arborix · 2 days
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neverevan · 3 days
before we'd go deeper into this new found freedom that the hiatus grants us... let me just say that a flirtatious joke about daddy kink is the most vanilla of kinks that they could've ever come up with. if this ruffles your feathers, maybe that's about something else, huh.
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happy pride month to:
-queer people in palestine
-queer people in homophobic schools/households
-queer people who got kicked out of their homes
-queer people who have to spend their pride month alone/away from home/etc.
-queer people with unsupportive religious guardians
-queer disabled/neurodivergent people
-queer people of color
-the person reading this <3
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mrgaretcarter · 3 days
the fact that "you're just like me" is both a compliment and a curse, the fact that ava does not want to be like deborah, the fact that deborah forces her to, the fact that it feels good, the fact that deborah is proud of her for it 😫💣💥🤮🧨⚠️✍️🆘️🔥🔪🚫
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:3c sends you an ask for a post about 11 and gender
first of all: look at 11 enjoying being in amy's body
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the only clothing he changes is putting on a dress shirt and bowtie over top her normal shirt. rest of the outfit is unchanged.
Next: i can't skim over in his regeneration when his first thought was "i'm a girl? no!" and will acknowledge it as another facet of classic moffat sexism and in universe choose to believe the reaction was just from his. whole brain exploding from the regeneration.
otherwise: i think 11 likes to flirt with his gender. presenting as a man is a performance for him. he's amy's Raggedy Man, Madman In A Box. he likes his dress shirts and bowties and tweed. the doctor, in general, will adopt whatever gender you see them as. (for example, 13 adopts being a woman because. her companions told her she's a woman. that's it that's the whole reason she identifies as a woman)
he's a big fan of being flamboyant, she finds being seen as a woman fun and liberating and cool, just doesn't like, get the opportunity to be seen as one that often. in the second panel she's too busy being caught up in the euphoria of being a woman to keep on task.
conclusion: 11's gender (and the doctor's gender in general) is "whatever you think i am at this moment", and 11 really enjoys getting to try on different genders.
(of course the comic i'm referencing is using very cisnormative assumptions of sex = gender, because god forbid we have nice things, though they don't actually change any pronouns. even if the doctor declares she's a woman now.)
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Tommy took one look at Buck and decided: this human I choose. This human I can let into my life. This human I can open up to. This. Human.
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bluntshavingrazor · 18 hours
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estblack7 · 20 hours
suguru says satoru's name so gentle as if saying it any other way would break him. he utters it so so tenderly, filled with affection, treating his name like a fragile oath; like gojo satoru is a vulnerable thing needed to be handled with care
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animeandcatholicism · 16 hours
Anyways, the truth is, women need men and men need women. We should work in cooperation with each other and not antagonize each other but work with each other in mutual fashion
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aroacesigma · 2 days
happy pride month to him only
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trans guy sigma real and canon i have recieved psychic visions from asagiri himself
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neverevan · 3 days
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Ryan about the goodbye scene
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museofthepyre · 2 days
Im gonna ramble about Jedidiah and Sydney. Bear with me. This is a queer platonic sydidiah advocacy post.
The sydidiah dating arc feels so doomed to me and that impending doom casts a massive shadow over any nice sweet moments we have gotten/ might get… it’s so heart wrenching and devious from a writing standpoint /pos
Sydney and Jedidiah are like two trees who were planted too close together, not even of the same species. They’ve grown in sync, twisting together and fusing while the bark was still soft, weaving around each other until they’d become inseparable. Two separate trunks become one messily intertwined form, and they brace each other’s weight— if you cut one base, the other would topple. And yet they can’t survive together… they strain their branches upwards to compete for the same sunlight, every time one forms a sufficient canopy of leaves, the other ends up cast in the consequent shadow. One is always in the shade where it’ll starve, where it’ll wither, where it’ll deteriorate and take the other down with it when it falls.
