, card errors, and card-related consistency errors--with a little "missing Burstlady shoulder strap" for good crowd-favorite measure. More in my separate post here with my usual fix/edit breakdown for the interested, due to Tumblr’s dumb link limit in posts yeeting them out of the tags used and limiting their reach, to give you a more visual element to it! (And had to split it in two again due to that) have I mentioned my love for this show is like an Ojama
Quick housekeeping: made a slight revision to 101 to update Saiou's line as he summons Light Ruler vs Ed for consistency with the tweak I made in 102. The 101 link in 99-101's release post now links to the re-uploaded version; I've updated its link in the Masterpost and will be posting the re-finalized hardsub/script/MKV on NAC soon as I post these.
Anywho, enjoy! Feels really good to get Season 2 taken care of, as that makes 104 episodes I've finalized my translations for; while I did like most of my last-go-around work on 102-104, it was good to make some updates to match my current style. With that, of course, comes a brief little Season-ending lull period; I'll be doing a little housekeeping to correct a few ending-credit typos in episodes 83 and 89, and a minor sub-styling correction in episode 81, which I'll post on NAC once done. After that, I'll putting in a little more work on a special project in progress that I'll hopefully post about soon over the next few weeks, along with work to prep for finalizing Season 3, including touching up my last textless edit for Teardrop V1 (which wasn't released officially textless and has Judai all sad with Johan, used from 105-112) and some work on some other side projects. All told, thinking I'll start small with work on 105 starting later this month, since a clip-show episode works well to come back with and all, lol; stay tuned!
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fantajoseph · 7 months
Reading list for Stanley and His Monster: so Stanley and His Monster have had three canon versions.
First up is the original 60s run. This one is the longest, but it's a lot of mindless antics, and a decent portion of it is just "what if someone talked funny", so while I'm a completionist at heart, here's six issues to show what I think is important to understand about this version.
The Fox and the Crow #95: the first appearance of the pair! Already a lot of fun things going on, especially that the parents are already pretty fleshed out.
The Fox and the Crow #97: Napoleon's Ghost is added to the cast. I love the use of line weight in how they draw him, and how they tie him into the central lying dynamic. They constantly go back and forth on writing him as the real Napoleon, a knowing liar, or a deluded man, btw.
The Fox and the Crow #99: Schnitzel and Schaugnessy are also added to the cast. They'll be the last edition until Stanley's babysitter, but they never do much with her, whereas they complete the dynamic of Stanley having a bunch of magical creatures, all hiding from the outside world for one reason or another, barely keeping the peace with each other and learning to help Stanley. They constantly change the terminology they use to refer to these two, by the way, from gnome to gremlin to dwarf to leprechaun (though they're pretty much never the same kind of thing, despite acting close to identically).
The Fox and the Crow #103: partially I'm putting this here for the poem at the start, I love "But he liked being found", it's a great summation, but also like this one weaves between Stanley's childhood, his parents trying to make sure they're raising him right, and the complications of secretly having a monster in your house pretending to be an imaginary dog.
The Fox and the Crow #107: I'll admit it, this one is just here because I like that the immigration police are just straight up the antagonists and fooling them is considered a just ending.
Stanley and His Monster (1968) #112: the series briefly moved into a self titled, containing multiple stories per issue and dropping Napoleon. If it was possible for a series like this to jump the shark it did, as the introduction of Spot's beatnik son in this final issue attests. Still, the final story delivers on a lot of the fundamental concepts of the series, even if it does cop out a little, (but read the right way, is pretty sweet).
The 90s version is a very tight five issues, almost entirely one miniseries. It introduced the idea Spot is a demon, which all adaptations have leaned on in one way or another since. Start with Secret Origins Vol 2 and then the four issues of the 1993. This is probably the best execution of the concept so far, even if there's things I'd tweak.
Finally, the most well known, it's all very spoilery, so just read the Green Arrow Quiver arc. This is the only version to have shown up outside of their own series in any canon compliant way, but probably the least recognizable, maybe even moreso then their Elseworlds appearances.
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applejee · 1 year
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I posted 17,813 times in 2022
That's 80 more posts than 2021!
151 posts created (1%)
17,662 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ officialspec
I tagged 3,777 of my posts in 2022
#dc - 1,160 posts
#batfam - 683 posts
#just us - 204 posts
#csm - 180 posts
#sandman - 178 posts
#q - 143 posts
#batman - 132 posts
#timkon - 104 posts
#cute - 103 posts
#goncharov - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#burning the receipt so you can keep the kid you were handed for a weekend who is painfully cute and a cool little dude
My Top Posts in 2022:
who’s ready for
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See the full post
68 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
Hi! Any recs for timkon, or kon centric fics? It only tends to be in the background/implied in batfam centric fics that i read, but i keep seeing you post about timkon and 🥺🥰 I’m catching feelings about it
i’ll be real... im glad u asked bc i read So much timkon ♥ sorting by kudos for timkon is hard bc yeah... its so often background..... kon deserves better!!!!!! so here are some stories u should definitely read, by some lovely authors whose works i am absolutely normal about:
- everything by @batfam-chaos​ especially this one. kon is injured and tim panics my beloved... their stuff is *chefs kiss*
- everything by @lemontongues​ especially this one! slowburn in kansas.... their 2021 whumptober is very kon-centric as well!
- everything by @mindshelter​, this one in particular makes me CRAAAZY
- composed of us by @starlikeknight​ which so far is tim centric BUT itll be eventual timkon and its already amazing so you know the timkon will be too
here are some others i like, found in my bookmarks:
- Gonna Be A Better One (A Thousand Miles To Your Door) by Traincat
- Leap, Fall, Fly by malcyon
- A Night In by Musafir
- Three Little Words by timkons
- please don't live in fear by murmurare
- time flies by by Laroyena
- shenanigans’ timkon my beloved
sadly, i read less kon-centric fic simply cause i am so obsessed with tim my little guy, my poor little meow meow, but again there is good stuff out there. u may have to search excluding timkon on ao3. REGARDLESS,
this is everything i can find off the top of my head, really. trust me theres so much more out there i adore (like the pretending to be a gold digger wip, or the catfishing fic, or the hannah montana-style identity shenanigans fic, or this one astolat fic, or the one where dick picks up kon as a cop and tim on the phone asks if he’s cute, or any of the countless other stories out there) so definitely go and have a search!! yeehaw!!!!! hope that helps!
96 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
omg omg i just BLEW through your dc fics (showstopping. incredible. magnificent) and AH TIM and was wondering do you have any Tim-centric fic recs? with that GOOD angst? no pressure or anything, thanks for all your hard work 💕💕💕💕💕
omg anon 😳😳😳😳 thank you im so glad to hear it <3
also FYCK YES IM HERE TO GIVE OUT ANGSTY TIM FICS. first and foremost u should probably jsut go thru my entire bookmark tag with tim drake but i will pick and choose the best for u here, i hopeu enjoy.
also fair warning all these may include, to some degree, violence, torture, child abuse, implied or referenced non con, etc, due to the fact these are very angsty and filled with hurt and comfort and lots of whump, so pls read the tags!
