lunatriense 9 hours
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Morning cuddles 馃挒
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lunatriense 2 days
Prolly gonna be my one and only rwde post (cus the fanbase is rancid and I'm not rlly a rwby fan, just a person who watches the show): some of you rwby fans are too comfortable using your queerness as a shield to silence BIPOC voices about the racist writing and your 'precious' bigoted CRWBY. You guys unironically act/think that just because you have to deal with queerphobia; you are IMMUNE to being bigoted yourself and you are INCAPABLE of parroting bigoted beliefs. Cus I know there will be a dumbass ant1-rwde posters who will try to drown out this post by saying its 'lies from the EVIL RWDE!!!': You would rather weaponize your queerness to bash on BIPOC voices, while claiming to care about our voices. You would rather be complicit with the racist writers and their racist writing, just because your racist writers gave you a queer ship. There is no shame nor issue in projecting the abused you suffered onto the characters, however you refuse to see through the characters and their writing through a BIPOC lens. You do not get the right to impose your perspective of the characters at the expense of BIPOC voices, you do not get to twist our voices to be alt-right bigots because we called out RWBY's rampant racism. You do not get the right to say you give a shit about BIPOC and have #BLM in your bio when you fervently defend your bigoted company. You do not get to pretend to care about racism when you buy merch off of your bigoted company. My fellow BIPOC (especially the queer BIPOC): why are you guys so comfortable dismissing your fellow poc about their discomfort with RWBY's racist writing? BIPOC are not a monolith with the same opinions about racism in media; but some of you guys are weirdly comfortable with turning a blind eye to your fellow BIPOC getting dogpiled by the white fandom. We can and will disagree, you not agreeing as a BIPOC about RWBY's racist writing is not what I take issue with. The issue lies within you upholding the racial colourblindness in the fandom; like how the fandom was ok with throwing the racism under the bus in favour of queerness, you are ok with throwing your BIPOC peers under the bus for white queerness. Sincerely, a POC who has been watching the fandoms rampant racism problem ever since 2019.
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lunatriense 3 days
Yang does not protect Blake and foes to comfort Ruby. Blake gets upset by this and bumblebee sinks on the spot when Blake tries to force an ultimatum.
I'm confused. When is this supposed to be?
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lunatriense 3 days
Bro we were so robbed of 2v2 battle with Pyrrha and Nora/Ren during v3 tournament.
Literally. They even storyboarded it: we were supposed to get Pyrrha and Nora vs Sun and Neptune, but they cut it for some reason
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lunatriense 3 days
Ruby really made v9 bearable. Even if there was no proper build-up to her depression. It was genuinely gut-wrenching for me to watch her suffering in silence in this vibrant wonderland while being surrounded by nimrods for a family and being reviled for acting human.
Like every time, every volume, it's almost as if the writers are aware of their bad writing and do something to call themselves out on it, giving you hope, but then they shoot themselves in the foot like SIKE, we really are going for 'beyond redemption' route. I don't know how I managed to last until ninth season. Shame on me for thinking that after all the years of red flags and bigotry, this show could still get back on the feet and make something out out of itself ig.
V9 was bearable? But yeah, they almost manage to stumble into something good but pull the rug out on even that.
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lunatriense 5 days
not prompting you to come back just letting you know that we miss you at discord <3
D'awww, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to up and vanish like that. Life just got busier, but I'm still around if you tag me, and I'll try to peek in and comment more often 鉂わ笍
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lunatriense 5 days
I think Schneekos and Pyrruby perfectly fit into "And so... they were both bottoms."
I used to think this too, but then I came across Soft Domme Aerith and now I firmly believe that Pyrrha is a soft/ service top. She's all about pleasing her lover
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lunatriense 5 days
Ruby finds out Jaune killed Penny and she is not pleased calling him a murderer. She even reminds Jaune he could have saved her with his Aura Amp which he so conveniently forgot about so he can save the day as the hero.
Jaune doesn't care cause he only gives a fuck about himself anyway and it gives him something else to answer over and steal the spotlight for, then probably does something to get stuff Ruby in the fridge too since everything has to be about him
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lunatriense 5 days
So, so true.
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i actually liked volumes 4-5 but everything after that has been so abysmal
i miss old lighthearted rwby
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lunatriense 8 days
Random quotes from media to describe RWBY part 2
I recognize that the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it
It is what it is but like. Can it be something else.
