#dai nana han
spielzeugkaiser · 23 hours
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Being on the nostalgia train this week really helped stretching my artistic legs again. So here, have some old things and some new! For now I'm done with this.
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soulstuffjunkie · 19 hours
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Y’all are not going to believe what hole I’ve found myself back in 😭😭😭😭
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ssilcatt · 1 year
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fav team
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burstbubbbles · 1 year
they are a set; do not separate.
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scrivenger-grimgar · 7 months
naruto writing prompt:
when tobirama implemented d-rank missions, he did not mean for them to be menial chores. the point was for genin to use ninja skills and chakra techniques in new, unconvential, and creative ways.
kakashi’s team 7 is the only team to get it right.
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aa-draws · 1 month
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Some Team 7 (Blank Period) that I'll be making as photocards :^D !!!
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skykashi · 2 years
Someone help this poor man, he's suffering 😂😂
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Leave it to Naruto to make someone who's always unbothered, cool, calm and collected like Kakashi to go "GRRR" lol.
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nattyontherun · 8 months
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i have,,,, ideas.
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axleboost · 25 days
Naruto Fanfiction | Life Without Kurama, Chapter 8
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Sakura Haruno, Team 7's late bloomer in canon, is in the spotlight for this chapter's quote. My, how different her attitude seems to be toward her boys in this AU!
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 days
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I appear for one hot second with another self indulgent nostalgia piece! It's my birthday today, I'm now [redacted] years old and I'm reminiscing about the passage of time..
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soulstuffjunkie · 1 year
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Nothing like watching your sweet sensei take apart Vaati without batting an eye.
I saw that reference image and IMMEDIATELY knew what I had to do with it. I’ve been working on this for an AGE and I know the og image says Super Mario Land but I figured it was a good time to shout out my favourite GBA game of all time, 🦆Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap🦆. I first played it multiple times to completion on the PSP and then later on a GBA emulator on my pc after our PSP died on us. I still love it to bits to this day 💖
Also you can see how I figured I liked the image more when it was flipped and then had to flip Kakashi’s hair and scar to be accurate. Also drew myself a little Kakashi face ✨as a treat✨ before I covered it with the mask
[ID: Naruto fanart of genin Team 7 plus Kakashi crowding around Iruka, who's playing on a Game Boy with an eyebrow raised. The kids look intense and impressed, Kakashi's leaning down to watch with an arm around Sakura, and Iruka's hair is down. The background is taken from Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Image two zooms in further on everyone's faces.
Image three is the reference, a photo of four kids standing around their mother on a Gameboy, captioned "A mom helping her kids beat a hard level in Super Mario Land, 1990s." The last three images are progress photos of the art. End ID] (many many thanks to @princess-of-purple-prose for the description, I’ll add these to what I have up and to the rest of my art too, going forward!)
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burstbubbbles · 1 year
between kakashi's exam at the beginning of the anime and sasuke leaving the village, there's approximately one year. ONE ENTIRE YEAR.
i wish we could've gotten to see team 7 be kids in that year. bonding. doing normal genin stuff. this might be an unpopular opinion but i wish we'd gotten more episodes like the one where they try to see under kakashi's mask. that one was so wholesome :')
i would kill the entire boruto series for more filler episodes that stick to canon and show us team 7's training during that year, when they weren't in important missions or going through life-changing experiences.
maybe that's bc after sasuke leaves he just stays gone for nearly the entire anime, but idk. i think naruto's longing for sasuke in the entirety of shippuden made me long for them as a team too. knowing there's an entire year that went by in between kakashi's genin exam and sasuke leaving makes me miss the moments that we never saw bc they weren't plot relevant.
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ssasukewasright · 2 years
i think it's funny how all the teams in naruto make sense bc they have a thing in common you know? like team 10 is inoshikacho tradition, team gai is hand to hand combat and team 8 is the perfect tracking/searching team
and then there's team seven with mental illness
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a-pastel-edgelord · 16 days
The lovely @shroomyart did a commission for me! A scene from Ankle Biter chapter 4! Please go check them out 💐❤️
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frankencanon · 8 months
Naruto Fanfic Prompt (Kakashi-centric):
At some point between the Wave Mission and the Chūnin Exams, Team 7 gets into some sort of accident involving a strange seal that results in Kakashi-sensei turning into a much smaller Kakashi-sensei who claims that he's thirteen years old, the Kyūbi attack was only a few weeks ago, and he is most definitely not a sensei—nor will he ever be.