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin
this one is the best. i love it. @eggmacguffin blew it out of the PARK with this once ive reread it an absurd amount of times. tim's dad leaves him in atlanta so he makes his own way home, runs into jason, and shit happens. also, read ALL their other tim fic ok. u wont regret.
buried birds by envysparkler
have i told you to read everything by envysparkler? read everything by envysparkler. her shit is the BEST. buried birds is one of my faves, as tim is buried alive in a coffin and jason rescues him. luv it
Grilled Cheese by crumpetz
hooooooo 8k of pure tear inducing deliciousness. i reread this constantly for the catharsis. makes me cry everytime. cw for graphic injury
Echoes of You by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
wherein tim dies, is resurrected, and jason is the one to find him fresh out the grave. trauma times two electric boogaloo! check out their current wip and recent works as well!
best laid plans by Valkirin
ra's steals tim away at the same time as jason, freshly unearthed from his grave. Shit Happens. LOVE valkirin’s stuff
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks
essential reading. what happens after batman's brought back out of time. read all their other tim fic if u havent yet
It's Not That Funny by Ionaperidot
tim becomes joker junior! uh oh! tim's brain is scrambled by the joker and ra's and he and jason maybe become serial killers and highly codependant but they slowly heal and rejoin the family. so good. cw for graphc violence and so much more, check the tags
On the Way Home by ignesfatuis
little wolf shifter tim is kidnapped, then rescued, and stays with the waynes to heal while he cant shift back. chicken soup for the soul
Fussing Over Scars by maychorian
platonic soulmate au! i cried. check out all of maychorians stuff for more tim angst!!
Dangerous and Noble Things by destiny919    
tim is kidnapped by ra’s, and four years later the bats rescue him, and whaddaya know! he comes with a sister <3 love it. they have a bunch of other tim fic too!
more behind the cut!!
now theres a ghost in the back of this room by CosmoKid
tim helps an abused kid and comes to some Revelations of his own
whumptober 2021 by CosmoKid
just read all of it. chefs kiss. cosmokid has a lot of angsty tim fics and u should read them all
Bristol Kids by Anonymous
See the full post
109 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
reminded seeing the collection of the batfam fic survey i voted in (which is fun and exciting, ill be checking some of those out later!!!!!) of some of the batshit collections people have requested my works be added to.
straight up some of you need to just use the bookmark function because it is beyond offensive to have your fic added to a collection titled “dumb bullshit to satiate my escapism”. like, really? obviously i rejected that one, and ive rejected a few others just because. that’s not what collections are for.
do people forget collections are public? do people forget that you see a list of collections a work is in directly under the tags? i’m honoured to accept my works into collections titled “fics i love”; “fics i’ll reread until the end of time”; “fics with good stephanie characterisation”—these are compliments, and things like “robin vs red hood” collect specific tropes and AUs together that ao3 may not have the tags for yet. they serve a function
i dunno, i think collection use has got a bit out of hand. im complaining on main because this keeps happening and at one extreme it’s offensive (dumb bullshit??) and at the other extreme there already exists a function for tracking it (“fics i have read”?)
respectfully, i think some people may benefit from bookmarks and bookmark tags. for one, you can tag nigh limitlessly, and search them on your bookmarks page using both the tags and the notes. also, most importantly, you can make them private. want to leave a note for yourself as to why you didn’t fully enjoy a fic? remind yourself of something that triggered you? want to simply keep track of a fic you didn’t enjoy as much as others? private bookmark, and the author never has to know.
this is a little bit of a rant but when i have rejected my works being added to collections multiple times it adds up, lol.
202 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
since i cannot find the masterpost i initially used to obtain all these extensions initially, here’s a list of privacy extensions i use in conjunction with firefox! i’ve included a link to each of them which is very easy if you use firefox. pls use firefox. brave is also good for privacy. there are others out there so do your research, and again, please for the love of god, switch from chrome if you can xx
Bypass Paywalls Clean - bypasses paywalls. v helpful. this one isn’t verified by firefox however
Decentraleyes - this helps to prevent websites from tracking you and blocks requests
Don’t track me google - stops google from lengthening urls theycan track you with. godsend
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials - blocks tracking, enables https where possible, overall a good and helpful extension
Facebook Container - isolates facebook in its own container so its much harder for them to track you. always a bonus
HTTPS Everywhere - does what it says!
Privacy Badger - blocks trackers, similar to some of the others listed. can never have too many
Shinigami eyes - if you dont have this enabled wyd? marks trans friendly accounts as green and transphobic ones as red, or other colours based on your preference. makes blocking very quick and easy! not verified by firefox, but just as essential as the rest
uBlock Origin - basically an ad blocker, the best of the bunch; also prevents a lot of tracking and coin miners too
if you have any privacy extensions you use or find useful, feel free to reblog with your own suggestions!
248 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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teenwerewoofs · 1 year
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I posted 4,278 times in 2022
That's 2,528 more posts than 2021!
210 posts created (5%)
4,068 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,007 of my posts in 2022
#steter - 483 posts
#teen wolf - 434 posts
#steter fic - 240 posts
#steter fic rec - 232 posts
#peter hale - 120 posts
#stiles stilinski - 102 posts
#stetopher - 99 posts
#teen wolf podfic - 73 posts
#my podfic - 70 posts
#fic rec - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he says ‘you don’t need to hide your dislike of him from me. it doesn’t make you a bitch or crazy or a shrew. it’s actually 100% justified’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tag Game
Tagged by the JR Bourne stan @exlibrisfangirl 😘
Time- 8:04 pm
Relationship Status- single
Favorite Color- To wear? Black or grey. In general? Maybe a deep green.
Favorite Food- pizza, garlic bread, pasta, steak seared in butter 🤤
Song Stuck in My Head- “Free” by Florence + the Machine
Last Thing I Googled- “my little pony cowboy hat” because I was trying to find the name of the one who wears a cowboy hat 😂 (it’s Applejack, in case you were wondering)
Dream Trip- Scotland! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I want to spend like 2 weeks there so it will take a lot of planning and arranging. Plus, for it to not be a pandemic anymore lol
Something I Want Right Now- for a new Steter or Stargent or Stetopher long fic that’s full of all the tropes I love and is well written to drop 😂 also for work to stop being so hectic 😅
Tagging: @midmorning-bomb @meggie-stardust @punchedbymarkesmith @lucky-bishop @bewarethesmirk @petersnarker @batwynn @aurevell and anyone else who is feeling it!
38 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
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Peter can feel how much everything has been weighing on him lately. He can see it's been affecting Stiles just as much - the slumped shoulders, the bags under his eyes, and the lag in his reaction time all tell the same story. He decides to suggest an impromptu trip away from Beacon Hills. Maybe, once Stiles realizes how great it can be away from this hellhole of a town, Peter can convince him to leave for good.
For day 2 of @steterweek!
103 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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Peter has seen the drifter around town. He's heard about him bouncing around from farm to farm, lending a hand where he can for some under-the-table cash and a dry barn to sleep in for the night. Argent's been taking time out of his busy schedule of harassing Peter about selling his farm to ask probing questions about the drifter. From what Peter can piece together, Argent had a run-in with the kid and didn't seem to like the mouth on him. Peter decides to see if he can find the kid and convince him to come work for him on his farm. He can appreciate a well-timed wise-ass remark, especially when it's directed at Argent. And, well... the enemy of his enemy is his friend, right?
For day 4 of @steterweek!
145 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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via aidencullen1 on IG
308 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love fics where the authors are teenagers dabbling in writing or someone who speaks English as a second language or someone who is processing something through these characters they relate to.
I love fics where the author obviously cares SO much about canon or where the author has never even seen the original work but decided to dive in anyway.
I love when fic authors try to nail the character’s exact personality and habits and speaking patterns from the original work. And I love when fic authors say, “okay, but how would this character be different if this life changing event never happened?” or “how would they be different if they grew up in this very different universe with a different societal set-up?” And I love it when fic authors pick a character trait from canon and decide to zoom in and choose to view it through a microscope for a whole fic.