Our expectations for you were low but HOLY FUCK
It was so ugly everybody died
Dies from cringe
Fanon yes canon no
I don't like where this is going. Nonono nono STAPH STAPH
What the hell have you people been smoking out there
I just thought there'd be more.
Please say sike
That's cool and all but please show me literally one person who asked
Bitch! You better be joking
I may not have a brain, gentlemen, but I have an idea
I am surviving inefficiently
Suicide is badass馃槑
It's time to STOP. Okay?! NO MORE!
Lmao pretty much yeah
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lunatriense 9 days
How it'd feel for Miles Luna to not let Jaune hijack every season with his manpain and let the actual protagonists be the protagonists:
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lunatriense 9 days
Is Elm the only female character who's been given a toned model within the series? Shouldn't nearly every major female character be ripped considering their background
Afaik she is. And not necessarily? Most women, and indeed most men, don't actually get truly ripped without fucked up diets or steroids. They should have very athletic builds though, similar to professional fighters or olympians, but not bodybuilders.
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lunatriense 10 days
Tbh I would've doubled down on Ruby's depressive state in the Ever After by having her think that maybe, this is their punishment for how they failed in Atlas. They deserve to be stranded here, in an alien world, away from their own, with the agony of being completely unable to fix what they did. Remnant doesn't deserve to have her come back.
And after causing the mess they did even in this world, I'd have her think that, she's cursed/destined to relive her failures, leave everything in ruins wherever she sets her foot on. The opposite of what she wanted to become. She doesn't deserve to heal. She doesn't deserve a second chance. She might even compare herself to Salem.
I know it's a stretch, especially for someone like Ruby who doesn't even seem to believe in destiny/outside forces, but when you're overwhelmed with grief, you don't always think straight. And the vastness of Ruby's mistakes is enough to push any (sane or remotely decent) person over the edge.
Yeah, that would've been a much better way to go about things than the way they did. I also think the majority of the season she should've been alone, perhaps hallucinating the others, such that when they caught up with her she didn't believe they're really there.
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lunatriense 10 days
It's so whiplashingly befuddling to see Weiss idolizing her sister when the former is like, Jacques but female. I've counted at least 4 red flags of abusive behavior.
After not seeing her younger sister for several months, Winter:
- doesn't even greet her and ignores her
- Weiss' demeanor around her shifts from naturally emotional to formal as she corrects her words. As if, she'd been trained to act this way in her older sister's presence. Y'know, something you'd also expect their father to demand of her.
- Hits her (later TWICE) and hushes her for answering a personal question not the way Winter wanted
- "I wish to inspect them (the quarters) and make sure they're up to my personal standards." Jee. Do I even need to explain.
Can't really blame Weiss for being such a pompous jerk in v1 considering she never had a single adult steering her away from this unhealthy mindset.
Literally this is not the behavior of a savior sister who supposedly guarded her little sister from their father's influences and made her feel enough as her own person who has right to freedom. Winter's introduction fumbles that concept like, completely. It'd be a cool development if Winter eventually came to realize that she'd been unintentionally mirroring their father and internalizing his abuse and reflected it on how she guided Weiss, repeating the cycle. But that never happened.
Yeah, I get you. Winter was a character they could've done a lot with, to show how she tried to help but ended up hurting her too in some of the same ways but as a supposed ally instead, and the same with both of them and Whitley. They had a chance to show some really interesting dynamics, but this being RT, they didn't just drop the ball, they threw it down as hard as they could, stomped on it, then ran over it and stabbed it a few times for good measure
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lunatriense 10 days
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lunatriense 10 days
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Waltz With a Red Wolf in the Middle of the Night by @neco28
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lunatriense 11 days
Korra, in an Equalist Asami universe: okay, someone else is going to need to interrogate the Asami girl
Mako: why? She uncooperative?
Korra, blushing: actually, she's a little too cooperative
Bolin: how is that even possible?
Korra: she keeps trying to ask me out on a date okay?! She's somehow super into me!
Mako: don't you think you're exaggerating a little?
Asami, getting guided out the interrogation room by cops: hey pretty girl, does this Saturday work for you?
Korra, blushing: I mean I don't have any plans
Bolin: you know what I'm rooting for you two
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