oscarwildin · 1 year
dead poets society changed my life because john keating is so right. i read and write poetry because i’m a member of the human race. i do need to seize the day. words and ideas do change the world. i am filled with passion.
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Words are the second most important thing you need to write a love poem. The first one is to impregnate your ink with the fragrance of the soul you love.
-Sabina Yesmin
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girlbruised · 1 year
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aikatxt · 28 days
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inkytower · 29 days
but if this is the end of the line for us,  for you, as it will never be, for me, then i only have one last wish, and it is this: that you will find someone to love as greatly as i have loved, will love, you.
to my greatest love | (e.l.)
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soulfulreverie · 10 months
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see-mab · 9 months
no because imagine a Neil perry and Jo march crossover in a parallel universe, the would be the craziest duo ever
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theprocast · 1 year
Time danced in relentless motion,
and I watched as chance after chance after chance
slipped through my fingers.
Moments that could have been etched
In our shared history
were instead lost in the abyss of silence.
The words I have been wanting to say
but never have to courage to
remained locked within my soul,
stifling under the weight
of my own indecision and lack of faith.
Faith for what we could have been,
where our love could have gotten us,
and why we always find out our way
to each other's doorstep.
The unspoken truths echoed
in the depths of my being,
a constant reminder of the opportunities—
of you, of us that slipped away.
Regret paints its melancholic strokes
on the canvas of my heart,
for the road not taken will forever haunt me.
Yet, amidst the sorrow,
a flicker of hope remains,
whispering that perhaps, one day,
the universe will conspire
to reunite our paths and grant us
a second chance at the love we left behind.
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cookiesandgrapess · 2 years
More Dps Headcannons
- neil is a big painter and loves to use just every color on the color wheel, but he’s incredibly messy. every time he paints he gets covered head to toe in paint splatters, especially on his face, and todd loves them
- pitts can’t use chopsticks. every time they go out to eat he asks for a fork
- When Neil gets tired of wearing a hat he sticks it on todd’s head until he wants it again
- when meeks can’t sleep he reads, and if that doesn’t work he goes to pitts just to complain and talk until he’s sleepy enough to go to bed
- neil would be the type of person to watch golf on the tv when he’s bored, and all of the poets are disgusted by this fact
- cameron knows how to irish jig
- todd was the kind of kid to make his bed every morning and would tuck the sheets army style
- charlie’s tell for lying is rubbing his nose
- todd isn’t good with hugs because he never got any when he was growing up. he threw up the first time him and neil hugged and he felt so bad he started crying
- knox will impulsively buy flowers every time he goes to the store in the hopes he’ll meet someone there. he never has
- todd is really good at keeping eye contact when he’s not anxious to the point where it’s almost unsettling
- pitts has incredibly loud foot steps and everyone can tell when he’s coming
- knox gets everyone’s attention by clearing his throat, but he doesn’t know how to do it and it always just sounds like hes choking
- when standing neil’s hands are always in his pockets. (if he doesn’t have pockets his hands are clasped behind his back. (he only does this because of his dad))
- cameron doesn’t tend to contribute to conversations unless he’s invited in or directly addressed
- charlie greets everyone with a nod
- meeks gets motivation through music and words of encouragement. ( his parents don’t tend to give him any, they all come from the poets)
- neil gets all panicky and fidgety over things he can’t control
- the poets favorite season is fall collectively and they all go to pumpkin patches together and carve pumpkins when they can
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daydreams-n-daaru · 2 years
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—sylvia plath.
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meteorvisuals · 9 months
“ We don't read and write poetry because it's cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion! ” — The Dead Poets Society (1989)
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oscarwildin · 2 months
the secret history winter or call me by your name summer
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To everyone I am in touch with and the souls I sadly don't talk to,
Each one of you have impacted my life in beautiful ways. I was glad to be able to know you and I was happy while I loved you. Know that I am and I will always be grateful that you crossed my path. Today, I have the opportunity, so allow me to tell you that you were all special to me in your own beautiful ways. You are always unforgettable in my story. Thank you for being my lesson, my memory, the reason why I learnt about myself more. Thank you for dropping by.
-Sabina Yesmin
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lord-of-the-muses · 1 year
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Hey folks! Other than writing fanfics I specialise in Spoken Word and free-verse poetry, if you love to give them a read, simply follow my blog on Instagram. All are written by a POC lesbian poet based on Melbourne, Victoria! 🏳️‍🌈
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aikatxt · 10 months
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60 mph.
a contrapuntal poem; this can be read straight down, first lines only, and indented/second lines only.
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suryodita20 · 1 year
Date someone who will make you laugh even if it’s 2:30 am and you’re lying in bed, crying because you sat there and overthought
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