I just love all the different versions of fanfic that exist for us and all of the room that they allow fic writers to play with and all the different versions they share with fic readers and allow us to explore. 🥹🥹🥹
3,532 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sweetdreamsbuck · 1 year
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I posted 3,269 times in 2022
That's 1,529 more posts than 2021!
765 posts created (23%)
2,504 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,692 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#fic recs - 417 posts
#bucky - 280 posts
#fic replies - 205 posts
#thank you for reading - 193 posts
#my pretty baby boy - 170 posts
#sweet sweet asks &lt;3 - 112 posts
#beefy lumby and bunny - 103 posts
#mir's queue💜 - 99 posts
#mir's favs - 98 posts
#foreverindreamlandd - 80 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#what about a million blankets and your willa inspired sweater blanket and a huge beefy lumberjack who is the most gentle nd protective giant
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay Mir I know this is mean but like what would happen if Bunny got lost in the woods during a snowstorm while Lumby was at work.....
lost in the woods
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beefy!lumberjack bucky x f!reader (lumby x bunny au)
wc: 4.8k
warnings: angst, gross fluff and body worship, a very very very needy scared and hopelessly in love lumby
a/n: yes like the most amazing Disney ballad to ever exist. thanks for always ruining me so sweetly, col. not edited or proofread, all mistakes are my own. happy spring babes xx
𝐢 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢
“Last storm of the season is always the worst, bun. Make sure you stay inside, can’t have my bunny gettin’ lost on me– or frostbite. Alright, pretty girl? Can’t love you the way I need to if you’re not safe and sound.”
God, you should’ve listened. 
But the snow just looked so joyous as it fell, surrounding the trees sprouting with their new buds and blossoming flowers. The passing of winter to spring was always the most exciting time to be living in the middle of such a grand wood– but it was your first time; your first time living in Bucky’s cabin.
Sure, you’d caught glimpses of the beauty of it in the beginnings of your relationship– on those mornings you’d slept over, awaking happily to the vision of a sweetly snoring Bucky and the comfort of the forest’s morning hymnal. The sight of flowers dangling on the very edges of tree branches, slowly opening and embracing the rustle and song of the rest of the forest life; the painting you’d find yourself inside of after a few weeks, the trek from your car to his front door littered in petals of vibrant pinks and whites, of dying cones and senseless berries– some still dancing towards the forest floor– drowning all paths in the proclamation of spring’s arrival. But now, you were experiencing the end of winter and the start of spring firsthand; there was no chance you’d ever grow tired of it.
Maybe your Bucky was wrong– there was no way this last snow could be deemed anything short of magical and whimsical, let alone “the worst”. 
But he was never wrong. Especially not when it came to his bunny. 
The itch to tug on your winter gear one last time at the sight of soft flakes was too great– a thick pair of Bucky’s socks and an oversized thermal loosely clinging to you under your parka and sweats before you could reason against it. 
Staring at the falling snow, secure and safe underneath the warmth of a blanket cuddled in your favorite chair perched at the window was nothing compared to feeling it– having it sing and whistle past your ears; to have it fall and tease against your lashes; against the frigid apples of your cheeks; along the flush of your numbing lips. 
It was easy to lose track of time while dancing in the middle of such wonder. 
It’s how you found yourself, unaware of how long you’d been aimlessly walking, now struggling to find a way back home, fighting to hold your footing and to keep your eyes open at the incessant prickling of the metastasizing crystalline snow pellets hitting roughly against you. Each pierce of the rough snow hitting the skin of your face, bouncing around your heavy outerwear and sending unpleasant tremors and tingles along every inch of your body confirmed a terrible truth– you could hear your mistake loudly and with a bold punch.
 The darkening of the sky was fading eerie, sealing your fate further and further into the fervor and strength of the last winter storm Bucky warned you about. 
Well shit. What now?
Your phone. 
Your hands shakily move to free your cell from the confines of your sweats. Struggling to hold the phone with numb hands, to see the screen in the middle of such a blizzard growing angrier and harsher by the second, you manage to unlock the device and click on Bucky’s name. 
Service was terrible in the middle of the woods, but it seems luck felt it in her heart to hand you a little bit of reprieve from the trouble you'd managed to get yourself into; 4 bars of reception and a working dial tone that would save you from this mess. 
But it seemed luck was also in a business of mockery– your own negligence besting you, phone battery lingering on 3%.
Come on Bucky, please pick up the phone. Pick up pick up pick up– 
“Hey bunny,” his soothing voice greets you in a delighted sigh, “you have no idea the day I’m having. I’ll be home soon and I just need to feel my swe–”
Concern that you’ll freeze to death prompts you, cutting off Bucky’s silky voice viciously with the chattering of teeth and stuttering words, “B-bucky, please, I need you! D-don’t know where I am ‘nd I need you. P-please Bucky, I’m in the–”
And then the comforting sound of his breathing stopped. 
Silence– only the unrelenting whir of the snow gusting around you and the melody it rang out within your jaw.
Of course, your phone would die.
You’re fucked. Alone, lost, shaking, and freezing from the inside out in the middle of the forest that brought you a life filled with warmth and Bucky. How ironic. 
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644 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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you deserve a soft epilogue, my love
beefy!bucky x f!reader
prompt: while hiding in Bucharest, Bucky meets you— a home, bearing cups of coffee— a refuge for a life that’s riddled with battles of his torturous demons.
warnings: angst. fluff. all the feelings. some suggestive language. talk of nightmares, body image, and trauma. love.
wc: 11.5k and not even a bit sorry
a/n: SORRY I'M POSTING SO LATE I JUST NEEDED TO AS SOON AS IT WAS DONE!! my beefy puppy just means too much to me, deal with IT
i do not give permission to translate, copy, or share any of my work
It became second nature to you; along with your usual latte, to order a black coffee with no sleeve around the cup.
The first time you'd ordered something for him, you couldn't quite place why you had. Maybe it was because you wanted to start doing nice things for people. The inadequacy you'd been feeling lately as a part of society was getting to you— how much could gifting someone one cup of coffee cost you?
It first appeared in the anxious dwelling; the inability to drive the mysterious man from your mind. Then came the burden of knowing— insomnia following not too far behind. Sleepless nights spent worrying about the quality of that of his own. Storms of pain and violent bouts of grief you never could've seen coming; in panic and waves of sad exhaustion— love and all its unspoken repercussions.
You'd seen him frequently around the booths littering the overcrowded markets of the cobblestone streets. He always seemed to be hiding from something, his body language closed off and completely guarded against the world, walls shielding him that you couldn't see or understand the force of— and doing a terrible job at that.
He stuck out sorely, as if his size and the restless air that seemed to float behind him weren't enough, the number of layers he pulled on even in the heat of the Bucharest sun acted as a spotlight. There he was, a man never destined to be viewed in the limelight in such a way.
You wanted to.
His shoulders, while clothed in countless layers of fabric, were always pulled firmly back. Tension and panic apparent even through the undershirts and jackets meant to conceal and protect him from appearing his most visible.
They had the opposite effect.
Always shuffling around the carts of fruit just outside the hole-in-the-wall coffee shop you frequented, his body remained close to the wooden frames holding mountains of produce. You watched for the first time a few weeks back as he contemplated what to grab; his hand tentatively following the path of his eyes, unsure as to what he really wanted to be choosing.
And now, well— you'd always look for him.