And their attachment styles are so opposite from what we’ve seen… (My analysis here, some inference)
Sydney understands love as presence and affirmation and re-assuring words and touch, he needs a hand to hold like a ship needs an anchor, otherwise he’s just left to drift at the mercy of his own insecure mind. He talks about wanting something equal, I think a lot of that has to do with emotional vulnerability— he’s spent so long in a relationship where he’s an emotional mess in ways he can’t control, meanwhile Jedidiah is so… reserved. The contrast would make anyone feel burdensome, othered, isolated… even in a relationship that is loving deep down. I think so much of their poor communication/ secret keeping comes down to Sydney feeling like he’s being “too much”, or disproportionately emotional, which… is true, there is an imbalance, but it’s not Sydney’s fault. “I used to talk to Jedidiah about everything, but… I mean, he’s not just an endless well of support for me to dump all my issues into. Your friends shouldn’t have to play therapist for you, right? So I don’t really need to make him listen to all my bullshit anymore.”
Jedidiah understands love as the knowledge that someone is working behind the scenes to keep you steady, that they’re carving out a space for you to find respite in… wether you see them doing it or not. That’s what his parents did for him, that’s what he does for Sydney. He doesn’t want to get too close to the things he loves, because he fears he’ll only hurt them. He regards Sydney like an old childhood stuffed toy that he’s afraid to pick up and sleep with, it’s so precious and irreplaceable that he doesn’t want to risk damaging it… and so he holds it for only long enough to put it on a shelf for safekeeping… maybe brush the dust off once in a while.
They both need to seriously seriously SERIOUSLY a work on their communication if they want any hope of being healthy together— even if just as friends. Jedidiah needs to work on his emotional vulnerability, and Sydney needs to work on his self-assuredness… bro is the poster child of anxious attachment. And Jedidiah is the poster child of avoidant attachment. What a duo we have here! Idk they make me sad.
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gorgynei · 1 day
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someone please help me i have been trying to find the name of this one modern art piece its like a huge installation on a 20ft wall. it looks like this with a bunch of text that repeats and in each coloured column its a different paragraph of text. it's printed on (?) or plastered on the wall directly and it takes up a huge like 20x30ft space
ive seen it twice in person but i can not for the love of me remember its name. someone with better art knowledge than me. help a guy out
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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My thoughts about the episode: - That flashback scene was rude! - Athena's rage made me shiver. It hurt when she had to wait for reinforcements for 14 (!) minutes. I was glad she still was rational enough to listen to Amir. I never doubted he was innocent. - Bobby, omg, I didn't think he would wake up so soon and be on his feet again, but it just shows that they didn't have much time and I'm really glad they will get 18 episodes again. That was too fast. - Eddie ... I don't even know what to say. For me, the biggest disappointment of this season. For all they talked about it, interviewed Ryan like 6 times and talked about isolation, etc., it was underwhelming. Chris leaving was kind of obvious in the end and no one called Eddie out about Kim. It all felt too rushed for the impact this was supposed to have. Shall I hope for season 8? - The scene with Bobby and his family at the hospital was beautiful. Harry and May <3 - Ugh, Gerrard. I saw it coming. Just know, that no one is going to run into a collapsing or burning building for you ... That guy is not going to destroy what they have, he's totally going to try, but he's not going to succeed, I just know that. - Buck and Tommy. Perfection. That scene was everything. From Tommy asking Buck if he's okay, to getting some Tommy background and then the flirting. And I already expected a certain part of this fandom to act like idiots about this, but really: Those are two adults. They were both into it. It's a developing relationship and it's normal to figure out, what you like or don't like. Buck was smiling the whole time and he was also smiling when Tommy sad "God I hope so". So no, nothing was sexualized or weird about it, it's just you. - My biggest win this season is autistic Tommy headcanon (but really, almost canon). I relate to him a lot and I love this straightforward way of communication. Also I would have done the same: React to Buck's emotion about almost losing Bobby with his own experiences. It's a very autistic way of saying: I feel you.
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kirnet · 4 months
i think i just stumbled into a new fave aver piece of art but i cant find a title...
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