In other words, a young Kakashi who just lost his very last team member and second father figure winds up twelve years in the future...!
Think of it like those Kakashi-centric time-travel AUs, but in reverse: instead of a future Kakashi taking the place of his past self, it's his past self who takes the place of present-day Kakashi.
Imagine how Team 7 might react to meeting their sensei's younger self... And he's not just younger, he's their age! Imagine how weird that must be? Your sensei as your age... Your sensei as a kid...!
Is this permanent or temporary? Who knows...
(Also, is he okay? Like, for real, is he okay? Because Team 7 is getting real concerned about their sensei's mental health...)
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What's your response to people saying Sasuke viewing Team 7 as his family is “unrealistic” because they only knew each other for a few months?
Ouuu I’m sorry this is such a late response, I was drafting it out and I totally forgot to finish it!
Figuring out the timeline of Naruto is HELL, but from what I gather, Sasuke was a part of Team 7 for about a year. For plot purposes, we don’t really see how Team 7 bonds, but we know they basically meet up / train / go on missions every day. During the Wave arc, Kakashi gives the whole “abandoning your teammates makes you worse than scum” speech to a group of impressionable 12 year olds. Not only that, he’s been drilling the idea of teamwork since the very first meeting. On top of all that, it’s established at the academy that it’s essential for teams to gel if they want to survive on the field (the team becomes your second family, wink wink.)
Considering all of that, no I don’t think it’s unrealistic to believe that Sasuke begins to cherish Team 7 (something that is CANONICALLY proven, and I’ll prove it after this.) His time with his team provides structure, routine, and an escape from his relentless thoughts abt revenge (and if there’s one thing I know, kids need routine and structure, even if regrettably, that comes from being a fucking child soldier.) Team 7 becomes Sasuke’s support system. I’m not pulling this out of my ass btw - after seeing Itachi again, Sasuke himself acknowledges that because he spent so much time being with his team, he forgot abt his revenge (for clarification cos I’m too lazy to find the manga page, this is when Kisame and Itachi come after Naruto while he’s training w Jiraiya.)
During the invasion arc / Naruto’s fight against Gaara, Sasuke calls Naruto and Sakura his “precious comrades.” (Even without the words, if you read the manga, it’s clear from Sasuke’s body language that he cares about/is very protective over his team.) When Kakashi is trying to convince Sasuke to forget about his revenge, Naruto and Sakura are the people he thinks about.
Somewhere between the formation of Team 7 and Sasuke’s defection, Naruto and Sakura have become important people to Sasuke, so much so that the thought of leaving them behind almost convinces him to stay (but of course, in the end, his hatred for Itachi and need for revenge wins over.)
I’ve seen the criticisms and I’ll admit that the execution of Team 7 as a family is not as strong as it could’ve been. But I do think that if you read the manga, you can see Kishimoto’s efforts. And canonically, Sasuke cares deeply about Naruto and Sakura, and anyone who tries to argue against that is wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
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#i always see people say shit like omg nrt and skra don’t rly care abt ssk cos they never actually supported him#like let’s get something straight#nrt and skra supported ssk killing itachi even if they didn’t understand it#what they didn’t support was ssk going off w orochimaru’s psycho ass and being consumed by his hatred#i’m gonna touch on skra and ssk’s relationship specifically bc i feel like nrt & ssk’s is strong on its own#but as much as the fandom shits on skra’s crush on ssk there’s something v innocent/protective abt skra’s love for him#lemme explain: after ssk gets the curse mark skra threatens to tell kakashi abt it. ssk lashes out at her#skra continues to express her concern abt ssk and the way his hatred/desire for revenge is consuming him#when she confronts him before he leaves the village she tells him that getting revenge won’t lead to happiness#this is basically the same discussion kakashi had with sasuke earlier that day#all skra rly wants for ssk is for him to be happy#is that naive? yes probably. but i don’t think her crush on him was as superficial as people make it out to be#let me remind y’all that skra was one of the first people that saw firsthand what the curse mark did to ssk#all she wanted was for him not to fall deeper into that darkness#team 7 has always been compassionate to ssk. they just didn’t want to see him destroyed by his hatred.#which is essentially what almost happens to him in shippuden#I can keep going but for the sake of readability i won’t#team 7#pro team 7#dai nana han#ask#thanks for the ask!
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