Thoughts and images of him never could escape your mind. The nervous twitch, the way his eyes were never visible to the world around him, the cap that was secured snug on the top of his head; and while his stature was large and darkly apparent, you'd never seen someone look so small.
Approaching the counter of the small cafe, you quickly mumbled your usual order making sure to grab something for the man with the extra layers and black leather gloves. You'd never heard words escape him prior, how were you to know what he liked?
Purchasing that first coffee for him stirred something in the atmosphere. For one thing, you realized all too late that ordering something for someone who you didn't know the first thing about would mean you needed to actually go and acknowledge them. How do you tell someone 'I've been watching you the past few weeks, have a coffee, on me' without appearing a bona fide stalker?
But it was just that; it was an obsession. You felt you knew everything— and nothing about him. His body contained the harsh vibrations of isolation and desolation; they danced inside of his swift shadow, rendering him with a burdened aura. You felt a longing to carry some of it, too.
The thoughts you had surrounding him arose in the way he shrunk himself, the way he hid himself away in his fear of appearing too much. But the lightness in which his feet carried him juxtaposed the dark fog always following shortly behind. He’d always move forward, never back. And the tip of his hat remained pointed down, his overwhelming size paled silly to that of the overcrowded market. There was no way he wouldn’t be seen, and yet, he acted as if he shouldn’t be. That was enough knowledge for you to feel a persistent nagging, sharp prickles of anguish buzzing in the base of your skull, spurring the need to crave more.
Quickly paying and tipping the woman at the counter, grabbing the two coffees became a reality check. You'd have to talk to the man you'd been watching. He'd have to see you, too.
How you decided on a simple black coffee, you'd never know. Instinct, mostly. A man his size would look ridiculous attempting to drink anything else, and you could only imagine the last thing the man who always seemed to be in hiding would want was to be caught holding anything but a small cup.
Finally working up the courage to hand him the small offering of your existence, he didn't respond. No shred of recognition washed over his face, no semblance of appreciation offered to you in sound or even in a curt nod of the head.
You weren't looking for anything in return, but you were dying for something.
All but cornering him in front of the bin filled with dirt-clad spuds, a huffed out air of apology was all you were given as he panicked he had bumped into you. His eyes met your hairline briefly, the rim of his hat quickly ducking down with the movement of his head, his shoulders doing that inward roll you always noticed when someone encroached on his space.
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870 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
𝐋𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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* 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 🖤 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬/𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐋𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬
𝐢 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢
enraptured * 🖤
carrying bunny
wallet pictures
period pains
snowfall, softly 🖤
don't disrespect his bunny | the apology
the chair
Lumby making a bad day better
tenderly *🖤
gaze 🖤
wine confessions
strawberry wine 🖤
lost in the woods
flowers for lumby
cold toes
texting lumby at work
good for me *
bunny's bite 🖤
See the full post
939 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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beefy lumberjack!bucky x f!reader
warnings: fluff, soft smut, oral (f receiving), thigh worship (he's a thigh man and i will simply die screaming about it), petnames bunny + sweet girl/good girl, but insatiable and dramatic ass beefy lumberjack!bucky is the main warning.
synopsis: don't deny your beefy man what he wants— especially snowed in inside of his cabin where he's going to keep you wrapped around him in bed, all day.
wc: 3554
a/n: i'm on my period so i'm very h word and emotional and snowed in and god i just love him. not edited, mistakes are all my own. not necessary for this plot but in terms of au, read snowfall, softly first xo
i do not give permission to translate, copy, or share any of my work.       IF YOU ARE NOT 18+, DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS
Pirouetting whirls of wind, dustings of plush ice slicing through the air with lazy precision, an altogether hazy hallucination of soft snow and the brute force gentle enough to inspire it— the now very familiar song and dance of the winter wind slapping against the walls of Bucky’s cabin, rousing you from a deep slumber. 
Another morning of unadulterated bliss. 
Twisting your head to watch the serene scene continue to play outside of his window, the sweeping patter of snow kissing along the roof and against the bark of the trees embraces you in the most peaceful air; all while being wrapped in sheets that smell of sandalwood and patchouli— it’s become your own little heaven.
Your muscles, sore from last night’s activities with the insatiable man tightly woven around your backside, are the only thing troubling you this calm morning— and that issue, is hardly a bother at all. 
Nestled tightly into the barely buttoned flannel of your back, his arms are laid protectively under your own, one hand holding just below your hip and the other under his shirt, against your ribs. Just where he left them resting after wrapping your still trembling body in his favorite shirt before falling asleep.
Needing to stretch, your legs and arms try their best to push out in front of you but can only do so much with the way Bucky’s caged himself around you, his legs entangled within the cold flesh of your own. His mouth is pressed firmly against the apex of your back, right where your shoulder meets your neck, soft exhales from his nose tickling in a way that tells of his ease. 
An angel.
Almost as if he senses you thinking of him, he nuzzles his forehead deeper against the beginnings of your spine, his arms and legs enveloping you further, bringing you closer to his warmth.
How have you lived any other way? 
Your hand mindlessly reaches behind you, tracing gentle circles into the skin of his side and warm stomach. His muscles immediately twitch under your touch and you close your eyes smiling, overwhelmed with the feeling of getting to know another morning like this.
“Looks like we’re snowed in today, huh bunny?” he whispers before placing a kiss at the base of your neck, the ghost of his breath trickling down the length of your spine. 
You shiver, startled from the surprise of his gruff voice dripping smoothly from his soft lips. How he learned to exist so silently, you’d never know. A man of his size has no right having the ability to be as quiet as he can, but you can’t say it doesn’t keep you on your toes. 
Turning in his arms to face him, you're met with his tired but smug smirk. Bucky loves making you shiver, no matter the connotation. Closing his eyes to urge himself awake, a strong exhale blows past your collarbone while your lips offer delicate kisses along his forehead. Stretching his body, his arms never straying far, wrapping around you even while shrugging off sleep.
“Mmm morning baby. Gotta start putting a bell on you... didn’t know you were awake yet. How do you breathe so quietly? Gonna give me a heart attack one of these days,” you joke, your knuckles brushing against the warm apples of his cheeks. You press a kiss to each cheek, a soft cherry blush blooming under your gentle care and making him appear all the more irresistible. 
He giggles, his eyes and nose scrunching tightly as he imagines you forcing him to wear a tiny bell around the warm walls of his cabin. Only you could bring the towering wall of a man to be reduced to a fit of giggles. Bucky knows his cheeks always give away how you make him feel, but he loves it. Just another way to show you the warmth you’ve brought into his life. 
“You’d like that too much, where’s the fun in that? I like knowing I can get my little bunny hoppin’,” he deadpans, unsuccessfully. You both break out into a fit of laughter as he shakes you against him softly, trying to coax more precious laughter from you.
“You’re ridiculous, Bucky,” you tease, completely captivated by the way his eyes look with the bright reflection of the falling snow in them. The smile that’s graced his face since he’s woken up grows even wider, taking in the way your face looks while staring at him, the soft light from the window behind you illuminating the air around you. 
Absolutely breathtaking, he thought. 
Soft crinkles danced around the corners of his lips and eyes; he was truly happy— a sight that never failed to set a fire ablaze in each and every nerve of your body.
Bucky pulls you into his side, pressing a tender kiss into your temple, shifting so you both could watch the snow continue to fall outside. Nestling deeper into the safety of his warm bed you push back against him, reveling in the security of Bucky and the life you get to share. A soft, 'I love you bunny', is all that can be heard whispered into the skin behind your ear. 
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2,605 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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beefy lumberjack!bucky x f!reader (lumby and bunny au)
w.c: fucking long i'm so sorry i have no control (8k)
warnings: SMUT, angst/mention of Bucky's past, oral (f rec), p in v, dom+needy!bucky (this is lumby we are talking ab), fluff, he's so in love that it's actually rude and you might die
summary: Bucky's never been so scared of a feeling in his life. there are too many what if's– too many fears bubbling deep within the parts of him left broken and hollow, untouched for far too long. but he never envisioned finding you– and he's entirely too impatient; entirely too certain no one's ever been more infatuated with something than how he feels for you.
a/n: the long overdo lumby and bunny's first time. i'm so nervous to share this with you and i rewrote this about 3 times lmao. not proofread, all mistakes are my own. i hope you enjoy and please feel free to let me know what you think. tumblr did not want me posting this apparently, please read it lol xo
𝐢 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢
The last month and a half has been bliss, to put it bluntly.
As the ground awoke from the lasting bite of winter, so have you. His laugh, his voice, his scent, his eyes– god those fucking eyes.
Every day has been something new and exciting; your sweet boy has been nothing short of perfect in the little while you’ve gotten to know him.
Endearing, charming, attentive– but there was something burning under those layers of gleaming eyes and rosy pink cheeks; under his breathless giggles and groaned utterances of his shy ‘come on bun… you’re makin’ me go all silly’.
It wasn’t your fault he looked so pretty when he blushed.
You could feel it in his stare, in the way his hands started holding your curves with a bit more need– even apart from those few intense nights spent on his couch.
His touch had been something that hadn’t shied away from letting you know just where he wanted to be; holding you between his palms was where he felt he fit best.
The force his body used to chop heavy stumps day after day took a lot out of him– years of strain strenuous on his mind, on his limbs. Bucky’s hands only knew rough wind and a death grip; until he met just how soft you could feel under them, that was.
Now they caressed with a featherlight air, molding perfectly around the dips and swell of you. Bucky liked having his hands on you– he knew he just needed to touch you. But there was something off.
Almost as if he was afraid of placing them on you– a hesitancy you couldn’t quite name.
Running gentle tingles along the length of your spine, tracing circles and shy patterns into the secrecy of your sides, his hands began to relax for the first time in years. His lips would sear fire across every inch of skin they discovered, the plump pillows teasing your throat and the span of your shoulders with nervous breaths whispered.
If the shivers and soft whines you graced him with from just his recent discovery of weightlessness were this heavenly– fuck.
He’s fucked.
How’s he meant to contain all his desires– all the urges festering torturously in the pits of his stomach? He’d never be able to stay away once he knew what it was like to let himself go.
What if you felt the same way she did?
While his mouth caressed you, his hands followed. Ghosting over each trail and trace of his tongue, goosebumps spreading across your skin like sparks in a flame.
It was perfect. You’d never known being wanted could feel so right.
As you’d sink further into his chest, hands gripping the back of his neck while he tugged at your thighs to straddle him, he’d shut down. Meeting your movements for a moment, a low moan sounding deep in the depths of his throat as you rolled your hips, pulling at you desperately with a jolt of his core before he realized what he was doing.
Gasps of air and a shaky Bucky would act, anchoring his hands at your waist and slowing his lips gently up the side of your jaw. Chaste, teasing, a soft brush of ‘you’re so perfect bun,’ mumbled against your mouth before cuddling beside you on the couch, turning on a movie to cut through the tense air.
He wanted to take this slow– as slow as you’d let him. The sharp daggers embedded into his heart still left their sting, echoes of her words, 'You’re a fucking hermit. No one wants a man who can’t function in public. It’s embarrassing, really. I don’t want to live in the woods, let alone with you.'
'Let alone with you.'
He still hears it. He still feels it. True and bold, ringing loudly in every shielded touch on your back and hesitant kiss pressed against your temple.
'And you’re so clingy. My god. I need my own space, Bucky. You say you can’t breathe in the city and yet you manage to suffocate me here.'
See the full post
2,719 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jupitersmoon167 · 1 year
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I posted 7,782 times in 2022
That's 3,202 more posts than 2021!
67 posts created (1%)
7,715 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,768 of my posts in 2022
#*cackles* - 284 posts
#moon knight - 264 posts
#uk politics - 173 posts
#mcu - 137 posts
#marvel cinematic universe - 136 posts
#pokemon - 119 posts
#queen elizabeth ii - 102 posts
#british royal family - 99 posts
#marc spector - 98 posts
#twitter - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#ur magic is green like plants and growth. calming and grounding. if u got lost in the forest u would eventually turn into a tree (in the bes
My Top Posts in 2022:
So I just got into Critical Role’s new animated series Legend of Vox Machina, and I decided to learn more about what happens in the campaign.
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83 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Some 5am thoughts regarding my newest creative blurb featuring teen!Moon Knight reader.
So I’d imagine that since the Khonshu who accompanies reader is from another universe, he doesn’t hold as much power compared to the Khonshu of Earth 616.
This would mean that he can’t protect the reader as well as he wants to (much to his dismay). So while the reader can heal, it just takes longer, especially fatal wounds. For instance, a stab wound could take minutes to heal rather than seconds.
And because of this, I feel like rather than using a variation of the ceremonial armor Marc uses, the reader has a more modern look (while keeping the likeness of the usual armor of course) with more metallic pieces than wrappings covering her vulnerable areas to avoid preventable injuries. And of course the signature cape (that she can remove at anytime to avoid any problems).
Weapon wise, she would use both the crescent knives (which would also come from her chest as well) as well as the escrima sticks Steven uses. The reader would also use a sword (maybe a bronze sword or a khopesh, or whatever blades Layla uses as the Scarlet Scarab) to deal with larger adversaries she comes across in her multidimensional travels with America.
I’ve already come up with a name for this character I’ve created (rather than referring her as reader), so if anyones interested in hearing that, let me know. Or if I should just keep referring her as reader to appeal to the masses. Either way, let me know. More ideas on the way!
103 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
So it’s been a week since I’ve posted my Khonshu/Marc/Steven x Eternal!Reader idea (seen here), and my mind has been wandering, crafting scenarios surrounding this idea. And I thought, why not share? Especially since a lot of people seem to like this idea.
I would like to note once again that these ideas are free for anyone to write about, I’m not planning on writing anything about this (at the moment at least), so if anyone wants to write a Moon Knight fanfic involving an Eternal!Reader, go ahead! I highly encourage it!
Moving on to my additional thoughts:
So after the reader reveals herself to Marc/Steven (how does Jake factor into this I’m just realizing?) after the deviant attack, and when she reveals her purpose for being on Earth and her past relationship with Khonshu, how would the Moon boys react?
I’d imagine they’d both be angry, Marc more so than Steven (at least in my mind). They’d question whether or not their relationship with the reader was genuine, or if they were just being used as a means to see Khonshu? And there’s the fact that she isn’t from Earth, and that she’s a being more than 7,000 years old sent by some cosmic power to protect humanity and helped shape the history of the planet, while at the same time not interfering with the atrocities committed by humans. So I’d imagine they’d be quite angry with the reader. She of course tries to explain this to them, but a fight breaks out (the Moon boys aren’t as understanding as Dane), and harsh words are thrown at the reader (by Marc, Steven is mostly quiet).
And then she has to go.
“Marc, Steven, I need to take care of this.”
Marc laughs humorlessly. “Of course you do.”
“Marc-” she sighs.
“No, you know what? Go. Take care of your ‘mission’, or whatever the hell it is that you were sent here to do, and leave.”
“……I’ll let you know when I’m done.”
“No, do both me and Steven a favor and never talk to us again.”
So the reader goes with Sersi, Sprite, and Ikaris to find the others. And as they progress along, she calls them when she can (they never pick up the phone) and leaves messages telling them about her journey.
“Hey, just landed in the States. We’re headed to Ajak’s place, I’ll call you when we get to her house.”
“Hey, um, so we got to Ajak’s. She……got attacked by a deviant and is…………Anyway, we’re flying back out again, probably going to find Kingo. Let me know if you get this, we’re in the middle of nowhere in South Dakota, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not getting any service.”
“So, I’m realizing that you’re both probably ignoring me. Which is totally fair, believe me. I should’ve told you guys the truth from the start, and I regret not doing that. But regardless, I’m going to keep sending you updates. Though you’re most likely not going to listen to them anyway. We’re heading to Australia to get Gilgamesh and Thena. I’ll be sure to update you on our progress soon…….I miss you, both of you.”
“Hey, sorry I haven’t called in a bit, things have been…..hectic. A lot of bombshells have been dropped and things just got much more complicated. I don’t want to bore you with the details, I’ll uh….tell you both all about it when I come back. Hey uh, when’s the last time you called you’re dad?”
“Screw the theatrics, I don’t even know if you’re even going to get this. We’re in the middle of the god damn Amazon, because Druig thought it would be a grand fucking idea to place his cult here of all places. He’s a stubborn bastard, but if we’re gonna pull this off we need him. I meant it earlier when I said you should talk to your dad, you uh, never know when he’ll kick the bucket, so to speak. I miss you guys, I wish I could talk-”
“We were attacked by deviants, Gilgamesh is dead……..he died protecting Thena. I’ve lost two of my family members in the span of a few days, and my friend is giving me the silent treatment. Are we even friends anymore? I know you said not to talk to you guys again, but frankly, I don’t know what I would do without you two.”
“……..I think this might be the last time I call you. I get it, I’ll stop contacting you. I just……I guess I was hoping that we could put this behind us and move on. But that’s obviously not gonna happen, is it? And frankly, I don’t blame you guys for ignoring me, you both have every right to hate and despise me. Just……yeah. Have a good life you two.”
“I know I said you wouldn’t hear from me ever again, but I just have to say this before the world is inevitably blown apart by a newborn celestial. I love you both, so so much. I just wish I got to tell you that in person, and not over the phone when I’m heading towards a live volcano to put a celestial to sleep. Regardless, I just wanted to let you two know. I’ll see you when this is all over, that is if you even want to see me. And if we don’t fail, and Ikaris doesn’t kill us. I probably should’ve mentioned that previously-”
It’s past 5am when I’m writing this, and I’m shit at writing dialogue (especially about feelings), but I just wanted to get this out before I fell asleep. If some of what I’ve described isn’t coherent, let me know, and I’ll discuss it further in length when I’ve gotten some shuteye 😂
I also wanted to add this kicker. I’d imagine it’s when Marc/Steven try to call the reader after (finally) hearing all the messages she left (it only took until they saw the Celestial emerge from the ocean on tv to hear them), only to get hit with this when they try to call her.
“We’re sorry, you have reached a number that is disconnected or that is no longer in service…..”
So…..do with that as you will 😈
Once again, anyone is free to write anything regarding what I’ve given out. As long as I get a shoutout, I’m content with anyone taking what I’ve said and writing their own story.
148 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
My obsession of Moon Knight is starting to take over my creative thought process. I just came up with the idea of a Moon Knight x teen!reader where the reader is the daughter of Marc/Steven (with Jake being more like an uncle figure towards the reader) and Layla. But here’s the kicker: she’s from another dimension where her parents are dead and has taken up the mantle of Moon Knight after her fathers passing.
In my delusional state (I’ve been bedridden with a massive migraine for the past few hours unable to fall asleep), I’ve come up with a plot where America Chavez winds up in the readers dimension (where Marc/Steven/Jake and Layla were both snapped, but never returned cause the avengers never got the stones back, leaving the reader on her own), and the reader decides to join America and protect her from multiversal threats coming to take her power. This all leads to Multiverse of Madness, and after the events of the movie, the reader stays on Earth 616 since she has no one to go back to on her own Earth.
I’d imagine this would take place after Season 1 of Moon Knight, so Jake is Khonshu’s avatar without Marc/Steven knowing. So when Khonshu (of Earth 616) senses another avatar of his, he sends Jake to investigate and to dispose of the “imposter” (when in reality it’s the reader with her own Khonshu (who btw is very protective of her and has become a surrogate parent of sorts to her since her parents were blipped)).
This leads to them fighting, they’re both trading killing blows (which don’t work cause they’re both healing from the suits), and the reader doesn’t know who exactly she’s fighting (other than it’s this Earth’s Moon Knight) until the last second when she recognizes Jake’s voice. And in a moment of disbelief, she whispers “Tío Jake?”
And then…….yeah that’s all I got. There’s bits and pieces after this, but I think I’ve shared enough for one post. Might share more later (who am I kidding, of course I am, I have no self restraint whatsoever).
176 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Khonshu/Marc/Steven x Eternal!Reader
Think about it. Some of the Eternals were depicted as historical figures/gods (Thena as Athena for example), so the same could be said the reader. When in Ancient Egypt, the reader was depicted as one of the Egyptian goddesses (Maat?) based on their powers/abilities. They meet Khonshu, and they slowly become friends, bonding over their appreciation for humanity. Maybe it slowly grows into love?
But as time went on, and the Eternals moved on to other places around the world, and the Ennead start to abandon humanity, they start to argue with each other about interfering with humanity’s progression (Khonshu over his duty to protect those of the night, and the reader over only protecting humanity from the deviants and leaving humanity to fend for themselves over other matters). After one massive argument, they part ways, and continue on their own paths.
Fast forward to modern day. After the Eternals defeated the deviants and parted ways, the reader finds herself staying in London with Sersi and Sprite, and helps Sersi with her job at the British Museum. Now this could go a number of ways, with the reader meeting Marc during his Moon Knight business, or with Steven at the museum. With either of these routes, the reader and Khonshu finally reunite after a couple hundred (maybe thousand?) years apart. Now in my mind, the plot of Eternals still hasn’t happened yet, and the reader is still keeping out of human affairs. So the reunion with Khonshu and the friendship (maybe pairing?) with Steven/Marc could go either way. Regardless, Steven/Marc don’t know about the reader being immortal or being able to see Khonshu and their relationship.
Now to when the deviants come back. Reader is with Sersi, Sprite, and Dave (maybe Marc/Steven tag along?) The deviant attacks, Marc/Steven find out about the Eternals (and their previous relationship with Khonshu), and they and the reader fight over their friendship (among other things). Reader then leaves to find the other Eternals, and two things could happen:
1. They die along with Gilgamesh in the Amazon (or maybe even by Ikaris) and upon her return to London, Sersi breaks the news to Marc/Steven and Khonshu before being whisked away by Arishem. Leaving the three mourning for the loss of their friend/lover.
2. Reader comes out alive, and reunite with Marc/Steven and Khonshu in London, and they all make up. Only for the reader to be whisked away by Arishem.
Regardless, it ends in angst (cause we have no clue where Arishem took Sersi, Kingo, and Phastos at the end of the movie, only that they are awaiting judgement for disobeying orders and killing a celestial).
But that’s my idea for a oneshot (maybe mini-series). And since I have no creative bone in me whatsoever, I’m just gonna toss this idea to the jackals for one of you guys to pick up and do something with. I’ve got finals this week, but I just had to get this idea out there to share with you all before the finale this Wednesday. Comment and let me know what you think of this and maybe want to write about it (please I need to talk about this to someone).
233 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 131. brb x oc
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a/n: okay! So...Um, we're still having issues! So if you see this fic, pls lemme know? I don't know how long this foolery will last, hopefully not long? But yeah,anyway reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3333 (sorry)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none. fluff so fluffy it'll rotten you
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
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Planning something only worked if you weren’t Beatrice. Because Beatrice was, and still is, incredibly anxious especially around her family.
Of course having Rooster and Nicole with her helped, but she tried her best to avoid her aunt’s gaze every time their eyes met. Her aunt just knew, she just knew something was up and was going to mention it sooner or later…as long as she did it in private and far away from her mother’s prying eyes and perked up ears.
Nicole was happily babbling on her lap, playing with the bracelet on her wrist, pulling the bright stones close to her eyes and letting it go. It was elastic, so she found it hilarious how it bounced off her hand. However, she tugged way too hard and it hit Beatrice’s wrist harder than before, “Ow!” she winces, looking down at her hand with a frown, “Nikki, don’t do that.”
“Mama got hurt, don’t pull it too hard.” she brings her hand closer and shows Nicole that she could roll the stone and even tug it gently, but not pull and let it go, “Be careful.” she had a feeling she understood, because Nicole just blinked and did as she asked him to do…of course it was more the visual cues than the words but it still helped.
Rooster, who was sitting next to her, gently lowered his hand to her waist using the space between her body and the chair to rub his thumb over the expanse of her midriff, drawing slow circles on her top as he brought the glass to his lips, “You okay?’ he asks, a bit muffled but loud enough so she could hear it through the Italian music playing around them.
“I’m anxious.”
“Okay.” he begins, still keeping the glass there, “You need some time away?”
“No, just scoot closer?”
He sets the glass down immediately, adjusts himself and tugs the chair closer to Beatrice, “Thank you.” she whispers, kissing his cheek - right where his scar was - before sighing, “I feel stupid.”
He smiles, still rubbing her back and gently drawing shapes on her shirt, “You aren’t stupid, you are worried and it’s okay to be.”
“Baby…” he coos, kissing her cheek three times in a quick sequence, then propping his chin on her shoulder, “You are too cute, you know that?’ she pouts a bit and he has to hold himself to not kiss her like he wanted right then and there, “You are doing fine, you hear? You are doing absolutely fine.”
“Thank you,Roos.” she says, “I’m…I’m trying.”
“I know you are,I can see it.” he straightened himself to look ahead, to where his father in law and Maverick were still talking, “They look like long lost friends.” and he was glad that it happened like so, because Mav’s nervousness - while hilarious- was unfounded considering how Rafael was.
He had a feeling the Schiavoni just adopted Maverick as well.
There’s a commotion from the inside of the house, Beatrice’s mother’s voice greeting someone in there loud enough for people to hear. Beatrice perked up with interest, “I think Michael is here.” she whispered, “Can you see anything?” 
Her husband was taller and was looking directly towards the kitchen’s doors, all he could see were the shadows of something moving, probably Michael and his mystery girlfriend, “Not much.” he comments, then grunts as he stands to his feet, “But I’m thirsty, so I’m going to get some water.”
If she ever told people that Lt. Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw was really into gossip she was sure no one would believe her…unless it was Phoenix, because she knew a lot about him and loved to pester him about it. She smiles while biting her lips, following her husband walk away with her eyes until he is inside.
Rooster heard the voices a bit louder in there but couldn’t identify the conversation, however he did open the fridge to get some water…with his eyes directed to the threshold where he could have a better view of whoever was coming over. He waits a bit, filling his glass almost to the brim when he hears the footsteps getting closer.
He tries to appear casual, he does that by leaning against the counter to drink,pulling out his phone to just open the gallery and look at pictures of both his wife and daughter, playing it off as if he was talking to someone.
And almost instantly he gets a message. From Bea.
Bea (21:03)
No, nothing yet.I’m waiting.I can hear Michael’s voice though.
Bea (22:04)
Okay, keep me updated!
He will, he just had to wait a bit more. He didn’t look up right away when he heard the footsteps approaching, “Oh you didn’t have to bring anything,” he hears Claudia say, “You are too sweet, what’s your name again honey?”
“Hannah Dreyfus.”
He tries to not choke on his water but fails, coughing wetly and looking away when he knew they were all staring at him, “Bradley?” Claudia calls gently, already getting closer, “Are you okay,bambino? What’s happening?”
He can’t come up with an answer yet, the shock still fresh in his body. He coughs a few more times before he finally meets his brother in law’s eyes…and Hannah’s. Michael’s hand was on her waist, they were very close, their shoulders were touching.
Now, he knew that Beatrice and Hannah made their peace, he knew there was no bad blood between the two anymore…but it was still so strange to see Michael, who was usually very protective of Beatrice, start dating one of her ex-bullies.
And he had a feeling Michael knew that because he was looking a bit…uncomfortable. “I’m fine,Claudia…just swallowed wrong.” he licks his lips, flicking his gaze between Michael and Hannah, “...well,uh…hi.”
“Hi,” both said together, both looking uncomfortable and unsure if this was a good idea.
Rooster however was reminded that when they first met months ago, something happened. Something sparked between the two and maybe he was overreacting, maybe he was still protective of his wife because of everything she told him,maybe it was because she was pregnant again and he didn’t want her to get more anxious. He throws a lame excuse to leave the room, forgetting his own glass on the way out.
He shuffles over to Beatrice, immediately sitting down next to her and whispering, “It’s Hannah.”
“Michael’s girlfriend.” he begins, “It’s Hannah Dreyfus.”
And he looks at her, waiting for her reaction. Her brows furrow, then relax then her lips move but no words come out…all that she does is look at him with nothing showing how she felt. She was either really shocked or just didn’t care.
That was all.
Bradley blinked, then shook his head, “Oh? Is that all?”
“...I mean,I…” she pauses, “I’m surprised, but…I’m not mad?”
“You are not?”
“No,I’m not…I like Hannah.” she smiles, “She’s not bad,Roos…we were done with…whatever was that we had…relax your hands, baby. You are tense.”  she rubs his knuckles, “Brad, are you getting protective of me?”
“Can’t help it.”
“Aw…you are so cute…but you don’t have to worry about Hannah anymore, you know that.” he almost felt bad by his reaction, loosening his hands and sighing before he leans back on his seat because she was right.
He does keep his hand on her back when Michael and Hannah come out, and it’s almost hilarious when they all crowd Hannah and the woman jumps in surprise, clearly not expecting to have that sort of welcome there. Beatrice smiles, waving at her - Hannah barely is able to reciprocate because Marina is just keeping her arms down on a hug - and then looks back at Nicole…well,more specifically at her stomach.
Again she didn’t want to admit but the distraction of Michael’s relationship was very welcome for her wild brain.At least for now.
Maverick was now officially part of the family.
Well him,Penny and Amelia. And Hannah,of course.
Beatrice and Rooster watched amusedly as Beatrice’s mother surrounded them with more food, bringing more plates,more options, just more. She knew her mother was happy to see extra guests in their house, she loved meeting people and the fact that these people brought joy to those she loved it was more than welcome.
Nicole, who was still awake, stared at the scene with bright eyes. Her bow was gone, she pulled it off her head when it slid over her eyes and she got annoyed with it, choosing to chew on it instead, deciding it was a much better option than looking cute.
Rooster moves his gaze from the newly acquired family members to Nicole, folding his arms on the side of his chair and leaning down to meet her eyes, “Hi Birdie.” he coos, not being able to contain his smile when she gurgled happily at him, “How are you enjoying your very first Christmas?”
“Well, second, she did spend the first one in my belly.”
“True,” he smiles, “And at least now, I’m here with you three–two-” he cuts himself off when Beatrice widens her eyes at him, “Two, here. Sorry gorgeous,almost slipped.”
“It’s okay.”she looks at her parents then back to Rooster, “No one heard anything.”
“Heard what?”
Both of them froze at the high pitched voice from behind, turning around to only see Bianca’s legs above the back of their chairs, they had to lean forward a bit more and see their niece’s head…well,part of it. She was still on her walking handstand, “Bibi.” Bea begins, “You shouldn’t do that so often, the blood is going to go down to your head and it’s going to give you headaches.”
“But it’s fun!”
“Bibi,come on.”Rooster says, “It’s dangerous.”
“...fine!” she turns back to her standing position with her hands up in the air, as if she just landed on a perfect pose, her blonde hair a complete mess, “What are you guys talking about?”
‘Adult stuff.”Rooster cuts quickly, ‘Nothing to worry about.”
“Mommy and daddy have those talks too and I always sneak on them.” the very surprised voice of Leonardo in the back going ‘what’ fell in deaf ears. Bianca squeezed herself between their chairs, well, her head only and then held herself up by climbing on the back spindles, balancing herself the best that she could. “I snuck on you two!”
Both of them panicked for a second, with Beatrice clearing her throat, “Well,Bibi, that’s bad, you shouldn’t do it. It’s rude.”
“It’s funny!”
“It’s not, you shouldn’t sneak on people.” the little girl pouted a bit but smiled soon after, “What…did you hear though?’
“Dunno.” she shrugs, “Something about something something.” she murmurs, “Hey!Look I can balance myself with one leg!” and she proceeds to stretch one of her legs up and bend her spine in a way the front of her shoe touches her forehead, “Look!”
Beatrice sighed in relief, thank God for her niece’s overactive mind because the fact that she forgot about it meant they didn’t have to worry yet. Another thing to relax, “That’s really nice Bibi, why don’t you go help nonna with the desserts? I think she called you.”
“She did?”
“Mhm, she did, look,” she pointed at the glass doors, her mother wasn’t even looking at them, “Hear that? She’s saying ‘Biancaa’ and asking you to help her.”
Bianca gasped, “I’m a big girl! I CAN HELP!” she jumps out of the chairs to run inside, almost barreling into her grandmother and aunt, already opening the fridge.
Rooster blinked, “Was that a good idea?’
“Maybe.” she says, looking back down when Nicole wriggled, “We’ll see- oh, oh I have to change her, Roos.”
“I’ll go with you. I left the bag in your old room.” he stands up first, pulling the chair for her so she’d stand up easily. So far the night was fine, besides a few innocent slip ups that they could deal with before anyone noticed, and right now they had a baby to change.
Nicole wasn’t sleepy, she was still wide awake and interested in what was going on, blinking at everything as they disappeared into Beatrice’s room. Rooster was kind enough to open the baby bag and spread the towel on top of the bed, running his hands on top so it wouldn’t have any creases.
Beatrice smiles at him when he turns around, earning a wink from her husband, “You are relentless.”
Rooster chose to stay close by but not hover over Beatrice as she changed Nicole, deciding to lean against the wall and look at what was left of the old stickers on the walls, the posters that were no longer there and the glitter glue that made itself known by a perfect round splotch close to her door.
Bradley however, tilted his head when he noticed that there was something partially hidden by her small nightstand, something square and light colored. He frowned, tilting his head and then asking, “Did your parents hide some of the kids’ gifts here?”
“Hm?I’m not sure, why?”
“Because I can see one.” he explains, crouching down to nudge the nightstand out of the way and pull it out. It was not one but two small boxes, one light blue and the other lilac, tied together by a golden ribbon…and a tiny twig of lavender between the gifts, “...huh.” he frowns, turning it back and forth, stopping when he saw the names written on it, “It’s for us.”
“Yeah,” he turns it towards her when she finishes Nicole, holding the baby up to her shoulder, “It has our names on it.”
“Does it say who’s it from?”
“No.” his wife grabs the boxes and checks the handwriting, her mouth parting when she read the words, “Bea?’
“...this is my aunt’s handwriting.” she begins, “...oh how does she do this?” she says, clearly surprised and absolutely certain that her aunt was indeed one of the biggest witches this side of the country, “How does she-okay, let’s leave it there, she said she’d want to give it to us later.” 
“You okay?”
“Yeah…I…” she frowns, rubbing her forehead with her hand once Rooster takes the tiny gifts, “Just…thinking that no one in my family is normal…at all. Ugh.” Rooster places the gifts back where they once hid, turning back towards Beatrice with a small smile, “Roos…my family is so crazy.”
“So is mine.” he smiles,kissing her forehead, “...do you think she’ll know we saw it?”
“...yeah.” she whispers, “I do.”
58 notes · View notes
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Fresh buzz cut and new cleavage window crop top, I'm feeling human again and feeling pretty fuckin gender.
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40 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Sometimes I think about the Destiny 2 Leviathan raid Titan armor.
And I wonder how many advisors it took to convince Calus not to put a cleavage window in the chest piece that is basically just a bustier over a breastplate.
How many psions died to keep us from getting shot in the tits?
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51 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
Thank you boosting!
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Friend had a surprise stroke of luck, thanks everyone for trying to help, and especially to the one entire person who donated anything.
54 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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Thank you so much to @saplingdraws for this lovely sketch of my girl Thaavia "Godbarter" Elanigo, watching one of her party membt get chokeslammed through a table with the same tired fond amusement one watches their cat get its head stuck in a tissue box for the third time in the last hour.
Y'all should go commission Allie, they're great and so damn talented, and as soon as I have a little more money to throw around, I'm getting another.
And a special thanks to @de-luka for the present, I swear I'll have my revenge for this ya nerd 💜💜💜💜💜
64 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
No more catboys with abs! No more catgirls with flat tummies! Give them back their primordial pouch!!!
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469 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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karkleisdead · 1 year
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I sent 3 gifts in 2022
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115 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
Davekat headcanon bc I'm basic:
Dave needs glasses. Like, actual glasses, not just shades. He wasn't able to get them with bro (obviously) and he hid it on the meteor bc he didn't even really realize it. And obviously karkat noticed like immediately like : "WHAT THE FUCK???? GET GLASSES?????" and Dave was like "nah dude its always been like this im good--" The second they're on Earth C karkat forces him to get prescription shades and Dave just. Doesn't know how to react now that he can actually see.
128 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Karkat Vantas would scroll through #mlm on tumblr, insta, and twitter for a couple hours and imagine multiquadrant (or quadrant-defying) scenarios send tweet
145 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Dirk Strider hc:
Because dirk was like. Never exposed to humans irl before after the game, he had genuinely never been sick. A few weeks on Earth C he gets sick and is convinced he is dying. He writes a will and testament (he assumes it will be a just death) before Jake kindly informs him that he has a cold and makes him lie down.
184 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Infodumping ur friends about homestuck is so fun bc you can literally pick one aspect, one act, or one character and be able to talk for literal hours. ESPECIALLY if it's a fandom favorite and you find some cool theories on them. Or it's like. Act 6. U know? Just one. Infodumping about the entirety of homestuck could and should take days.
200 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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